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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

2009 - 2016 Records


Records - September 2017 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 02, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 70 Iron Dog Weekend
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 02, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 45 Tally Ho Challenge
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 02, 2017 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 35
ROCKY MOUNTAIN IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION Sep 02, 2017 Cheyenne, WY Entry: 8 Irish Wolfhound Specialty
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 02, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 16 Greyhound Specialty
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 03, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 51 Iron Dog Weekend
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 03, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 46 Tally Ho Challenge
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 03, 2017 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 30
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 03, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 6 Cirneco Caccia Classic
GREYHOUND ASSOCIATION OF NORTH GEORGIA, Inc. Sep 04, 2017 Lexington, KY Entry: 37
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 04, 2017 Starkville, NY Entry: 43 Iron Dog Weekend
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 04, 2017 Fillmore, UT Entry: 28
LAKE COUNTRY LURE COURSERS Sep 09, 2017 Lewiston, NY Entry: 31
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 09, 2017 Hobart, IN Entry: 47
BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, Inc. Sep 10, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 28 Basenji National Specialty
LAKE COUNTRY LURE COURSERS Sep 10, 2017 Lewiston, NY Entry: 25
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 10, 2017 Hobart, IN Entry: 47
AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Sep 11, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 21 Afghan Hound 81st National Specialty
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 15, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 31 43rd Grand National
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 16, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 19 43rd Grand National
CAROLINA LURE COURSING SOCIETY Sep 16, 2017 Canon, GA Entry: 39 Region 7 Invitational
IBIZAN HOUND CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES Sep 16, 2017 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 22 Ibizan Hound National Specialty
SIGHT HOUND ORGANIZATION OF TIDEWATER Sep 16, 2017 Dendron, VA Entry: 31 Tidewater Challenge Trophy
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 17, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 40 43rd Grand National
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 23, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 4 Silken Windhound Specialty
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 23, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 5 Italian Greyhound Specialty
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 23, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 44
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 23, 2017 Avon, OH Entry: 24
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 23, 2017 Ringoes, NJ Entry: 65 Region 8 2-day Invitational
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 24, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 4 Silken Windhound Specialty
CALIFORNIA COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 24, 2017 Camarillo, CA Entry: 5 Italian Greyhound Specialty
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 24, 2017 Farmington, MN Entry: 35
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 24, 2017 Avon, OH Entry: 20
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 24, 2017 Ringoes, NJ Entry: 50 Region 8 2-day Invitational
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Sep 30, 2017 Caledonia, WI Entry: 29
ROCKY MOUNTAIN COURSING CLUB Sep 30, 2017 Peyton, CO Entry: 27

Sep 02, 2017
Arroyo Grande, CA
Entry: 19
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss  
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. (Dolce, Alfheim's Sogno d'Oro, G. & J.Behrens/A.& S.McLeod)  
2. Nina, IGRF's Little Miss Nina, MXS,MJS,MXF,T2B2,BCAT, G.& J.Behrens 15
3. Bella Blues, Bella Blue IV, GRC,ORC, G.& J.Behrens 10
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, FCh,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens B20
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jayme Jones  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC)  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Mary Crume, Lisa Voss  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. MJ, FC Lileo's Smoke This, SC,GRC, J.Jones/L.Leone B20
2. Phlynn, FC DVS Swashbuckler of Lileo Springdown, RN,SC, J.Jones/J.Chrismam/D.Delmore 15
3. Judah, Springdown Gold Fusion, SC, J.Jones/S.Robles 10
4. Munchie, Lileo's Where The Grass Is Greener, J.Jones 5
WHIPPET Judges: Al Crume, Lisa Voss  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Zenith, Hildidan's Magic Zenith, B.Moore R20
2. Flyck, Hildidan's Flyck Of Slick Magic, C.Gaiser 15
3. Emoji, Hildidan's Mighty Magic Emoji, C.Gaiser 10
4. Quip, Hildidan's Kinetic Magic!, C.Gaiser 5
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Roarke, FC Hildidan's Mighty Magic Roarke, FCh, C.Gaiser B20
No Best in Field  
Sep 02, 2017
Starkville, NY
Entry: 70
Iron Dog Weekend
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
AZAWAKH Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin B4
BASENJI Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B4
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Charles Roberts  
Limited Flight A(1)  
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray 4
GREYHOUND Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Mia, Chesagrey Appassionata, SC, C.Lang/K.Whitacher B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy R8
2. Liam, GCh,DC Abbaio Upper Echelon, SC, J.Thurlow/S.Murphy 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt B20
2. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall 15
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall 10
4. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall 5
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams B12
Field Champion Flight A(3, 2 NQ)  
1. Syrena, Ch Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, FCh,SC,RATI, M.Moore/G.Pegram R12
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, FCh, L.Terra/A.Magni F8
2. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur 6
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judge: Charles Roberts  
Limited Flight A(1)  
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller 4
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Zella, Shabani's Zany Zella Of Rocky Ridge, Cote/Telushin/Johnson/Stammel F16
2. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 12
3. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie 8
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B8
2. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie F4
SALUKI Judge: Doug Berlin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman B8
2. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston 6
SINGLES Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Single Flight A(9, 3 NQ)  
1. Glacier, Shadow Run Cascadian Blue Glacier, J.& M.Koski 36
2. Summer, Laurel Chase Summer Breeze, L.Clute 27
3. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston 18
4. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett 9
N. Cooper, Kindred's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, M.Barrett  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Kamiah, ISWS Ch,NAKC Ch Allagante Rvnwoods It'se Ye Ye, FCh,SRC,OTRCH,ISWS LCM, J.Koski B4
WHIPPET Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(13, 1 NQ)  
1. Brag, Hyflyte Show Off, H.Fergusen B40
2. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman 30
3. Oksana, Vrymeer Soliloquy, E.& P.Holland/L.Rusticus 20
4. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 10
N. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien  
Field Champion Flight A(13)  
1. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman F40
2. Gimlet, Snow Hill Gimlet Of Monarch, LCM,SC, D.Murray 30
3. Righty, DC Cali's Right On Red For Hound Hill, FCh,SC, C.Miller 20
4. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC, P.Obelcz 10
N. Cheers, Hyflyte Standing Ovation, H.Ferguson  
Veteran Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Vita, GCh Ableaim Quick Pick, E.Rogers/D.Lynch F20
2. Song, Kindred Night Music, SC, B.Malick 15
3. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau 10
4. Charlie, Ocean's Sail Away, FCh, E.Holland 5
No Best in Field  
Sep 02, 2017
Farmington, MN
Entry: 45
Tally Ho Challenge
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Komo, Komar's Smok'N Gun, SC,CA,CGC, J.Callaghan B4
BASENJI Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf B8
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ravensara, Rockhart Yesterday's Ravensara Of Tresmorn, B.Renstrom B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin R20
2. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 15
3. Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart 10
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart 5
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Nox, Taylor Made Nights Watch, C.& J.Landowski B24
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson 18
3. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart 12
4. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, SC, K.Fennig 6
N. Barth, Boondocks Lionhounds Bartholomue, FCh, G.Aslandi  
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Felix, Sporting Fileds Dashing Line In The Sand, K.& P. Krahn/D.& G.Samuelson 12
2. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 9
3. Bruno, TSU Lionhound Mister Bruno, G.Aslanidi 6
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(9)  
1. Finn, Tru-Luv's The Final Moment, J.Liscombe/L.Rice F36
2. Olivia, Tru-Luv's Living In The Moment, L.Rice 27
3. Reo, Tru-Luv's REO Speedwagon, L.Rice 18
4. Ripples, Northwind's Making Waves, I.Mullauer/K.Nierengarten 9
N. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller  
Field Champion Flight A(14)  
1. Blew, Tru-Luv's Blew By You, FCh, L.Rice B40
