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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

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Records - October 2012 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

  October 2012



IOWA COURSING ASSOCIATION, INC Oct 06, 2012 Cedar Falls, IA  Entry: 20

INLAND GAZEHOUND FANCIERS Oct 06, 2012 Newman Lake, WA  Entry: 24

PHARAOH HOUND OWNERS OF NORTHEAST Oct 06, 2012 Griswold, CT     Entry: 66
Region 9 Invitational

TRI-STATE SIGHTHOUND CLUB Oct 06, 2012 Saxonburg, PA    Entry: 47
The 30th Annual Allegheny Derby

COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Oct 07, 2012 Falcon, CO        Entry: 18

Oct 07, 2012 Brooksville, FL Entry: 50

IOWA COURSING ASSOCIATION, INC Oct 07, 2012 Cedar Falls, IA  Entry: 21

INLAND GAZEHOUND FANCIERS Oct 07, 2012 Newman Lake, WA      Entry: 16

PHARAOH HOUND OWNERS OF NORTHEAST Oct 07, 2012 Griswold, CT     Entry: 46

TRI-STATE SIGHTHOUND CLUB Oct 07, 2012 Saxonburg, PA    Entry: 46
The 30th Annual Allegheny Derby

Silken Windhound Specialty

GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Oct 13, 2012 Groswold, CT   Entry: 36

MONTEREY BAY COURSING ASSOCIATION Oct 13, 2012 Hollister, CA    Entry: 1
Silken Windhound Specialty

MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Oct 13, 2012 Farmington, MN   Entry: 54

MICHIGAN GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION, Inc. Oct 13, 2012 Rockwood, MI     Entry: 85

SUNSHINE STATE COURSING CLUB Oct 13, 2012 Altoona, FL      Entry: 34

UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Oct 13, 2012 Littlestown, PA  Entry: 37
Grande Prix Challenge Cup

Oct 14, 2012 Chino, CA  Entry: 3 Silken Windhound Specialty

GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Oct 14, 2012 Griswold, CT     Entry: 38

MONTEREY BAY COURSING ASSOCIATION Oct 14, 2012 Hollister, CA    Entry: 2
Silken Windhound Specialty

MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Oct 14, 2012 Farmington, MN   Entry: 49

MICHIGAN GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION, Inc. Oct 14, 2012 Rockwood,MI      Entry: 78

SUNSHINE STATE COURSING CLUB Oct 14, 2012 Altoona, FL      Entry: 26

UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Oct 14, 2012 Littlestown, PA  Entry: 36
Grande Prix Challenge Cup

SIGHT HOUND ORGANIZATION OF TIDEWATER Oct 20, 2012 Willaimsburg, VA Entry: 40
Tidewater Challenge Trophy


SIGHT HOUND ORGANIZATION OF TIDEWATER Oct 21, 2012 Willaimsburg, VA Entry: 43
Tiedewater Challenge Trophy

Region 1 Invitational

ST LOUIS AREA SIGHTHOUNDS Oct 21, 2012 Troy, IL   Entry: 11
Irish Wolfhound Specialty

AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Oct 27, 2012 Fairburn, GA     Entry: 16
Afghan Hound 76th National Specialty


HEARTLAND COURSING ASSOCIATION Oct 27, 2012 Lawrence, KS     Entry: 50

LONE STAR BORZOI CLUB Oct 27, 2012 Cat Spring, TX   Entry: 24


HEARTLAND COURSING ASSOCIATION Oct 28, 2012 Lawrence, KS     Entry: 61

LONE STAR BORZOI CLUB Oct 28, 2012 Cat Spring, TX   Entry: 16

SILKEN WINDHOUDS OF CALIFORNIA Oct 28, 2012 Gilroy, CA Entry: 17
Silken Windhound Specialty

Oct 06, 2012
Falcon, CO
Entry: 16

AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Michael Hussey  
1. Ella, Ella, D.& L.Daubers R4
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan +B20
2. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton 15
3. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan 10
4. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan 5
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Peter Lowe  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Peter Lowe  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's BakhuRiskyBusinessOfHallam, FCh,SC,RN,HIC,VC, D.& M.Kunard B8
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,OAP,MC,VC,HIC,NJP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis 6
SALUKI Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Blaze, Timaru Wild Flame, A.& P.Sauve B4
WHIPPET Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Buckaroo, Hamrya's  Buckaroo Bonzai, D.Lynch R8
2. Capri, Starline's Basilicata, D.Lynch/S.Mallonee/J.Mallonee 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. Klem, Tru-Luv's Goodnite Mrs Calabash, FCh,CD,RN, M.Rubin/L.Rice B16
2. Peppie, Amberwind Hamrya Habanero, FCh,SC, J.& S.Mallonee 12
3. Kruz, Ch Amberwind Nasusa Must B T'Moon, LCM,SC, P.Sorensen/S.Mallonee 8
4. Kayla, Amberwind Nasusa Indigo Moon, FCh, S.Mallonee 4
No Best in Field  

Oct 06, 2012
Brooksville, FL
Entry: 42

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Lynn Sawyer, Nancy Scott  
Field Champion(4)  
1. Sasha, Suni's Time To Run, FCh, R.& K.Moffitt B16
2. Dozer, Cameo's The Ghost of Summer, LCM3,SOR, J.& S. Anthony/C.Sullivan 12
3. Thor, Ch Kasban-Seafire Sultan of Swing, LCM2,CD, E.Leng/G.Sheetz Jr 8
4. Miri, High Kalibers Harequin Muse, LCM,SC,SOR, J.& S.Anthony 4
1. Remi, Regimes Artistic Impression, FCh, J.& S.Anthony R4
GREYHOUND Judges: Lynn Sawyer, Nancy Scott  
1. Vienna, Vienna, L.Hall B20
2. Sally, Hot Shot, G.Solo 15
3. Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort 10
4. Indy, Sunfires Independence Day, L.Schlimmer 5
N. Andy, Sol Anvil, M.Cortez  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Rita Skeeter, FC JL's HH Rita Skeeter, LCM,SC, M.E.R.Barry/J.Lawson R4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jim Anthony, Shannon McDermoltt  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(6)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez 18
3. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 12
4. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 6
N. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Susan Kort, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jim Anthony, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson +B8
2. Zane, GCh TerraChrista'sShockNAwesomeZane, SC, R.Johnson/A.Thomas 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso R4
SALUKI Judges: Jim Anthony, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Calah, Omen's Cee Calah, P.Whitney/C.Noah B8
2. Sheba, Omens Bet Bath Sheba, P.Whitney/L.Lewis 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Murph, Galyeward's Rick, FCh, T.& L.Christ B4
SINGLES Judges: Shannon McDermoltt, Lynn Sawyer  
1. AH-Kooba, Kasban Egyptian Blue, L.Mauldin 4
WHIPPET Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Jay-Z, HH Heartland Jaguar XKE, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/V.Garcia B36
2. Derby, HH Avari Derby Kitten, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry 27
3. Tesla, Trezlar's TheoryOfMagneticForces, M.& J.Murray 18
4. Talia, HHHeartlandFerrariItaliaAtFaunwo, M.E.R.Barry/K.Kleing 9
N. Bree, SportingFieldsCarry-OnChablis&Br, J.MacNabb/S.Marquis  
Field Champion(6)  
1. Sookie, Quixand Vampire Weekend, FCh, L.McKee R24
2. Biz, HH Nobiz Like Showbiz, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/P.Ciccarello 18
3. Raleigh, HH Heartland Raleigh Rye, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 12
4. Rickee, HH Mayhem Hellboy, FCh, M.Hoover/M.Hamilton 6
N. Dora, HH Dora Xplorer, FCh, N.Scott  
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jim Anthony, Nancy Scott  
RR  Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson BIF  
SA  Calah, Omen's Cee Calah, P.Whitney/C.Noah (150)

Oct 06, 2012
Cedar Falls, IA
Entry: 20

GREYHOUND Judges: Debbie Narwold, Kathy Nelson  
1. (Alice, Bruska Alice, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach)  
2. (Jelli, Iruska Angelica, FCh, T.& K.Bork)  
3. (Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach)  
4. (Topper, Iruska Oregon, FCh, T.& K.Bork)  
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
1. Twist, Matter's Twist and Shout, A.Matter F4
Field Champion(2)  
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter B8
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, FCh, A.Matter/L.Hennen 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
1. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner F4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner B4
SALUKI Judges: Kim Bork, Debbie Narwold  
1. Solomon, BII Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case +R4
Field Champion(3)  
1. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt B12
2. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris 9
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 6
SINGLES Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
1. RR-Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner 4
WHIPPET Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
1. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear B12
2. Sammie, RK Positively Sammie, R.Koerner 9
3. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Tripp, Ch Summit An American In Paris, LCM,SC, C.Huzel/S.Vernon +F8
2. Penny, Speedwell's Painted Trillium, FCh, C.& C.Lear 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Nelson  
RR  Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner BIF  
PH  Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach (74)

Oct 06, 2012
Newman Lake, WA
Entry: 24

CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
1. Atti, Rockinhearts New Attitude, N.L.Wight B24
2. Avena, Aetnensis Avena, N.Wight/S.Smith 18
3. Kia, Chiaramenti d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls +12
4. Gunsmoke, Rockin' Heart's Tough Love, N.Wight/B.Wight 6
N. Bella, Pupa Junior, SC, J.Gates  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Fly Boy, Are But Not's Frequent Flyer, FCh, N.L.Wight F8
2. Belpasso, Vespinja's Belpasso, FCh, N.L.Wight 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
1. Darcy, Pheron's Lady Darcy of Pemberly, E.& D.Campbell Jr B4
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ)  
Veteran(1, 1 NQ)  
SALUKI Judge: Greg Ward  
1. Sasha, Salish Alahandra BeyAtShantellie, P.Campbell B8
2. Kaylee, Obi-Wan On The Fringe Salish, E.Staack/S.M.Davis 6
SINGLES Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
Open(7, 6 NQ)  
1. AH-Toto, Ch Azari-Arabica Fool's Gold, L.Greer 28
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
1. Nike, Allagante Mohegan Sun, K.& P.Sanders B12
2. Bados, Allagante Windspirit Barbados, J.Vookles 9
3. Sky, Allagante Light Up The Sky, K.& P.Sanders 6
WHIPPET Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Penny, Shantellies Pardon Me Angel Eyes, FCh, P.Campbell B4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
CE  Atti, Rockinhearts New Attitude, N.L.Wight BIF  
RR  Darcy, Pheron's Lady Darcy of Pemberly, E.& D.Campbell Jr (149)


