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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

2009 - 2016 Records


Records - July 2019 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Jul 06, 2019 Littlestown, PA Entry: 29
TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Jul 07, 2019 Littlestown, PA Entry: 36
GOIN' UP NORTH COURSING CLUB Jul 12, 2019 Duluth, MN Entry: 11
AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Jul 13, 2019 Limestone, TN Entry: 32
GOIN' UP NORTH COURSING CLUB Jul 13, 2019 Duluth, MN Entry: 16
POTOMAC AFGHAN HOUND CLUB Jul 13, 2019 Littlestown, PA Entry: 40
AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Jul 14, 2019 Limestone, TN Entry: 25
POTOMAC AFGHAN HOUND CLUB Jul 14, 2019 Littlestown, PA Entry: 38
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 20, 2019 Farmington, MN Entry: 52
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 21, 2019 Farmington, MN Entry: 49
IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST COAST Jul 27, 2019 Lompoc, CA Entry: 2 Irish Wolfhound Specialty
LOBO LURE COURSING CLUB Jul 27, 2019 Peyton, CO Entry: 10 Lure Coursing Instinct Specialty
LOBO LURE COURSING CLUB Jul 28, 2019 Peyton,CO Entry: 10 Lure Coursing Instinct Specialty

Jul 06, 2019
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 29
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Magnus, Exquisite Crown Prince of Elation, T.& C.Thomas/B.A.& H.Hall B8
2. Ghisa, Waru-Shah's Ghislaine Setareh, D.Hayman 6
BASENJI Judge: Don Ewing  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM7,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders F12
2. Pattie, FC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa 9
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VLCM,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders B4
BORZOI Judge: Don Ewing  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, D.Darling R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rhayne, C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling F4
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green B16
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM3,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling 12
3. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM3,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 8
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, FCh,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 4
LCI LARGE Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Java, Black Pearl Java, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 16
2. Boney, 999 Happy Haunts There's Room For One More, CAX4,RN, D.R.& J.Light 12
3. Remi, Reminton Jerla, K.Jerla 8
4. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B12
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 9
3. (Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, SC, S.& C.Leslie)  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley F8
2. Rikki, GCh,DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, P.Buswell 4
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(5)  
1. Rishi, T'Daz Rishi Vortex Traveler, TCP, M.Pomato/B.Haner 20
2. Pamina, Shahanshah Pamina Al Qadim, C.Smith/J.Kadel/J.Copenhaver 15
3. Bey, Kahtahdin's Baeriz Bey-Nefer, P.Ruggles/J.Copenhaver 10
4. Caldera, Eden's Corah K Burnin Love, N.Lipinski 5
N. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski  
WHIPPET Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Atlas, Ch T'Daz Map To The Stars, L.Sutton/B.A.Haner R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jimi, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, FCh, B.Haner B4
No Best in Field  
Jul 07, 2019
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 36
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Magnus, Exquisite Crown Prince of Elation, T.& C.Thomas/B.A.& H.Hall B8
2. Ghisa, Waru-Shah's Ghislaine Setareh, D.Hayman 6
BASENJI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM7,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders R12
2. Pattie, FC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa 9
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VLCM,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders B4
BORZOI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, D.Darling F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rhayne, C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling R4
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green B16
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM3,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling 12
3. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM3,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 8
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, FCh,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 4
LCI LARGE Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Java, Black Pearl Java, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 12
2. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 9
3. Boney, 999 Happy Haunts There's Room For One More, CAX4,RN, D.R.& J.Light 6
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Izzy, FC Adriatic Sams Ivy Blossom, SC,TKN,CGC, G.& J.Pulliam/C.Ellingson R8
2. Reilly, Diamond's Life Of Reilly, SC, B.& E.Goodman 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B12