2. Ruthless, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, A.Whitney 30
3. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers 20
4. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs 10
N. Relish, Tadita N Tru-Luv's Enjoying The Ride, FCh, J.Liscombe/M.Libersher  
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4, D.Duffert +R16
2. Max, Dashing Hells Belles, FCh,PR,TRP, J.& B.Johnson 12
3. Amber, Atlas Vale Of White Horse, FCh, M.,K. & T.Weigel 8
4. Charlee, Northwind Charlee's Pride, FCh, B.Myers 4
No Best in Field  
Sep 02, 2017
Yellow Springs, OH
Entry: 35
BASENJI Judges: Steven Artley, Paul Kytta II  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders B12
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders 9
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders F16
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert 12
3. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert 8
BORZOI Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley B8
2. Joe, Ch Hemlock Hollow Aruzia Journey To Tahoe, RN, S.& K.Artley 6
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NC)  
1. Bayla, FC Starswift Teine FV Vixen, SC,FCh, A.Hopple/A.Midgarden R4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Dylan, GCh,Can DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2,VFCh, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane B4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Gyda, Lady Gyda Jeraz Of Odin Ridge Wolves, Z.Willis B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Steven Artley  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Phaiza, Charmedwons Glorious Phuture, A.& J.Hammer/J.Gwin R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B8
2. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Steven Artley, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp F12
2. Zayin, Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, J.& C.Slattery 9
3. Barbie, GCh Ashosi Midnight Rd, SC,CGC, D.Knoth 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman B12
2. Sojie, DC Diamonds Sojourner Veritas Lionridge, LCM2,MC,LCX2,TDI,CGC, D.& V.O'Neill 9
3. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Hamilton, Graybeard's Hamilton, A.Opoka 20
2. Spider, Longrun's Rules Don't Apply @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders 15
3. Dash, Sur-Ra Zaari Al Sahed, E.Christon 10
4. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth 5
WHIPPET Judge: Steven Artley  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea B20
2. Jasper, Rantina's Jasper N Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/S.Solo 15
3. Durbin, Wildabout Infinite Dreamer, V.Smith 10
4. Kazoom, Panache Above The Rest At Diablessse, M.A.Mattingly/P.Spinazzola 5
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Cheddar, Debmar Caught Redhanded @ Emerald, FCh, Dr.A.Sowders/D.Bahm R8
2. Cricket, Debmar Too Hot To Handle @ Emerald, Dr. A.Sowders/D.Bahm 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Cruiser, Uch Wildwood's All Four On The Floor, FCh,SC, M.A.Mattingly R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Sanders  
WH  Shilo, Vic's I Believe You'll Never Walk Alone, S.& P.Bea BIF  (76)
RR  Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman -75
Sep 02, 2017
Cheyenne, WY
Entry: 8
Irish Wolfhound Specialty
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Kline, Winterdream Kline Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell B20
2. Essie, Pinehurst Essie, K.Catov-Goodell 15
3. Kaviar, Ch Winterdream Kaviar Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell/M.Ryan/K.Surdal 10
4. Bailey, Bailey aus dem Kemptener Wald, G. & H.M.Ruedenauer 5
N. Maggy, Miranda von der Saalmishle, G.Ruedenauer  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Woopie, Ch Franjo Pearla Dubh At Aeroglen, FCh,RA,GRC,RATI, J.Bryson/M.& L.Walker F8
2. Meara, Franjo Meara Mear Of River Bend, M.& W.Perry/M.& L.Walker 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, LCM,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty F4
Sep 02, 2017
Fillmore, UT
Entry: 16
Greyhound Specialty
GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Chloe, Courtney, W.Martin/C.Guinn R32
2. Gypzie, NFC,FC Windrock Tid-Bittius Velocitus, SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler 24
3. Fearless, Windrock Nothing Comes Close, K.& C.Fritzler 16
4. Jasmine, Aryal Aroi Artist Proof, K.& C.Fritzler 8
N. Billlie, Windrock Mountain Music, K.& C.Fritzler  
DIS. Star, Lost In The Stars, W.Martin/C.Guinn  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Sonic, DC Windrock Batoutahellius, FCh,MC,LCX, F.Burnham B32
2. Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler 15
3. Scorch, Windrock Accelerattii Incredibus, K.& C.Fritzler 10
4. Wile, Windrock Ultra-Sonicus Ad Infinitum, K.& C.Fritzler 5
N. Danica, FC Windrock Born To Run, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Mayzie, DC,UKC Ch Windrock Queen of Diamonds, FCh,SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler F8
2. CJ, GCh,DC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler 6
SINGLES Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Single Flight A(1)  
1. Darcy, Snow Patrol, K.Fritzler 4
No Best in Field  
Sep 03, 2017
Starkville, NY
Entry: 51
Iron Dog Weekend
BASENJI Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B4
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Doug Berlin  
Limited Flight A(1)  
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray 4
GREYHOUND Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Mabel, Ch Mariki's Bluemoon Sunbeam Mabley At Saranan, M.Dygert/M.Bertolli B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall B20
2. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall 15
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall 10
4. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt 5
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams R4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. (Kayla, DC Hallam Sovrin Kayla, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly)  
2. (Kipp, DC Antefa's Wallam Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/Lundquist)  
3. Syrena, Ch Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, FCh,SC,RATI, M.Moore/G.Pegram 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur F8
2. Zahra, DC Lukor Mas-Re Al-Zahra, FCh,VFCh,MC,CGC,RATN, M.Moore 6
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin F8
2. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B8
2. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie F4
SALUKI Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston B8
2. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman 6
SINGLES Judge: Doug Berlin  
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Julia, Kindred's Pretty Woman, M.Barrett 12
2. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston 9
WHIPPET Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Open Flight A(11, 1 NC)  
1. Brag, Hyflyte Show Off, H.Fergusen B40
2. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman 30
3. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter 20
4. Gale, Ragapple Lady Throws The Gauntlet, A.Mark 10
N. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh  
Field Champion Flight A(10)  
1. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC, P.Obelcz R40
2. Cooper, Ch Festiva's Twisted Justice, S.Pollard 30
3. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche 20
4. Talos, FC Ragapple Radar Missile, FCh,ORC, A.Mark 10
N. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer  
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Song, Kindred Night Music, SC, B.Malick F16
2. Vita, GCh Ableaim Quick Pick, E.Rogers/D.Lynch 12
3. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau 8
No Best in Field  
Sep 03, 2017
Farmington, MN
Entry: 46
Tally Ho Challenge
BASENJI Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf B8
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, LCM, D.& T.Magnan R4
GREYHOUND Judges: Ping Pirrung, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Emi, Ard Ri's Emi Reatha Cu, K.Brockway B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt B24
2. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin 15
3. Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart 10
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart 5
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Nox, Taylor Made Nights Watch, C.& J.Landowski R24
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson 18
3. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, SC, K.Fennig 12
4. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart 6
N. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart  
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Dasher, Affinity Oh Dasher Deer, T.& M.Briggs 16
2. Fletcher, Ard Ri's Fletcher Crow Boy, K.Brockway 12
3. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 8
4. Bruno, TSU Lionhound Mister Bruno, G.Aslanidi 4
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Ping Pirrung  
Open Flight A(10, 1 NQ)  
1. Olivia, Tru-Luv's Living In The Moment, L.Rice B40
2. Finn, Tru-Luv's The Final Moment, J.Liscombe/L.Rice 30
3. Katie, Affinity's Fearless, TCP, M.& K. Weigel 20
4. D.D.Verni, Nonstopp Wildhearts Gasoline Dream, J.& D.Kunze 10
N. Chip, Northwind's Frito Bandito, TCP, S.& T.DePottey/K.Nierengarten  
Field Champion Flight A(12)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, FCh, C.Canard +R40
2. Abel, Shamasan Stars Go Blue At Swiftcreek, A.Whitney/M.Armstron 30
3. Ruthless, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, A.Whitney 20
4. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers 10
N. Honey Bear, Wylie Cogshall You Can Call Me Honey Bear, D.Duffert  
Veteran Flight A(4, 2 NQ)  
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM4, D.Duffert R16
2. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2, M.& K.Standerford 12
No Best in Field  
Sep 03, 2017
Yellow Springs, OH
Entry: 30
BASENJI Judge: Steven Artley  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders B12
2. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders 9
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders F16
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert 12
3. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert 8
BORZOI Judge: Holly Hamilton  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ace, Kirov Windrift Flying Ace O'Tahoe, SC, S.& A.Artley B8
2. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Dylan, GCh,Can DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2,VFCh, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane B4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer B8
