Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - March 2018 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
APALACHEE COURSING CLUB Mar 03, 2018 Tallahassee, FL Entry: 31 |
APALACHEE COURSING CLUB Mar 04, 2018 Tallahassee, FL Entry: 32 Robert Nix Memorial Trophy |
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA IRISH WOLFHOUND CLUB Mar 10, 2018 Oakley, CA Entry: 48 Co-hosted by Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast |
TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Mar 10, 2018 Littlestown, PA Entry: 45 |
TULSA SIGHTHOUND ASSOCIATION Mar 10, 2018 Edmond, OK Entry: 36 |
TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Mar 11, 2018 Littlestown, PA Entry: 28 |
TULSA SIGHTHOUND ASSOCIATION Mar 11, 2018 Edmond, OK Entry: 31 |
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 17, 2018 Peyton, CO Entry: 39 The Leprechaun Hunt Trials |
CENTRAL OHIO AFGHAN COURSING HOUNDS Mar 17, 2018 Hilliard, OH Entry: 22 |
ST LOUIS AREA SIGHTHOUNDS Mar 17, 2018 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 45 |
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 18, 2018 Peyton, CO Entry: 31 The Leprechaun Hunt Trials |
CENTRAL OHIO AFGHAN COURSING HOUNDS Mar 18, 2018 Hilliard, OH Entry: 24 |
ST LOUIS AREA SIGHTHOUNDS Mar 18, 2018 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 49 |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 24, 2018 Chino, CA Entry: 3 The 8th Annual Sage Hunts
Silken Windhound Specialty |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 24, 2018 Chino, CA Entry: 6 The 8th Annual Sage Hunts
Italian Greyhound Specialty |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 25, 2018 Chino, CA Entry: 3 The 8th Annual Sage Hunts
Silken Windhound Specialty |
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Mar 25, 2018 Chino, CA Entry: 6 The 8th Annual Sage Hunts
Italian Greyhound Specialty |
LOBO LURE COURSING CLUB Mar 31, 2018 Edgewood, NM Entry: 36 |
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Mar 31, 2018 Littlestown, PA Entry: 50 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B8 |
2. Gaston, Gaston La Gaffe Del Gran Pamir, P.Dahlman |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Matt Coughlin, Dan Elkes |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Ozzie, FC Undercover Osiris of Oz, FCh,RN,BN, K.& R.Dougherty |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Matt Coughlin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Violet, The Dowager Countess, J.& L.Parker |
B12 |
2. Carson, Mr Carson, J.& L.Parker |
9 |
3. Bertie, Lord Hexham, J.& L.Parker |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Field Champion Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Tag, Fusion Speed Racers Lil Tag A Long, FCh, L.Rambo |
B20 |
2. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, LCM, R.Devillez |
15 |
3. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, FCh, R.Devillez |
10 |
4. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
5 |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. AJ, Ch Kennebec's Chippewa Warrior Heart Of Asomdwee, RN,CGC, J.Williams/M.McIlhenney |
R12 |
2. Mocha, Kennebec's Hearts Delight, SC,HIC, M.McIlhenney/A.Jones |
9 |
3. Kena, Kennebec Be Still My Heart, M.McIlhenney |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Meera, Binduratolerton Meera OfCourse, FCh, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin/Henriquez |
B12 |
SALUKI Judge: Lynn Sawyer |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, TCP,RN,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
B8 |
2. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC,NAJ,TKI,CGC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Matt Coughlin |
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Lusrigh, Leoch Lusrigh, T.Robertson |
24 |
2. Rosella, Scarlett O'Hara Del Gran Pamir, P.Dahlman |
18 |
3. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett |
12 |
4. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
6 |
N. Lurag, Leoch Lurag, T.Robertson |
WHIPPET Judges: Matt Coughlin, Dan Elkes |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Tattie, Bitterblue's Neeps And Tatties, FCh, J.& L.Parker |
B24 |
2. Louie, HH-Avari LoluisianaHotSauce, FCh, A.& J.Lubbers |
18 |
3. Ella, HH Avari Derby Day Kitten, FCh, L.Sawyer/R.Barry |
12 |
4. Sam, Whisperun Pure Soul, LCM2, T.& S.McCall |
6 |
N. Carly Rae, HH Avari Call Me Maybe, FCh, L.Sawyer/R.Barry |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Mia, HH Here For The Party At Avari, FCh, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry |
F4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Dan Elkes, Lynn Sawyer |
RR Meera, Binduratolerton Meera OfCourse, FCh, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin/Henriquez |
BIF (150) |
AH Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
-148 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B8 |
2. Gaston, Gaston La Gaffe Del Gran Pamir, P.Dahlman |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Ozzie, FC Undercover Osiris of Oz, FCh,RN,BN, K.& R.Dougherty |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
+B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Lynn Sawyer |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Violet, The Dowager Countess, J.& L.Parker |
B12 |
2. Carson, Mr Carson, J.& L.Parker |
9 |
DIS. Bertie, Lord Hexham, J.& L.Parker |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Lynn Sawyer |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Tag, Fusion Speed Racers Lil Tag A Long, FCh, L.Rambo |
B20 |
2. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
15 |
3. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, LCM, R.Devillez |
10 |
4. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, FCh, R.Devillez |
5 |
N. Roxie, Devillez Harmony's Impossible Dream, FCh, C.Gibbons |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Dan Elkes, Lynn Sawyer |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Kena, Kennebec Be Still My Heart, M.McIlhenney |
B12 |
2. AJ, Ch Kennebec's Chippewa Warrior Heart Of Asomdwee, RN,CGC, J.Williams/M.McIlhenney |
9 |
3. Mocha, Kennebec's Hearts Delight, SC,HIC, M.McIlhenney/A.Jones |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Meera, Binduratolerton Meera OfCourse, FCh, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin/Henriquez |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Matt Coughlin, Dan Elkes |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, TCP,RN,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman |
B8 |
2. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC,NAJ,TKI,CGC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman |