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 9
3. (Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, SC, S.& C.Leslie)  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley F8
2. Rikki, GCh,DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie 6
LCI SMALL Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, P.Buswell 4
SINGLES Judge: Don Ewing  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Pamina, Shahanshah Pamina Al Qadim, C.Smith/J.Kadel/J.Copenhaver 24
2. Dreamer, Mystic Run  On Cloud Nine, D.& J.Myers 18
3. Caldera, Eden's Corah K Burnin Love, N.Lipinski 12
4. Bey, Kahtahdin's Baeriz Bey-Nefer, P.Ruggles/J.Copenhaver 6
N. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski  
WHIPPET Judge: Don Ewing  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Shelly, Gibbous Call Me On My Shell Phone, M.Schnyder/D.Deacosta/K.Kubera B16
2. Kita, Diablesse Kita, H.Miller 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Kitty, Gibbous Purr-Suit Of Happiness, FCh, M.Schnyder/D.Deacosta/K.Kubera R16
2. Rasher, DC Terrena's And The Crowd Goes Wild, LCM,SC, M.Morton/D.Hursh/T.Deluca 12
3. Comet, Moonshadow's Shooting Star By T'Daz, FCh, D.& J.Myers 8
4. Juice, Terrena's Squeeze My Lemon, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin  
WH  Shelly, Gibbous Call Me On My Shell Phone, M.Schnyder/D.Deacosta/K.Kubera BIF  (77)
AH  Magnus, Exquisite Crown Prince of Elation, T.& C.Thomas/B.A.& H.Hall -76
Jul 12, 2019
Peyton, CO
Entry: 26
BORZOI Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Lolita, Zoiboyz Lolita, L.Pocurull/KC Thompson B20
2. Imp, Del Sol Mission Impossible, Dr.S.Van de Water 15
3. Langley, Zoiboyz Langley, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 10
4. Charade, GCh Katushka's Charade, J.Law 5
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM, S.Van de Water/S.Moore R16
2. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, FCh, T.Golcher/KC Thompson 12
3. Boots, Ch Del Sol Hermies Boots, LCM, S.Van de Water 8
4. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,SGRC, S.Van de Water 4
GREYHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Caddy, Lakilanni Pink Cadillac, SC,BCAT, C.Sisson B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Copper, GCh Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, FCh,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar B12
2. Cayper, GCh,DC Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, FCh,CGC,SC, D.Kunard 9
3. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Cayman, GChB,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,VFCh,MC,RN,HIC,LCX3, D.& M.Kunard F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Indigo, GChB, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, LCM,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins B8
2. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, FCh,TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar 6
SALUKI Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Sodi, Ch Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, TCP,FCh, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan B4
SINGLES Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe  
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Lauren, Katushka's Wish Upon A Star, E.Erickson/J.Law 8
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC)  
1. Azuma, Clayborn's Jamaican Mango, M.Lundberg B8
2. Baku, Clayborn's Eureka, L.Garabedian/S.Small 6
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Davy, Free Flite Day Dream Believer At Solstice, L.Pocurull/D.Bost B8
2. Grizzly, Sincity Grizz, I.Ben-Joseph 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Ryder, Ch Artistry's Go For Broke, FCh, C.Scott/L.Jordan F8
2. Athena, FC Shannon Down Winter Is Coming, FCh, T.Woody 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Deann Britton, Claudia Miller  
SW  Azuma, Clayborn's Jamaican Mango, M.Lundberg BIF  (148)
WH  Davy, Free Flite Day Dream Believer At Solstice, L.Pocurull/D.Bost -146
RR  Indigo, GChB, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, LCM,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins -143
SA  Sodi, Ch Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, TCP,FCh, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan -142
Jul 12, 2019
Duluth, MN
Entry: 11
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Amy, Ch Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, FCh, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt B4
SINGLES Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Bowen, Savi's Maple Leaf, J.Burtch 24
2. Easton, Flutesong's Night Train, C.Doyle 18
3. Croce, Flutesong's Klassic Design, J.Doyle/N.Craigie 12
4. Earl, Ch Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, SC, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 6
N. Ireland, Flutesong's Long May You Run, TCP, J.Doyle/N.Craigie  
WHIPPET Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Piper, Amherst Woods Affinity's Heart, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs B4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs F8
2. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, FCh, C.Rogers 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4,VLCM, D.Duffert F4
No Best in Field  
Jul 13, 2019
Limestone, TN
Entry: 32
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lucius, FC Kominek's Lucius, SC, M.Terry B8