2. Flanna, Renwyck Goodness Knows, J.& R.Brenneman/J.Knobbe 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Phaiza, Charmedwons Glorious Phuture, A.& J.Hammer/J.Gwin R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B8
2. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Holly Hamilton, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Murry, Ashosi's Red Heather, J.Sowers-Lipp F8
2. Barbie, GCh Ashosi Midnight Rd, SC,CGC, D.Knoth 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, B.A.Dieckman B12
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II 9
3. Sojie, DC Diamonds Sojourner Veritas Lionridge, LCM2,MC,LCX2,TDI,CGC, D.& V.O'Neill 6
SINGLES Judge: Steven Artley  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Spider, Longrun's Rules Don't Apply @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders 12
2. Dash, Sur-Ra Zaari Al Sahed, E.Christon 9
3. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth 6
WHIPPET Judges: Paul Kytta II, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow B12
2. Jasper, Rantina's Jasper N Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/S.Solo 9
3. Kazoom, Panache Above The Rest At Diablessse, M.A.Mattingly/P.Spinazzola 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Reason, Ch Festiva's No Reason, FCh, A.Sowders DVM/K.Riney R8
2. Cheddar, Debmar Caught Redhanded @ Emerald, Dr.A.Sowders/D.Bahm 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM F8
2. Cruiser, Uch Wildwood's All Four On The Floor, FCh,SC, M.A.Mattingly 6
No Best in Field  
Sep 03, 2017
Fillmore, UT
Entry: 6
Cirneco Caccia Classic
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Dexter, Riali I Debonair Dexter, D.& L.Myers R20
2. Phoenix, Ch Fly By Night D'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls 15
3. Dar'in, Dare To Dream d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls 10
4. Vento, FC Colisto's Vento, SC, J.Hale/N.L.Wight 5
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Angel, Rockin'Hearts Angel Kisses, FCh, L.Myers B20
Sep 04, 2017
Lexington, KY
Entry: 37
BASENJI Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert F12
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert 9
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert B4
BORZOI Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, K.& D.Parks B12
2. Believe, Windsheer K-C Don't Stop Believin', D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier 9
3. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar B16
2. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper 12
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn 8
4. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn 4
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar F8
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer B8
2. Flanna, Renwyck Goodness Knows, J.& R.Brenneman/J.Knobbe 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Zayin, Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, J.& C.Slattery R24
2. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks 18
3. Sara, RoccRidge's Spice Of Life, M.& K.Stewart 12
4. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks 6
N. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM3,SC, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks B24
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Turner, FC Seidach's Turn Up The Volumn, LCM3,VLCM2,MC,TDI,CGC, D.Parks/J.& C.Slattery F4
SALUKI Judge: Jan Swayze-Curry  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nevi, Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, V.R.Olive/S.Olive B4
SINGLES Judge: Katie Kaltenborn  
Single Flight A(1)  
1. Raisen, Mia Comet Sun Maid, CPX2, L.Pekarski/P.& T.Haig DVM 4
WHIPPET Judges: Katie Kaltenborn, Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(10, 2 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Clark, Longrun's Man of Steel At Longlesson, T.& P.Haig/Longlesson Knl B36
2. Phoebe, Sportingfields Simply Wenrick, D.Snyder/J.& L.Garcini 27
3. Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl 18
4. Brooks, DC Longlesson Indian Summer, SC, Longlesson Knl/S.Salo 9
N. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, LCM4, P. & T.Haig DVM F8
2. Boomer, Comets Just Shoot Me at Mia, LCM2, T.Haig DVM/P.Haig/Pekarski/Peak 6
No Best in Field  
Sep 04, 2017
Starkville, NY
Entry: 43
Iron Dog Weekend
BASENJI Judge: Charles Roberts  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B4
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Limited Flight A(1)  
1. Gunner, Uch Sahejeevs Lindisfarne Sonofagun, D.Murray 4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. MeMe, Can DC Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall B20
2. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt 15
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall 10
4. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall 5
N. Hesus, CKC DC Icy Cold Second Coming, Dr.K.Katt/S.A.Marshall  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Doug Berlin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams B4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. (Kipp, DC Antefa's Wallam Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly/Lundquist)  
2. (Kayla, DC Hallam Sovrin Kayla, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly)  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, FCh, L.Terra/A.Magni F8
2. Titan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-e-Brod, FCh,MC, B.& M.Brodeur 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B8
2. Zorro, Tophat's Don Diego, S.& C.Leslie 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin F8
2. PJ, FC Benridge's Peace of My Heart, LCM2,SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Rikki, DC Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie Koo At Springvalley, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie F4
SALUKI Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman B4
SINGLES Judge: Tom Cigolle Jr  
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Glacier, Shadow Run Cascadian Blue Glacier, J.& M.Koski 12
2. Summer, Laurel Chase Summer Breeze, L.Clute 9
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Doug Berlin  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Kamiah, ISWS Ch,NAKC Ch Allagante Rvnwoods It'se Ye Ye, FCh,SRC,OTRCH,ISWS LCM, J.Koski B4
WHIPPET Judge: Richard Whritenour  
Open Flight A(12)  
1. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman +R40
2. LeBronze, Ch Surrey Hill Mariner Butter Off In Cleveland, SC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 30
3. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter 20
4. Zara, New Amsterdam, G.& A.Meschkow 10
N. Oksana, Vrymeer Soliloquy, E.& P.Holland/L.Rusticus  
Field Champion Flight A(7)  
1. GooRoo, Poeta GooRoovey Hipster, V.Damant B40
2. Cheers, Hyflyte Standing Ovation, H.Ferguson 21
3. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer 14
4. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche 7
N. Vita, Kindred Vita Velocissima, V.E.Grayson/B.Malick  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Dale, Can Ch Shamasan Devonair's Dale, LCM,NAJ,NAP, H.& E.Dansereau F4
No Best in Field  
Sep 04, 2017
Fillmore, UT
Entry: 28
BORZOI Judge: Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher R24
2. Kai, Kelcorov's Kai, J.Biancalana 18
3. Kiss, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kiss, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 12
4. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher B24
GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Gypzie, NFC,FC Windrock Tid-Bittius Velocitus, SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler R8
2. Cora, Miss Cora, J.Smith/S.Aberton 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler B8
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Mayzie, DC,UKC Ch Windrock Queen of Diamonds, FCh,SC, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler F4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Bara, Kibby's Icycold FV Baranof, D.McKibbin F8
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Kit, DC Wirtu's Touch Not The Cat At R'L, SC, I.McDougald/K.McDougald B4
SINGLES Judge: Dean Wright  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Zeus, Zeus, N.Somer/K.Bogdanow 8
2. Ruffian, SummersSpirit Ruffian, C.Butcher 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Annie, Siendo's Annie Oakley Sspirit, ORC, D.Murphy B32
2. Manny, SummersSpirit Man O'War, D.Murphy 24
3. Pook, Summersspirit Spectre, ORC, D.Murphy 16
4. Prin, SummersspiritTatiana Rananova, D.Murphy 8
N. Nick, Summers Spirit Nick, D.Murphy  
WHIPPET Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lincoln, DC Morningstar Jomyr Honest Abe, MC, T.Dannenbring F8
2. Charlie, Belaya R'L Seahawk, I.McDougald/M.Pyle 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Flame, Brystal Angelica Firestar, D.McKibbin B8
2. Tig, Shantellie's On The Wild Side, FCh, D.McKibbin 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Dean Wright  
GH  Strider, FC Windrock Hot-Roddicus Supersonicus, FCh,SC, K.& C. Fritzler BIF  (157)
WH  Flame, Brystal Angelica Firestar, D.McKibbin -153
Sep 09, 2017
Lewiston, NY
Entry: 31
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Prince Harry, Kominek's The Stallion, Can FCh, J.Martin B4
AZAWAKH Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Journey Man, Ch Ettebel Ajouren, CA, J.Martin B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper B12
2. Kingsley, Lakilanni School's Out, L.Zucker 9
3. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar F16
2. Shirri, Lakilanni Wish You Were Here, FCh, L.Soutar 12
3. Blueberry, GCh,CCB,FC Lakilanni Blue Jean Blues, LCM,RN,SC, L.Soutar 8
4. Lily, Lakilanni Crystalblu Prsuasion, FCh, C.Laliberte/L.Chavvette 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman B8
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
SALUKI Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Shamsa, Khamsin's Shamsa Bint Vashti, P.Taylor/S.Konopa R16
2. Soleil, Khamsin's Della Soleil, S.Konopa 12
3. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman 8
4. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, S.Konopa 4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz B16
2. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House 9
3. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman 6
SINGLES Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Kaelan, Springmeadow H'Art's Afire At Denali, D.Bell 16
2. Fariq, Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar 12
3. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz 8