Oct 06, 2012
Griswold, CT
Entry: 66
Region 9 Invitational

AZAWAKH Judges: Lisa Rotondi, Dean Wright  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth B4
BASENJI Judges: Lisa Rotondi, Dean Wright  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Lisa Rotondi, Dean Wright  
Open(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel R8
1. Jimi, Right Touch, SC, M.Dygert/D.Knutson B8
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Richard Whritenour  
1. Ferran, Ch Ferran De El Pollet, LCM, E.Kasper/T.Burke B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
1. Jack, Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota +B40
2. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly 9
3. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Arolet, D.Carota/Dr.S.Sipperly 6
Field Champion(10, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, LCM,SC, M.Smith R40
2. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly 30
3. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor 20
4. Titan, Ch Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,SC, B.& M.Brodeur 10
N. Bali, Kamaraj Achilles Balius, FCh, M.Smith  
DIS. Senna, DC Hallams Imola's Ghost, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile/Carota/Sipperly  
Veteran(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota R24
2. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur 18
3. Kalb, DC Kamaraj Azeem Mas-Ree Kalb, FCh,VFCh,SC, W.& B.Shattuck/M.Smith 12
4. Blaise, FC Bija A Blaise in Texas, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile 6
N. Cassie, Ch Kamaraj Nefer Cassiopein, FCh,SC,CGC, B.Shattuck/M.Smith  
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judges: Richard Whritenour, Dean Wright  
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, FCh,SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin B20
2. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 15
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin 10
4. Rikki, Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie K, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie 5
N. Goldi, FC Mystic Isle's Northern Light, FCh,SC, J.Arvin  
1. Chaminuka, DC Tophat's Chaminuka of Tumomak, FCh,VFCh,MC,CGC, C.& S.A.Leslie F4
SALUKI Judges: Richard Whritenour, Dean Wright  
1. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston B12
2. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston 9
3. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, SC, E.Johnston 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Lisa Rotondi, Dean Wright  
1. Seaforth, Cu Liath Seaforth, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards B20
2. Brigitte, FC Cu Liath Auld Alliance, SC, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards 15
3. Memsie, FC Cu Liath Memsie, SC, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards 10
4. Boudicca, FC Cu Liath Boudicca, SC, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards 5
N. Oonagh, Cu Liath Oonagh, SC, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Rhionnach, FC Cu Liath Rhionnach, FCh,SC, L.Kiaer/C.Edwards F4
SINGLES Judges: Richard Whritenour, Dean Wright  
1. Pending.  
2. PH-Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram 15
3. SA-Hela, Tamarisk Cemal Desert Cerenade, D.Rubin/J.Klova 10
4. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski 5
N. PH-Hondo, Kamosetts Hondo of Abydos,, P.& D.Dimor  
WHIPPET Judges: Lisa Rotondi, Dean Wright  
1. Likely, Ch Hound Hill Quite Likely, SC, C.Miller +B40
2. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman +30
3. Pax, Kentfield Count Paxula, D.Taylor/B.Shryock 20
4. Remy, Shamasan Out Of The Blues, M.Simon/S.Keane 10
N. Grayson, FC Pipers Boy Wonder Ex Post Facto, MC, S.Miller  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing F20
2. Tobias, DC Hound Hill Tobias, FCh,SC, C.Miller 15
3. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing 10
4. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman 5
N. Brand, Ch Tangens The Maverick Cosmonaut, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman  
Veteran(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr R16
2. Sammy, Kindred Marble Halvah, FCh,SC, M.Dygert 12
3. Raine, Coyote Raine, FCh,VFCh,MC, M.Dygert/D.Knutson 8
No Best in Field  

Oct 06, 2012
Saxonburg, PA
Entry: 47
The 30th Annual Allegheny Derby

BORZOI Judge: Ian Davies  
1. Henry, Tatezi Love Henry, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn F4
Field Champion(2)  
1. Danica, DC TeineZharkovBrambleRoadToFaerie, FCh,GRC,SC, D.Ferris B8
2. Bunnie, FC Tatezi Nashville Skyline Rag, FCh,SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni B8
2. Gilda, Mia-Bakhu Hanky Panky, M.Wille/P.Haig 6
1. Kinneson, Ch Jomara's Ahmar Kelb Ta Kummiedja, FCh,TDI,CGC,SC,NAJ, M.Wille/M.Henke F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, FCh,SC, J.Teamer B20
2. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen 15
3. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II 10
4. Karri, GCh,DC Windancer's Heart of Gold, SC,BN, S.Biedermann/J.Schindler-Horvat 5
N. Lola, Rare Earth's First Law of Motion, LCM,CGC,GRC, D.Ferris  
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II R4
SALUKI Judge: Ian Davies  
1. Athena, Ch Windrush Athena Project, K. & J.Lipps B20
Field Champion(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps +F20
2. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps 15
3. Einstein, DC OdiEtAmoEinsteinWindrushElessar, LCM2,SC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps/L.S.Flynn 10
1. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps R8
2. Baby, Ch Elessar's Bush Baby, FCh, S.& B.Flynn/I.Christensen 6
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open(6, 1 NQ)  
1. SA-Rapp, Windrush Protect and Defend, J.& K.Lipps 24
2. SA-Malone, Windrush Magellan Billet, J.& K.Lipps 18
3. SA-LZ, Windrush Devil At My Heelz, J.& K.Lipps 12
4. SA-Ranger, Windrush High Five, J.& K.Lipps 6
N. BZ-Dusty, WindNSatin Endless Joy, L.A.Kohler  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Ian Davies  
1. Sunny D, Windnsatin Cruisin' Thru Life, L.E.Kohler B4
WHIPPET Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Ripple, Missjiffs Ripple Effect of PSF, B.Klonowski/M.Johnny +B40
2. Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani 27
3. Briony, Shannon Down Locked And Loaded, S.Lyons/K.Lyons 18
4. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM 9
N. Minnie, Whispoorwill She's Country, T.Ankney/B.Henderson DVM  
Field Champion(11)  
1. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen R40
2. Denali, Resilience High Altitude, FCh, L.Keyser 30
3. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann 20
4. Evan Brown, FC Cherche' Worse Than Bonkers, LCM,RN,NA,NAJ,AN,ANJ, A.Rapoport/C.Durance-Watikins 10
N. Anna, Labyrinth Annapurna, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
No Best in Field  

Oct 07, 2012
Falcon, CO
Entry: 18

AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Ella, Ella, D.& L.Daubers F4
Field Champion(4)  
1. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton B16
2. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan 12
3. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan 8
4. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan 4
BORZOI Judge: Deann Britton  
1. Tempest, Zoiboyz Enchanted Isle, M.Pearce/R.Peters-Campbell B8
2. Bocelli, Aria's Bocelli At Zoiboyz, K C Thompson/T.Golcher 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Deann Britton  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Deann Britton  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's BakhuRiskyBusinessOfHallam, FCh,SC,RN,HIC,VC, D.& M.Kunard B8
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,OAP,MC,VC,HIC,NJP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis 6
SALUKI Judge: Deann Britton  
1. Blaze, Timaru Wild Flame, A.& P.Sauve B4
WHIPPET Judge: Deann Britton  
1. Capri, Starline's Basilicata, D.Lynch/S.Mallonee/J.Mallonee R4
Field Champion(6)  
1. Klem, Tru-Luv's Goodnite Mrs Calabash, FCh,CD,RN, M.Rubin/L.Rice B24
2. Kruz, Ch Amberwind Nasusa Must B T'Moon, LCM,SC, P.Sorensen/S.Mallonee +18
3. Peppie, Amberwind Hamrya Habanero, FCh,SC, J.& S.Mallonee 12
4. Lark, Chapleton's Little Wing, RN,BN,CD, L.Pocurull/D.Langford 6
N. Kayla, Amberwind Nasusa Indigo Moon, FCh, S.Mallonee  
No Best in Field  

Oct 07, 2012
Brooksville, FL
Entry: 50

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Kooba, Kashan Egyptian Blue, L.Mauldin R8
2. Zahdi, Regimes The Princess Shahrazad, P.Krauthoff/J.Traver 6
Field Champion(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Thor, Ch Kasban-Seafire Sultan of Swing, LCM2,CD, E.Leng/G.Sheetz Jr B16
2. Sasha, Suni's Time To Run, FCh, R.& K.Moffitt 12
3. Dozer, Cameo's The Ghost of Summer, LCM3,SOR, J.& S. Anthony/C.Sullivan 8
Veteran(1, 1 NQ)  
GREYHOUND Judges: Gertrude Hinsch, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort B16
2. Bonnie, Winds Mike's Bonneville, SC, S.& S.Kort/K.Lorenzo 12
3. Indy, Sunfires Independence Day, L.Schlimmer +8
4. Electra, Sunfire's Fierce Dark Storm, S.& S.Kort 4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Rita Skeeter, FC JL's HH Rita Skeeter, LCM,SC, M.E.R.Barry/J.Lawson F4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Gertrude Hinsch, Lynn Sawyer  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 18
3. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 12
4. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Diva, Kengali's Matahari Diamond Diva, G.Merchant/G.Brown R12
2. Khaleesi, TerraChrista'sKhaleesiDragonByKe, A.Thomas 9
3. Zane, GCh TerraChrista'sShockNAwesomeZane, SC, R.Johnson/A.Thomas 6
Field Champion(3)  
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso B12
2. Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson 9
3. Bindi, GCh RegalTolerton'sLuminaraUnduliFor, SC, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Jim Anthony, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Murph, Galyeward's Rick, FCh, T.& L.Christ B4
SINGLES Judges: Shannon McDermoltt, Lynn Sawyer  
Open(6, 2 NQ)  
1. AH-Violet, Kramatir's Shades Of Purple, R.Hendrix 24
2. RR-Trace, Mazari's Trace Of Amber, J.Toole 18
3. AH-Joy, Kramatir's Purple Rapture,, R.Hendrix 12
4. Finn, Ch Kengali's Leap of Faith, SC, D.Eberhard/M.Coughli/G.Merchant 6
WHIPPET Judges: Gertrude Hinsch, Shannon McDermoltt  
Open(10, 1 NQ)  
1. Jay-Z, HH Heartland Jaguar XKE, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/V.Garcia B40
2. Bree, SportingFieldsCarry-OnChablis&Br, J.MacNabb/S.Marquis 30
3. Talia, HHHeartlandFerrariItaliaAtFaunwo, M.E.R.Barry/K.Kleing 20
4. Derby, HH Avari Derby Kitten, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry 10
N. Tesla, Trezlar's TheoryOfMagneticForces, M.& J.Murray  
Field Champion(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Biz, HH Nobiz Like Showbiz, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/P.Ciccarello F28
2. Raleigh, HH Heartland Raleigh Rye, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 21
3. Dallas, Karasar Carry-On Revisited, FCh,SC, J.MacNabb/S.Marquis 14
4. Coco, Shaldra's Cookies N Cream, FCh,SC, C.Bigford 7
N. Ariel, GCh,Can Ch Shaldra's Rags to Riches, FCh,OTRM, K.Sibnovic  
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jim Anthony, M.E. Robin Barry  
GH  Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort BIF  
RR  Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso (150)
PH  Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash (147)

Oct 07, 2012
Cedar Falls, IA
Entry: 21

GREYHOUND Judges: Debbie Narwold, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Alice, Bruska Alice, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach B12
2. Topper, Iruska Oregon, FCh, T.& K.Bork 9
3. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
1. Thescelo, GCh,DC Alisian Fields Epic Thescelo, SC, A.Barbour B8
2. Fiona, Alisian Fields Paisley Tutu Fion, A.Wright/A.Barbour 6
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Debbie Narwold  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh,RN,SGRC, A.Matter B8
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, FCh, A.Matter/L.Hennen 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
1. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner F4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner B4
SALUKI Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
1. (Solomon, BII,DC Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case)  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris B12
2. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt 9
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Ellie, GlasdunEllaEnchantedofNahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold B8
2. Daisy, Bruach's Aspen Of Nahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold 6
SINGLES Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
1. RR-Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner 4
WHIPPET Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Debbie Narwold  
1. Sammie, RK Positively Sammie, R.Koerner B12
2. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear 9
3. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Penny, Speedwell's Painted Trillium, FCh, C.& C.Lear R4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Kim Bork, Kathy Nelson  
IB  Thescelo, GCh,DC Alisian Fields Epic Thescelo, SC, A.Barbour BIF  
RR  Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner (151)
SD  Ellie, GlasdunEllaEnchantedofNahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold (149)