2. Narcissa, Ch Kominek's Narcissa, SC, E.& S.Kominek 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Ingvar, Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, FCh, E.& S.Kominek F12
2. (Cersei, GCh,DC Kominek's Play The Game Of Thrones, FCh,SC, E.& S.Kominek)  
3. Soleil, DC Watling Street Zarin Sun At Dvangel, LCM,MC,LCX, E.& S.Kominek 6
BASENJI Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert F8
2. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM3,LCX,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Eddie Kominek, Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Moby, FC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding B4
Field Champion Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lucy, Hallam Mia Lucy Lightfoot Al Bakhu, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/R.Newman B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Eddie Kominek, Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tosh, DC Symetri's Tosh O So Colorful, SC, J.& D.Wilkinson R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Zayin, BII,GCh,DC Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery B8
2. Reko, FC Orchard View's Honorable Reko, FCh,SC, J.Trombetta 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM5,SC, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks +R8
2. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VFCh, J.Tromb etta 6
SALUKI Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, FCh, M.F.Miller B8
SINGLES Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Single Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Violet, Sporting Fields Of Violets, C.Haselton/D.Butt 20
2. Fancy, Calloway Blue Ice Fantasy Of Mihdian, B.Brannock/R.& J.Schoolcraft 15
3. Lotus, DC Taji's Asian Flower Power At Bluenote, FCh,SC, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell 10
WHIPPET Judges: Eddie Kominek, Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Spock, Free Wynd's Live Long And Prosper, A.& B.Hartle B20
2. Zeb, Ableaim Zoom In, G.& J.Boyd 15
3. Nia, DC Ableaim You're Still The One, SC, G.& J.Boyd 10
4. Himm's, Ableaim Golden Prospect, G.& J.Boyd 5
N. Rosie, Kalina Ableaim Tailwind's Run For The Roses, R.Ship/G.Boyd  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Clark, Longrun's Man of Steel At Longlesson, FCh, T.& P.Haig/Longlesson Knl F4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Ethel, Les's Ethel, LCM,VFCh,SC, M.F.Miller F8
2. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,VFCh,SC, M.F.Miller 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kirby Overcash  
AH  Lucius, FC Kominek's Lucius, SC, M.Terry BIF  (64)
PH  Lucy, Hallam Mia Lucy Lightfoot Al Bakhu, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/R.Newman -63
Jul 13, 2019
Peyton, CO
Entry: 31
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Isha, Ishq Of Synergon, E.Abresch B4
BORZOI Judge: Frank Cassano  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Siona, Oxota Molodezovna Alnilam Synergon, E.Abresch/L.Abordo B16
2. Bear, Del Sol Ursa Major, Dr.S.Van de Water 6
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Indy Go, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, LCM, KC Thompson/T.Golcher R16
2. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,SGRC, S.Van de Water 12
3. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM, S.Van de Water/S.Moore 8
GREYHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Frank Cassano  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Copper, GCh Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, FCh,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar B12
2. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar 9
3. Cayper, GCh,DC Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, FCh,CGC,SC, D.Kunard 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Cayman, GChB,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,VFCh,MC,RN,HIC,LCX3, D.& M.Kunard F4
SALUKI Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Spirit, Winds Baha Spirit Of The Mountain, A.& P.Sauve B16
2. Zephyr, Celestian Studen, D. & M.L.Skropanic 12
3. Zorro, Celestian Stribor, D.& M.L.Skropanic 8
4. Magic, Ch Azharaani's Black Magic, G.Hayden/F.Bennett 4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jamiil, GCh Shafiq Blue Nile Jamiil, FCh, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan R8
2. Sodi, Ch Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, TCP,FCh, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan 6
SINGLES Judge: Tom Golcher  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Shafiq, Bazinga Foreign Affair, V.Beaman/S.T.Hansen 8
2. Tux, Ch Fleetfield Suntiger Silver Ghost, CD,BN,RA, C.Sisson/S.Grant 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(3, 2 NQ)  
1. Azuma, Clayborn's Jamaican Mango, M.Lundberg B12
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Oliver, Firebird Clayborn Sea Dragon, FCh, J.Casey/C.Wester F4
WHIPPET Judge: Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Davy, Free Flite Day Dream Believer At Solstice, L.Pocurull/D.Bost R16
2. Grizzly, Sincity Grizz, I.Ben-Joseph 12
3. Bella, Longrun's Belleau Wood Million Pieces, T.Woody 8
DQ. Gator, Wildabout KB's Jambalay On The Bayou, C.Burns  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Sonny, FC Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle B16
