Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - January 2012 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
January 2012 |
CAROLINA LURE COURSING SOCIETY Jan 14, 2012 Camden, SC Entry: 41
January Jam |
CAROLINA LURE COURSING SOCIETY Jan 15, 2012 Camden, SC Entry: 27
January Jam |
Silken Windhound Specialty |
BORZOI Judge: Peter Schreiber |
Open(10, 2 NQ) |
1. Rod, Windsheer K-C Da'Ya'ThinkI'mSexy, P.Hardy/K.Parks/L.Thorp |
B40 |
2. Trey, La Verite Texas Hold'Em, P.Hardy |
30 |
3. Truly, DC Kansai'z Artifact, SC, K.Murray |
20 |
4. Caspian, Caspian The Prince, R.Rials |
10 |
N. Spike, Spike, K.Terry |
GREYHOUND Judge: Peter Schreiber |
Open(1) |
1. Holly, Holly Bailey, L.Thorp/K.Parks |
B4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Georgia, WindSheer Georgia Peach, L.Thorp/K.Nelson |
F4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Jessie, Sunfire's Ahead of the Storm, SC, M.Terry |
R4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Peter Schreiber |
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Rocco, Devillez Let Me Be Your Wings, LCM4, R.DeVillez |
B20 |
2. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM9, R.DeVillez |
15 |
3. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons |
10 |
4. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez |
5 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM2,VLCM2, C.Gibbons |
F8 |
2. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber |
Limited(3) |
1. Ana, Siendo's Darling River of K-C, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
12 |
2. Logan, Dragonsgate Outlawkidcurrysiendo, D.Brown |
9 |
3. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
6 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber |
Open(9) |
1. Moxie, Nitro's Make Mine Moxie, R.& S.Horner |
B36 |
2. Chester, Nitro's Make Mine A Mick, J.Brown |
27 |
3. Pulse, Resilience High Frequency, I.English D.V.M |
18 |
4. Twister, Nitro's Make Mine With A Twist, R.& S.Horner |
9 |
N. Double Live, Nitro's Double Live Gonzo V TNT, R.& S.Horner |
Field Champion(7, 1 NQ) |
1. Flyer, Nitro's Flying Lip Lock O TNT, FCh, R.& S.Horner |
R28 |
2. Gator, FC SDW Kismet Hall of Fame, FCh,SC,CR,OTR, I.English DVM/S.& K.Lyons |
+21 |
3. Quinn, SDW Annadar Dangerous Thoughts, FCh,SC,CR,OTR, I.English DVM/Lyons/Konopka |
14 |
4. Riot, Shannon Down Where The Heart Is, FCh,SC,OTR, W.McCurry/S.& K.Lyons |
7 |
N. Ink, Resilience High Definition, I.English DVM/W.McCurry |
Veteran(1) |
1. Maggie, FC Ravenscroft Blue Magnolia, LCM,SC, R.& S.Horner |
R4 |
SINGLES Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber |
Single(1) |
1. BZ Journey, WindsheerK-CLovin'Touchin'Squeez, K.Parks/L.Thorp |
No Best in Field |
BORZOI Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber |
Open(5) |
1. Alibi, BonAmiPerfectAlibiHowffCarbonel, L.& V.Littleton |
B20 |
2. Spike, Spike, K.Terry |
15 |
3. Trey, La Verite Texas Hold'Em, P.Hardy |
10 |
4. Zi, K-C Windsheer Mandolin'sPopMuzik, R.Schemel/P.Hardy |
5 |
N. Caspian, Caspian The Prince, R.Rials |
GREYHOUND Judges: Leigh Littleton, Peter Schreiber |
Open(1) |
1. Holly, Holly Bailey, L.Thorp/K.Parks |
B4 |
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Leigh Littleton, Peter Schreiber |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Rocco, Devillez Let Me Be Your Wings, LCM4, R.DeVillez |
B20 |
2. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM9, R.DeVillez |
15 |
3. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons |
10 |
4. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez |
5 |
N. Ethan, DeVillez Let's Hang On, FCh, R.DeVillez |
Veteran(2) |
1. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM2,VLCM2, C.Gibbons |
F8 |
2. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Leigh Littleton |
Limited(3) |
1. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
12 |
2. Logan, Dragonsgate Outlawkidcurrysiendo, D.Brown |
9 |
3. Ana, Siendo's Darling River of K-C, D.Hunter/H.Brown |
6 |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judge: Leigh Littleton |
Open(8) |
1. Moxie, Nitro's Make Mine Moxie, R.& S.Horner |
F32 |
2. Twister, Nitro's Make Mine With A Twist, R.& S.Horner |
24 |
3. Thunder, TNT's Dirty Deeds Done DirtCheap, TNT Kennel |
16 |
4. XTC, TNT's Black Ice, TNT Kennel |
8 |
N. Gibbs, TNT's NCIS The Boss, D.& M.L.Richards |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Flyer, Nitro's Flying Lip Lock O TNT, FCh, R.& S.Horner |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Leigh Littleton |
Single(1) |
1. BZ Journey, WindsheerK-CLovin'Touchin'Squeez, K.Parks/L.Thorp |
No Best in Field |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Pat Ingram |
Limited(7) |
1. Dior, Ch Allagante Christian Dior, ISWS LCM,IC,SRCCGC, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders |
28 |
2. Sahara, Ch Allagante Sahara Starfyre, SRC,RN,IC,ISWS FCh, K.& J.Hicks |
21 |
3. Keenu, Kristull ViaKeenuway, B.Franklin |
14 |
4. Mini, Fantasy farms Musetta's Waltz, B.Franklin |
7 |
N. Yasu, Kristull Yasu, B.Franklin |
No Best in Field |