Oct 07, 2012
Newman Lake, WA
Entry: 16

CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
Open(5, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Atti, Rockinhearts New Attitude, N.L.Wight R20
2. Bella, Pupa Junior, SC, J.Gates 15
3. Dazzle, Are But Not's Dazzling Diamond, N.Lee-Wight/B.Hatt 10
4. Gunsmoke, Rockin' Heart's Tough Love, N.Wight/B.Wight 5
DIS. Avena, Aetnensis Avena, N.Wight/S.Smith  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Fly Boy, Are But Not's Frequent Flyer, FCh, N.L.Wight R12
2-3. Belpasso, Vespinja's Belpasso, FCh, N.L.Wight 7
2-3. Kia, Chiaramenti d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls 7
No Best of Breed Awarded  
SINGLES Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
Open(5, 3 NQ)  
1. WH-Sunshine, Tivio's Nocciola de Loro, j.Heggem-Davis/D.Davis/T.Hite 20
2. AH-Toto, Ch Azari-Arabica Fool's Gold, L.Greer 15
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Vern Staack, Greg Ward  
1. Bados, Allagante Windspirit Barbados, J.Vookles +B12
2. Sky, Allagante Light Up The Sky, K.& P.Sanders 9
3. Nike, Allagante Mohegan Sun, K.& P.Sanders 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 07, 2012
Griswold, CT
Entry: 46

AZAWAKH Judge: Don Ewing  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth B4
BASENJI Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour  
1. Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Dean Wright  
1. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly B40
2. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Arolet, D.Carota/Dr.S.Sipperly 9
3. (Jack, Ch Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota)  
Field Champion(11, 1 NQ)  
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly +R40
2. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth 30
3. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor 20
4. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth 10
N. Titan, Ch Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,SC, B.& M.Brodeur  
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota R16
2. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur 12
3. Blaise, FC Bija A Blaise in Texas, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile 8
4. Mya, Tanaga Kamaya's Mya, R.Lutwinas/M.Smith 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Donna Miner, Lisa Rotondi  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, FCh,SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin B20
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin 15
3. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 10
4. Goldi, FC Mystic Isle's Northern Light, FCh,SC, J.Arvin 5
N. Rikki, Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie K, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie  
SALUKI Judges: Don Ewing, Donna Miner  
1. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston B8
2. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, SC, E.Johnston 6
SINGLES Judge: Lisa Rotondi  
1. WH-Tansy, Deep Woods Winderness Song, L.& G.Buzzell 28
2. PH-Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram 21
3. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski 14
4. Senna, DC Hallams Imola's Ghost, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile/D.Carota/S.Sipperl 7
N. WH-Lily, Deep Woods Painted Pony, J.Krikorian  
WHIPPET Judge: Lisa Rotondi  
1. (Likely, Ch Hound Hill Quite Likely, SC, C.Miller)  
2. Asa, Merci Isle Incantation, I.& J.Kimmelman 12
3. Crush, Merci Isle Illumination, J.& S.Andres/I.Kimmelman 8
4. Pax, Kentfield Count Paxula, D.Taylor/B.Shryock 4
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing B20
2. Tobias, DC Hound Hill Tobias, FCh,SC, C.Miller 15
3. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman 10
4. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman 5
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr F8
2. Elise, FC Stormwind's Lotus Elise, FCh,SC,CR, D.Como 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 07, 2012
Saxonburg, PA
Entry: 46
The 30th Annual Allegheny Derby

AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
BORZOI Judge: Ping Pirrung  
1. Dusty, WindNSatin Endless Joy, L.A.Kohler B8
2. Henry, Tatezi Love Henry, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Bunnie, FC Tatezi Nashville Skyline Rag, FCh,SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn F8
2. Danica, DC TeineZharkovBrambleRoadToFaerie, FCh,GRC,SC, D.Ferris 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Ian Davies  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni F8
2. Gilda, Mia-Bakhu Hanky Panky, M.Wille/P.Haig 6
1. Peaches, FC Jomara's Secret of the Nile, LCM,SC, M.Wille B8
2. Kinneson, Ch Jomara's Ahmar Kelb Ta Kummiedja, FCh,TDI,CGC,SC,NAJ, M.Wille/M.Henke 6
Field Champion(5)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II B20
2. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, FCh,SC, J.Teamer 15
3. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen 10
4. Karri, GCh,DC Windancer's Heart of Gold, SC,BN, S.Biedermann/J.Schindler-Horvat 5
N. Lola, Rare Earth's First Law of Motion, LCM,CGC,GRC, D.Ferris  
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II F4
SALUKI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Athena, Windrush Athena Project, K. & J.Lipps B20
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps +F20
2. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps 15
3. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps 10
4. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps 5
1. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps R8
2. Baby, Ch Elessar's Bush Baby, FCh, S.& B.Flynn/I.Christensen 6
SINGLES Judge: Ian Davies  
1. SA-LZ, Windrush Devil At My Heelz, J.& K.Lipps 24
2. Rapp, Windrush Protect and Defend, J.& K.Lipps 18
3. RR-Ariel, GCh,DC,CanCh Diamond's Ariel of La Crème, FCh,LCX9,MC,TT,CGC, Dr.D.& V.O'Neill 12
4. RR-Kayla, DiamondsSevenCaratCutBy Ridgelea, 6
N. SA-Ranger, Windrush High Five, J.& K.Lipps  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Sunny D, Windnsatin Cruisin' Thru Life, L.E.Kohler B4
WHIPPET Judge: Ian Davies  
Open(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Echo, Serendipity Lark Echo, C.Weber +R28
2. Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani +21
3. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM 14
4. Angel, Equiss Jezebelle's Angel, C.& G.Pazian/C.Williams 7
N. Briony, Shannon Down Locked And Loaded, S.Lyons/K.Lyons  
Field Champion(9)  
1. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen B36
2. Evan Brown, FC Cherche' Worse Than Bonkers, LCM,RN,NA,NAJ,AN,ANJ, A.Rapoport/C.Durance-Watikins 27
3. Ripple, Missjiffs Ripple Effect of PSF, B.Klonowski/M.Johnny 18
4. Takota, FC Tadita Wings of A Dream, LCM,SC,CR, D.Parravani/M.Libersher 9
N. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
No Best in Field  

Oct 13, 2012
Chino, CA
Entry: 3
Silken Windhound Specialty

SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Dixie Hirsch  
Open(2, 1 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Azure, Kristull Azure Twilight Allure, K.& J.Hicks B8
DQ. Sahara, Ch Allagante Sahara Starfyre, SRC,RN,IC,ISWS FCh, K.& J.Hicks  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Dior, Ch Allagante Christian Dior, FCh,ISWS LCM2,IC,SRC,CGC, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders F4

Oct 13, 2012
Groswold, CT
Entry: 36

AZAWAKH Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Iri, Iri Ak Domiko, J.Butterworth F4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion(10)  
1. Bajja, FC Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh,SC, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly B40
2. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, LCM,SC, M.Smith 30
3. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor 20
4. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth 10
N. Bali, Kamaraj Achilles Balius, FCh, M.Smith  
1. Zabelle, DC Kamaraj Kamosett Zabells Sirocco, FCh,VFCh, P.& D.Dimor/M.Smith R12
2. Mya, Tanaga Kamaya's Mya, R.Lutwinas/M.Smith 9
3. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Ping Pirrung  
1. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, J.Tromb etta B4
SALUKI Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Donna Miner  
Open(3, 2 NQ)  
1. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, SC, E.Johnston B12
SINGLES Judge: Ping Pirrung  
1. WH-Autumn, Deep Woods Octagonal AtMerciIsle, E.& W.Lewis 24
2. PH-Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram +18
3. PH-Benu, GCh,DC/UKC Ch Kamosets Nefertum Benu, FCh,MC, M.& E.Rotondi 12
4. PQ-Zoey, Vaidosa De Viamonte, K.Burns 6
N. PH-Hondo, Kamosetts Hondo of Abydos,, P.& D.Dimor  
WHIPPET Judge: Lisa Rotondi  
Open(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Crush, Merci Isle Illumination, J.& S.Andres/I.Kimmelman F20
2. Beatle, Mystic Run's Here Comes The Sun, SC, A.Andrews 15
3. Pastel, Merci Isle Sea Glass, E.& W.Lewis 10
4. Asa, Merci Isle Incantation, I.& J.Kimmelman 5
Field Champion(4)  
1. Tobias, DC Hound Hill Tobias, FCh,SC, C.Miller B20
2. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann 12
3. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman 8
4. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman 4
Veteran(2, 1 NC)  
1. Josephine, Ch Whippoorwill Mystic, SC,RN,CGC, A.Andrews/Dr B.Henderson R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Ping Pirrung  
AZ  Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth BIF  
PH  Bajja, FC Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh,SC, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly (74)

Oct 13, 2012
Farmington, MN
Entry: 54

SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ann Chamberlain  
1. Ella, Tangloor Eleanor of Rubia, C.& R.Wolpin B4

Oct 13, 2012
Farmington, MN
Entry: 54

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
1. Marley, Chaos-El Zagel Dani's GirlMarley, K.Bruggeman/B.Schulz F12
2. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson 9
3. Marta, Imladdris Elanor of Bhagendd, C.Dunahey/S.Williams 6
Field Champion(3)  
1. Dalton, CH Chaos Dalton At El Zagel, B.Schulz/K.Bruggeman B12
2. Stella, Noblewinds Go For The Gold, FCh, B.Schulz/V.Fagre-Stroetz 9
3. Shaun, Ch Marah-Yantra Shavano, FCh, K.Bruggeman/M.Forrester/B.Schulz 6
BASENJI Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan B12
2. Riley, Sonbar's Very Vibrantriley, FCh, L.Sabo 9
3. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, FCh, D.& T.Magnan 6
BORZOI Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Pia, Vitrina Cassiopeia, FCh, V.V.Trantanella B12
2. Mimi, Vitrina Mimosa, FCh, V.V.Trantanella 9
3. Trillion, Ch Vitrina HeartofGoldHvalaTrillion, FCh, V.V.Trantanella/L.Pruett 6
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh,RN,SGRC, A.Matter B8
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, FCh, A.Matter/L.Hennen 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
1. Valor, GCh Azize's Purple Heart, SC, T.& W.Olson F8
2. Sunny, AlpineRidgeSilverSunDogOfJabulan, S.Aplikowski 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson B4
1. Libby, Int'l Ch,U-Ch,DC Jabulani's Liberty's Fire, LCM2,RN,SC,HRQ1,CGC, T.& W.Olson F4
SALUKI Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
1. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti B8
2. Misha, Windbourne Michabo Misha, J.Colletti 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Cora, Altnamara'sCorum'sDiamondRocket, J.Mandel B4
SINGLES Judge: Michael Small  
Open(6, 2 NC)  
1. SA-Windstar, Atallah's Windstar, C.Sayer/J.Treuschel 16
2. SA-Isis, Ch Windnsatin Dragon's Kiss, FCh,SC,JOR,GRC, J.Colletti/L.Griffith 12
3. RR-Sevyn, Jahina's Hot Savanna Night, M.Booth/J.& D.Burtch 8
4. RR-Rosie, Kwetu's Dusty Rose,, K.Peterson/B.Sawyer-Brown 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach B4
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, VFCh,ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach F8
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach 6
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
Open(13, 1 NQ)  
1. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg +F40
2. Max, Dashing Hells Belles, J.& B.Johnson 30
3. Ants, Fanfare's Annie Get Your Gun, K.Thomas/M.Sieg +20
4. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear 10
N. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B Beary Bright, D.Duffert  
Field Champion(9, 2 NQ)  
1. Harley, Halmarque Beau Geste, FCh, R.& D.Schuerman B36
2. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert 27
3. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen 18
4. Kay, Halmarque Beau Kay, FCh, M.Rew 9
N. Ten, Halmarque Beau Derek, FCh, M.Rew  
1. Josie, Ch Dashing Shady Lady, FCh, B.& J.Johnson/D.& G.Samuelson F4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
AH  Dalton, CH Chaos Dalton At El Zagel, B.Schulz/K.Bruggeman BIF  
RR  Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson (169)
SD  Cora, Altnamara'sCorum'sDiamondRocket, J.Mandel (168)
BZ  Pia, Vitrina Cassiopeia, FCh, V.V.Trantanella (95)