2. Charlie, FC Belaya R'L Seahawk, FCh,SC,BCAT, I.McDougald/M.Pyle 9
3. Athena, FC Shannon Down Winter Is Coming, FCh, T.Woody 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
AH  Isha, Ishq Of Synergon, E.Abresch BIF  (145)
BZ  Siona, Oxota Molodezovna Alnilam Synergon, E.Abresch/L.Abordo -143
SA  Spirit, Winds Baha Spirit Of The Mountain, A.& P.Sauve -140
Jul 13, 2019
Duluth, MN
Entry: 16
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Nike, Ch Ysanti Notorious Nike, TCP, V.Fagre-Stroetz B16
2. Oakley, Ysanti Triton Surfing The Wave, A.Kallod/K.Bruggerman 12
3. Phredi, GCh Ysanti Mighty Aphrodite, V.Fagre-Stroetz 8
4. Piper, Ch Karizma Rustic It Takes A Thief, K.Bruggeman/S.Nelson/A.Kallod 4
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, V.Fagre-Stroetz F8
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bowen, Savi's Maple Leaf, J.Burtch B8
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM2 ,SC, T.& W.Olson R8
DQ. Amy, Ch Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, FCh, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt  
SINGLES Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Earl, Ch Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, SC, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 8
WHIPPET Judges: Dawn Gibas, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Piper, Amherst Woods Affinity's Heart, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs F8
2. Dixie, Affinity's Whte Liar, A.& C.Rogers/C.Juelfs 6
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs B12
2. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, FCh, C.Rogers 9
No Best in Field  
Jul 13, 2019
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 40
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Francis Byrne, Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ghisa, Waru-Shah's Ghislaine Setareh, D.Hayman R8
2. Magnus, Exquisite Crown Prince of Elation, T.& C.Thomas/B.A.& H.Hall 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Typsy, Evensong's Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat, FCh, R.& L.Jordan +B8
2. Sansa, Kominek's Lady Of The Court, LCM, R.& L.Jordan/S.Kominek 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Millie, FC Evensong's Thoroughly Modern Millie, LCM,SC, R.& L.Jordan F4
BASENJI Judges: John Arvin, Jim Dumais  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Pattie, FC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa F20
2. Coco, Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, FCh, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa 15
3. Brady, Ch Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, FCh, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa 10
4. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM7,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders 5
N. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VLCM,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders B4
BORZOI Judges: John Arvin, Jim Dumais  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, D.Darling R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rhayne, C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling F4
Veteran Flight A(4, 2 NQ)  
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green B16
2. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM3,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 12
LCI LARGE Judge: Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Kinsey, Wildrose Allure Diamonds And Pearls, R.& F.Lutz 12
2. Java, Black Pearl Java, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 9
3. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Francis Byrne, Jim Dumais  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Izzy, FC Adriatic Sams Ivy Blossom, SC,TKN,CGC, G.& J.Pulliam/C.Ellingson B24
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Jinx, FC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II R24
2. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, FCH,MC,LCX,NA,NF,CGC, R.Quist 18
3. Erzuli, Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 12
4. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM2,SC, B.A.Dieckman 6
N. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM8,VLCM2,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II F8
2. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judges: Francis Byrne, Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Blue, Ch Qahraman Dar Sherom Har Kala Rachi, TCP, S.Shuman/L.A.Brouseus B4
SINGLES Judge: Diana Darling  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Dreamer, Mystic Run  On Cloud Nine, D.& J.Myers 24
2. Birdie, High Kalibers Swoosh, N.& J.Johnson 18
3. Olaf, Ch Sherom Silverlea Olaf's Warm Hugs, CPX, S.Shuman/L.A.Broseus 12
4. Luna, High Kaliber's Lunar Epic, N.& J.Johnson 6
N. Jordan, High Kaliber's Air Jordan, N.& J.Johnson  
WHIPPET Judges: Francis Byrne, Jim Dumais  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Atlas, Ch T'Daz Map To The Stars, L.Sutton/B.A.Haner F8
2. Roxie, UGRCh,UR01,UAGII Windryder's Woman On Wheels, RE,SC,NAJ,NAP,CGC,NAP,CA, R.& F.Lutz 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Comet, Moonshadow's Shooting Star By T'Daz, FCh, D.& J.Myers B8
2. Streak, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Shower, FCh, B.Haner 6
No Best in Field  
Jul 14, 2019
Limestone, TN
Entry: 25