4. Billy, Devonair's William, A.& D.Hulley 4
WHIPPET Judges: Paul Kytta II, Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Xiara, Devonair's Xiara, Can FCh, D.& A.Hulley B20
2. Fable, Devonair's Yarna Ducktale, A.& A.Osfolk 15
3. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien 10
4. Prank, Missjiffs Jokes On You, J.Data 5
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Hoss, Jezebelle's Smokehouse, C.Pazian F12
2. Duck, Ch Devonair's Vera Duckworth, FCh, H.J.Dansereau 9
3. Raj, Do It Just A Therory, FCh,SC, A.& A.Osfolk 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
GH  Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper BIF  (78)
RR  Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman -77
WH  Xiara, Devonair's Xiara, Can FCh, D.& A.Hulley -76
Sep 09, 2017
Hobart, IN
Entry: 47
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards B4
BORZOI Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC)  
1. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley B8
2. Danica, Kirov Windrift Speed To Spare, N.Reimer/B.Ewing 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden B16
2. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn 9
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Billie, FC Lothlorien Billie Holiday, LCM2, K.Kaltenborn R16
2. Roman, GCh,UGR,DC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, LCM,MC,LCX, L.Reeve 12
3. Bella, DC,CT,CCB,UCH,URO1 Rosewood Diva Let Freedom Ring, FCh,SC,RN, L.Reeve 8
4. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes 4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Garand R8
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig B24
2. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski 18
3. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart 12
4. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart 6
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart)  
SALUKI Judge: KC Artley  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Frances Abrams  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian F20
2. Alcina, Ch Fernhill's Alcina, J.Brown 15
3. Freebie, Fitzhugh Innisfree, M.Sudekum DVM 10
4. Peat, Gayleward's Deermont Peat Monster of Mull, M.B.Grieb 5
DIS. Stewart, Bruach Fitzgerald Mulligan Stew, K.Wattenbarger  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. iLike Ike, Fitzhugh iLike Ike At Deermont, M.B.Grieb/M.Sudekum B16
2. Flynn, Fitzhugh In Like Flynn, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM 12
3. Indie, FC Fitzhugh Indiana Jones, SC, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM 8
4. Lilly, Deermont's Just Lily, M.B.Grieb 4
SINGLES Judge: Frances Abrams  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Deusenburg, Panache Honed And Ready, CR,OTR, J.Shirley 8
2. Dani, Wylie's Moonlight Danc'n At Cogshall, D.Borton 6
WHIPPET Judge: KC Artley  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl +F28
2. Durbin, Wildabout Infinite Dreamer, V.Smith 21
3. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn 14
4. Levi, Nonstopp Blackfoot, K.Feldman 7
N. Fling, Uch Debmar First Fling Of Lanruvi, ARX,MXJ,DS, D.Borton  
Field Champion Flight A(7)  
1. Uschi, Cogshall's Going For Bearoque, FCh,TRP, M.Huff/D.Duffert B28
2. Prada, FC Do It Just A Fashion Trend, LCM,SC,OTR, D.Syrja 21
3. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja 14
4. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, FCh, D.Narwold 7
N. Chevy, Woods Runner Heartbeat of America, J.& M.Botzau  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Scandel, Windrift Dirty Laundry, SC, B.Veitch F4
No Best in Field  
Sep 10, 2017
Gray Summit, MO
Entry: 28
Basenji National Specialty
BASENJI Judges: Russ Jacobs, Sandy Simmons-Gamble  
Open Flight A(10, 2 NQ)  
1. Freddie, Bushwacker Mercury Rising, C.Frost B40
2. Cooper, Chiya's Teazer My Aim Is Tru, SC, M.& L.Carter/S.Cheng 30
3. Truly, GCh Teazer Chiya's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, SC, S.Cheng/J.Gaidos 20
4. Star, Bushwacker Diamond Star Halo, C.Frost 10
N. Stevie, Ch Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, SC,RATN,CGC,CA, K.Harmon  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders R16
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders 12
3. Taziri, DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, FCh,SC,ORC,GRC,VB, T.Colbert 8
4. Kanyu, Meiserhaus Pay Pal K's Kanyu, B.Kaufman/A.T.Brooks 4
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders F16
2. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert 12
3. Dapper, GCh,DC Eldorado's Look Smart At Kaleonahe, K.Cabral/S.Strobel/P.Geoggroy 8
DIS. Banh Mi, DC Taji's Banh Mi On the Runway to Bluenote, LCM,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth  
SINGLES Judges: Russ Jacobs, Sandy Simmons-Gamble  
Single Flight A(10, 2 NQ)  
1. Peyton, Jadaka Meisterhaus Sheeza Pistol, D.& C.Reitzel/T.Brooks/J.Kahl 40
2. Axl, Ch Jadaka Meisterhaus Guns N'Roses, T.Brook/J.Kahl 30
3. Rocket, Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon, TCP, J.Cook 20
4. Ellie, Dakotah's Chantellie Lace, T.& L.Lemberger 10
N. Nemo, Amore's Reach For The Stars, W.Suarez  
Sep 10, 2017
Lewiston, NY
Entry: 25
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
AZAWAKH Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar B12
2. Sunspot, Lakilanni Sunsport Baby, S.Poper 9
3. Kingsley, Lakilanni School's Out, L.Zucker 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Shirri, Lakilanni Wish You Were Here, FCh, L.Soutar F12
2. Lincoln, Lakilanni Hot Rod Lincoln, L.Soutar 9
3. Lily, Lakilanni Crystalblu Prsuasion, FCh, C.Laliberte/L.Chavvette 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II B8
2. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman 6
SALUKI Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Soleil, Khamsin's Della Soleil, S.Konopa +R16
2. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman 12
3. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, S.Konopa 8
4. Shamsa, Khamsin's Shamsa Bint Vashti, P.Taylor/S.Konopa 4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz B16
2. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House 12
3. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz 8
4. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman 4
SINGLES Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Kaelan, Springmeadow H'Art's Afire At Denali, D.Bell 16
2. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar 12
3. Triscuit, Bitterblue's Winter Wheat At Irulan, A.Rapoport DVM 8
WHIPPET Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Hoss, Jezebelle's Smokehouse, C.Pazian F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Evan Brown, FC Cherche' Worse Than Bonkers, LCM,VFCh,RN,NA,NAJ,ANJ, A.Rapoport/C.Durance-Watikins F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Paul Kytta II  
GH  Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, L.Soutar BIF  (77)
WH  Minnie, Jezebelle's Mighty Minnie, C.Pazien -75
Sep 10, 2017
Hobart, IN
Entry: 47
BORZOI Judges: Frances Abrams, Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lily, Russian Calla Lily At Windrift, J.& N.Reimer B8
2. Dawn, Kirov Windrift Fly Above Tahoe, K.Artley 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Frances Abrams  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn B16
2. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden 9
3. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn 6
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes R16
2. Billie, FC Lothlorien Billie Holiday, LCM2, K.Kaltenborn 12
3. Bella, DC,CT,CCB,UCH,URO1 Rosewood Diva Let Freedom Ring, FCh,SC,RN, L.Reeve 8
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Roman, GCh,UGR,DC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, LCM,MC,LCX, L.Reeve F4
Open Flight A(1)  
1. River, Ch Glor Na Gael Ee-Mer, J.& S.Greer B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Phizzie, Charmedwons Phuture's Effervescent Morning Star, C.Johnson/J.Gwin B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Frances Abrams  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Lacy, Terracotta's Chantilly Lace, J.Garand R8
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig B24
2. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart 18
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski 12
4. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart 6
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart)  
SALUKI Judge: Debbie Narwold  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost B4
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Avery, Gayleward's Eynhallow, D.Habian B16
2. Alcina, Ch Fernhill's Alcina, J.Brown 9
3. Freebie, Fitzhugh Innisfree, M.Sudekum DVM 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Flynn, Fitzhugh In Like Flynn, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM R16
2. Indie, FC Fitzhugh Indiana Jones, SC, R.Jones DVM/M.Sudekum DVM 12
3. iLike Ike, Fitzhugh iLike Ike At Deermont, M.B.Grieb/M.Sudekum 8
4. Lilly, Deermont's Just Lily, M.B.Grieb 4
SINGLES Judge: KC Artley  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Peridot, Ch Sandstorm Karob Philia Peridot, R.& K.Frost 12
2. Wings, Twin Elm's Wings, A.& C.Montex/S.Breaz 9
3. Stewart, Bruach Fitzgerald Mulligan Stew, K.Wattenbarger 6
WHIPPET Judges: Frances Abrams, KC Artley  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Oak, Wildabout Widow Jane, A.Kelsey/T.Rees R32
2. Midnight, Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, S.Salo/S.Rosenbeck/Longlesson Kn 24
3. Story, Fallowfield The Silent Story, Dr.C.Brunkow 16
4. (Mystic, Rantina Longlesson Mystic Topaz, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl)  
N. Rocket, Willabe Rocket Dog Ace Of Hearts, D.Fray  
Field Champion Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Talon, Rantina N MiJu Tigers Eye, M.Yorgy/J.Moeller/S.Salo B32
2. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja 18
3. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, FCh, D.Narwold 12
4. Chevy, Woods Runner Heartbeat of America, J.& M.Botzau 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Ginny, FC Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, LCM,SC, C.Brunkow DVM F8
2. Scandel, Windrift Dirty Laundry, SC, B.Veitch 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Frances Abrams  
RR  Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig BIF  (79)
SA  Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost -78
Sep 11, 2017
Gray Summit, MO
Entry: 21
Afghan Hound 81st National Specialty
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Sandra Moore  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Ingvar, Kominek's Ingvar Of Synergon, E.& S.Kominek B28