Oct 13, 2012
Rockwood, MI
Entry: 85

BORZOI Judges: Paul Kytta II, Lester Pekarski  
1. Henry, Tatezi Love Henry, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Lester Pekarski  
1. Skye, Lakilanni Carpet Of The Sun, C.Laliberte/L.Chauvette R4
Field Champion(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Billie, Lothlorien Billie Holiday, FCh, K.Kaltenborn B28
2. Cagney, CCB,CT,Uch,FC Rosewood's Yankee Doodle Dandy, FCh,SC, L.Reeve 21
3. Bessie, Lothlorien Bessie Smith, FCh, K.Kaltenborn 14
4. Chance, Pat Murphy, FCh, C.Thibodeau 7
N. Sammi, DC Lakilanni Riders on the Storm, LCM4, K.Kaltenborn  
1. Uma, BII Lakilanni Allegria, LCM2,Can FChX, L.Chauvette/C.Laliberté F4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Paul Kytta II  
1. Kizmet, Ch SunRumbaLifeIsYourGameOfRhythm, SC, K.Stocker F8
2. Chili, Special Acre's Luna'sChiliPepper, H.Hamilton 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Lester Pekarski  
1. Quinn, RareEarthHallowtide'sWickedTruth, L.Frazer R8
2. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner 6
Field Champion(6)  
1. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner B24
2. Rayne, Ch Rare Earth's Celtic Summer Storm, LCM,BIT,HRQ1,HRQ2, R.M.,J.,& L.Frazer 18
3. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen 12
4. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
N. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, FCh,SC, J.Teamer  
Veteran(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II R8
SALUKI Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Lester Pekarski  
1. Athena, Windrush Athena Project, K. & J.Lipps B20
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps F20
2. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps 15
3. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps 10
4. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps 5
1. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps R8
2. Baby, Ch Elessar's Bush Baby, FCh, S.& B.Flynn/I.Christensen 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Lester Pekarski  
1. Kes, Cuneve Beta Kes, B.Nelson B4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Balor, Bruach's Bellerophon At CuNeve', FCh, B.Nelson F4
SINGLES Judge: Lester Pekarski  
Open(14, 5 NQ)  
1. SA-Ranger, Windrush High Five, J.& K.Lipps 40
2. SA-Rapp, Windrush Protect and Defend, J.& K.Lipps 30
3. SA-LZ, Windrush Devil At My Heelz, J.& K.Lipps 20
4. SA-Malone, Windrush Magellan Billet, J.& K.Lipps 10
N. Ajaax, Wildwood's A Cowboy Like You, FCh, P.Sirwaitis  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Lester Pekarski  
1. Vixen, Springlane's Flying Vixen, T.Timm-Miller +B24
2. Prancer, Springlane's Magical Prancer, T.Timm-Miller 18
3. Aspen, SpringLane's Aspen, T.Timm-Miller +12
4. Dasher, Springlane's Magical Dasher, J.Miller/T.Timm-Miller 6
N. Sweet Pea, Springlane's Sweet Pea, T.Timm-Miller  
WHIPPET Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Paul Kytta II  
Open(16, 1 NQ)  
1. Kohl, Whispers Kohl, J.Eason-Butler/P.Munnikhuysen +R40
2. Harper, Free Wynd's Harper's  Bazaar, D.Syrja 30
3. Iggie Pup, Shojin's I Wanna Be Your Dog, C.Pond 20
4. (Gretchen, Comet's Red Neck Woman, FCh, L.Pekarski/S.Peak)  
N. Sirius, Wildwood's Light Up The NightSky, F.D.Guest  
Field Champion(13, 1 NQ)  
1. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, FCh, P. & T.Haig DVM B40
2. Evan Brown, FC Cherche' Worse Than Bonkers, LCM,RN,NA,NAJ,AN,ANJ, A.Rapoport/C.Durance-Watikins 30
3. Sparty, KLH Spartacus Go Green, FCh, R.& M.Spurbeck 20
4. Cooper, FC Wildwood's It's All About Heart, LCM,SC, V.Roll/K.Powrozek 10
N. Takota, FC Tadita Wings of A Dream, LCM,SC,CR, D.Parravani/M.Libersher  
1. Peaches, Shojin's Simply Irresistible, FCh, J.& M.Botzau +F12
2. Less, Comet's Little Less Of O'Run, LCM18,VFCh, L.Pekarski/C.Owens 9
3. Vincent, Rantina's Starry Night, FCh,SC, S.Salo 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 13, 2012
Altoona, FL
Entry: 34

BASENJI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Marty, DC Undercover Legend of Bill Martin, SC, S.Schroeder/G.Whitehurst B8
2. Carly, DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend, SC, S.Schroeder 6
BORZOI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Bunny, Russian Bateries Not Included, L.Spiers/J.Feverhake/C.Judson B8
2. Mirage, Russian Laika Dark Mirage, JOR,SC, L.Spiers 6
GREYHOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort B16
2. Vienna, Vienna, L.Hall 12
3. Bonnie, Winds Mike's Bonneville, SC, S.& S.Kort/K.Lorenzo 8
4. Andy, Sol Anvil, M.Cortez 4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Indy, Sunfires Independence Day, L.Schlimmer F4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
Field Champion(6)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 18
3. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 12
4. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 6
N. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Susan Kort, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
Open(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Khaleesi, TerraChrista'sKhaleesiDragonByKe, A.Thomas B16
2. Barth, Boondocks Lionhounds Bartholomue, G.Aslandi 12
3. Zane, GCh TerraChrista'sShockNAwesomeZane, SC, R.Johnson/A.Thomas 8
Field Champion(3)  
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso R12
2. Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson 9
3. Bindi, GCh RegalTolerton'sLuminaraUnduliFor, SC, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin 6
SALUKI Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Sheba, Omens Bet Bath Sheba, P.Whitney/L.Lewis B8
2. Calah, Omen's Cee Calah, P.Whitney/C.Noah 6
SINGLES Judges: Shannon McDermoltt, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Finn, Ch Kengali's Leap of Faith, SC, D.Eberhard/M.Coughli/G.Merchant 4
WHIPPET Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Derby, HH Avari Derby Kitten, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry B16
2. Talia, HHHeartlandFerrariItaliaAtFaunwo, M.E.R.Barry/K.Kleing 12
3. Streak, Liberty's Look At That, Tammy Bennett 8
4. Mia, HH Here For The Party At Avari, L.Sayer/M.E.R.Barry 4
Field Champion(4)  
1. Biz, HH Nobiz Like Showbiz, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/P.Ciccarello F16
2. Raleigh, HH Heartland Raleigh Rye, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 12
3. Malibu, HH Heartland Malibu Moon, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 8
4. Zenyatta, HH Heartland Zenyatta Mondatta, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/C.King 4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
GH  Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort BIF  
SA  Sheba, Omens Bet Bath Sheba, P.Whitney/L.Lewis (150)
RR  Khaleesi, TerraChrista'sKhaleesiDragonByKe, A.Thomas (146)
BZ  Bunny, Russian Bateries Not Included, L.Spiers/J.Feverhake/C.Judson (143)
BA  Marty, DC Undercover Legend of Bill Martin, SC, S.Schroeder/G.Whitehurst (100)

Oct 13, 2012
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 37
Grande Prix Challenge Cup

BASENJI Judge: Camille Mendicino  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, SC,FCh, J.Brader B12
2. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders 9
3. Midnight, FC Thor's East Of Midnight, LCM6,MC,LCX5, J.Brader 6
BORZOI Judges: Joel Brody, Camille Mendicino  
1. Shimmer, FC Silkenswift Shimmer In The Night, SC, W.& F.Erdman B36
2. Cedar, Marisksha Singed Cedar, W.& F.Erdman 9
3. Rani, Msbanani Rani, SC,CGC, F.& W.Erdman 6
Field Champion(9)  
1. Weston, FC C'LestialWild&Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM2,LCX,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green R36
2. Ryker, Teine DarKCrystal, FCh, L.Miller 27
3. Xenon, FC C'LestialSouthernXenonLightsRyh, FCh,ORC,SC, D.Darling 18
4. Oma, FC TechnetiumsAncientOmaDesalaO'Ryk, FCh,SC, D.Darling 9
N. Nacht, Mielikki-Mandolin Silent Night, FCh,GRC, W.& F.Erdman  
1. Doll, Timeless Rag Doll At Collisto, FCh,SC, J.& C.Cole R8
2. Raven, DC Gladkii Veter Matter of Taste, LCM,SC,MC,LCX, R.Silquero/C.Judd/D.McDonald 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Cassie, Celeste's Dark Energy, FCh,SC, C.Mulcrone R4
1. Matt, FC Caeles H Yeah, FCh,MC,JOR,LCX,GRC, C.Mulcrone B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Don Ewing  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni B4
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Joel Brody, Gary Roush  
1. Juno, Kushinda'sBurningNewsThisJustInJ, P.Weiland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner B8
Field Champion(2)  
1. Zizula, Lewanika Ghaniyah, SC,HIC, E.Lehrmann/M.Blondell R8
2. Berry, FC Turoka Penny'sStrawberryFieldsRL, LCM,MC, B.Louden 6
1. Brie, Altnamara'sBreitlingSuperAvenger, L.& N.Madden R8
2. Caramel, Altnamara's Caramel Macchiato, L.& N.Madden 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Espresso, Altnamara's Triple Espresso, FCh, L.& N.Madden B8
WHIPPET Judges: Joel Brody, Gary Roush  
1. Java, Whispers Cup of Java, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen B24
Field Champion(6)  
1. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen R24
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing 18
3. Candy, Candy Cane, FCh, D.McGowan 12
4. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing 6
N. Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees  
1. Fuzzy, Whispers Fuzzy Navel, LCM3,Can FChX, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen +F12
2. Who, Whispers Guess Who, LCM, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen 9
3. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 14, 2012
Chino, CA
Entry: 3
Silken Windhound Specialty

SINGLES Judges: Dixie Hirsch, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Dixie Hirsch, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best in Field  

Oct 14, 2012
Griswold, CT
Entry: 38

AZAWAKH Judge: Ping Pirrung  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Ping Pirrung  
1. Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Ping Pirrung  
1. Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram R4
Field Champion(11)  
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly B40
2. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, LCM,SC, M.Smith 30
3. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor 20
4. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth 10
N. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth  
1. Zabelle, DC Kamaraj Kamosett Zabells Sirocco, FCh,VFCh, P.& D.Dimor/M.Smith R8
2. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur 6
SALUKI Judges: Donna Miner, Ping Pirrung  
1. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston B12
2. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston 9
3. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, SC, E.Johnston 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Donna Miner, Ping Pirrung  
1. Olive, Dhu Mohr Peartree Olive, S.G.Fisher Jr/D.R.Fisher B8
2. Orchid, Dhu Mohr Peartree Orchid, S.G.Fisher Jr/D.R.Fisher 6
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open(2, 1 NC)  
1. SA-Hela, Tamarisk Cemal Desert Cerenade, D.Rubin/J.Klova 4
WHIPPET Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Lily, Deep Woods Painted Pony, J.Krikorian R32
2. Remy, Shamasan Out Of The Blues, M.Simon/S.Keane 24
3. Tansy, Deep Woods Wilderness Song, L.& G.Buzzell 16
4. Bramble, Deep Woods Rising Fast, L.& G.Buzzell 8
N. Asa, Merci Isle Incantation, I.& J.Kimmelman  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman B32
2. Tobias, DC Hound Hill Tobias, FCh,SC, C.Miller 15
3. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman 10
4. Pablo Pistachio, FC Domino Pablo Pistachio, FCh,SC, D.Miner 5
N. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
1. Josephine, Ch Whippoorwill Mystic, SC,RN,CGC, A.Andrews/Dr B.Henderson F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
WH  Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman BIF  
AZ  Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth (75)
PH  Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly (740
GH  Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel (720
SD  Olive, Dhu Mohr Peartree Olive, S.G.Fisher Jr/D.R.Fisher (71)

