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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

2009 - 2016 Records


Records - September 2022 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE SMOKY MOUNTAINS Sep 03, 2022 Limestone, TN Entry: 1 Silken Windhound Specialty
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 03, 2022 Farmington, MN Entry: 49 The Minnesota Cup

Tally Ho Challenge
GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE SMOKY MOUNTAINS Sep 04, 2022 Limestone, TN Entry: 3 Silken Windhound Specialty
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 04, 2022 Farmington, MN Entry: 45 The Minnesota Cup

Tally Ho Challenge
SALUKI ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 04, 2022 Starkville, NY Entry: 18 1st Fun Trial
GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE SMOKY MOUNTAINS Sep 05, 2022 Limestone, TN Entry: 2 Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUNDS FOR ENDURANCE,PERFORMANCE & TRAINING Sep 05, 2022 Roy, WA Entry: 47 Co-hosted by Cascadia Sighthound Association
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 10, 2022 Fairborn, OH Entry: 51 Region 6 Invitational
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 10, 2022 South Jordan, UT Entry: 19
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 11, 2022 Fairborn, OH Entry: 60
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 11, 2022 South Jordan, UT Entry: 15
IBIZAN HOUND CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES Sep 14, 2022 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 28 Ibizan Hound Club of the United States National Specialty
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 16, 2022 Peyton, CO Entry: 34 48th Grand National
Release The Hounds
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 17, 2022 Peyton, CO Entry: 31 48th Grand National
Release The Hounds
COLORADO LURE COURSING ASSOCIATION Sep 18, 2022 Peyton, CO Entry: 48 48th Grand National
Release The Hounds
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 24, 2022 Farmington, MN Entry: 63 Region V Invitational
NORTHERN AZAWAKH ASSOCIATION Sep 24, 2022 Flamborough, ON  CAN Entry: 45
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 25, 2022 Farmington, MN Entry: 49
NORTHERN AZAWAKH ASSOCIATION Sep 25, 2022 Flamborough, ON   CAN Entry: 43

Sep 03, 2022
Arroyo Grande, CA
Entry: 29
GREYHOUND Judge: Kathleen Kelly  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Cookie, Cookie Jar, J.Steele B12
2. Peter, Golightly A Boy Named Sue, B.Dickson/N.Gimblett/S.Pober 9
MAGYAR AGAR Judge: Jayme Jones  
Open Flight A(4, 3 NQ)  
1. Varma, Avenia's Szilvalekvar, H.Sjoblom-Saldana B16
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Kathleen Kelly  
Open Flight A(7)  
1. Rocky, Churuka Mirare Desert Wind Sirocco, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/A.Farrow +B28
2. Ladon, Lileo's Fantastic Beast, J.Jones/L.Leones 21
3. J'Adore, GCh,DC Farao Anubis J'Adore, SC,GRC, J.Jones/D.Delmore/L.Leone 14
4. Nova, Lileo's Champagne Supernova, J.Jones/L.Leone 7
N. Zephyr, Mirare Churuka Washoe Zephyr Wind, T.Harper/A.Farrow/L.Witt  
SINGLES Judge: Jayme Jones  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Hula, Bay's Bushyfur Hawaiin Hulatytto, H.Sjoblom-Saldana 8
2. Magic, Elessar's Genovation GXE, L.& M.Silvestri 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Jayme Jones  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Molly, Wyndolyn I'm All That, S.Mohler B12
2. Rocket, Kadlec Starfyre Rocketman, K.Hicks 9
WHIPPET Judge: Jayme Jones  
Open Flight A(9, 3 NQ)  
1. Dazzle, Wirtu's Dazzler Girl, J.Milam B36
2. Keeper, Wirtu's Promises To Keep For Crestfield, K.Kelly/C.Fielder 27
3. Trella, Wirtu's Promise Me The Stars, L.White 18
4. Tia, Ch Runner's My Cerenity, C.Nelson 9
N. Tess, Runner's The Countess Of Wirtu, C.Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Anax, Hildidan's Anaximander, FCh, L.White F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Jayme Jones  
SW  Molly, Wyndolyn I'm All That, S.Mohler BIF  (80)
WH  Dazzle, Wirtu's Dazzler Girl, J.Milam -79
PH  Rocky, Churuka Mirare Desert Wind Sirocco, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/A.Farrow -78
Sep 03, 2022
Limestone, TN
Entry: 1
Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Eddie Kominek  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Sep 03, 2022
Farmington, MN
Entry: 49
The Minnesota Cup
Tally Ho Challenge
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Kathy Nelson, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Vera, Vitrina Vera, V.Trantanella B8
2. Rainbow, Dreamway Vitrina Ever Seen The Rain On A Sunny Day, V.J.Trantanella 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach F4