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lucius, FC Kominek's Lucius, SC, M.Terry B8
2. Narcissa, Ch Kominek's Narcissa, SC, E.& S.Kominek 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Ingvar, Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, FCh, E.& S.Kominek F12
2. Soleil, DC Watling Street Zarin Sun At Dvangel, LCM,MC,LCX, E.& S.Kominek 9
3. (Cersei, GCh,DC Kominek's Play The Game Of Thrones, FCh,SC, E.& S.Kominek)  
BASENJI Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert B8
2. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM3,LCX,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Moby, FC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Reko, FC Orchard View's Honorable Reko, FCh,SC, J.Trombetta B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VFCh, J.Tromb etta F4
SINGLES Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Single Flight A(7, 3 NQ)  
1. Fancy, Calloway Blue Ice Fantasy Of Mihdian, B.Brannock/R.& J.Schoolcraft 28
2. Violet, Sporting Fields Of Violets, C.Haselton/D.Butt 21
3. Lotus, DC Taji's Asian Flower Power At Bluenote, FCh,SC, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell 14
4. Leo, Kominek's Draco, E.& L.Killian 7
WHIPPET Judge: Kirby Overcash  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Spock, Free Wynd's Live Long And Prosper, A.& B.Hartle B16
2. Zeb, Ableaim Zoom In, G.& J.Boyd 12
3. Himm's, Ableaim Golden Prospect, G.& J.Boyd 8
4. Nia, DC Ableaim You're Still The One, SC, G.& J.Boyd 4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Ethel, Les's Ethel, LCM,VFCh,SC, M.F.Miller F8
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kirby Overcash  
IB  Moby, FC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding BIF  (79)
AH  Lucius, FC Kominek's Lucius, SC, M.Terry -78
WH  Spock, Free Wynd's Live Long And Prosper, A.& B.Hartle -77
BA  Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert -77
RR  Reko, FC Orchard View's Honorable Reko, FCh,SC, J.Trombetta -76
Jul 14, 2019
Peyton, CO
Entry: 31
BORZOI Judges: Russel Buhrdorf, Peter Lowe  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Langley, Zoiboyz Langley, KC Thompson/T.Golcher B16
2. Lolita, Zoiboyz Lolita, L.Pocurull/KC Thompson 12
3. Liberty, Zoiboyz Liberty Texas, Dr S.Van de Ater 8
4. Charade, GCh Katushka's Charade, J.Law 4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, FCh, T.Golcher/KC Thompson F16
2. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water 12
3. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,SGRC, S.Van de Water 8
4. Boots, Ch Del Sol Hermies Boots, LCM, S.Van de Water 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Peter Lowe  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Cayper, GCh,DC Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, FCh,CGC,SC, D.Kunard B12
2. Copper, GCh Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, FCh,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 9
3. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Cayman, GChB,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM2,VFCh,MC,RN,HIC,LCX3, D.& M.Kunard F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Michael Hussey, Peter Lowe  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Indigo, GChB, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, LCM,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins B8
2. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, FCh,TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar 6
SALUKI Judges: Russel Buhrdorf, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Spirit, Winds Baha Spirit Of The Mountain, A.& P.Sauve B16
2. Zephyr, Celestian Studen, D. & M.L.Skropanic 12
3. Magic, Ch Azharaani's Black Magic, G.Hayden/F.Bennett 8
DQ. Zorro, Celestian Stribor, D.& M.L.Skropanic  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Sodi, Ch Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, TCP,FCh, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan R4
SINGLES Judges: Deann Britton, Michael Hussey  
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Lauren, Katushka's Wish Upon A Star, E.Erickson/J.Law 16
2. Shafiq, Bazinga Foreign Affair, V.Beaman/S.T.Hansen 12
3. Quill, Katushka's Star Lord, J.Law 8
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Azuma, Clayborn's Jamaican Mango, M.Lundberg B12
2. Baku, Clayborn's Eureka, L.Garabedian/S.Small 9
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Davy, Free Flite Day Dream Believer At Solstice, L.Pocurull/D.Bost F8
2. Grizzly, Sincity Grizz, I.Ben-Joseph 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Sonny, FC Belaya Here Comes The Son to R'L, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle B8
2. Charlie, FC Belaya R'L Seahawk, FCh,SC,BCAT, I.McDougald/M.Pyle 6
No Best in Field  
Jul 14, 2019
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 38
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: John Arvin, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ghisa, Waru-Shah's Ghislaine Setareh, D.Hayman R8
2. Magnus, Exquisite Crown Prince of Elation, T.& C.Thomas/B.A.& H.Hall 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Typsy, Evensong's Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat, FCh, R.& L.Jordan B8
2. Sansa, Kominek's Lady Of The Court, LCM, R.& L.Jordan/S.Kominek 6