Oct 14, 2012
Hollister, CA
Entry: 2
Silken Windhound Specialty

SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Ann Chamberlain  
1. Corsair, Firebird's F-86 Sabre Jet, C.& R.Wolpin F4
1. Ella, Tangloor Eleanor of Rubia, C.& R.Wolpin B4

Oct 14, 2012
Farmington, MN
Entry: 49

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
1. Marley, Chaos-El Zagel Dani's GirlMarley, K.Bruggeman/B.Schulz F8
2. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Dalton, CH Chaos Dalton At El Zagel, B.Schulz/K.Bruggeman B8
2. Shaun, Ch Marah-Yantra Shavano, FCh, K.Bruggeman/M.Forrester/B.Schulz 6
BORZOI Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Rosie, WNS End To End Del Sol, L.Ehlbracht B8
2. Bobbie, WNS Follow Me Home, L.Ehlebracht 6
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter +B8
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, FCh, A.Matter/L.Hennen 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Bagheera, Nightwing's Bagheera of Cobol, R.Tregillis/A.I.Gottsch R4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Mara, Rockhart Mara of Tresmorn, FCh, B.Renstrom R4
No Best of Breed Awarded  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
1. Valor, GCh Azize's Purple Heart, SC, T.& W.Olson F4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson B4
1. Libby, Int'l Ch,U-Ch,DC Jabulani's Liberty's Fire, LCM2,RN,SC,HRQ1,CGC, T.& W.Olson F4
SALUKI Judges: Josie Haumont, Michael Small  
Open(2, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti B8
DIS. Misha, Windbourne Michabo Misha, J.Colletti  
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Archie, Nightwatch Monarch Of The Glen, A.Schwartz B4
SINGLES Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open(7, 1 NC)  
1. RR-Nova, R Star Supernova, D.& E.Contois 24
2. WH-Maud, Cogshall Maud's Regal Bearing, S.Shimer 18
3. RR-Rosie, Kwetu's Dusty Rose,, K.Peterson/B.Sawyer-Brown 12
4. SA-Windstar, Atallah's Windstar, C.Sayer/J.Treuschel 6
N. RR-Sevyn, Jahina's Hot Savanna Night, M.Booth/J.& D.Burtch  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach F4
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, VFCh,ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach B8
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach 6
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Nelson, Michael Small  
1. Max, Dashing Hells Belles, J.& B.Johnson B40
2. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear 21
3. Levi, CogshallFly'nBearLeav'emInTheDus, D.Duffert 14
4. Sammie, RK Positively Sammie, R.Koerner 7
N. Stevie, RK My Even Steven, R.Koerner  
Field Champion(11, 2 NQ)  
1. Harley, Halmarque Beau Geste, FCh, R.& D.Schuerman R40
2. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert 30
3. Ants, Fanfare's Annie Get Your Gun, K.Thomas/M.Sieg 20
4. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg 10
N. Kay, Halmarque Beau Kay, FCh, M.Rew  
1. Josie, Ch Dashing Shady Lady, FCh, B.& J.Johnson/D.& G.Samuelson F16
2. Al, Halmarque Go Ask Alice, LCM6,VFCh,OTRM,CGC, A.Whitney 12
3. Guido, Shamasan After Midnight, FCh,VFCh,CGC,OTRM,CRX, A.Whitney/S.Lund 8
4. Asher, Tru-Luv Ascher, FCh, G.& C.Czupka 4
No Best in Field  

Oct 14, 2012
Entry: 78

BORZOI Judge: Lester Pekarski  
Open(1, 1 NQ)  
GREYHOUND Judge: Lester Pekarski  
1. Skye, Lakilanni Carpet Of The Sun, C.Laliberte/L.Chauvette B28
Field Champion(7)  
1. Chance, Pat Murphy, FCh, C.Thibodeau R28
2. Billie, Lothlorien Billie Holiday, FCh, K.Kaltenborn +21
3. Roman, Uch,FC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, FCh,SC, L.Reeve 14
4. Sammi, DC Lakilanni Riders on the Storm, LCM4, K.Kaltenborn 7
N. Cagney, CCB,CT,Uch,FC Rosewood's Yankee Doodle Dandy, FCh,SC, L.Reeve  
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Paul Kytta II  
1. Kizmet, Ch SunRumbaLifeIsYourGameOfRhythm, SC, K.Stocker R8
2. Chili, Special Acre's Luna'sChiliPepper, H.Hamilton +6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane B8
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Katie Kaltenborn  
Open(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Quinn, RareEarthHallowtide'sWickedTruth, L.Frazer R8
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II +B20
2. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen 15
3. Rayne, Ch Rare Earth's Celtic Summer Storm, LCM,BIT,HRQ1,HRQ2, R.M.,J.,& L.Frazer 10
4. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner 5
1. Wanda, Rare Earth's A Real Hare Razor, LCM4,VFCh, M.Willis-Redfern R8
2. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
SALUKI Judges: Paul Kytta II, Lester Pekarski  
1. Baqari, Calliope Khamsin Baqari, S.& J.Konopa R8
2. Song, Khamsin's Sahara Son g, S.& J.Konopa 6
Field Champion(7, 2 NQ)  
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps B28
2. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps 21
3. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps 14
4. Baby, Ch Elessar's Bush Baby, FCh, S.& B.Flynn/I.Christensen 7
N. Einstein, DC OdiEtAmoEinsteinWindrushElessar, LCM2,SC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps/L.S.Flynn  
1. Vashti, Khamsin's Vashti El Marrakech, FCh, D.Crawford R4
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open(10, 4 NQ)  
1. SA-Malone, Windrush Magellan Billet, J.& K.Lipps 40
2. SA-Ranger, Windrush High Five, J.& K.Lipps 30
3. SA-LZ, Windrush Devil At My Heelz, J.& K.Lipps 20
4. SA-Rapp, Windrush Protect and Defend, J.& K.Lipps 10
N. Athena, Windrush Athena Project, K.& J.Lipps  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Paul Kytta II  
1. Sweet Pea, Springlane's Sweet Pea, T.Timm-Miller B16
2. Prancer, Springlane's Magical Prancer, T.Timm-Miller +12
3. Dasher, Springlane's Magical Dasher, J.Miller/T.Timm-Miller 8
4. Dash, Springlane Silverstreak O'rr, T.Timm-Miller 4
Field Champion(2)  
1. Aspen, SpringLane's Aspen, T.Timm-Miller R8
2. Vixen, Springlane's Flying Vixen, T.Timm-Miller 6
WHIPPET Judge: Katie Kaltenborn  
Open(15, 2 NQ)  
1. Keyta, Pfyre's Midnight Mischief, J.Lowther F40
2. (Gretchen, Comet's Red Neck Woman, FCh, L.Pekarski/S.Peak)  
3. Sirius, Wildwood's Light Up The NightSky, F.D.Guest 20
4. Stella, FestivaNSportingfieldRedStiletto, L.Fontaine/K.Riney 10
N. Harper, Free Wynd's Harper's  Bazaar, D.Syrja  
Field Champion(14, 1 NQ)  
1. Boomer, Comets Just Shoot Me at Mia, LCM, T.Haig DVM/P.Haig/Pekarski/Peak B40
2. Kohl, Whispers Kohl, J.Eason-Butler/P.Munnikhuysen 30
3. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, FCh, P. & T.Haig DVM 20
4. Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani 10
N. Pippa, Whispers Pippa, FCh,SC, M.S.Grehan/P.Munnikhuysen  
1. Peaches, Shojin's Simply Irresistible, FCh, J.& M.Botzau F8
2. Less, Comet's Little Less Of O'Run, LCM18,VFCh, L.Pekarski/C.Owens 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Judy Lowther  
SA  Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps BIF  
RR  Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II (73)
IB  Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane (73)

Oct 14, 2012
Altoona, FL
Entry: 26

BORZOI Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Bunny, Russian Bateries Not Included, L.Spiers/J.Feverhake/C.Judson B8
2. Mirage, Russian Laika Dark Mirage, JOR,SC, L.Spiers 6
GREYHOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
1. Lacy, Sunfire's Caught In The Act, S.& S.Kort R8
2. Vienna, Vienna, L.Hall 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Indy, Sunfires Independence Day, L.Schlimmer B8
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(6)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 18
3. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 12
4. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 6
N. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez  
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Shannon McDermoltt  
Open(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Khaleesi, TerraChrista'sKhaleesiDragonByKe, A.Thomas R16
2. Barth, Boondocks Lionhounds Bartholomue, G.Aslandi 12
3. Zane, GCh TerraChrista'sShockNAwesomeZane, SC, R.Johnson/A.Thomas 8
Field Champion(2)  
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso B16
2. Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson 6
WHIPPET Judges: Susan Kort, Shannon McDermoltt  
1. Talia, HHHeartlandFerrariItaliaAtFaunwo, M.E.R.Barry/K.Kleing B16
2. Mia, HH Here For The Party At Avari, L.Sayer/M.E.R.Barry 12
3. Derby, HH Avari Derby Kitten, L.Sawyer/M.E.R.Barry 8
4. Streak, Liberty's Look At That, Tammy Bennett 4
Field Champion(4)  
1. Biz, HH Nobiz Like Showbiz, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/P.Ciccarello F16
2. Raleigh, HH Heartland Raleigh Rye, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 12
3. Zenyatta, HH Heartland Zenyatta Mondatta, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/C.King 8
4. Malibu, HH Heartland Malibu Moon, FCh, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith 4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: M.E. Robin Barry, Lynn Sawyer  
PH  Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash BIF  
GH  Indy, Sunfires Independence Day, L.Schlimmer (149)

Oct 14, 2012
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 36
Grande Prix Challenge Cup

BASENJI Judge: Gary Roush  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders B12
2. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, SC,FCh, J.Brader 9
3. Houdini, DC Thor's Jukebox Hero, LCM2,MC, J.Brader 6
BORZOI Judges: Joel Brody, Gary Roush  
1. Shimmer, FC Silkenswift Shimmer In The Night, SC, W.& F.Erdman B28
2. Cedar, Marisksha Singed Cedar, W.& F.Erdman 9
3. Rani, Msbanani Rani, SC,CGC, F.& W.Erdman 6
Field Champion(7)  
1. Cameo, FC C'LestialTecFirecracker Of Ryhka, SC,ORC, D.Darling/L.Green R28
2. Weston, FC C'LestialWild&Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM2,LCX,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 21
3. Kula, Silkenswift's Cosmic Kula, LCM, F.T.Byrne Jr 14
4. Onyxx, C'Lestial StarlightExpress@Ryhka, FCh,SC,ORC, D.Darling/L.Green 7
N. Zirconium, FC AudruidBremen'sZirconiumOfRyhka, FCh,SC,Sorc2, D.Darling  
Veteran(1, 1 NQ)  
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Dean Wright  
1. Hallen, Kamars Ain't Talkin' About Love, C.Yealey B4
1. Dallas, Skyrocket Lunatic of Akan, FCh,CGC,SC, L.Coulson/D.Zorbaugh R4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Dean Wright  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Cassie, Celeste's Dark Energy, FCh,SC, C.Mulcrone R4
1. Matt, FC Caeles H Yeah, FCh,MC,JOR,LCX,GRC, C.Mulcrone B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Dean Wright  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni B4
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Joel Brody, Don Ewing  
1. Juno, Kushinda'sBurningNewsThisJustInJ, P.Weiland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner B16
Field Champion(4)  
1. Berry, FC Turoka Penny'sStrawberryFieldsRL, LCM,MC, B.Louden R16
2. Dove, Turoka T'Daz Lonesome Dove, FCh,SC,HIC,CGC, B.A.Haner/B.Louden 12
3. Zizula, Lewanika Ghaniyah, SC,HIC, E.Lehrmann/M.Blondell 8
4. Bruma, Turoka T'Daz Here Comes The Sun, FCh,SC,HIC,CGC, B.A.Haner/B.Louden 4
WHIPPET Judges: Joel Brody, Dean Wright  
1. Java, Whispers Cup of Java, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen R4
Field Champion(6)  
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing B24
2. Candy, Candy Cane, FCh, D.McGowan 18
3. JuJu, T'Daz Shaman: The Moon (Dance), FCh,SC, B.A.Haner 12
4. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen 6
N. Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees  
1. Fuzzy, Whispers Fuzzy Navel, LCM3,Can FChX, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen R16
2. Who, Whispers Guess Who, LCM, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen 12
3. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr 8
4. Whir, FC Carbeth Wandering Whirligig, LCM,VFCh,SC, B.A.Haner/C.Kirchner 4
No Best in Field  