LCI LARGE Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Bliss, Bellerio Follow Your Bliss, K.Shinn 16
2. Luna, Starlit Ignite The Night, D.Potz 12
3. Bella, LNMS SXB Sixteen For Bella Notte, K.Shinn 8
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCI,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 12
2. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCI,BN,RN,MXB,MJB,NF, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 9
3. Sadie, Sadie Lynne 2, LCI, T.Lenzmeier/D.Henshaw 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, T.& W.Olson F12
2. Isla, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson 9
3. Kya, Azize's Taylormade Diamond In The Sky, SC,BCAT, L.A.Frank 6
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Eve, FC U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,BCAT,CGC, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson R8
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B12
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, E.Telleen 16
2. Thena, Saluq's Athena, J.A.Chase 12
3. Ellie, Eilistraee The Silver Maiden, CGC, R.Kurandina 8
4. Iroh, Uncle Iroh Dragon Of The West, M.Pederson/B.Shiers 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 16
2. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, P.Green 12
3. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, L.Breckheimer 8
4. Spock, Nimh's Live Long N Prosper, J.Brodeur 4
Senior Flight A(2)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCI,LCC, K.Green 8
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Tommie, Lily Tomlin, LCI, L.Breckheimer 4
SINGLES Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(7, 2 NQ)  
1. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, R.Knuth/S.Albright 28
2. Wave, MVTO's Greetings From The Big Apple, G.Cochran 21
3. Rosie, Nightwatch Rosie The Riveter, M.McShannock/Rev.S.Hetz-Burchell 14
4. Finnick, Bruach's Finest Tribute From Four, CPX, J.Parrow 7
N. Tari, Vitrina Secretariat, V.Trantanella  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Joker, Starfyre Prankster, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks B4
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Nelson, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(7)  
1. Siggi, Tru-Luv's The Singing Wildesrness, C.& G.Czupka/L.Rice B28
2. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, I.Mullauer/K.Nierengarten 21
3. Heist, On Target's Grand Larceny, E.Telleen/L.Kronz 14
4. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, R.Van Tassell 7
N. Pearl, Wild Iris Blue Pearl, D.Duffert  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Axl, FC North Star Welcome To The Jungle, FCh,SC,PR,TKN,CGC, L.Ashburn F8
2. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,CD,RE,SC,ACT2,RATN, C.Canard R4
No Best in Field  
Sep 04, 2022
Limestone, TN
Entry: 3
Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Matt Coughlin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Foxy, Avalon Foxtrot, S.Moore/P.Moore B12
2. Kisch, CSB Agnet Kisch, A.Insley 9
3. Reba, Perla Witchcraft, P.Moore/S.Moore-Doby 6
Sep 04, 2022
Farmington, MN
Entry: 45
The Minnesota Cup
Tally Ho Challenge
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Kathy Nelson, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Vera, Vitrina Vera, V.Trantanella B8
DIS. Rainbow, Dreamway Vitrina Ever Seen The Rain On A Sunny Day, V.J.Trantanella  
GREYHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach B4
LCI LARGE Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Bliss, Bellerio Follow Your Bliss, K.Shinn 12
2. Bayu, Bayu, K.Saille 9
3. Bella, LNMS SXB Sixteen For Bella Notte, K.Shinn 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCI,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 12
2. Sadie, Sadie Lynne 2, LCI, T.Lenzmeier/D.Henshaw 9
3. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCI,BN,RN,MXB,MJB,NF, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Isla, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson B12
2. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, T.& W.Olson 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Eve, FC U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,BCAT,CGC, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson R8
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,NAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley R12
2. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM3,MC,LCX, T.& W.Olson 9
3. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, E.Telleen 8
LCI SMALL Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 20
2. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, P.Green 15
3. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, L.Breckheimer 10
4. Jenny, Forever Young, L.Breckheimer 5
Senior Flight A(2)  
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 8
2. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCI,LCC, K.Green 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Tommie, Lily Tomlin, LCI, L.Breckheimer 4
SINGLES Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, R.Knuth/S.Albright 12
2. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevole Boy, A.Hodges 9
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen B8
2. Joker, Starfyre Prankster, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks 6
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Nelson, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(7)  
1. Aldo, Affinity's Golden Hour, G.& C.Czupka B28
2. Sting, Wild Iris's Silver Sting, L.& B.Ashburn 21
3. Siggi, Tru-Luv's The Singing Wildesrness, C.& G.Czupka/L.Rice 14
4. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, R.Van Tassell 7
N. Pearl, Wild Iris Blue Pearl, D.Duffert  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard R8
2. Axl, FC North Star Welcome To The Jungle, FCh,SC,PR,TKN,CGC, L.Ashburn 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,CD,RE,SC,ACT2,RATN, C.Canard R4
No Best in Field  
Sep 04, 2022
Starkville, NY
Entry: 18
1st Fun Trial
BASENJI Judge: Jo-An Courtemanche  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zizula, FC Zenonia's Zizula Hylax, FCh,SC, N.Newton B
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zintha, DC Shabani's Zintha Hintza, FCh,SC, N.Newton F
SALUKI Judge: Jo-An Courtemanche  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Mooji, Yamadan Mouhjat For Tallahamra, J.Plugis B
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Koublah, Tallahamra Koublah, J.Plugis F
SINGLES Judge: John Plugis  
Single Flight A(7, 3 NQ)  
1. Opal, Aperture Opalescence, K.Varszegi/J.Poole  
2. Korra, Eldorado N Akuaba Fancy Free, TCP, T.Buchta  
3. Quinn, Zenonia's Heirodula Quunquecallosa, N.Newton  
4. Speedy, Desperado PB Speedy Gonzales, N.Lipinski/T.Jumbelick  
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judge: John Plugis  
Open Flight A(2)  
1-2. Obie, Labyrinth Oberon, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
1-2. Jasper, Swift's Sunshine Highway, K.Varsgegi/E.Heizler  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ivan, Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, FCh, J.Courtemanche  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Sprite, SDW Sea To Shining Sea, FCh,SC, J.Courtmanche  
No Best in Field  
Sep 05, 2022
Limestone, TN
Entry: 2
Silken Windhound Specialty
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Matt Coughlin, Eddie Kominek  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Foxy, Avalon Foxtrot, S.Moore/P.Moore B8
2. Reba, Perla Witchcraft, P.Moore/S.Moore-Doby 6
Sep 05, 2022
Roy, WA
Entry: 47
Co-hosted by Cascadia Sighthound Association
BASENJI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Bruce, DC,IABCA Kingwanas Undercover Boss, FCh,SC,RN,TDI,BCAT,TKN, E.Monzon B16
2. Hula, Relic's Tribal Dance With Zamaradi TKN, FCh, St Clair/Smith-Falkner/Sanders 12
3. Blossom, Zamaradi's I Want It All, FCh, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 8
4. Scotti, Lifespeed's Beam Me Up To Zamaradi, FCh, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 4
BORZOI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
GREYHOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Holly, Largoholdontight, K.& R.Sargent B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Rossi, Davinci Icycold Don't Take My Spot, E.Monzon/L.Jones/J.Morris B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zeta, Divine's Wine In A Million Ragazza Da Sogno, SC, G.& J.Behrens/S.Evans R4
Field Champion Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. (Liam, Liam II, E.Huehnergarth)  
2. Roman, Divine-Ankhu's Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, FCh, S.Evans/A.Eastlick 24
3. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM2,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens 16
4. Rainbow, Lorenc's GDM The Show Must Go On At Divine, FCh, S.Evans/J.Beckett 8
N. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,SGRC2,ORC,RATI, J. & G.Behrens/A.McLeod  
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Invalid Stake Best of Breed  
LCI LARGE Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Bakugo, Hayaikaze's No.1 Hero Bakusatsu-ou, T.Rose 32
2. Rhys, Kalara's Fiercely Royal, M.Duclos/S.Garrettson 24
3. Cari, La Diabla Disfrazada, M.Golden 16
4. Tempest, Stormborn's Fierce Tempest, A.St.Clair 8