6 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Matt Coughlin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Lusrigh, Leoch Lusrigh, T.Robertson |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Matt Coughlin |
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
20 |
2. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett |
15 |
3. Rosella, Scarlett O'Hara Del Gran Pamir, P.Dahlman |
10 |
4. Rudy, Bitterblue's Onrush Rye On The Prize, G.& P.Davis |
5 |
WHIPPET Judges: Matt Coughlin, Dan Elkes |
Field Champion Flight A(7, 1 NC) |
1. Louie, HH-Avari LoluisianaHotSauce, FCh, A.& J.Lubbers |
B24 |
2. Tattie, Bitterblue's Neeps And Tatties, FCh, J.& L.Parker |
18 |
3. Sam, Whisperun Pure Soul, LCM2, T.& S.McCall |
12 |
4. Carly Rae, HH Avari Call Me Maybe, FCh, L.Sawyer/R.Barry |
6 |
N. Ella, HH Avari Derby Day Kitten, FCh, L.Sawyer/R.Barry |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Mia, HH Here For The Party At Avari, FCh, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Thomas Christ |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Danny, Legend's Crocodile Rock At Possum Creek, S.Schroeder/C.Kirk |
B12 |
2. Jaden, Legend's Rebel Force By Mibre, S.Schroeder |
9 |
3. Reba, Legend's Rebel Alliance By Mibre, S.Schroeder |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Carly, GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend, FCh,SC,LCX, S.Schroeder |
F4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Opal, Hepi Hepri Opals And Pearls, R.Barry/S.Sakson |
B8 |
2. Dixie, Graceful Cheerub, L.Hall |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
B16 |
2. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, FCh, R.Devillez |
12 |
3. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, LCM, R.Devillez |
8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cody, Kennebec's Heart of Gold, S.Scott/M.McIlhenney |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, LCM2,VFCh,CGC,MC, R.Sasso |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Sheba, Omens Bet Bath Sheba, FCh, P.Whitney/L.Lewis |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Rita Figg |
Single Flight A(3) |
1. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
12 |
2. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett |
9 |
3. Trace, Dynia Sowagla American Gothic, P.Zalnoski |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Diva, HH Heartland Ziva The Diva, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry |
B32 |
2. Theia, HH Heartland Holding Gold, D.Ambs |
9 |
3. Quicksilver, Besame's Quicksilver, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(8) |
1. Rosa, HH Avari Derby Rose, FCh, L.Sawyer/R.Barry |
F32 |
2. Katniss, HH Windsong Sweet Catomine, FCh, M.E.R.Barry |
24 |
3. Fawn, HH Heartland Peeping Fawn, FCh, M.E.R.Barry |
16 |
4. Sam, Whisperun Pure Soul, LCM2, T.& S.McCall |
8 |
N. Sky, HH Steeling Hearts Dubai Sky, FCh, D.Ambs |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hefner, Jetstream Forgetmenot Playboy, FCh, J.Henry |
R8 |
2. Mia, HH Here For The Party At Avari, FCh, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
BA Danny, Legend's Crocodile Rock At Possum Creek, S.Schroeder/C.Kirk |
BIF (152) |
WH Diva, HH Heartland Ziva The Diva, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry |
-151 |
AH Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
-151 |
RR Cody, Kennebec's Heart of Gold, S.Scott/M.McIlhenney |
-150 |
CE Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
-150 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Kathleen Kelly |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Fadiahr, Fadiahr El Iraja, V.& R.Koscinski |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Kathleen Kelly |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Finch, Avekami N Zindika's Finishing Touch, E.Ockerman |
B8 |
2. Eta, Ch Zindika Carries On With Solou, E.Ockerman/C.Rappe |
6 |
BORZOI Judge: Kathleen Kelly |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NC) |
1. Shady, Kirov Penumbra, SC, R.Cherrie |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open Flight A(4, 2 NQ) |
1. Loki, Loki-Motive Of Eden, D.Duvall |
B16 |
2. Airheart, Ch Wirtu's Airs Above The Ground, K.Kelly |
12 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(5, 4 NQ) |
1. Phranc, Alfheim's Positively Phranc, A.& S.McLeod/A.Erb |
B20 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens |
R12 |
2. Dolce, Alfheim's Sogno d'Oro, FCh,GRC,JOR, G. & J.Behrens/A.& S.McLeod |
9 |
3. Meeka, IGRF's Bohemian Rhapsody In Blue, FCh,SC,SGRC,ORC,SOR, G.& J.Behrens |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jayme Jones |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NC) |
1. Jack, Carroy's Samurai Jack of Tory, SC, J.Ishihara/A.Lum |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Quiley, Gabriel's Quiiley Of The McKenzie, FCh,THDN,CGC,CA, E.& S.Gabriel |
B4 |
MAGYAR AGAR Judge: Kathleen Kelly |
Limited Flight A(2) |
1. Epona, Tuzvihar Andalusite, A.Hsia |
8 |
2. Pi, Stouthearted Chocolate Soldier, A.Hsia |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(7, 3 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. MJ, FC Lileo's Smoke This, SC,SGRC, J.Jones/L.Leone |
B24 |
2. Nadia, Churuka Mia The Lady In Red Of Mirare, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/P.Haig |
18 |
3. Munchie, Lileo's Where The Grass Is Greener, J.Jones |
12 |
SALUKI Judge: Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Bukra, Al Sayad 4 Continents Ice Road To Anubis, J.Griep/F.Bennett |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Kathleen Kelly |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Rietsu, Sarreti-Portyazo Boroka, A.Hsia |
8 |
2. Draco, Tiara's Thieves In The Temple, D.Duvall |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Niro, Tangaloor Midnight Run, S.Mohler |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, FCh, S.Mohler |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss |
Open Flight A(10, 2 NC) |
1. Charlie, Belaya R'L Seahawk, I.McDougald/M.Pyle |
R32 |
2. Kimber, Windwalker Gunpowder and Lead, M.Downey/L.Tayler-Coleman |
24 |
3. Flyck, Hildidan's Flyck Of Slick Magic, C.Gaiser |
16 |
4. Stevie, FC Wirtu's Without Limits, SC, K.Kelly |
8 |
N. Boss, DC,GCHB Crestfield Reigning Monarch, SC,BCAT, M.Fielder/C.Fielder |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Sonny, FC Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle |
B32 |
2. Flame, Brystal Angelica Firestar, FCh, D.McKibbin |
12 |
3. Roarke, FC Hildidan's Mighty Magic Roarke, FCh, C.Gaiser |
8 |
4. Tig, Shantellie's On The Wild Side, FCh, D.McKibbin |
4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski, Lisa Voss |
WH Sonny, FC Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle |
BIF (151) |
IG Phranc, Alfheim's Positively Phranc, A.& S.McLeod/A.Erb |