BASENJI Judges: Francis Byrne, Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Pattie, FC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa F20
2. Coco, Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, FCh, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa 15
3. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM7,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders 10
4. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM3,CA,SC,RATI, K.Sanders 5
N. Brady, Ch Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, FCh, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,VLCM,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, K.Sanders B4
BORZOI Judges: John Arvin, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. JR, Satara Aria Ramblin Man At Phoenixx, P.& J.Schreiber B12
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rhayne, C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling R4
Veteran Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green R12
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,VLCM3,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling 9
LCI LARGE Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Boney, 999 Happy Haunts There's Room For One More, CAX4,RN, D.R.& J.Light 12
2. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 9
3. Java, Black Pearl Java, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Diana Darling, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Reilly, Diamond's Life Of Reilly, SC, B.& E.Goodman R8
2. Izzy, FC Adriatic Sams Ivy Blossom, SC,TKN,CGC, G.& J.Pulliam/C.Ellingson 6
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, LCM2,SC, B.A.Dieckman B24
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 18
3. Erzuli, Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 12
4. Jinx, FC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
N. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, FCH,MC,LCX,NA,NF,CGC, R.Quist  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley F4
SALUKI Judges: John Arvin, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Blue, Ch Qahraman Dar Sherom Har Kala Rachi, TCP, S.Shuman/L.A.Brouseus B4
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Birdie, High Kalibers Swoosh, N.& J.Johnson 20
2. Olaf, Ch Sherom Silverlea Olaf's Warm Hugs, CPX, S.Shuman/L.A.Broseus 15
3. Jordan, High Kaliber's Air Jordan, N.& J.Johnson 10
4. Luna, High Kaliber's Lunar Epic, N.& J.Johnson 5
WHIPPET Judges: Diana Darling, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Atlas, Ch T'Daz Map To The Stars, L.Sutton/B.A.Haner B12
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Jimi, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, FCh, B.Haner F12
2. Rasher, DC Terrena's And The Crowd Goes Wild, LCM,SC, M.Morton/D.Hursh/T.Deluca 9
3. Juice, Terrena's Squeeze My Lemon, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer R4
No Best in Field  
Jul 14, 2019
Damascus, OR
Entry: 38
BASENJI Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Siren, DC Zamaradi's Veela, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner B16
2. Tori, Arubmec's Gran Torino At Zamaradi, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 12
3. Doc, GCh Zamaradi's Doc Holliday, SC,RATN, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 8
4. Dinah, GCh Kaleonahe's & Relic Flower Power For Zamaradi, TCP,SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Justine, GCh,DC Arubmec's Justified, FCh,SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner/Cembur F4
BORZOI Judge: Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Theo, Oxota Del Sol Revolutionary Fire, SC, E.Fuller B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Nuq, Alfheim's Regulus, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod R4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC,RATI, A.& S.McLeod B16
2. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens 12
3. Dolce, DC Alfheim's Sogno d'Oro, FCh,SGRC,SORC,SC,NAJ, G. & J.Behrens/A.& S.McLeod 8
4. Meeka, FC IGRF's Bohemian Rhapsody In Blue, FCh,SC,SGRC3,ORC,SOR, G.& J.Behrens 4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Finn, Finn IV, K.Rogers B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Owen, Ch Coso N Zamaradi's Hollywood Heartthrob, CGC,RATI,TKN, J.Falkner/S.Smith-Falkner B4
SINGLES Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Harkness, Quixandz Torchwood, H.Tresillus/J.Morris 24
2. Miley, Wildbriar Who Owns My Heart At Eryas, C.& R.Sayre 18
3. Magic, Valeska Magic Is A Foot, A.Star 12
4. Gita, Firebirds Star of Sagitta, TCP, J.Vookles 6
N. Maverick, Oxota Steppes Top Gun, C.& R.Wolpin  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
Open Flight A(11, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Podzol, Attaway's Jaguarundi, P.& K.Ng +B40
2. Bourbon, Allagante Burbon Street, P.& K.Sanders 30
3. Rumer, Allagante Cygnus Rumer Glenn, P.& K.Sanders 20
4. Shoku, Allagante Eclipsse Del Sol, K.Sanders/C.Hoffman 10
N. Stetson, Winsome-Kinobi's True Grit, I.Stetson  
DIS. Hawk, Allagant Cynus Hudson Hawk, C.Hoffman  
Field Champion Flight A(8, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. EZ, Allagante Perfect Isn't Easy, FCh, K.& P.Sanders R32
2. Salsa, Windspirit Dancin The Salsa, FCh, K.& P.Sanders 24
3. Cartier, Allagante Cartier Diamond, LCM2, P.& K.Sanders/Bancuk/Holmberg 16
4. Danni, Allagante Moondance Wild Rose, FCh, T.Mills 8