Oct 20, 2012
Willaimsburg, VA
Entry: 40
Tidewater Challenge Trophy

BASENJI Judge: Don Ewing  
Field Champion(4)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders B16
2. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, SC,FCh, J.Brader 12
3. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM2,SC, J.Brader 8
4. Midnight, FC Thor's East Of Midnight, LCM6,MC,LCX5, J.Brader 4
BORZOI Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Jolie, HorseAndHoundBretagneAtScheremet, K.Johnson/J.Johnson M.D. B16
2. Shimmer, FC Silkenswift Shimmer In The Night, SC, W.& F.Erdman 12
3. Cedar, Marisksha Singed Cedar, W.& F.Erdman 8
4. Rani, Msbanani Rani, SC,CGC, F.& W.Erdman 4
Field Champion(2)  
1. Ryker, Teine DarKCrystal, FCh, L.Miller R8
2. Nacht, Mielikki-Mandolin Silent Night, FCh,GRC, W.& F.Erdman 6
1. Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky R4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing  
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 18
3. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 12
4. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 6
N. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez  
1. Fusion, Intriques's Full Expression, RN, S.& J.Morrill B12
2. Aryton, Ch Intrigue's Olympic F1 Legend, SC, R.& A.Frederick III 6
Field Champion(3)  
1. Titan, FC Intrigue's Apollo Sun By Jager, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, S.& J.Morrill R12
2. Lucy, DC AncientHillLucyInTheSkyWithDiamo, FCh,SC, T.Prange/D.Lappat/M.M.Prange 9
3. Epic, Intrigue Epic Journey, FCh,SC,RN, S.& J.Morrill 6
SALUKI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Tash, GCh Elstoe Atash-Khariz, SC, K.Schroder/E.Storesund B12
2. Apollo, Windbourne  Gahisi of Siendo, H.& D.Brown 9
3. Tarife, DC Abu Baqr's Ellah Tarife, SC, K.Schroder/E.Storesund 6
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. SA-Tia, Windbourne Tia Mariah At Rothmar, D.Hunter 16
2. SA-Bodhi, Windbourne Knik Knack Bodhini,, D.Hunter 12
3. SW-Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, D.Hunter/H.Brown 8
4. BZ-Finii, GCh Legende'sPatrician,BabyInfiniteD, C.& K.Grabosky 4
1. Ana, Siendo's Darling River of K-C, D.Hunter/H.Brown B8
2. Logan, Dragonsgate Outlawkidcurrysiendo, D.Brown 6
WHIPPET Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open(2, 1 NC)  
1. Rachel, Velocity TNT Hot Legs @ Laquest, L.& K.Stebritz/T.Bush R4
Field Champion(5)  
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing B20
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing 15
3. Garcia, Mariner's Cherry Garcia, FCh,SC, K.& L.Stebritz 10
4. Reo, Ch Bohem Jubilee Dream Weaver, FCh,SC, J.Negri/C.Gredys 5
N. Trick, Shannon Down Pick A Card, FCh, M.& G.Evans/S.& K.Lyons  
Veteran(2, 1 NC)  
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr R4
No Best in Field  

Oct 20, 2012
Emmett, ID
Entry: 37

BORZOI Judges: Jill Bryson, Gary Runyan  
1. Robin, Firebird Juls Enter Sandman, C.Miller/J.Hislop +B20
2. Reef, Firebird Juls Ride The Lightning, C.Miller/J.Hislop 15
3. Pickle, Firebird Juls Jump In The Fire, C.Miller/J.Hislop 10
4. Tulane, Teine Firebird Tulane Blacktop, RN,CGC, C.Miller 5
N. Rogue, Echovesna's High Times At BNW, S.Johnson/H.Goldner  
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(4, 3 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Tony, Kr'Msun Marcus Antonius, K.& A.Watson/C.McDermott DVM B16
DIS. Sol, Rockin' Heart Solano, K.Perry  
GREYHOUND Judges: Jill Bryson, Gary Runyan  
Open(2, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Rozie, Texas Rose, S.Aberton R8
DIS. Bridget, Windrock Bridget The Midget, K.& C.Fritzler  
Field Champion(5)  
1. Cheyenne, Windrock Rodeo Queen, K.& C.Fritzler B20
2. Mayzie, Windrock Queen of Diamonds, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler 15
3. BS, Windrock Bertha Better Than You, FCh, K.& C.Fritzler 10
4. Nikki, FC Windrock DM The One And Only, FCh,SC, K. & C.Fritzler 5
N. CJ, FC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler  
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Korkin, Loco Motion's Dance Y'Self Dizzy, C.Hjelm/D.McKibbin B8
1. Rella, DC Raisin'L SA Cinderella, FCh,VFCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short R8
2. Clowny, DC Special Acres Clown Princess, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Khamsin, FC Mia's Too Hot To Handle, FCh,SC, K.& A.Watson B8
2. Khafre, Tiara Ne-kabu Pyramid of Khafre, FCh, K.& A.Watson 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jill Bryson, Gary Runyan  
1. Wyatt, Kito's Born To Be Wild, SC, S.& C.Beus/M.Draper F4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Zuri, Temba Mara's Miss Zuri, FCh,SC,RN, S. & C.Beus B4
SALUKI Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Sasha, Salish Alahandra BeyAtShantellie, P.Campbell B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Kira, Litespeed'sCrystalShardAt Willow, J.Robinson/L.Robb/J.Alpert B12
2. Thistle, Litespeed's Yellowstar Thistle, J.Alpert/S.Youngkin 9
3. Neera, Tannochbrae's Gwyneira, SC, J.Alpert/S.Youngkin +6
SINGLES Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(4, 1 NQ)  
1. BA-Oh No, 'Tis-A Signet Super-OhNo-Va,, K.& S.Katayama 16
2. Lily, Arubmec's Rockin Robin,, K.Schroedr 12
3. BA-Chilly, Ch Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N'Chills, D.& C.Nelson 8
WHIPPET Judges: Jill Bryson, Gary Runyan  
Open(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Becky, Woodsmoke I Beg Your Pardon, P.Campbell B12
2. Connie, Ch Shantellie Countess of Steel, MC,CD,RN, P.Campbell 9
DIS. GiGi, Shantellie's Wild Child, P.Campbell  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Penny, Shantellies Pardon Me Angel Eyes, FCh, P.Campbell F4
1. Ryan, DC Wirtu's Marathon Man at R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougold/M.Pyle F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Gary Runyan  
SA  Sasha, Salish Alahandra BeyAtShantellie, P.Campbell BIF  
CE  Tony, Kr'Msun Marcus Antonius, K.& A.Watson/C.McDermott DVM (75 )
PH  Khamsin, FC Mia's Too Hot To Handle, FCh,SC, K.& A.Watson



Oct 21, 2012
Willaimsburg, VA
Entry: 43
Tiedewater Challenge Trophy

BASENJI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion(4)  
1. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, SC,FCh, J.Brader B16
2. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM2,SC, J.Brader 12
3. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders 8
4. Bob Marley, Thor's Bob Marley, SC, J.Brader 4
BORZOI Judge: Don Ewing  
1. Jolie, HorseAndHoundBretagneAtScheremet, K.Johnson/J.Johnson M.D. B8
1. Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky R8
2. Targa, Ch Scheremetjew Porsche Targa, FCh,SC, K.Johnson 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Don Ewing  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ruby, FC Zanzibar's Aruba At Jaytea, FCh,MC,CD,LCX2,JOR,CGC, M.J.Ronning B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Peter Lowe  
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez B24
2. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 18
3. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 12
4. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 6
N. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
1. Fusion, Intriques's Full Expression, RN, S.& J.Morrill B12
2. Aryton, Ch Intrigue's Olympic F1 Legend, SC, R.& A.Frederick III 6
Field Champion(3)  
1. Epic, Intrigue Epic Journey, FCh,SC,RN, S.& J.Morrill R12
2. Lucy, DC AncientHillLucyInTheSkyWithDiamo, FCh,SC, T.Prange/D.Lappat/M.M.Prange 9
3. Titan, FC Intrigue's Apollo Sun By Jager, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, S.& J.Morrill 6
SALUKI Judge: Don Ewing  
1. Tia, Windbourne Tia Mariah At Rothmar, D.Hunter B16
2. Apollo, Windbourne  Gahisi of Siendo, H.& D.Brown 12
3. Tash, GCh Elstoe Atash-Khariz, SC, K.Schroder/E.Storesund 8
4. Tarife, DC Abu Baqr's Ellah Tarife, SC, K.Schroder/E.Storesund +4
SINGLES Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. SA-Bodhi, Windbourne Knik Knack Bodhini,, D.Hunter 8
2. BZ-Finii, GCh Legende'sPatrician,BabyInfiniteD, C.& K.Grabosky 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Ana, Siendo's Darling River of K-C, D.Hunter/H.Brown B12
2. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, D.Hunter/H.Brown 9
3. Logan, Dragonsgate Outlawkidcurrysiendo, D.Brown 6
WHIPPET Judge: Peter Lowe  
1. Zest, Terrena's Lemon Parade ofMariner, M.Mortin/D.Hursh B28
2. Peacock, Mariner's Miss PeacockInTheStudy, R.& P.McNeill 21
3. Anja, Jaytea Chesara Just One Look, M.J.Ronning/P.Taylor 14
4. Rachel, Velocity TNT Hot Legs @ Laquest, L.& K.Stebritz/T.Bush 7
N. Mira, Denks Raziel's Illusions, M.King  
Field Champion(4)  
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing R16
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing 12
3. Reo, Ch Bohem Jubilee Dream Weaver, FCh,SC, J.Negri/C.Gredys 8
4. Garcia, Mariner's Cherry Garcia, FCh,SC, K.& L.Stebritz 4
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr F16
2. Scarlett, Kemar's Tomorrow's Another Day, FCh, P.& E.McNeill 12
3. Sunny, Chesara Jaytea Chimney Swift, SC, D.Gough/J.Ronning 8
4. Aren, FC Kismet's Purple Haze, FCh,VFCh,MC,RN,OTRM2,CRX, M.J.Ronning 4
No Best in Field  