-147 |
SW Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, FCh, S.Mohler |
-147 |
IB Loki, Loki-Motive Of Eden, D.Duvall |
-144 |
SA Bukra, Al Sayad 4 Continents Ice Road To Anubis, J.Griep/F.Bennett |
-141 |
IW Quiley, Gabriel's Quiiley Of The McKenzie, FCh,THDN,CGC,CA, E.& S.Gabriel |
-134 |
PH MJ, FC Lileo's Smoke This, SC,SGRC, J.Jones/L.Leone |
-130 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Francis Byrne |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zephyr, FC Zen Can't Catch Me!, FCh,SC, E.Klosson |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice |
+B20 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling |
F12 |
2. Woody, GCh Gladkii Veter Ravens Wood, FCh,SC, R.Silquero/C.Judd |
9 |
3. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM2,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
R20 |
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM2,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling |
15 |
3. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, FCh,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
5 |
N. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
GREYHOUND Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, D.Darling |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh, D.Darling |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Khensu, DC Kaije's Khensu Eclipse, SC, B.Pina |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Vivian, Kushinda & Lucy's Vivian Dance Til You're Desi PEZ, Dr.K.Hefner/K.& K.Hefner/Weiland |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Tioga, FC Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, FCh,SC, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland |
B12 |
2. Vera, Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
9 |
3. Ridgely, Ridgely, FCh, S.Doherty |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
F12 |
2. Juno, GCh,DC Kushinda's Burning News This Just In Juno Wrote JB, FCh,SC, P.Wieland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
9 |
3. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Dorri, Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, FCh, C.Smith |
B16 |
2. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, FCh,CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
12 |
3. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
8 |
4. Faylene, Kahtahdin's Faylene Bint Faisal, FCh, C.Smith/J.Copenhaver |
4 |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diggy, Bruach's Foldiggary Dame, L.Frazier |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Dean Wright |
Single Flight A(11) |
1. Villa, Surrey Hill Kissed By Fire @ Mariner, P.Epstein |
40 |
2. Mercy, Whip Hill Laud Have Merci, H.Frank |
30 |
3. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
20 |
4. Patrick, Hfarmony's Dirty Dancing At Sporting Field, J.Roberts/D.Cooper Roberts |
10 |
N. Luppa, Ch Farao Anubis Just Smashing, B.Pina/M.Westman |
WHIPPET Judge: Dean Wright |
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Pip, Shannon Down Center Stage, E.Campbell/R.Baucom |
B20 |
2. Imac, Licketysplit Apple O'My Eye, L.Frazier |
15 |
3. Marvell, Terrena's Comic Con, V.Gise/T.Deluca |
10 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Bega, Terrena's Queen Victoria Bomb, FCh, V.Gise |
R16 |
2. Vice, Terrena's Nonstopp Lady Of Device, FCh, T.Deluca/A.Tune/L.Ochoa |
12 |
3. Boo, Terrena's Americone Dream Of Mariner, FCh,SC, D.& H.Hanna |
8 |
4. Pretzel, GCh Merci Isle Zig Zag Girl, LCM,SC, H.Frank |
4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Dean Wright |
AH Zephyr, FC Zen Can't Catch Me!, FCh,SC, E.Klosson |
BIF (148) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Josie Haumont |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Bagan, UKC GCh Allal Wa N'Sahel's Bagan, CM2, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
B12 |
2. Leo, Allal wa n'Sahel Papilio Demodocus, R.Sampson/A.Evans |
9 |
3. Buxxu, UKC Ch Allal Wa N'Sahel's Buxxu, CM2,CA, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Kipepeo, Dakotah's Social Butterfly, T.Colbert |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
B12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM2,CPX,SC,SGRC8,SORC8, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
BORZOI Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, S.Van de Water/S.Moore |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
F12 |
2. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water |
9 |
3. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Queen, Ch, UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water |
F8 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Faith, Heron And Hound Fell For An Angel At Notanuff, R.& C.Shaw |
R16 |
2. Mahi, Ch Redfaire's Don't Be Shellfish, E.Bell/B.& S.Reding |
12 |
3. Kitty, Redfaire's Shadowcat, S.Reding |
8 |
4. Mako, Redfaire's Fish Off The Hook At Notanuff, C.Shaw/B.& S.Reding |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Pepper, GCh,DC Aliki Notanuff's Spice It Up A Notch, FCh,SC,LCX, R.Shaw/M.Pierotti-Tietje/C.Shaw |
B16 |
2. Vanna, FC Aliki Notanuff's Dash Of Spice, FCh,SC, B. &S.Reding/C.Shaw |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Uma, Hera's Memory Upgrade, S.Redding/E.Miller |
R4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Josie Haumont |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Pacino, Ivorymoon's An Offer You Can't Refuse, S.& S.Hartwig |
B12 |
2. Dezi, Ivorymoon's Destination Unknown, SC,CGC, S.& S.Hartwig |
9 |
3. Bravo, Spring Valle's Iconic Standing Ovation, SC, D.Stauffer |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Drew, Outtahands Firestarter, FCh,SC, S.Hurlbert/J.Purdy |
F4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hershey, FC Ivorymoon's Mocha Java Junkie O'2hills, FCh,SC,CGC,NA,NAJ,BN,MC, S.& S.Hartwig |
F8 |
2. Sky, Ivorymoon's Sundance Skylark, FCh,SC,BN,RA,NA,NAJ,CGC, S.& S.Hartwig |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Single Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
WHIPPET Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(7) |
1. Zzyvex, FC Sae Si Let's Go, SC, S.Hoehn/M.Magee |
+B28 |
2. Tweak, Wildabout Tweaker, D.Cowden |
21 |
3. Aero, Aero Austin, T.Austin |
14 |
4. Athena, FC Artistry's Trash Bandicoot, SC,BN,THD,CGC, C.Reed |
7 |
N. Marley, Liberty's Jamaica Me Crazy, D.& M.Bennett/L.Collins |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nike, FC Artistry's Trash Of The Titans, FCh,SC, C. & A.Reed |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
WH Zzyvex, FC Sae Si Let's Go, SC, S.Hoehn/M.Magee |
BIF (152) |
BA Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
-150 |
IB Pepper, GCh,DC Aliki Notanuff's Spice It Up A Notch, FCh,SC,LCX, R.Shaw/M.Pierotti-Tietje/C.Shaw |