N. Jane, Mroczek's Lady Jane, C.Mroczek  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Intrique, On Target Piqued Your Interest, S.Kostric 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tally, Makonde's Tally Marks, H.Simon B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Qetesh, FC Excalibur Saratoggah, FCh,SC,RN,NAJ, H.Simon F4
SALUKI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed  
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Code, On Target's Heartbreaker, N.Vellotta-Holtmeyer 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Kurisu, Hayikaze's Lab Member 004, T.Rose 20
2. Tavi, Yamabushi No Octave Melody, T.Rose 15
3. Fashion, On Target's All The Rage, S.Kostric 10
SINGLES Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Pepper, Brystal Magic Flute, D.Shurin 8
2. Eeva, Zamaradi's Put On Your Sunday Clothes, S.Smith-Falkner/I.Smith 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Mary Ellen Chaffin  
Open Flight A(5, 3 NQ)  
1. Kenan, Wyndolyn's Winsome Kenan, I.Stetson B20
2. Nara, Wildrose Allagante Inara, K.& P.Sanders 15
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
WHIPPET Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Renner, Hildidan's Fierce Mamba Magic of Renner, C.Gaiser B16
2. Skate, Taliesin Wonderstruck Apolo In Motion, Dr.K.Comer/L.de Mille 12
3. Fox, Tarapaca's Forbidden Whispers, D.Shurin 8
4. Emoji, Hildidan's Mighty Magic Emoji, C.Gaiser 4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
SW  Kenan, Wyndolyn's Winsome Kenan, I.Stetson BIF  (150)
IB  Rossi, Davinci Icycold Don't Take My Spot, E.Monzon/L.Jones/J.Morris -147
BA  Bruce, DC,IABCA Kingwanas Undercover Boss, FCh,SC,RN,TDI,BCAT,TKN, E.Monzon -134
WH  Renner, Hildidan's Fierce Mamba Magic of Renner, C.Gaiser -132
Sep 10, 2022
Fairborn, OH
Entry: 51
Region 6 Invitational
BASENJI Judges: Karen Frederick, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lynnie, Tajis Rock'N'Roll High School At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell R8
2. Josie, Spring Willow's Never Been Kissed, L.Frazer/M.Hogan 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axion, Annandael & Lia Faille's Dark Matter, FCh, L.Frazer/M.Hogan/D.Johnston B8
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Lotus, DC Taji's Asian Flower Power At Bluenote, FCh,SC, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell F4
GREYHOUND Judges: Karen Frederick, Mary Frances Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach B12
2. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar 9
3. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, LCM, L.Soutar 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Dave, DC Lakilanni Livin' On Adrenaline, FCh,SC, K.Kaltenborn R8
2. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, FCh, K.Kaltenborn 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Karen Frederick, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt B12
2. Madyson, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, Dr.K.Catt 9
3. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Holly Hamilton, Jeffrey Leonard  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Mogul, FC Celeste's Fashion Mogul Ala Superga, FCh,SC,LCX, S.Ostrander B4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Holly Hamilton, Jeffrey Leonard  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Holly Hamilton, Mary Frances Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B8
2. Neema, Faouziah's Isolde, FCh, A.& S.Hamilton 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Karen Frederick, Jeffrey Leonard  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Charlotte, Highfield's Good Charlotte, K.Straky/M.Mortin B12
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Zayin, BII,GCh,DC Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, LCM2,MC,LCX3, J.& C.Slattery R12
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM5,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 9
3. Jolene, GCh,DC Kibo's Jolene of Kwetu, FCh,SC,DCAT, D.Knoth 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM5,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks F4
SALUKI Judges: Holly Hamilton, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tessa, NFC,DC Windrush Quintessa, SC,BCAT,LCX, C.Holman DVM/K.Lippes B12
Veteran Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Jassirah, Ch Farashah Little Metalmark SM, LCM,SC,GRC,JOR, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes R12
2. Akamai, GCh,DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, FCh,SC,LCX, R.& K.Frost 9
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Holly Hamilton, Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Jordan, Chase Farm Legends Of Silk Road At Skyhigh, D.Cutter B24