2. Chase, Ch Suni Sir Viveur, RN, L.& J.Hicks 12
3. Lena, DC Kominek's Calaeno, SC, E.& S.Kominek 8
4. Coco, Swiftwind Classy And Fabulous, Can FCh, L.Deptuch 4
Field Champion Flight A(7)  
1. Sansa, Kominek's Lady Of The Court, FCh, R.& L.Jordan/S.Kominek R28
2. Prince Harry, Kominek's The Stallion, Can FCh, J.Martin 21
3. Brienne, Kominek's Maid Of Sapphires, FCh, E.& S.Kominek 14
4. (Typsy, Evensong's Sit Down You're Rockin The Boat, R.& L.Jordan)  
N. Zephyr, Zen Can't Catch Me!, E.Klosson  
Veteran Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Flirt, FC Allures Just Give Me That Wink, FCh,MC,LCX, D.Delesandri/S.Norris R20
2. Millie, Evensong's Thoroughly Modern Millie, FCh,SC, R.& L.Jordan 15
3. Desmond, Ch,CCB Charsada Darkness At High Noon, LCM,FChX,SC,JOR,SRM, J.Martin 10
4. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards 5
SINGLES Judges: Leonore Abordo, Sandra Moore  
Single Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Nigel, Sirae Lipstick On My Collar, S.Popson 20
2. Tori, Inisfree Sirae' Notorious Duet, J.Callaghan/L.French 15
3. Bettie Mae, Wynsyr's Pin-Up Girl, Dr.C.Helsina 10
Sep 15, 2017
Peyton, CO
Entry: 31
43rd Grand National
BORZOI Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson F8
2. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher B16
2. Firebolt, Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, S.Van de Water 12
3. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water 8
4. Gibson, Ch Zoiboyz Gibson, FCh,GRC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson 4
Veteran Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Traveler, UKC Ch Del Sol Endless Traveler WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water F16
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM2,SGRC2, S.Van de Water 12
3. Batman, Del Sol Joker's Gamble, S.Van de Water 8
GREYHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Bayou, Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, H.Minnich B16
2. Starlette, Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, H.Minnich 12
3. Brickle, Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, H.Minnich 8
4. Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar B4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard F8
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins B4
SALUKI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan B12
2. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg 9
3. Braveheart, Ch Owl Ridge Zip Wyatt, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg 6
SINGLES Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Jerzi, El Zagel Flying To Jersey, TCP, C.Sullivan/D.Britton 20
2. Sodi, Blue Nile Midnight Rhapsody Shafiq, D.& P.Lowe/Winstead/McMillan 15
3. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 10
4. Niko, Rusalka Good To Go, TCP, S.Seay 5
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zee, Winsome's Zenyatta of Attaway, M.Pearce/I.Stetson R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cochise, Clayborn's Apach Firedance, C.Buhrdorf B4
WHIPPET Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Rumor, O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, L.Pocurull/T.Borland R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay B4
No Best in Field  
Sep 16, 2017
Peyton, CO
Entry: 19
43rd Grand National
BORZOI Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson F24
2. Sophie, Kirov Windrift Fly So Free, B.Ewing/N.Reimer 18
3. Gerwyn, Kachina Vision Of Love, C.Enz 12
4. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 6
N. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, C.Enz  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Firebolt, Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, S.Van de Water B16
2. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 12
3. Canyon, UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM,GRC, S.Van de Water 8
4. Guinness, FC Zoiboyz Guinness, FCh,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar B4
SALUKI Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg B8
SINGLES Judges: Darci Kunard, Heather Minnich  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Ryder, Artistry's Go For Broke, C.Scott/L.Jordan 12
2. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 9
3. Mariah, Neonaura's Café Moriah D'Ansor, G.Hayden/C.Lewis 6
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Merlin, Crossfyre No Regrets, E.& J.Wong B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Chico, Hamrya's Dynamo, FCh,RA,CD,RATN, M.Rubin/D.Lynch R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Conall, Finghin's Celtic Legacy Of Kirkham, LCM2, M.& K.Standerford F4
No Best in Field  
Sep 16, 2017
Canon, GA
Entry: 39
Region 7 Invitational
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger B4
BORZOI Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, SC, K.& D.Parks B12
2. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier 9
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Journey, Ch Windsheer K-C Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', FCh,SC, K.Parks/L.Lanier F4
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Isis, Fuzz Face Noble, S.Garrick B8
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lilac, GCh SunRumba's Fringe In Lilac N Lace Of Aigh, TCP,SC, Dr.P.First/R.Castillo R8
2. Thor, Ch Fusion's God Of Thunder, Dr.P.First 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke B20
2. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, R.Devillez 15
3. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez 10
4. Kelia, FC Kamar's Enchanted Phoenixxx, FCh,MC,LCX, K.Radke/K.Belz DVM 5
N. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, R.Devillez  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks B16
2. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks 12
3. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks 8
4. Dos Equis, FC Venus' Stay Thirsty My Friends, SC, D.& K.Parks 4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Sin, FC Venus' Original Sin Here, FCh,SC, D.& K.Parks R12
2. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM3,SC, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks 9
3. Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, LCM3,MC,RN, J.& C.Slattery R4
SALUKI Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Nick, Melik Nariman, O.& X.Decollogne R8
2. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, M.F.Miller 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive B8
SINGLES Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Single Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
WHIPPET Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Shaylee, HH Irish Lullaby, SC, L.Lanier/A.Norwood F16
2. Candy, TNT's Sweet Candy, TNT Kennels 12
3. Quicksilver, Besame's Quicksilver, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman 8
4. Isaac, Synergy Heart Shaped World, M.Hawemann 4
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards B20
2. Zero, Deco Jomyr Sweets To The Sweet, FCh,SC, L.Lanier 15
3. Ethel, Les's Ethel, FCh,SC, M.F.Miller 10
4. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller 5
N. Speedy, High Speeding's Speed of Light, FCh,SC, M.Petrick/T.Kuhlman  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing R4
BEST IN REGIONAL INVITATIONAL  Judges: Archie Doby, Mike Terry  
SA  Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive BIF  (151, 151)
WH  Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards (151, 148)
CE  Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett -148
PH  Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt -148
AH  Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger -147
Sep 16, 2017
Gray Summit, MO
Entry: 22
Ibizan Hound National Specialty
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Kathy Sanders, Vern Staack  
Open Flight A(14, 2 NQ, 1 NC, 1 DIS)  
1. Vanna, FC Aliki Notanuff's Dash Of Spice, SC, C.Schoneman/C.Shaw +R40
2. Mako, Redfaire's Fish Off The Hook At Notanuff, C.Shaw/B.& S.Reding 30
3. Sonya, FC Elan Halcyon Comp0elling Dreams Will Double, SC, M.Magenaar/J.Fisher 20
4. Peaches, Redfaire's Oh For Fish Sake At Aliki, A.Mirestes/S.& B.Reding 10
N. Rod, GCh Rising Suns Do Ya Think I'm Sexy, J.King  
DIS. Avery, Dragorra's You Remind Me Of The Babe, J.King  
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Seren, Ch Kamars First Rule Of Flying, FCh,SC, L.Petesch/K.Belz B40
2. Finn, Ch Icycold Infinity 2The3rd Power, FCh, R.Davis/K.Catt 18
3. Hurry, Can Ch IcyCold Every Second Counts, FCh, Dr K.Catt/S.Marshall 12
4. Ensign, Can DC IcyCold Thirdmate, FCh,FC, Dr.K.Catt-Marshall/S.Marshall 6
N. Dory, Can Ch Nahala Davinci's Ain't Too Proud To Beg, FCh,Can FCh, K.Catt DVM/J.Morris  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Uma, Hera's Memory Upgrade, S.Redding/E.Miller R4
SINGLES Judges: Kathy Sanders, Vern Staack  
Single Flight A(1)  
1. Titus, Ch L-Wynd's Talent Compels A Soul, SC,CA, M.Wagenaar/L.Thorne 4
Sep 16, 2017
Dendron, VA
Entry: 31
Tidewater Challenge Trophy
BASENJI Judge: Carlee Davies  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Ziggy, Thor's Vivuli, J.Brader B16
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Goodtime Charlie, FC Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues, LCM3,SC, J.Brader R16
2. Aqune, FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night, LCM2,SC, J.Brader 12
3. Winter, FC New World Baridi Ngano, LCM3,MC, J.Brader 8
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM5,SC, J.Brader F4
BORZOI Judge: Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Twistie, FC Spryfeat Titanium With A Twist, SC, W.& F.Erdman B16
2. Luciano, Teine Zharkov Lucky Luciano, J.& S.Woith 12
3. Rain, Spryfeat Titanium Rain, SC, F.& W.Erdman 8
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Fia, Flickering Flame Lights The Way, L.& S.Hynes R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Olivia, GCh,DC Toroa's Devil With The Blue Dress, FCh,SC,TD,RN,CGC, C.Gartland B8
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley R8
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin 6
SALUKI Judge: Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Jubilee, Jatara's Jubilee At Sarea, B.Griffith B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Carlee Davies  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, Altnamara's Morocco, L.& N.Madden B4
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
SINGLES Judge: Carlee Davies  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Rocky, Rocky Watson, C.& R.Watson 8