-145 |
AZ Bagan, UKC GCh Allal Wa N'Sahel's Bagan, CM2, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
-140 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Thomas Christ |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Thomas Christ |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. (Jaden, Legend's Rebel Force By Mibre, S.Schroeder) |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Carly, GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend, FCh,SC,LCX, S.Schroeder |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Opal, Hepi Hepri Opals And Pearls, R.Barry/S.Sakson |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Thomas Christ |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Captain, Fusion's Captain America, T.Forbes |
R16 |
2. Kona, DC Kamars Double Shot Of Expresso At Tesoro, SC, T.Squillante/K.Belz |
12 |
3. Manny, Fusion's Superman, T.Forbes |
8 |
4. Batgirl, Fusion's Batgirl, T.Forbes |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Tag, Fusion Speed Racers Lil Tag A Long, FCh, L.Rambo |
B20 |
2. Ami, Ch Kamars Final Fury, LCM,SC, T.Squillante/K.Belz DVM |
15 |
3. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez |
10 |
4. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, FCh, R.Devillez |
5 |
N. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, LCM, R.Devillez |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cody, Kennebec's Heart of Gold, S.Scott/M.McIlhenney |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Sunny, GCh Ukengee's Little Miss Sunshine, FCh, M.Tobey |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, LCM2,VFCh,CGC,MC, R.Sasso |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Rita Figg |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive |
B8 |
2. Ziva, DC Aspen's Ziva Of Sea Wind, FCh,SC,RN,CGCA,CGC,BN, K.Souder/J.Ringer |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Thomas Christ |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Sani, Chaya's Hasani Amyr Of Olive, J.Aquino/S.& V.Olive |
16 |
2. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett |
12 |
3. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett |
8 |
4. Trace, Dynia Sowagla American Gothic, P.Zalnoski |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Theia, HH Heartland Holding Gold, D.Ambs |
R8 |
2. Quicksilver, Besame's Quicksilver, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(9) |
1. Sam, Whisperun Pure Soul, LCM2, T.& S.McCall |
B36 |
2. Belle, HH Windsong Racine Belle, FCh, L.Donia/R.Buzzerd III |
27 |
3. Fawn, HH Heartland Peeping Fawn, FCh, M.E.R.Barry |
18 |
4. Quattro, HH Heartland Maserati Quattroporte, LCM, M.E.R.Barry |
9 |
N. Sky, HH Steeling Hearts Dubai Sky, FCh, D.Ambs |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Hefner, Jetstream Forgetmenot Playboy, FCh, J.Henry |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Thomas Christ, Rita Figg |
BA Carly, GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend, FCh,SC,LCX, S.Schroeder |
BIF (153) |
AH Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger |
-150 |
WH Sam, Whisperun Pure Soul, LCM2, T.& S.McCall |
-150 |
BORZOI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green |
F12 |
2. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling |
9 |
3. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM2,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling |
B20 |
2. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM2,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
15 |
3. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, FCh,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
5 |
N. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
GREYHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh, D.Darling |
B4 |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Vivian, Kushinda & Lucy's Vivian Dance Til You're Desi PEZ, Dr.K.Hefner/K.& K.Hefner/Weiland |
B12 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Vera, Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
R12 |
2. Ridgely, Ridgely, FCh, S.Doherty |
9 |
DIS. Tioga, FC Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, FCh,SC, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Meile, A Reason 2 Believe Luanda, S.Lytle/A.McCormick |
R12 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
9 |
3. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Dean Wright |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, FCh,CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Francis Byrne |
Single Flight A(5) |
1. Lola, Imarikas Fly Girl Lola, S.& K.Doherty |
20 |
2. Gaston, Sportingfields Gaston Lachaille, R.Baucom/E.Campbell |
15 |
3. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
10 |
4. Enzo, Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, FCh, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
5 |
N. Pippa, Festiva's No Secret, J.Kelly |
WHIPPET Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Pip, Shannon Down Center Stage, E.Campbell/R.Baucom |
B12 |
2. Miles, GCh Longlesson Rhine Storm Warning At Rantina, S.& T.Thoden/Longlesson Knl |
9 |
3. Mercy, Whip Hill Laud Have Merci, H.Frank |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Talos, FC Ragapple Radar Missile, LCM,ORC, A.Mark |
F8 |
2. Pretzel, GCh Merci Isle Zig Zag Girl, LCM,SC, H.Frank |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
WH Pip, Shannon Down Center Stage, E.Campbell/R.Baucom |
BIF (152) |
RR Vivian, Kushinda & Lucy's Vivian Dance Til You're Desi PEZ, Dr.K.Hefner/K.& K.Hefner/Weiland |
-150 |
AZAWAKH Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Bagan, UKC GCh Allal Wa N'Sahel's Bagan, CM2, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
B8 |
2. Buxxu, UKC Ch Allal Wa N'Sahel's Buxxu, CM2,CA, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Kipepeo, Dakotah's Social Butterfly, T.Colbert |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
F12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM2,CPX,SC,SGRC8,SORC8, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
+B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, S.Van de Water/S.Moore |
B12 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
R12 |
2. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water |
9 |
3. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Queen, Ch, UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water |
R8 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NC) |
1. Faith, Heron And Hound Fell For An Angel At Notanuff, R.& C.Shaw |
B12 |
2. Mako, Redfaire's Fish Off The Hook At Notanuff, C.Shaw/B.& S.Reding |
9 |
3. Mahi, Ch Redfaire's Don't Be Shellfish, E.Bell/B.& S.Reding |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Pepper, GCh,DC Aliki Notanuff's Spice It Up A Notch, FCh,SC,LCX, R.Shaw/M.Pierotti-Tietje/C.Shaw |