N. Conner, Summersspirit Infhenit 00 Seven, FCh, J.Vookles  
Dis in BOB 2nd Place. EZ, Allagante Perfect Isn't Easy, FCh, K.& P.Sanders  
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Leonore Abordo, Greg Ward  
BA  Siren, DC Zamaradi's Veela, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner BIF  (139)
RR  Owen, Ch Coso N Zamaradi's Hollywood Heartthrob, CGC,RATI,TKN, J.Falkner/S.Smith-Falkner -135
Jul 20, 2019
Farmington, MN
Entry: 52
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert B8
2. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM3,LCX,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, FCh, D.& T.Magnan F12
2. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, LCM, D.& T.Magnan 9
DIS. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert  
GREYHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Buster, Mythical Story, L.Warden F8
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, FCh, L.Warden B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jadis, Ch Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch B12
2. Thea, Kamars Flying Arrow, S.Duryee/K.Belz 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, FCh,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt R12
2. Izzy, DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, FCh,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz 9
3. Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, FCh,SC, L.Petesch/K.Belz 6
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Brixton, Infiniti Modern Love At Bravo, FCh, B.Steinlage/K.& R.Frennier B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Iris, Cambridge's Brown Eyed Girl At Kibo, K.Peterson/S.Bell/C. & H.Bailiff B12
2. Ace, Ridgerunrs Ace In The Hole, R.Keller Jr 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM,CA,SC, R.L.Marvin R8
2. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM2 ,SC, T.& W.Olson 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Daisy, Kacela's Miss Daisy, S.Bell/J.Ohrnberger R12
2. Moran, GCh,Int'l Ch,MBIS R Star Moran Sunjata, FCh, M.& F.Filippelli 9
3. Senna, Ch Ivorymoon's Senna San Marino, FCh,VFCh, S.Davis/S.Hartwig 6
SINGLES Judge: Christie Beetz  
Single Flight A(12, 2 NQ)  
1. Luna, Atlas Central Park, J.Honza 40
2. Clover, Northwind's Lucky Four Leaf Clover, R.Harris 30
3. Lux, Taylor Made Summer Solstice, C.& J.Landowski 20
4. Easton, Flutesong's Night Train, C.Doyle 10
N. Croce, Flutesong's Klassic Design, J.Doyle/N.Craigie  
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Quest, RK Sada Harmonyman of La Mancha, S.Duryee B36
2. Zen Daisy, Wylie's Rendezvous With Zen, K.Thomas/M.Mymudes 27
3. Athena, Atlas Times Square, J.Honza 18
4. Dixie, Affinity's Whte Liar, A.& C.Rogers/C.Juelfs 9
N. Ramses, Atlas Rakish Rambler, J.Honza  
Field Champion Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM, C.Canard R28
2. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs 21
3. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, FCh, C.Canard 14
4. Tillie, Northwind's Marvelous Matilda, FCh, R.Corley/K.Nierengarten 7
N. Violet, Windflight No Shrinking Violet, FCh, D.Duffert  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B. Beary Bright, LCM, D.Duffert F12
2. Ollie, Ch Northwind's Side Kick de Sud, LCM, S. & D. Weitzenkamp 9
3. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4,VLCM, D.Duffert 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
IB  Jadis, Ch Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch BIF  (147)
WH  Quest, RK Sada Harmonyman of La Mancha, S.Duryee -145
BA  Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert -144
GH  Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, FCh, L.Warden -141
RR  Iris, Cambridge's Brown Eyed Girl At Kibo, K.Peterson/S.Bell/C. & H.Bailiff -134
Jul 21, 2019
Farmington, MN
Entry: 49
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, FCh,SC,LCX,SGRC,ORC,TKN, T.Colbert F8
2. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM3,LCX,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM8,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Buster, Mythical Story, L.Warden F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, FCh, L.Warden B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Jadis, Ch Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch F16
2. Ellie, Kibby N Treybeau's Light My Fire, S.Wright-Hiller 12
3. Tut, Kibbys American Pharaoh Of Sada N Treybeau, S.Duryee/S.Wright-Hiller 8
4. Thea, Kamars Flying Arrow, S.Duryee/K.Belz 4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, FCh,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt B12
2. Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, FCh,SC, L.Petesch/K.Belz 9
3. Izzy, DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, FCh,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ace, Ridgerunrs Ace In The Hole, R.Keller Jr B8
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM2 ,MC,LCX, T.& W.Olson +R8
2. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM,TKN,MC, R.L.Marvin 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Senna, Ch Ivorymoon's Senna San Marino, FCh,VFCh, S.Davis/S.Hartwig F4
SINGLES Judge: Ian Davies  
Single Flight A(12, 1 NQ)  
1. Felix, Sporting Fields Dashing Line In The Sand, TCP, K.& P. Krahn/D.& G.Samuelson 40
2. Corvo, Ardachu Corvo At Glasdun, M.& C.Rasmussen 30
3. Clover, Northwind's Lucky Four Leaf Clover, R.Harris 20