2. Felixx, Teine Zharkov Feliks At Phoenixx, J.& P.Schrieber 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Carlee Davies  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Smoky, Siendo's Great Smoky Mts NP, D.Brown B12
2. Denali, Siendo's Denali NP, D.Hunter/D.Brown 9
3. Cora, Hunter's Run Corvette O Siendo, D.Brown 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, FCh, D.Hunter/H.Brown F4
WHIPPET Judge: Gary Roush  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Dora, Cherche` Arborlea Something's Afoot, M.Ballard F20
2. Brooks, Secoya Kindred Spirits, SC, C.Watson 15
3. Ronan, Cali's Ronan The Red Of Saturn, SC,CGC, M.Pick/D.McNamer,DVM 10
4. Splash, Skyspen Splash Of Blue, S.Salisbury 5
N. Maya, Shamasan Moonlit Serenade, J.Negri/P.Booth  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rain, Hollowell Reflections In The Rain, S.Salisbury B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Peacock, Mariner's Miss Peacock In The Study, FCh, R.& P.McNeill F4
No Best in Field  
Sep 17, 2017
Peyton, CO
Entry: 40
43rd Grand National
BORZOI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller
Open Flight A(6)
1. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce R24
2. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 18
3. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson 12
4. Nelson, Kachina Rosehill Red Headed Stranger, C.Enz 6
N. Sophie, Kirov Windrift Fly So Free, B.Ewing/N.Reimer
Field Champion Flight A(6)
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher B24
2. Boots, Del Sol Hermies Boots, FCh, S.Van de Water 18
3. Livvie, FC Zoiboyz Glenlivet Nadurra, FCh,SC,CGC, L.Pocurull 12
4. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water 6
N. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher
Veteran Flight A(4)
1. Traveler, UKC Ch Del Sol Endless Traveler WNS, FCh,GRC, S.Van de Water F16
2. InSanity, Am Ch,UKC GCh Del Sol End of Reason WNS, LCM2,SGRC2, S.Van de Water 12
3. Phoebe, Del Sol Phoebe, LCM3,GRC, S.Van de Water 8
4. Batman, AKC/UKC GCh Del Sol Joker's Gamble, GRC, S.Van de Water 4
GREYHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Starlette, Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, H.Minnich B16
2. Brickle, Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, H.Minnich 12
3. Bayou, Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, H.Minnich 8
4. Presley, Lakilanni Blue Suede Shoes, J.Gaithe 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar R4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard B8
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins B4
SALUKI Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jamiil, GChB Shafiq Blue Nile Jaqmiil, D.& P.Lowe/S.Winsted/M.McMillan B8
2. Bonnie, Owl Ridge Born To Be Wild, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg 6
SINGLES Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Jerzi, El Zagel Flying To Jersey, TCP, C.Sullivan/D.Britton 20
2. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 15
3. Braveheart, Ch Owl Ridge Zip Wyatt, N.Warner/J.Scheinberg 10
4. Callie, Finghin's Shining Star of Kirkham, M. & K.Standerford/E.McMichael 5
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zee, Winsome's Zenyatta of Attaway, M.Pearce/I.Stetson F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cochise, Clayborn's Apach Firedance, C.Buhrdorf B4
WHIPPET Judges: Darci Kunard, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Loki, Artistry's Go Forth Young Man, S. & W.Schultheis B16
3. Rumor, O'Neill N Tru-Luv's Something To Talk About, L.Pocurull/T.Borland 8
2. Devo, Ri Ra's Roman Holiday, W.Schultheia/L. & D.Gideon  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay R
2. Chico, Hamrya's Dynamo, FCh,RA,CD,RATN, M.Rubin/D.Lynch  
No Best in Field  
Sep 17, 2017
Canon, GA
Entry: 38
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Mike Terry  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger B4
BORZOI Judge: Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Wheels, Ch K-C Windsheer Wheel In The Sky, SC, D.& K.Parks/L.Lanier F12
2. Lars, K-C's Enter Sandman, SC, K.& D.Parks 9
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Journey, Ch Windsheer K-C Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', FCh,SC, K.Parks/L.Lanier B4
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lauren, Lauren Kan Bolt, J.Ng B8
2. Isis, Fuzz Face Noble, S.Garrick 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Mike Terry  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke B20
2. Kelia, FC Kamar's Enchanted Phoenixxx, FCh,MC,LCX, K.Radke/K.Belz DVM 15
3. Tag, Devillez They Dance, LCM2, R.Devillez 10
4. Whistle, Devillez Stars In The Night, R.Devillez 5
N. Flag, Devillez Sunshine On My Shoulders, R.Devillez  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Mike Terry  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Scrappy CoCo, Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, D. & K.Parks F16
2. Dos Equis, FC Venus' Stay Thirsty My Friends, SC, D.& K.Parks 12
3. Double Tap, Venus' Zombieland Rule Number Two, D.& K.Parks 8
4. 6xx, Venus' Zero Dark Thirty, D.& K.Parks 4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks B8
2. Sin, FC Venus' Original Sin Here, FCh,SC, D.& K.Parks 6
SALUKI Judge: Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ryan, Krimzyn Kumamia Hot New Release, M.F.Miller F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nevi, FC Hawksview's Zoomin' Out Of Nevada, FCh,SC, V.R.Olive/S.Olive B4
SINGLES Judge: Mike Terry  
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Hope, FTH December Hope, S.Garrick 8
WHIPPET Judge: Mike Terry  
Open Flight A(9)  
1. Tywin, Shannon Down Raines Of Castamere, S.& K.Lyons B36
2. Terra, Carbeth The Last Hurrah, J.Ng 27
3. Candy, TNT's Sweet Candy, TNT Kennels 18
4. Shaylee, HH Irish Lullaby, SC, L.Lanier/A.Norwood 9
N. Isaac, Synergy Heart Shaped World, M.Hawemann  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Zero, Deco Jomyr Sweets To The Sweet, FCh,SC, L.Lanier R20
2. Max, TNT's Red Son Rising O Cali, FCh, D.& M.L.Richards 15
3. Ethel, Les's Ethel, FCh,SC, M.F.Miller 10
4. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,SC, M.F.Miller 5
N. Pickles, Elektra SDW Talk To The Paw, FCh,OTR,SC,CRX, S.& K.Lyons  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Mike Terry  
IB  Jesse, DC Fusion's Jessica Rabbit, LCM,MC,LCX, K.Radke BIF  (77)
CE  Amadeo, Beauty Of Sicilia Amadeo, R.Fawcett -75
WH  Tywin, Shannon Down Raines Of Castamere, S.& K.Lyons -75
RR  Kinky, FC Venus' Goes Down Good, FCh,SC, L.Lanier/D.& K.Parks -75
Tidewater Challenge Trophy
BASENJI Judge: Ian Davies  
Field Champion Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Goodtime Charlie, FC Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues, LCM3,SC, J.Brader B20
2. Aqune, FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night, LCM2,SC, J.Brader 15
3. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM5,SC, J.Brader 10
BORZOI Judge: Carlee Davies  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Twistie, FC Spryfeat Titanium With A Twist, SC, W.& F.Erdman B12
2. Luciano, Teine Zharkov Lucky Luciano, J.& S.Woith 9
3. Rain, Spryfeat Titanium Rain, SC, F.& W.Erdman 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Carlee Davies  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B8
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin 6
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed  
SINGLES Judge: Ian Davies  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Felixx, Teine Zharkov Feliks At Phoenixx, J.& P.Schrieber 8
2. Rocky, Rocky Watson, C.& R.Watson 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Smoky, Siendo's Great Smoky Mts NP, D.Brown B12
2. Denali, Siendo's Denali NP, D.Hunter/D.Brown 9
3. Cora, Hunter's Run Corvette O Siendo, D.Brown 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cimarron, Siendo's Cimarron River, FCh, D.Hunter/H.Brown F4
WHIPPET Judge: Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Brooks, Secoya Kindred Spirits, SC, C.Watson R20
2. Ronan, Cali's Ronan The Red Of Saturn, SC,CGC, M.Pick/D.McNamer,DVM 15
3. Dora, Cherche` Arborlea Something's Afoot, M.Ballard 10
4. Splash, Skyspen Splash Of Blue, S.Salisbury 5
N. Sophy, Bluestreak Surrey Hill The Grand Sophy At Mariner, A.Fitt/K.Fredericks/K.Lee  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rain, Hollowell Reflections In The Rain, S.Salisbury B20
No Best in Field  
Sep 23, 2017
Camarillo, CA
Entry: 4
Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, S.Mohler B12
2. Celeste, Allagante Celestial Starfyre, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders 9
3. Woofie, Morgandell Rimfire, C.Carrouche/C.Dell 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks R4
Sep 23, 2017
Camarillo, CA
Entry: 5
Italian Greyhound Specialty
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Cyrus, FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard B20
2. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund 15
3. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund 10
4. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, FCh,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund 5
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund  
Sep 23, 2017
Farmington, MN
Entry: 44
BASENJI Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf B8
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, LCM, D.& T.Magnan R4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin +B32
2. Kynda, Kwetu's Catching Fire With Urafiki, V.Seely 12
3. Oscar, Ridgerunr's Wizard Of Oz Of Urafiki, V.Seely 8
4. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 4
Field Champion Flight A(8)  
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig R32
2. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski 24
3. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson 16
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart 8
N. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart  
SINGLES Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Single Flight A(8, 4 NQ)  
1. Tally, R Star Metallic Moon, S.Apilikowski 32
2. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 24
3. Gustavo, Shamasan Shine On Throught To Swiftcreek, A.Whitney 16
4. Oz, R Star's Orion Ya Zawadi, FCh, V.Seely 8
WHIPPET Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(8, 1 NC)  
1. Pearl, Affinity's Peacock Pearl, J. & K. Winterton R28
2. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller 21
3. Blaze, Northwind's Blaze Of Glory, J.& K.Winterton 14
4. Tempo, Northwind's Syncopated Rhythm, K.Nierengarten/K.Armato 7
N. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, C.Canard  
Field Champion Flight A(12)  