F4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Uma, Hera's Memory Upgrade, S.Redding/E.Miller |
R4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Dezi, Ivorymoon's Destination Unknown, SC,CGC, S.& S.Hartwig |
+B12 |
2. Pacino, Ivorymoon's An Offer You Can't Refuse, S.& S.Hartwig |
9 |
3. Bravo, Spring Valle's Iconic Standing Ovation, SC, D.Stauffer |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hershey, FC Ivorymoon's Mocha Java Junkie O'2hills, FCh,SC,CGC,NA,NAJ,BN,MC, S.& S.Hartwig |
F8 |
2. Sky, Ivorymoon's Sundance Skylark, FCh,SC,BN,RA,NA,NAJ,CGC, S.& S.Hartwig |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Princess, Del Sol Oxota Fire And Ice, S.Van de Water |
8 |
2. Stokes, Liberty's Cool Runnings, D.& M.Bennett/L.Collins |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Spark, Hyflyte Light My Fire, L.Bebout |
B16 |
2. Tweak, Wildabout Tweaker, D.Cowden |
12 |
3. Aero, Aero Austin, T.Austin |
8 |
4. Marley, Liberty's Jamaica Me Crazy, D.& M.Bennett/L.Collins |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nike, FC Artistry's Trash Of The Titans, FCh,SC, C. & A.Reed |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert |
IB Faith, Heron And Hound Fell For An Angel At Notanuff, R.& C.Shaw |
BIF (153) |
WH Spark, Hyflyte Light My Fire, L.Bebout |
-151 |
AZ Bagan, UKC GCh Allal Wa N'Sahel's Bagan, CM2, A.Evans/R.W.Conaway |
-25 |
BASENJI Judges: Leonore Abordo, Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cooper, Chiya's Teazer My Aim Is Tru, SC, M.& L.Carter/S.Cheng |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, S.Van de Water/S.Moore |
B32 |
2. Hotsi, Oxota Molodezovna Hatsya, L.Paintin |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(9, 1 NC) |
1. Aliza, Aliza at Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, LCM, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
R32 |
2. Livvie, FC Zoiboyz Glenlivet Nadurra, FCh,SC,CGC, L.Pocurull |
24 |
3. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, FCH, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
16 |
4. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
8 |
N. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water |
Veteran Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Queen, Ch, UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water |
F12 |
2. GyRo, Ch Oxota River Run Gypsy Rover Avalon, FCh,CGC, L.Abordo/S.Moore |
9 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Punkin, Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla, C.Smalley/M.Wolfe/J.Mattson |
B16 |
2. Essie, Pinehurst Essie, K.Catov-Goodell |
12 |
3. Rocco, Ch Pinehurst Rocco, K.Catov-Goodell |
8 |
4. Kline, Winterdream Kline Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Copper, Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
F8 |
2. Cayper, Ch Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, CGC, D.Kunard |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,LCX, D.& M.Kunard |
F8 |
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Leonore Abordo, Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NC) |
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: Leonore Abordo, Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Jerzi, El Zagel Flying To Jersey, TCP, C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
12 |
2. Sodi, Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan |
9 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Tomcat, WindNSatin Bels V Legend, S.Van de Water/M.Childs |
B8 |
2. Raven, Empyrean Harvest Moon, V.Frey |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Leonore Abordo, Frank Cassano |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC) |
1. Ryder, Ch Artistry's Go For Broke, C.Scott/L.Jordan |
B8 |
2. Merlin, Crossfyre No Regrets, E.& J.Wong |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Rumor, FC O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, FCh, L.Pocurull/T.Borland |
F12 |
2. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, FCh,SC, S.Seay |
9 |
3. Chico, Hamrya's Dynamo, FCh,RA,CD,RATN, M.Rubin/D.Lynch |
6 |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judge: Don White |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Nelli, Suddanly Signora Benelli, P.Quinn |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Ellie, Celeste's Down With It, J.Considine |
B8 |
2. Darcie, Celeste's Shimmer Darcie Ella Mae, J.Considine |
6 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Genny, Ch Terracotta's Genny Cream Ale, K.Watson |
R8 |
2. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM, B.A.Dieckman |
B8 |
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM7,VFCh,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Don White |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, LCM,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
F28 |
2. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM3,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps |
21 |
3. Ty, Ch Caristeda White Ty Style Windrush, FCh,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
14 |
4. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM5,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
7 |
N. Mercury, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM7,VFCh,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,VFCh,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Akela, Shojin's Heart Of The Jungle, L.LaForest/D.& R.Vayda |
16 |
2. Dragon, Wolfpine's Panda Pandemonium, K.Timmer/Dr D.Bickel/J.Eason |
12 |
3. Tyrion, Wolfpine Winter Is Coming, K.Timmer/Dr D.Bickel/J.Eason |
8 |
4. Phoenix, Wolfpine's Dark Phoenix, J.Eason/S.Epstein |
4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Badger, Wolfpine's Honey Badger, K.Timmer/Dr.D.Bickel/J.Eason |
B8 |
2. Jasmine, Jaama's Morning Jasmine, L.& J.LaForest |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Jeff Lipps |
GH Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
BIF (78) |
WH Badger, Wolfpine's Honey Badger, K.Timmer/Dr.D.Bickel/J.Eason |
-77 |
BA Nelli, Suddanly Signora Benelli, P.Quinn |
-76 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NC) |
1. Buster, Xzotika's Smooth Kriminal, P.& G.Krosch/Carter/Wimberley |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
B8 |
2. Sienna, FC El Zagel's Arcadian Colors, JOR,ORC,GRC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Kipepeo, Dakotah's Social Butterfly, T.Colbert |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
B12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM2,CPX,SC,SGRC8,SORC8, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
F4 |
BORZOI Judge: Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. GoGo, Akanni's Yosei Go-Go Ybari, C.Bowling/A.Balthrop |