4. Luna, Atlas Central Park, J.Honza 10
N. Lux, Taylor Made Summer Solstice, C.& J.Landowski  
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Zen Daisy, Wylie's Rendezvous With Zen, K.Thomas/M.Mymudes B32
2. Quest, RK Sada Harmonyman of La Mancha, S.Duryee 24
3. Riggs, O'Neill's In Cahoots, T.Borland/M.O'Neill 16
4. Ramses, Atlas Rakish Rambler, J.Honza 8
N. Dixie, Affinity's Whte Liar, A.& C.Rogers/C.Juelfs  
Field Champion Flight A(9, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Deuce, Nonstopp Frehley's Comet, FCh,ARX, F.& B.Hearley +F32
2. Angel, Terrena's Clockwork Angel, LCM, B.& F.Hearley 24
3. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, FCh, C.Canard 16
4. Weasel, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, LCM,SC, A.Parisi 8
N. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4,VLCM2, D.Duffert +F12
2. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B. Beary Bright, LCM,VFCh, D.Duffert 9
3. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, LCM,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill 6
No Best in Field  
Jul 21, 2019
Damascus, OR
Entry: 30
BASENJI Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Tori, Arubmec's Gran Torino At Zamaradi, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner F12
2. Dinah, GCh Kaleonahe's & Relic Flower Power For Zamaradi, TCP,SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 9
3. Doc, GCh Zamaradi's Doc Holliday, SC,RATN, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. (Siren, DC Zamaradi's Veela, SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner)  
2. Justine, GCh,DC Arubmec's Justified, FCh,SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner/Cembur 6
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
GREYHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Diva, WW Divine, K.& R.Sargent B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Nuq, Alfheim's Regulus, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod B16
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC,RATI, A.& S.McLeod R16
2. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens 12
3. Dolce, DC Alfheim's Sogno d'Oro, FCh,SGRC,SORC,SC,NAJ, G. & J.Behrens/A.& S.McLeod 8
4. Meeka, FC IGRF's Bohemian Rhapsody In Blue, FCh,SC,SGRC3,ORC,SOR, G.& J.Behrens 4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Finn, Finn IV, K.Rogers R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Quiley, Gabriel's Quiiley Of The McKenzie, FCh,THDN,CGC,CA, E.& S.Gabriel B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Sabia, DC Nefer-Temu Samba Sabia, FCh,RA,MC,OA,OAJ,NJP,TKP, T.Perry/E.Kerridge B4
SINGLES Judge: Charles Roberts  
Single Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Harkness, Quixandz Torchwood, H.Tresillus/J.Morris 20
2. Miley, Wildbriar Who Owns My Heart At Eryas, C.& R.Sayre 15
3. Magic, Valeska Magic Is A Foot, A.Star 10
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Rumer, Allagante Cygnus Rumer Glenn, P.& K.Sanders F24
2. Bourbon, Allagante Burbon Street, P.& K.Sanders 18
3. Ember, Joyrun Glowing Embers, M.& P.Huggins 12
4. RX, Allagante Controlled Burn, K.Sanders 6
N. Zana, Allangante Tanzania Of Joyrun, M.Huggins/K.& P.Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Salsa, Windspirit Dancin The Salsa, FCh, K.& P.Sanders B20
2. EZ, Allagante Perfect Isn't Easy, FCh, K.& P.Sanders 15
3. Conner, Summersspirit Infhenit 00 Seven, FCh, J.Vookles 10
4. Pagani, Allangante Wspirit Max Velocity, LCM, K.& P.Sanders 5
N. Danni, Allagante Moondance Wild Rose, FCh, T.Mills  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Charles Roberts  
GH  Diva, WW Divine, K.& R.Sargent BIF  (78)
SW  Salsa, Windspirit Dancin The Salsa, FCh, K.& P.Sanders -77
PH  Sabia, DC Nefer-Temu Samba Sabia, FCh,RA,MC,OA,OAJ,NJP,TKP, T.Perry/E.Kerridge -76
Jul 27, 2019
Lompoc, CA
Entry: 2
Irish Wolfhound Specialty
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ceili, Eilis Coisiocht Rinceoire, S.& D.Fife B8
2. Jack, Carroy's Samurai Jack of Tory, SC, J.Ishihara/A.Lum 6
Jul 27, 2019
Peyton, CO
Entry: 10
Lure Coursing Instinct Specialty
LCI LARGE Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(8, 2 NQ)  
1. Stella, Lol 'N Saratoga's Streetcar Named Desire, R.Paulson/H.Nieman 32
2-3. Zooey, Riant Rhymes With Ratatouille, S.Yonumiera 20
2-3. Levi, Levi Logan Fore, L.Fore 20
4. Brownie, Brownie's Second Chance, B.Halverson 8
N. Furrari, Snowstar Life Is A Highway, A.O'Neill/M.MacFadden  
LCI SMALL Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Edward, GCh Hagaren's Equivalent Exchange, S.Garcia 8
Jul 28, 2019
Peyton,CO E
Entry: 10
Lure Coursing Instinct Specialty
LCI LARGE Judges: Russel Buhrdorf, Phil Fullam  
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. Zeppelin, Ch Liswyn's Encomium Of Blue Moon, J.Bennett/L.Leffingwell 32
2. Stella, Lol 'N Saratoga's Streetcar Named Desire, R.Paulson/H.Nieman 24
3-4. Brownie, Brownie's Second Chance, B.Halverson 12
3-4. Zooey, Riant Rhymes With Ratatouille, S.Yonumiera 12
5-6. Furrari, Snowstar Life Is A Highway, A.O'Neill/M.MacFadden  
5-6. Cleo, Infinitepawsabilities Cleopatra, S.Foushee  
LCI SMALL Judges: Russel Buhrdorf, Phil Fullam  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Konner, Eaglehill South's Sean Mikel O'Konner, G.Kendrick 8
2. Luna, Winterstorm Micromutt Luna, S.Fousher 6