1. Weasel, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, FCh, A.Whitney B40
2. Deuce, Nonstopp Frehley's Comet, FCh,ARX, F.& B.Hearley 30
3. Leni, FC Shamasan I Carry Your Heart, FCh,ARX,DPCX,SC, C.Huzel 20
4. Uschi, Cogshall's Going For Bearoque, FCh,TRP, M.Huff/D.Duffert 10
N. Billy Bob, GCh Affinity's I Got The Will, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs  
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
RR  Libby, Azize's Liberty Queen, R.L.Marvin BIF  (149)
BA  Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf -147
Sep 23, 2017
Avon, OH
Entry: 24
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger B4
AZAWAKH Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
DIS. Xolani, BISS,DC Xolani ak Ilaman, TCP,CM2,SC, S.Vadas/C.Kelly  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Alvin, Alvin Ylilar Dab Arcca, FCh, R.Campbell B4
GREYHOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn B12
2. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden 9
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, FCh,SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge B4
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Dori, Ch Diamonds Open New Doors, P.Rape F8
2. Tipsy, DC Diamonds Seven Carat Reflection, SC, P.Rape 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman B8
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II 6
Veteran Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
SALUKI Judge: Don White  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps B20
2. Rapp, DC Windrush Protect And Serve, LCM,SC,TCP, K.& J.Lipps 15
3. Xavier, 7Seas Parfait Xavier, FCh,SC, Kelly/Vadas/Kelly-Burns/House 10
4. Ty, Ch Caristeda White Ty Style Windrush, SC, K.& J.Lipps 5
N. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM2,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps F8
2. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps 6
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Wu, Forgetmenot Xcitation, A.Rapoport 8
WHIPPET Judge: Don White  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Scarlet, Wildwood's Red Sky At Night, FCh,TCP,SC,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker B8
2. Phoebe, FC Phoebe On the Wing, LCM3,VLCM,MC,LCX,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin  
AZ  Alvin, Alvin Ylilar Dab Arcca, FCh, R.Campbell BIF  (78)
SA  Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps -77
RR  Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman -76
AH  Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger -76
WH  Scarlet, Wildwood's Red Sky At Night, FCh,TCP,SC,OTR,CR, C.& J.Shoemaker -75
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club
Sep 23, 2017
Ringoes, NJ
Entry: 65
Region 8 2-day Invitational
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Riff, Ch Paladin Let The Music Play Of Spice Hill, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/T.Tevlin/Liss B4
BASENJI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders B8
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders F4
BORZOI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice F12
2. Foxx, Gladkii Veter Gray Fox, H.Van Vliet 9
3. Manon, Wild Hunt Double Entendre, C.& K.Grabosky 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling F20
2. (Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford)  
3. Blazer, Ch Gladkii Veter Papi, FCh,SC, H.Van Vliet 10
4. Jean Luc, Ch Wildhunt Joie De Vivre At Highpoint, FCh, A.& W.Ford 5
N. Sir Lancelot, Ch C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM,SORC,SC, D.Darling/L.Green  
Veteran Flight A(5)  
1. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling B20
2. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 15
3. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling 10
4. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green 5
N. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling  
GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, D.Darling B8
2. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Bailey, Alfheim's Perfect Storm, T. & J.Jones R8
2. Cody, Frozen Viking's Dudley Winter, SC, T.& J.Jones 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone B8
2. Titus, Satori Titus The Triumphant, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas R8
2. Cassie, FC Celeste's Dark Energy, LCM,MC,SGRC,SOR,ORC, C.Mulcrone 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Gyda, Lady Gyda Jeraz Of Odin Ridge Wolves, Z.Willis B8
2. Olaf, Taliesin's Looking For Trouble, D.& D.Smith 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Tioga, Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland B8
2. (Sweet Potato, FC Kushinda's Sweet Potato Tribute To Elephant Joy BB, FCh,SC, Dr.K.,K. & K.Hefner/P.Wieland)  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Castiel, FC Mwenje's Forbidden Angel, FCh,JOR,MC,ORC,GRC, J.Price R8
2. Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper 6
SALUKI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, RN, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman F4
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Nimerah, Tallahamra Nimerah, J.Plugis B24
2. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz 18
3. Zydeco, Ch Aspen's Zydeco Zip, FCh,CA,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hoffman 12
4. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston 6
N. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz  
SINGLES Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Single Flight A(12, 2 NQ)  
1. Nahla, Kushinda Nyota, J.Velling 40
2. Chrysa, Satori Chrysa Astoria Gem, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines 30
3. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, E.Johnston 20
4. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar 10
N. Hugo, Hugo Toledo, S.McRae  
WHIPPET Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. MrKey, Shoreline'sRagappleKineticEnergy, I.Matusz/J.Campo F16
2. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter 12
3. Sprite, Shannon Down Sea To Shining Sea, J.Courtmanche 8
Field Champion Flight A(9)  
1. Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC,RN, P.Obelcz B36
2. GooRoo, Poeta GooRoovey Hipster, V.Damant 27
3. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche 18
4. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman 9
N. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Beastro, Beastro Chadra Sans Dos, FCh, V.Damant/P.Fazekas F4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
RR  Tioga, Kushinda's Burning Action With Legends Of TiogaKB2, Dr.K.,K., & K.Hefner/P.Wieland BIF  (152, 152)
WH  Tickle, FC Indigo Sweetwood Charged Particle, SC,CR,CGC,RN, P.Obelcz (152, 151)
IB  Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy -150
AH  Riff, Ch Paladin Let The Music Play Of Spice Hill, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/T.Tevlin/Liss -148
IG  Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone -144
BA  Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders -30
Sep 24, 2017
Camarillo, CA
Entry: 4
Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NC)  
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, S.Mohler F8
2. Woofie, Morgandell Rimfire, C.Carrouche/C.Dell 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Khan, Ch Starfyre Gold Zircon, FCh,ISWS IC,ITD,CGC,JOR, K.& J.Hicks B4
Sep 24, 2017
Camarillo, CA
Entry: 5
Italian Greyhound Specialty
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jennifer Gysler, Darci Kunard  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Cyrus, FC Nautica Anji's St Cyrus, SC, J.Skoglund/A.Leonard B20
2. Daisy, FC Princess Daisy Moo Skoglund, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC, J.& J.Skoglund 15
3. Dottie, FC Dottie Skoglund, SC,ORC,SGRC, J.& J.Skogllund 10
4. Willow, FC Anji-Ankhu's St Wiltrudis, FCh,SC,SGRC4,ORC, J. & J.Skoglund 5
N. Dante, Dante Skoglund, FCh,SC,GRC, J.& J.Skoglund  
Sep 24, 2017
Farmington, MN
Entry: 35
BASENJI Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Pepper, Flutesong's Isn't She Lovely, C. & S.Weisdorf B8
2. Ruby, Flutesong's She's Royal, C.& S.Weisdorf 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Oscar, Ridgerunr's Wizard Of Oz Of Urafiki, V.Seely R12
2. Kynda, Kwetu's Catching Fire With Urafiki, V.Seely 9
3. Amy, Ridgerunrs Sweeter Than Honey, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 6
Field Champion Flight A(8)  
1. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson B32
2. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig 24
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski 16
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart 8
N. (Bayden, Ch Talyor Made Out Of McKenzie Two, SC, B.& T.Moodhart)  
SINGLES Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Single Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Finnick, Bruach's Finest Tribute From Four, J.Parrow 24
2. Felix, Sporting Fileds Dashing Line In The Sand, K.& P. Krahn/D.& G.Samuelson 18
3. Earl, Ridgerunrs Duke Of Earl, R.Keller Jr/B.Schmidt 12
4. Tally, R Star Metallic Moon, S.Apilikowski 6
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judges: Carlee Davies, Ian Davies  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Dasher, Affinity Oh Dasher Deer, T.& M.Briggs R24
2. Raya, Finghin's Raya Sunshine, C.Canard 18
3. Cookie, Ch Affinity's She's One Smart Cookie, N.Schouveller 12
4. Tempo, Northwind's Syncopated Rhythm, K.Nierengarten/K.Armato 6
N. Chip, Northwind's Frito Bandito, TCP, S.& T.DePottey/K.Nierengarten  
Field Champion Flight A(9)  
1. Weasel, Longrun's Dragonheart O'Swiftcreek, FCh, A.Whitney B36
2. June, Ch Affinity's Time's A Wastin, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs 27
3. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, FCh, C.Canard 18
4. Nelson, Affinity's Redneck Revival, FCh, C.Juelfs/A.& C.Rogers 9
N. Pistol, Affinity's I Feel A Sin Comin On, C.Juelfs/C.& A.Rogers  
No Best in Field  
Sep 24, 2017
Avon, OH
Entry: 20
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Storm, Ch Exquisite Red Skye At Night, LCM, D.& L.Reisinger B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Jeff Lipps  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Seger, Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, L.Warden B12
2. Dave, Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, K.Kaltenborn 9
3. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, K.Kaltenborn 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Don White  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Najja, GCh Sharqiya Who Dares Wins, FCh,SC, A.Hamilton/E.Kerridge B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Moshi, Imarika's Smokey Topaz, FCh, B.A.Dieckman B4