B12 |
2. Monkey, Coburn's Serentiy Prayer, S.Moore |
9 |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Scout, Icycold Endurance Third Trek, T.& J.Basch |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Roman, FC Basch's Spanish Fly, FCh,SC, T.& J.Basch |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Jackie-Blue, Nunneley's Jackie Blue Of Berry Hill, C.Biehler/C.Zapryanov/Schoening |
B12 |
2. Ozzie, Ozzie, A.Beck |
9 |
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Limited Flight A(5) |
1. Foxy, Basch's Starfox, T.& J.Basch |
20 |
2. Oxo, Basch's Good Grips, T.& J.Basch |
15 |
3. Mario, Basch's Super Smash, T.& J.Basch |
10 |
4. Jack, Basch's Rush Hour, T.& J.Basch |
5 |
N. Harland, Basch's Original Recipe, T.& J.Basch |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Simon, Akanni's Can't Stop The Signal, H.Goudy/A.Balthrop |
B8 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
R8 |
2. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, LCM,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, FCh, M.F.Miller |
B20 |
2. Lily, Farashah Pearl Crescent SM, FCh, P.Rodden/C.Hahn |
15 |
3. Jassirah, FC Farashah Little Metalmark SM, FCh,SC,GRC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
10 |
4. Lola, DC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM3,SC,LCX,JOR,GRC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
5 |
N. Jamilah, Ch Farashah Dotted Checkerspot SM, FCh, C.Hahn |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM2,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
F4 |
SINGLES Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Single Flight A(4, 2 NQ) |
1. Robin, Relic's Rock'n Robin, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders |
16 |
2. Nova, Ch Jumoke's Richard Rider At Chi-Tig, R.Gooderl/D.Woolf |
12 |
WHIPPET Judge: Amy Balthrop |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Rookie, Casino's Kozma Rialcel At Keggans, WRCH,ORC, K.Goodman |
+B24 |
2. Astrid, Jomyr's White Astrid, A.Beck |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Ethel, Les's Ethel, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
R24 |
2. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
18 |
3. Rango, Rosewood's Quicksilver, FCh,OTR,CRX, M.& K.Slater |
12 |
4. Trixie, Rosewood's Trix of the Trade, FCh,CRX,OTR, M.& K.Slater |
6 |
N. Goober, Village Idiot, FCh,CR,OTR, M.& K.Slater |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2,VLCM, M.& K.Standerford |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Amy Balthrop, Kent Standerford |
BA Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
BIF (150) |
IB Roman, FC Basch's Spanish Fly, FCh,SC, T.& J.Basch |
-147 |
BORZOI Judge: Deann Britton |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, S.Van de Water/S.Moore |
R16 |
2. Chase, Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, S.Van de Water MD |
12 |
3. Hotsi, Oxota Molodezovna Hatsya, L.Paintin |
8 |
4. Giddy, Perlova Avalon Gikddy Up Go, L.& K.Paintin |
4 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, FCh, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
R24 |
2. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, FCH, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
18 |
3. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, FCh, KC Thompson/T.Golcher |
12 |
4. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
6 |
N. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Queen, Ch, UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water |
B24 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Copper, Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, R.Phinney/G.Bednar |
F8 |
2. Cayper, Ch Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, CGC, D.Kunard |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
B4 |
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
F8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Leonore Abordo, Deann Britton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar |
+F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
B4 |
SALUKI Judges: Leonore Abordo, Deann Britton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Deann Britton, Tom Golcher |
Single Flight A(2) |
1. Sodi, Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan |
8 |
2. Khanga, Oxota Riverrun Khatanga Runtuff, L.Abordo/K.Smith DVM |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Tom Golcher |
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Oliver, Firebird Clayborn Sea Dragon, B.Deis/C.Wester |
R16 |
2. Tomcat, WindNSatin Bels V Legend, S.Van de Water/M.Childs |
12 |
3. Raven, Empyrean Harvest Moon, V.Frey |
8 |
DIS. Archer, Clayborn's Robin Of The Hood, C.Wester |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Cochise, Clayborn's Apach Firedance, FCh, C.Buhrdorf |
B16 |
WHIPPET Judges: Leonore Abordo, Deann Britton |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Loki, Artistry's Go Forth Young Man, S. & W.Schultheis |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, FCh,SC, S.Seay |
B8 |
2. Devo, Ri Ra's Roman Holiday, W.Schultheis/L. & D.Gideon |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Deann Britton, Tom Golcher |
GH Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe |
BIF (145) |
WH Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, FCh,SC, S.Seay |
-144 |
RR Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins |
-138 |
PH Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
-138 |
BASENJI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Nelli, Suddanly Signora Benelli, P.Quinn |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden |
B4 |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
No Best of Breed Awarded |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Genny, Ch Terracotta's Genny Cream Ale, K.Watson |
B8 |
2. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM, B.A.Dieckman |
R4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM7,VFCh,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Field Champion Flight A(7) |
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, LCM,SC, J.& K.Lipps |
F28 |
2. Mercury, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM7,VFCh,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps |
21 |
3. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM5,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
14 |
4. Malone, DC Windrush Magellan Billet, LCM3,SC,TCP, K. & J.Lipps |
7 |
N. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM3,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,VFCh,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Atlas, Barnwood Atlas Meridan, D.Ross/L.Fleming |
16 |
2. Vanessa, Barnwood Vain Vanessa, L.Fleming |
12 |