Oct 21, 2012
Emmett, ID
Entry: 38
Region 1 Invitational

BORZOI Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Pickle, Firebird Juls Jump In The Fire, C.Miller/J.Hislop F16
2. Reef, Firebird Juls Ride The Lightning, C.Miller/J.Hislop 12
3. Tulane, Teine Firebird Tulane Blacktop, RN,CGC, C.Miller 8
4. Rogue, Echovesna's High Times At BNW, S.Johnson/H.Goldner 4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Robin, Firebird Juls Enter Sandman, C.Miller/J.Hislop B4
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Nydia, Cy'Era Nydia Di Hadranensis, K.Perry/L.Prieto B16
2. Forla, RockinHeart's Fiore Art, N.L.Wight/K.Perry 12
3. Tony, Kr'Msun Marcus Antonius, K.& A.Watson/C.McDermott DVM 8
GREYHOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Misty, Windrock Misty, K.& C.Fritzler B8
2. Rozie, Texas Rose, S.Aberton 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. BS, Windrock Bertha Better Than You, FCh, K.& C.Fritzler F16
2. Mayzie, Windrock Queen of Diamonds, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler 12
3. Nikki, FC Windrock DM The One And Only, FCh,SC, K. & C.Fritzler 8
4. CJ, FC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler 4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Korkin, Loco Motion's Dance Y'Self Dizzy, C.Hjelm/D.McKibbin B12
Veteran(4, 1 NC)  
1. Rella, DC Raisin'L SA Cinderella, FCh,VFCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short R12
2. Lilla, Gryphons Manet Magic, FCh, D.Runk 9
3. Clowny, DC Special Acres Clown Princess, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Khafre, Tiara Ne-kabu Pyramid of Khafre, FCh, K.& A.Watson B8
2. Khamsin, FC Mia's Too Hot To Handle, FCh,SC, K.& A.Watson +6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Wyatt, Kito's Born To Be Wild, SC, S.& C.Beus/M.Draper B4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Zuri, Temba Mara's Miss Zuri, FCh,SC,RN, S. & C.Beus F4
SALUKI Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Sasha, Salish Alahandra BeyAtShantellie, P.Campbell B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Kira, Litespeed'sCrystalShardAt Willow, J.Robinson/L.Robb/J.Alpert B12
2. Thistle, Litespeed's Yellowstar Thistle, J.Alpert/S.Youngkin 9
SINGLES Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
Open(5, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. BA-Oh No, 'Tis-A Signet Super-OhNo-Va,, K.& S.Katayama 16
2. BA-Chilly, Ch Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N'Chills, D.& C.Nelson 12
3. WH-Danica, KentifieldFlashAsARatWithAGoldto, B.J.Dodge 8
WHIPPET Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
1. Tiger, Tiger, B.J.Dodge B8
2. Becky, Woodsmoke I Beg Your Pardon, P.Campbell 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Penny, Shantellies Pardon Me Angel Eyes, FCh, P.Campbell R8
2. (Connie, Ch Shantellie Countess of Steel, MC,CD,RN, P.Campbell)  
1. Ryan, DC Wirtu's Marathon Man at R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougold/M.Pyle R4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Lyndell Ackerman, Gary Runyan  
GH  Misty, Windrock Misty, K.& C.Fritzler BIF  
SA  Sasha, Salish Alahandra BeyAtShantellie, P.Campbell (162)
IB  Korkin, Loco Motion's Dance Y'Self Dizzy, C.Hjelm/D.McKibbin (157)
WH  Tiger, Tiger, B.J.Dodge (154)
PH  Khafre, Tiara Ne-kabu Pyramid of Khafre, FCh, K.& A.Watson (150)
CE  Nydia, Cy'Era Nydia Di Hadranensis, K.Perry/L.Prieto (146)

Oct 21, 2012
Troy, IL
Entry: 11
Irish Wolfhound Specialty

IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Frances Abrams  
Open(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Quinn, FitzarranDunmadadhPadraicBrieQui, M.Dentino/D.& B.Chastain R28
2. Wallace, Sir William Wallace Crawford, B.Crawford 21
3. CeCe, Tarlog Kearney Eveleen, M.O'Neill 14
4. Sloan, Tarlog Stocai Bana Sloan, M.O'Neill 7
N. Bagheera, Nightwing's Bagheera of Cobol, R.Tregillis/A.I.Gottsch  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty B28
2. Mara, Rockhart Mara of Tresmorn, FCh, B.Renstrom 9
3. Odie, Stoneybrook Odin of Harmony, FCh, K.Oliver/M.Cherry 6
SINGLES Judge: Frances Abrams  
Open(1, 1 NC)  

Oct 27, 2012
Fairburn, GA
Entry: 16
Afghan Hound 76th National Specialty

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Rita Figg, Donna Richards  
Open(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Kepi, High Flying Kepi Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill B36
2. Prince William, Kominek's Hand Of The King, J.Martin 27
3. Joy, Kramatir's Purple Rapture, R.Hendrix 18
4. Jasmine, Charsada A Whole New World, B.Burns 9
N. Violet, Kramatir's Shades of Purple, R.Hendrix  
Field Champion(4, 1 NC)  
1. Sasha, Suni's Time To Run, FCh, R.& K.Moffitt R12
2. Thor, Ch Kasban-Seafire Sultan of Swing, LCM2,CD, E.Leng/G.Sheetz Jr 9
3. Lady Bug, Am DC/Can/UKC Ch Charsada Dreams Can Come True, LCM,FChX,SC,ORM2,RCHS, B.Burns 6
Veteran(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Price, Ch Pizzazzz Priceless, J.Messersmith R12
2. Malone, Can/UKC Ch Charsada Dream No Small Dreams, LCM,Can FCh,SC, J.Martin 9

Oct 27, 2012
Mansfield, GA
Entry: 31

BORZOI Judges: Kirby Overcash, Shirley Rehberg  
1. Vision, Windsheer K-C Red Light Special, K.Parks/L.Thorp B8
2. Boogie, Ch KC Windsheer'nVorel Boogie Fever, K.Parks/L.Gillespie 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Todd Birchfield, Shirley Rehberg  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Georgia, WindSheer Georgia Peach, FCh, L.Thorp/K.Parks B8
2. Harry, Cedar Rock's Harry Houdini, FCh, J.Jenkins/W.Bright 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Kirby Overcash, Shirley Rehberg  
1. Jason, Ch L-Wynds Gone In Sixty Seconds, E.Seward B24
2. Fly, DC Kamar's Flyin' Solo, SC, K.Belz 9
3. Fenix, Ch Amberlinth Fenix Returns toKamer, K.Belz 6
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Farrah, DC KamarsTalkAboutAnIntimatePortrai, FCh,SC, K.Belz DVM R20
2. Poison, DC Kamars Talk Dirty To Me, FCh,SC, K.Belz DVM 15
3. Kali, T'Marras HoorayForTheDragon Lady, FCh, K.Radke 10
4. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez 5
Veteran(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Java, DC Paradise Talk Of The Town, LCM,VFCh,MC,RN, K.Belz,DVM/L.Puskas F24
2. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons 18
3. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons 12
4. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez +6
N. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Kirby Overcash, Shirley Rehberg  
1. (Venus, GCh,DC Diamond's Twisis Tempt'n, LCM2,MC,LCX2,TDI,CGC, D.Parks)  
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
SALUKI Judges: Todd Birchfield, Shirley Rehberg  
Open(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Lisa Marie, Double Time's Love Me Tender, P.Arwood/K.Overcash B12
2. Miles, Ch Miles At Doubletimes Al Asmaanii, CC, K.Overcash/C.Comroe 9
SINGLES Judge: Kirby Overcash  
1. O'Reilly, Flying O'Reilly, L.Fields/L.Thorp 8
2. Journey, WindsheerK-CLovin'Touchin'Squeez,, K.Parks/L.Thorp 6
WHIPPET Judge: Kirby Overcash  
1. Digger, Deco Surprise By Design, C.Sokol/Howard/Rehberg-Gongre B8
2. Velvet, Deco Longlesson Wrapped InVelvet, Cox/Rehberg-Gongre/Longlesson 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. Chaser, Whitaker's Red White and Blue, FCh, K.& A.Whitaker F16
2. Lorelei, Ch Moongaze Jomyr Hypnotic Music, FCh, R.& D.M.Gongre/Dr T.Miller 12
3. Ruffian, Korsakov's Ruffian At Deco, LCM, R.& M.Gongre/S.Rehberg 8
4. Zenyatta, Korsakov's Zenyatta At Deco, FCh, C.& L.Rodesiler 4
1. Everett, O'Run Wandering Oh Brother, LCM12,VFCh, R.& T.Birchfield/C.Owens F4
No Best in Field  

Oct 27, 2012
Lawrence, KS
Entry: 50

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Josie Haumont  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ali Baba, FC Cameo Ghost Of Ali Baba, FCh,SC, K.Nelson/D.Britton B4
BASENJI Judges: Jack Downing, Josie Haumont  
1. Kyra, GCh Sonbar'sVigilantValkyreAtCynosur, V.Jacobs/S.Wurnos F8
2. Zade, Reveille Tri To Conquer, D.Henning 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert F4
Veteran(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert B8
BORZOI Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Myka, Avalon Oxota Ruidoso, D.Meyer/S.Moore/J.Haumont B4
1. Stryx, AvalonValkyrie Stryx O'Pendragon, FCh, D.Meyer/J.Haumont/S.Moore F4
GREYHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
1. Randy, RK Mountain Brandy, R.Koerner B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Vickie Jacobs, Kathy Nelson  
1. Titus, L-Wynd's Talent Compels A Soul, M.Wagenaar/L.Thorne B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Vickie Jacobs, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Emma, Versace's New Copper Penny, FCh, K.Mitchell B8
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Vickie Jacobs  
1. CeCe, Tarlog Kearney Eveleen, M.O'Neill B8
2. Sloan, Tarlog Stocai Bana Sloan, M.O'Neill 6
SALUKI Judges: Jack Downing, Josie Haumont  
1. (Solomon, BII,DC Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case)  
2. Haifa, El Jabri Yamadan Haifa, S.Gamble 15
3. Hara, Yamadan Jawhara Al Hadiya, S.& B.Gamble 10
4. Edie, Mageborn Eydreth Al Qadim, D.Farmer/C.Smith 5
N. Saafira, Al-Yaman Saafira, S.Gamble  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris +B20
2. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt 9
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 6
1. Nazee, Nazee, FCh, S.Schroeder/M.Rogers/L.Trenholm R4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Vickie Jacobs, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Ellie, GlasdunEllaEnchantedofNahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold B8
2. Daisy, Bruach's Aspen Of Nahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold 6
SINGLES Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open(3, 2 NQ)  
1. WH-Rupert, Summit About Last Night,, C.Huzel 12
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Vickie Jacobs, Kathy Nelson  
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach B8
Field Champion(1)  
1. Sergei, Velichestvo Sergei, FCh, A.Caskey F4
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, VFCh,ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach R8
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach 6
WHIPPET Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
1. Sammie, RK Positively Sammie, R.Koerner R16
2. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear 12
3. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner 8
4. Stevie, RK My Even Steven, R.Koerner 4
Field Champion(11)  
1. Serena, FC Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, LCM, L.Rice R40
2. Conall, Finghin's Celtic LegacyOfKirkham, FCh, M.& K.Standerford 30
3. Beyonce, Tru-Luv's Beyonce Heat, FCh,SC, L.Rice/L.Wilson 20
4. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen 10
N. Flynn, Affinity Full Circle To Karamac, FCh,BN, C.McDermott/C.Rogers  
1. Oprah, FC Tru-Luv Wyndancer Oprah Winforme, LCM5,SC, L.Rice/S.King/M.Titus +B40
2. Grace, Ch Tru-Luv's Grace Under Fire, LCM, L.Rice 9
3. Deacon, Sunsation So B It At Karamac, LCM,CD,NA,NAJ,NAC,RE, C.McDermott 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 27, 2012
Cat Spring, TX
Entry: 24