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM6,MC,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II F12
2. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 9
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM3,VFCh,MC,LCX3,CGC, J.Arvin 6
SALUKI Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Oonagh, FC Alshira Oonagh Fae Windrush, FCh,SC, J.& K.Lipps B20
2. Ranger, DC Windrush High Five, LCM2,TCP,SC, K.& J.Lipps 15
3. Malone, DC Windrush Magellan Billet, LCM,SC,TCP, K. & J.Lipps 10
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM8,MC,LCX,NA,NAJ, K.& J.Lipps F8
2. Venus, BII,GCh,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM4,MC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps 6
SINGLES Judge: Don White  
Single Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Wu, Forgetmenot Xcitation, A.Rapoport 8
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Cammie, Secoya Pefect Game, J.Coy B8
2. Isaak, GCh Templar Wicked Game, J.Coy 6
No Best in Field  
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club
Sep 24, 2017
Ringoes, NJ
Entry: 50
Region 8 2-day Invitational
BASENJI Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Dean Wright  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders B8
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM,CA,SC, K.Sanders 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM5,MC,GRC,JOR,VB,LCX, K.Sanders F4
BORZOI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford +B20
2. Daenarys, Aria'Firestarr's Wild Is The Wind @ Ryhka, D.Darling/R.Rice 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Event, Oma De Sala's Ty Kay Event Of Ryhka, FCh,ORC, D.Darling R8
2. Sir Lancelot, Ch C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM,SORC,SC, D.Darling/L.Green 6
Veteran Flight A(5)  
1. Kiss, FC C'Lestial White Chocolate Of Ryhka, FCh,VLCM,SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green F20
2. Weston, FC C'Lestial Wild & Wonderful Of Ryhka, LCM4,LCX2,SORC2,MC, D.Darling 15
3. Xenon, GCh,DC C'Lestial Southern Xenon Lights of Ryhka, FCh,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling 10
4. Chaya, FC Technetium's Ancient Chaya Sar O'Ryhka, LCM,VFCh,ORC,MC, D.Darling 5
N. Cameo, FC C'Lestial Tec Firecracker Of Ryhka, SC,SORC, D.Darling/L.Green  
GREYHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, D.Darling B8
2. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Bailey, Alfheim's Perfect Storm, T. & J.Jones R8
2. Cody, Frozen Viking's Dudley Winter, SC, T.& J.Jones 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas B16
2. Titus, Satori Titus The Triumphant, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines 12
3. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone 8
4. Cassie, FC Celeste's Dark Energy, LCM,MC,SGRC,SOR,ORC, C.Mulcrone 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper B8
2. Castiel, FC Mwenje's Forbidden Angel, FCh,JOR,MC,ORC,GRC, J.Price 6
SALUKI Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Leelah, Ch Gemini Jubilee Nephelae, TCP,RN,SC, D.Johnson/G.Hofflman +F4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Nimerah, Tallahamra Nimerah, J.Plugis B16
2. Tallie, Uziduzit Hawksview Black Talon At Antara, FCh,TCP,SC,RN,,TKI,CGCA, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz 12
3. Adios, FC Adios, FCh, E.Johnston 8
4. Sprint, Ch Karob Sandstorm Sprint Ahead To Antara, CAA,CGCP, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz 4
SINGLES Judges: Bob Marciszewski, Dean Wright  
Single Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. Chrysa, Satori Chrysa Astoria Gem, FCh, S.Viennas/S.Gaines 32
2. Koublah, Tallahamra Koublah, J.Plugis 24
3. Hugo, Hugo Toledo, S.McRae 16
4. Fariq, Ch Xass Farah Fariq, S.Meier/F.Farrar 8
N. Giggles, One More Laugh, FCh,TCP, E.Johnston  
No Best of Breed  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ranger, SummersSpirit Chipolte, SGRC3,SOR,ORC, C.Hayes B8
2. Mouse, CSB Agent Three Blind Mice, S.& C.Beckeman/C.Tucci 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hudson, UKC Ch Fantasy Farms Puccini, FCh,ISWS FCh,SGRC,JOR, C.Hayes F4
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Sanders, Dean Wright  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. MrKey, Shoreline'sRagappleKineticEnergy, I.Matusz/J.Campo +F8
2. Sprite, Shannon Down Sea To Shining Sea, J.Courtmanche 6
Field Champion Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter B32
2. Eli, ShannonDown If I Can Dream, J.Courtmanche 24
3. Leveret, Merci Isle Rhythm Of The Night, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman 16
4. Eden, Merci Isle Paradise Garden, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman 8
N. Scooter, FC WGASA Scooter Pie O TNT, LCM9,SC, D.& N.Ewing/L.& D.Richards  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Tesseract, Ragapple Wrinkle In Time, FCh, A.Mark F4
BEST IN REGIONAL INVITATIONAL Judges: Jeff Bedrick, Bob Marciszewski  
BA  Chilly, GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM3,SC,CA,RATN, K.Sanders 151
BZ  Zephyr, Kirov Wind Glider At Highpoint, A.& W.Ford BIE                152
IB  Ivy, Abbaio Glitterati, M.Schnyder/S.Murphy 147
IG  Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone 20
IG Magnus, Satori Magnus, FCh,SGRC,ORC, S.Viennas 10
RR Kole`, FC Kito's Love & Luck At Mwenje, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC, J.Price/M.Draper 15
WH Teddy, Merci Isle Fall Finery, C.Potter 151
Sep 30, 2017
Caledonia, WI
Entry: 29
BASENJI Judge: Will Martens  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Daisy, Ch Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy, S.Joyner R4
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM,SC,SORC,SGRC,VB, T.Colbert F12
2. Ari, GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, LCM,CPX,SC,SGRC5,SORC7, T.Colbert 9
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM6,MC,SGRC3,LCX, T.Colbert B12
BORZOI Judge: Will Martens  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shera, C'Lestial Berried Treasure, E.B.Luiostanski B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Will Martens  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Hercules, UAG1,UWP,UCP,UR03,DC Lakilanni Hercules El Kandahar, FCh,CD,RN, L.Hayes B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Will Martens  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Phizzie, Charmedwons Phuture's Effervescent Morning Star, C.Johnson/J.Gwin B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, FCh, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt R4
Field Champion Flight A(7)  
1. Kingsley, DC Taylormade King Of Hearts, FCh,SC, K.Fennig B28
2. Xena, DC Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, SC, T.& W.Olson 21
3. Nox, DC Taylor Made Nights Watch, FCh,BN,RN,MC,BCAT,CGC, C.& J.Landowski 14
4. Perry, FC Taylor Made Out Of Carolina, SC,RN,BN,OA,OAJ, B.& T.Moodhart 7
N. Micah, Taylor Made Out of McKenzie, SC, B. & T.Moodhart  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Euro, Ch Oluchi Legend Has It, FCh,RN, T.Ragatz/M.Alonso F4
SALUKI Judge: Will Martens  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Akamai, DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, SC, R.& K.Frost B16
2. Lily, Farashah Pearl Crescent SM, P.Rodden/C.Hahn 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Jamilah, Ch Farashah Dotted Checkerspot SM, C.Hahn R16
2. Jassirah, FC Farashah Little Metalmark SM, SC,GRC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 12
3. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM2,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt 8
4. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem Dei SM, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 4
SINGLES Judge: Will Martens  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Janie, Ch Windrock Look Who's Talking At Sheffield, C.Halliday 16
2. Blaze, Aeolus Simply Blazin', M.Grodey 12
3. Q, Ch Willabe Quiet About It, K.& D.Carlson/J.Schroeder 8
4. Wings, Twin Elm's Wings, A.& C.Montex/S.Breaz 4
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judge: Will Martens  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. U, FC Free Wynd's It Had To Be U, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja B8
2. Prada, FC Do It Just A Fashion Trend, LCM3,SC,OTR, D.Syrja 6
No Best in Field  
Sep 30, 2017
Peyton, CO
Entry: 27
BASENJI Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Cooper, Chiya's Teazer My Aim Is Tru, SC, M.& L.Carter/S.Cheng B4
BORZOI Judges: Frank Cassano, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Kane, Zoiboyz Jedawn Resolute Kane, T.Golcher/KC Thompson F12
2. T Pet, Kinobi Teacher's Pet, R.P.Campbell c/o M.Pearce 9
3. Indy, Perlova Avalon Indy Go Zoiboyz, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Aliza, Aliza ay Zoiboyz Rosa Wetrow, KC Thompson/T.Golcher B20
2. Livvie, FC Zoiboyz Glenlivet Nadurra, FCh,SC,CGC, L.Pocurull 15
3. Hamilton, Zoiboyz Hamilton, FCh, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 10
4. Hudson, Zoiboyz Hudson, KC Thompson/T.Golcher 5
N. Guinness, FC Zoiboyz Guinness, FCh,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson  
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dar'in, Dare To Dream d'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Phoenix, Ch Fly By Night D'Lea, J.Gates/P.Qualls B8
2. Kia, Chiaramenti d'Lea, FCh,SC, J.Gates/P.Qualls 6
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Punkin, Prairie Creek Pretty Pricilla, C.Smalley/M.Wolfe/J.Mattson B20
2. Essie, Pinehurst Essie, K.Catov-Goodell 15
3. Kline, Winterdream Kline Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell 10
4. Kaviar, Ch Winterdream Kaviar Of Pinehurst, K.Catov-Goodell/M.Ryan/K.Surdal 5
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's Bakhu Risky Business Of Hallam, LCM,MC,RN,HIC,VCX,CA,LCX, D.& M.Kunard B8
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,VFCh,RN,OAP,MC,HIC, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Echo, Ch Rufaro's Good Golly Great Balls Of Fire, TDI,CA, D.& B.Collins/J.Taylor-Cousar F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Indigo, GCh, DC Rufaro's Pretty Baby Blues, FCh,MC,RN,CGC,LCX2,GRC, D.& B.Collins B4
SINGLES Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Ryder, Artistry's Go For Broke, C.Scott/L.Jordan 16
2. Jade, Jade Sanders, L.Sanders 12
3. Buckley, Carbeth Big Bucks, L.Sanders 8
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Merlin, Crossfyre No Regrets, E.& J.Wong R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ren, Shannon Down Footloose, S.Seay B4
No Best in Field