3. Halley, Glasscreek's Cosmic Shift to Ashosi, D.Tresselt/M.Hodges |
8 |
WHIPPET Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Akela, Shojin's Heart Of The Jungle, L.LaForest/D.& R.Vayda |
B12 |
2. Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea |
9 |
3. Kira, Shojin's Cast A Star To Woods Run, R. & D.Vayda |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Phoebe, FC Phoebe On the Wing, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Amy Balthrop |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
B8 |
2. Sienna, FC El Zagel's Arcadian Colors, JOR,ORC,GRC, V.Fagre-Stroetz |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NC) |
BASENJI Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Nova, Ch Jumoke's Richard Rider At Chi-Tig, R.Gooderl/D.Woolf |
F12 |
2. Kipepeo, Dakotah's Social Butterfly, T.Colbert |
9 |
3. Robin, Relic's Rock'n Robin, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM2,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert |
F12 |
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM2,CPX,SC,SGRC8,SORC8, T.Colbert |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert |
B4 |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC) |
1. GoGo, Akanni's Yosei Go-Go Ybari, C.Bowling/A.Balthrop |
B |
2. Monkey, Coburn's Serentiy Prayer, S.Moore |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NC) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Amy Balthrop |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Scout, Icycold Endurance Third Trek, T.& J.Basch |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Roman, FC Basch's Spanish Fly, FCh,SC, T.& J.Basch |
F4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Jackie-Blue, Nunneley's Jackie Blue Of Berry Hill, C.Biehler/C.Zapryanov/Schoening |
B12 |
2. Piper, C & C The Mad Piper of Berry Hill, C.Nunneley-Biehler/C.Zapryanov |
9 |
3. Ozzie, Ozzie, A.Beck |
6 |
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Limited Flight A(5) |
1. Foxy, Basch's Starfox, T.& J.Basch |
20 |
2. Harland, Basch's Original Recipe, T.& J.Basch |
15 |
3. Oxo, Basch's Good Grips, T.& J.Basch |
10 |
4. Mario, Basch's Super Smash, T.& J.Basch |
5 |
N. Jack, Basch's Rush Hour, T.& J.Basch |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Kent Standerford |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Simon, Akanni's Can't Stop The Signal, H.Goudy/A.Balthrop |
B8 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, LCM,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski |
R8 |
2. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Kent Standerford |
Field Champion Flight A(4, 2 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Jamilah, Ch Farashah Dotted Checkerspot SM, FCh, C.Hahn |
B16 |
2. Lily, Farashah Pearl Crescent SM, FCh, P.Rodden/C.Hahn |
12 |
DIS. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, FCh, M.F.Miller |
Veteran Flight A(3, 1 NC) |
1. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM2,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
F8 |
2. Lola, DC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM3,SC,LCX,JOR,GRC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
6 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. iLike Ike, Ch Fitzhugh iLike Ike At Deermont, FCh,SOR,GRC,VC, M.B.Grieb/M.Sudekum |
B8 |
2. Lilly, Deermont's Just Lily, FCh, M.B.Grieb |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Amy Balthrop |
Single Flight A(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Icee, El Baz Taj Tazkia, T.Vogelsang |
12 |
WHIPPET Judges: Amy Balthrop, Vicki Fagre-Stroetz |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Levi, Nonstopp Blackfoot, K.Feldman |
R12 |
2. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow |
9 |
3. Astrid, Jomyr's White Astrid, A.Beck |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Fender, Nonstopp Nazareth, FCh,ARX,PR,CR, L.Ochoa/P.Reynolds |
B12 |
2. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
9 |
3. Ethel, Les's Ethel, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Lizzie, Lookout Nonstipp Leapin Lizard, FCh,ARX,CR, L.Ochoa/P.Reynolds |
F12 |
2. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM |
9 |
3. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2,VLCM, M.& K.Standerford |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Smoky, UKC Ch Starfyre Smoky Quartz, FCh, J.& K.Hicks |
B8 |
2. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks |
6 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diego, Anji Donato Froge To Victory At OC, J.& J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B20 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Cyrus, BII,FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, LCM,SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
R20 |
2. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, LCM,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund |
15 |
3. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund |
10 |
4. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, LCM,SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund |
5 |
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Smoky, UKC Ch Starfyre Smoky Quartz, FCh, J.& K.Hicks |
B12 |
2. Sahara, MGCh Allagante Sahara Starfyre, FCh,SRC,RA,EC,GRC,CD, K.& J.Hicks |
9 |
3. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks |
6 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Justin Dannenbring, Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diego, Anji Donato Froge To Victory At OC, J.& J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
B20 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, LCM,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund |
R20 |
2. Cyrus, BII,FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, LCM,SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard |
15 |
3. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund |
10 |
4. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, LCM,SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund |
5 |
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund |
BORZOI Judges: Darci Kunard, Robert Place |
Open Flight A(9, 3 NQ, 1 DQ) |
1. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, C.Enz |
F36 |
2. Chase, Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, S.Van de Water MD |
27 |
3. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, S.Van de Water/S.Moore |
18 |
4. Hotsi, Oxota Molodezovna Hatsya, L.Paintin |
9 |
N. Porsche, Kirov Kachina Porsche Turbo Carrera, C.Enz/B.Ewing |
DQ. Stellar, Oxota Molodezovich Alnitak, A.Stewart |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water |
F16 |
2. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water |
12 |
3. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water |