BORZOI Judge: Dana Jensen  
Open(3, 1 NQ)  
1. JT, DC Gryffyn's Aeyrie BringinSexyBack, SC,GRC, R.L.Shell-Whitlock/V.Whitlock +B12
2. Daria, Jedawn's Show Them No Mercy, L.Walenta +9
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Frank Zaworski  
1. Jaci, Cy'Era Jamila, N.Doyle/L.Prieto R8
2. Paola, Cy'Era Paola, M.L.Prieto 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. Maribella, Cy'Era Maribella Hadranensis, FCh, M.L.Prieto B16
2. Maserati, Cy'Era Maserati di Hadranensis, FCh, M.L.Prieto 12
3. Henna, Cy'Era Henna, FCh, M.L.Prieto 8
4. Chloe, Hadranensis Chloe, LCM, M.L.Prieto 4
SINGLES Judge: Frank Zaworski  
Open(5, 5 NQ)  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Frank Zaworski  
1. Katarina, Velichestvo Katarina, D.Murphy B24
2. Enzo, Gryffyn's Aeyrie HipToBeSquare, V.Frey 18
3. Hunter, Gryffyn's All The Right Moves, V.Frey 12
4. Sebastian, Tangalorr Firestorm, D.Murphy 6
N. Penny, Ricmar Gryffyn's Just A Penny, L.Walenta  
WHIPPET Judge: Dana Jensen  
1. Gooey, Resilience High Viscosity, M.Kinch/I.English DVM B8
2. Austin, Liberty's Down Under, D.Curran/L.Perry 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Lani, FC Shannon Down Surf's Up!, FCh,SC, M.S.Kinch F8
2. Buster, Runamok Blockbuster, FCh, L.& F.Zaworski 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Dana Jensen, Frank Zaworski  
WH  Gooey, Resilience High Viscosity, M.Kinch/I.English DVM BIF  
CE  Maribella, Cy'Era Maribella Hadranensis, FCh, M.L.Prieto (145)
BZ  JT, DC Gryffyn's Aeyrie BringinSexyBack, SC,GRC, R.L.Shell-Whitlock/V.Whitlock (142)

Oct 28, 2012
Mansfield, GA
Entry: 29

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Kirby Overcash, Shirley Rehberg  
1. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson B4
BORZOI Judge: Kirby Overcash  
1. Zanoza, Nevskyi Zanoza, N.& V.Polyakov B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Kirby Overcash, Shirley Rehberg  
1. Fenix, Ch Amberlinth Fenix Returns toKamer, K.Belz R8
2. Jason, Ch L-Wynds Gone In Sixty Seconds, E.Seward 6
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Poison, DC Kamars Talk Dirty To Me, FCh,SC, K.Belz DVM B24
2. Farrah, DC KamarsTalkAboutAnIntimatePortrai, FCh,SC, K.Belz DVM 18
3. Kali, T'Marras HoorayForTheDragon Lady, FCh, K.Radke 12
4. Butch, DevillezTryinToGetTheFeelingAg, LCM11, R.DeVillez 6
N. Gus, Devillez Welcome Home Oenghus, LCM2, C.Gibbons  
1. Dakota, Devillez A Lil Travlin Music, LCM3,VLCM3, C.Gibbons F12
2. Junior, Devillez I Am Your Child, FCh, R.DeVillez 9
3. Rhiannon, DeVillez Every Single Day, LCM6,VLCM2, R.DeVillez 6
SALUKI Judge: Shirley Rehberg  
1. Lisa Marie, Double Time's Love Me Tender, P.Arwood/K.Overcash B12
2. Miles, Ch Miles At Doubletimes Al Asmaanii, CC, K.Overcash/C.Comroe 9
3. Pressley, Doubletime's All Shook Up, K.Overcash 6
SINGLES Judge: Shirley Rehberg  
Open(5, 3 NQ)  
1. Will, Wildblue'sSmokestackLightningAtC, W.Bright/G.Cox 20
2. Argus, Argus the Grey, M.Norman 15
WHIPPET Judges: Todd Birchfield, Kirby Overcash  
1. Deavor, Windyglen's EndeavourAtCedarRock, ORC,CRX, W.Bright/C.Evans B16
2. Velvet, Deco Longlesson Wrapped InVelvet, Cox/Rehberg-Gongre/Longlesson 9
3. Digger, Deco Surprise By Design, C.Sokol/Howard/Rehberg-Gongre 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. Ruffian, Korsakov's Ruffian At Deco, LCM, R.& M.Gongre/S.Rehberg R16
2. Zenyatta, Korsakov's Zenyatta At Deco, FCh, C.& L.Rodesiler 12
3. Lorelei, Ch Moongaze Jomyr Hypnotic Music, FCh, R.& D.M.Gongre/Dr T.Miller 8
4. Cosmo, Whispers Cajun Martini O'Run, LCM2, L.& J.Parker/C.Owens 4
1. Splat, O'Run's Comet Road Kill, FCh, W.Bright/C.Owens F4
No Best in Field  

Oct 28, 2012
Lawrence, KS
Entry: 61
Region 5 Inviational

AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Scott Hurlbert  
Field Champion(1)  
1. Ali Baba, FC Cameo Ghost Of Ali Baba, FCh,SC, K.Nelson/D.Britton B4
BASENJI Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
1. Kyra, GCh Sonbar'sVigilantValkyreAtCynosur, V.Jacobs/S.Wurnos B8
2. Zade, Reveille Tri To Conquer, D.Henning 6
Field Champion(2)  
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan R8
2. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, FCh, D.& T.Magnan 6
Veteran(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert R8
BORZOI Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
1. Hal, Oxota Avalon Halbred, J.& M.Haumont/L.Abordo B4
Field Champion(1)  
1. Myka, Avalon Oxota Ruidoso, D.Meyer/S.Moore/J.Haumont F4
GREYHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
1. Randy, RK Mountain Brandy, R.Koerner +R9
Field Champion(2)  
1. Jelli, Iruska Angelica, FCh, T.& K.Bork B8
2. Topper, Iruska Oregon, FCh, T.& K.Bork 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
1. Titus, L-Wynd's Talent Compels A Soul, M.Wagenaar/L.Thorne B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(3)  
1. Toby, FC Elmars Bayou Fast Dobmann, LCM,MC,LCX,GRC, E.& K.McNamee B12
2. Zach, Versace's Little Devil Dog, FCh, K.Mitchell 9
3. Emma, Versace's New Copper Penny, FCh, K.Mitchell 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
1. CeCe, Tarlog Kearney Eveleen, M.O'Neill B8
2. Sloan, Tarlog Stocai Bana Sloan, M.O'Neill 6
SALUKI Judges: Jack Downing, Scott Hurlbert  
1. Haifa, El Jabri Yamadan Haifa, S.Gamble R12
2. (Solomon, BII,DC Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case)  
3. Willow, Jalynn's Willow In The Wind, C.Henry/R.Elfgreen 6
Field Champion(4)  
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris B16
2. Peyton, DC Jalynn Keez Pvt First Class, FCh,MC, J.Davila 12
3. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt 8
4. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 4
1. Nazee, Nazee, FCh, S.Schroeder/M.Rogers/L.Trenholm R4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion(2)  
1. Ellie, GlasdunEllaEnchantedofNahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold B8
2. Daisy, Bruach's Aspen Of Nahr-Volts, FCh, D.Narwold 6
SINGLES Judges: Jack Downing, Josie Haumont  
Open(6, 2 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. SA-The Brees, Cameo's Cool Brees Shaneen,, J.Davila 20
2. BA-Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2, T.Colbert 15
3. SA-Saafi, Al Yaman Saafira, S.Gamble 10
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach +B8
Field Champion(1)  
1. Sergei, Velichestvo Sergei, FCh, A.Caskey R4
1. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach +R8
2. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, VFCh,ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach 6
WHIPPET Judges: Jack Downing, Josie Haumont  
1. Sammie, RK Positively Sammie, R.Koerner R16
2. Toni, RK Winning On Broadway, C.& C.Lear 12
3. Stevie, RK My Even Steven, R.Koerner 8
4. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner 4
Field Champion(13)  
1. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen B40
2. Penny, Speedwell's Painted Trillium, FCh, C.& C.Lear 30
3. Tripp, Ch Summit An American In Paris, LCM,SC, C.Huzel/S.Vernon 20
4. Beyonce, Tru-Luv's Beyonce Heat, FCh,SC, L.Rice/L.Wilson 10
N. Serena, FC Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, LCM, L.Rice  
1. Grace, Ch Tru-Luv's Grace Under Fire, LCM, L.Rice R24
2. Deacon, Sunsation So B It At Karamac, LCM,CD,NA,NAJ,NAC,RE, C.McDermott 18
3. Darla, Wildfyre's Lil Blue Angel, LCM5, J.Hurlbert 12
4. Dina, Ch Windsheen Dashing Divine Ms D, LCM, J.& S.Hurlbert 6
N. Oprah, FC Tru-Luv Wyndancer Oprah Winforme, LCM5,SC, L.Rice/S.King/M.Titus  
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jack Downing, Kathy Nelson  
WH  Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen BIF  
IB  Titus, L-Wynd's Talent Compels A Soul, M.Wagenaar/L.Thorne (151)
GH  Jelli, Iruska Angelica, FCh, T.& K.Bork (148)
IG  Toby, FC Elmars Bayou Fast Dobmann, LCM,MC,LCX,GRC, E.& K.McNamee (1450

Oct 28, 2012
Cat Spring, TX
Entry: 16

BORZOI Judge: Renee Franklin  
1. Lump, Gryffyn's Aeyrie Here For You, SC, R.L.Shell/V.Whitlock +B8
2. Nox, Gryffyn's Aeyrie Nox, R.L.Shell-Whitlock/V.Whitlock 6
Field Champion(1)  
1. Daria, Jedawn's Show Them No Mercy, L.Walenta R4
SINGLES Judge: Renee Franklin  
Open(5, 3 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. IG-Basil, Lone Star's Roman Holiday, A.Lewing 16
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Renee Franklin, Frank Zaworski  
Open(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Enzo, Gryffyn's Aeyrie HipToBeSquare, V.Frey B24
2. Hunter, Gryffyn's All The Right Moves, V.Frey 18
3. Katarina, Velichestvo Katarina, D.Murphy 12
4. Penny, Ricmar Gryffyn's Just A Penny, L.Walenta 6
N. Sebastian, Tangalorr Firestorm, D.Murphy  
WHIPPET Judge: Frank Zaworski  
1. Gooey, Resilience High Viscosity, M.Kinch/I.English DVM B8
2. Austin, Liberty's Down Under, D.Curran/L.Perry 6
No Best in Field  

Oct 28, 2012
Gilroy, CA
Entry: 17
Silken Windhound Specialty

SINGLES Judges: Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski, Lee Opresko  
Open(5, 3 NQ)  
1. SW-Cooper, Aigrette's Golden Key, D.& C.Claggett/T.Campbell 20
2. SW-Djinn, Scirocco's Blue Djinn, A.& R.Steele 15
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski, Lee Opresko  
Open(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Yuu-Ga, Scirocco's Pacific Merlion, R.Shirakawa R24
2. Zeph, Silken Mythology Zephyr, J.Arp 18
3. Lego, Allagante Mai Tai Davan, P.& K.Sanders 12
4. Keno, Allagante Ka-Nee-Ta, Sinclair/Tradewell 6
N. Dune, Renaissance Dune's Duncan, P.Evridge Hill  
Field Champion(4)  
1. Gilbert, Aeracuras Fantasy Gilbert, M.Smith/B.Franklin B24
2. Mini, Fantasy farms Musetta's Waltz, B.Franklin 12
3. Bados, Allagante Windspirit Barbados, J.Vookles 8
4. Dior, Ch Allagante Christian Dior, FCh,ISWS LCM2,IC,SRC,CGC, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders 4
1. Ella, Tangloor Eleanor of Rubia, C.& R.Wolpin R8
2. Yasu, Kristull Yasu, B.Franklin 6