8 |
4. Skaya, DC Avalon WW Darkskaya Dare, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, L.Paintin/L.Abordo |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Queen, Ch, UKC GCh Del Sol Red Queen, LCM,GRC, Dr.S.Van de Water |
B12 |
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water |
9 |
3. GyRo, DC Oxota River Run Gypsy Rover Avalon, FCh,CGC,SC, L.Abordo/S.Moore |
6 |
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judges: Leonore Abordo, Barbara Ewing |
Limited Flight A(2) |
1. Claire, Awanta's Bena, S.Garth |
8 |
2. Connie, Awanta's Bruja, S.Garth |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Barbara Ewing |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Caddy, Lakilanni Pink Cadillac, C.Sisson |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. MiMi, GChB,DC Suntiger Mariposa, SC, E.Thompson |
F8 |
2. Holly, Mariki's Swan Song Of March Hare, FCh,SC, E.Thompson/B.A.Gordon |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Robert Place |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cayper, Ch Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, CGC, D.Kunard |
B4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar |
F4 |
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,LCX, D.& M.Kunard |
F8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Leonore Abordo, Darci Kunard |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Kimber, Crossed Pines Diamond Kimber Surprise, L. & T.Martin |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Lila, FC Krystal Z'Amira Lilana, FCh,SC,RN, L.Martin/K.Russell |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Leonore Abordo, Barbara Ewing |
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Tux, Fleetfield Suntiger Silver Ghost, C.Sisson/S.Grant |
16 |
2. Beretta, DM She's A Pistol, E.Summerhill |
12 |
3. Elmer, Roserock Elmer's Tune, D.& S.McCan |
8 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Robert Place |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Deuce, Gryffyn's Aeyrie Empire, R.L.Shell/V.Whitlock |
B16 |
2. Tomcat, WindNSatin Bels V Legend, S.Van de Water/M.Childs |
12 |
3. Walker, Gryffyn's I'm Your Boogieman, R.L.Shell/V.Whitlock |
8 |
4. Raven, Empyrean Harvest Moon, V.Frey |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Leonore Abordo, Robert Place |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Ever, Artistry's Everglow Go For Gold, K.& B.Richter-Sand/K.Rasumssen |
B4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Barbara Ewing, Robert Place |
RR Lila, FC Krystal Z'Amira Lilana, FCh,SC,RN, L.Martin/K.Russell |
BIF (145) |
SW Deuce, Gryffyn's Aeyrie Empire, R.L.Shell/V.Whitlock |
-144 |
PH Cayper, Ch Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, CGC, D.Kunard |
-143 |
WH Ever, Artistry's Everglow Go For Gold, K.& B.Richter-Sand/K.Rasumssen |
-143 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Sansa, Kominek's Lady Of The Court, LCM, R.& L.Jordan/S.Kominek |
B16 |
2. Millie, Evensong's Thoroughly Modern Millie, FCh,SC, R.& L.Jordan |
12 |
3. Typsy, Evensong's Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat, FCh, R.& L.Jordan |
8 |
4. Zephyr, FC Zen Can't Catch Me!, FCh,SC, E.Klosson |
4 |
BASENJI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM5,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders |
B12 |
2. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders |
9 |
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders |
6 |
BORZOI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green |
B20 |
2. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling |
9 |
3. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM2,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
R20 |
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM2,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling |
15 |
3. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling |
5 |
N. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, FCh,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green |
GREYHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh, D.Darling |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, MC,LCX,CA,CGC, R.Quist |
B20 |
2. Vivian, Kushinda & Lucy's Vivian Dance Til You're Desi PEZ, Dr.K.Hefner/K.& K.Hefner/Weiland |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM, B.A.Dieckman |
R12 |
2. Vera, Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
9 |
3. Enzo, Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, FCh, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(5) |
1. Meile, A Reason 2 Believe Luanda, S.Lytle/A.McCormick |
+R20 |
2. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
15 |
3. Juno, GCh,DC Kushinda's Burning News This Just In Juno Wrote JB, FCh,SC, P.Wieland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
10 |
4. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM7,VFCh,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II |
5 |
N. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin |
SALUKI Judge: Francis Byrne |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
B12 |
2. Dorri, Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, FCh, C.Smith |
9 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Diggy, Bruach's Foldiggary Dame, L.Frazier |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Francis Byrne |
Single Flight A(10) |
1. Blue, Qahraman Dar Sherom Har Kala Rachi, S.Shuman/L.A.Brouseus |
40 |
2. Coco, Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa |
30 |
3. Brady, Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa |
20 |
4. Patti, Borassus Doin'er Job, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa |
10 |
N. Olaf, Ch Sherom Silverlea Olaf's Warm Hugs, CPX, S.Shuman/L.A.Broseus |
WHIPPET Judge: Francis Byrne |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Imac, Licketysplit Apple O'My Eye, L.Frazier |
B12 |
2. Miles, GCh Longlesson Rhine Storm Warning At Rantina, S.& T.Thoden/Longlesson Knl |
9 |
3. Villa, Surrey Hill Kissed By Fire @ Mariner, TRP, P.Epstein |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Talos, FC Ragapple Radar Missile, LCM,ORC, A.Mark |
F20 |
2. Vice, Terrena's Nonstopp Lady Of Device, FCh, T.Deluca/A.Tune/L.Ochoa |
15 |
3. Marvell, Terrena's Comic Con, V.Gise/T.Deluca |
10 |
4. Gale, Ragapple Lady Throws The Gauntlet, FCh, A.Mark |
5 |
N. Boo, FC Terrena's Americone Dream Of Mariner, FCh,SC,ARX,PR2, D.& H.Hanna |
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Francis Byrne, Bob Marciszewski |
GH Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh, D.Darling |
BIF (149) |
RR Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, MC,LCX,CA,CGC, R.Quist |
-148 |
PH Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams |
-146 |