2. Reiver, GCh,DC Rousay L'Reiver To Eynhallow Of Muma, SC, D.Habian 18
3. Starly, Kyleakin Starling, B.Stephendon 12
4. Junius, Drudwyn Lucius Junius Gray The Fourth, Dr. J.Brown 6
SINGLES Judges: Karen Frederick, Jeffrey Leonard  
Single Flight A(5)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach 20
2. Penny, Luvakis Ricki Bobbi's Lucky Penny, V.& E.Radinovic/F,N,&O.Radinovic 15
3. Fig, Wolfpine's Figment of Pigmentation, A.,D. & J.Matt/J.Epstein 10
4. Winslow, GCh Pandora's Take It Easy At Dija, TCP,CA, M.& C.Hogan/Frazer/Tilton/Clarke 5
N. Yanni, El Baz Yu Yanni, C.Hahn/G.Hinsch  
WHIPPET Judges: Karen Frederick, Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(7)  
1. Titan, Wildabout Sweet Titan, S.Sams +B28
2. Margot, Nonstopp Lookout Margot, C.Perkins/L.Ochoa 21
3. Asher, Ch Snow Hill Thinking Out Loud, SC, D.Murray/S.Hughes 14
4. Smokey, R & B's Smokey Robinson, C.& D.Morgan 7
N. Celine, Labyrinth Celine, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Y, Free Wynd's Y Me, FCh, D.Syrja R20
2. S'More, Wildabout Toasted Marshmallow, FCh, D.& A.Matt 15
3. Harley, FC Hyflyte Agent Kaos Of Wolfpine, FCh,MC,CR,, J.& S.Epstein 10
4. Bandit, Lucky Penny's Speedo Bandit At North Star, FCh, C.Morgan 5
N. Akela, Ch Shojin's Heart Of The Jungle, FCh,RN,SC,TKN, LaForest/D.& R.Vayda/Tincher  
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Bug, Labyrinth Jitterbug, LCM, L.Pirrung/D.McCann R8
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Karen Frederick, Mary Frances Miller  
IB  Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt BIF  (152, 152)
SA  Tessa, NFC,DC Windrush Quintessa, SC,BCAT,LCX, C.Holman DVM/K.Lippes (152, 150)
BA  Axion, Annandael & Lia Faille's Dark Matter, FCh, L.Frazer/M.Hogan/D.Johnston -151
GH  Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach -150
IG  Mogul, FC Celeste's Fashion Mogul Ala Superga, FCh,SC,LCX, S.Ostrander -149
PH  Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt -149
Sep 10, 2022
South Jordan, UT
Entry: 19
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Mayu, Mayahime Hepworth, M.Hepworth B4
BORZOI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Evija, Northern Tiere Finest In The Shop, S.Grant/J.& E.Wagner B8
2. Esprit, Avalon Wings Of The Wind Oh! Excalibur, RN,BCAT,CGC, S.Grant/S.Moore 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Eclat, Avalon WW Dazzle In The Dark, FCh, S.Grant/S.Moore F4
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Vento, FC Colisto's Vento, FCh,SC,SGRC,NW1, J.Hale/N.L.Wight B12
2. Angel, Rockin'Hearts Angel Kisses, FCh, L.Myers 9
3. Dexter, Riali I Debonair Dexter, FCh, D.& L.Myers 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lapis, DC Oquirrh Sunfleet Lapis Lazuli, SC,BCAT,CA, F.Burnham B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Luppa, GCh,DC Farao Anubis Just Smashing, FCh,SC, Sheeley-M'Donough/KaijeK/Westman B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley +B8
2. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Pogo, Oquirrh Ogopogo, L.Conner/F.Burnham 24
2. Terra, Oquirrh Thunderbird, F.Burnham 18
3. Ranga, Rushwind's Kassar Al Alb, J.Wong 12
4. Archer, Windrock The Best of Everything, B.Snell/K.Fritzler 6
N. Argo, Windrock Desert Sky, S.Moore  
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NC)  
1. Nellie, Lex Talionis Vitesse, S.White B4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
AH  Mayu, Mayahime Hepworth, M.Hepworth BIF  (76)
WH  Nellie, Lex Talionis Vitesse, S.White -75
PH  Luppa, GCh,DC Farao Anubis Just Smashing, FCh,SC, Sheeley-M'Donough/KaijeK/Westman -74
Sep 11, 2022
Dixon, CA
Entry: 39
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Soraya, Tiara's U Got The Look, D.DuVall B12
2. Atala, Vahalah Atala Naranj Oranje, S.Meuler/V.Koscinski 9
3. Mannie, Imanea El Iraj, V.& R.Koscinski 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Fadiahr, Fadiahr El Iraja, FCh, V.& R.Koscinski F4
BASENJI Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
GREYHOUND Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Peter, Golightly A Boy Named Sue, B.Dickson/N.Gimblett/S.Pober B8
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC)  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Loki, Loki-Motive Of Eden, D.Duvall B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Ladon, Lileo's Fantastic Beast, J.Jones/L.Leones +R20
2. J'Adore, GCh,DC Farao Anubis J'Adore, SC,GRC, J.Jones/D.Delmore/L.Leone 15
3. Nadia, DC Churuka Mia The Lady In Red Of Mirare, SC, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/P.Haig 10
4. Valencia, DC Mirare Churuka Mia La Vie En Rose, SC, T.Harper/A.Farrow/L.Witt/P.Haig 5
N. Solo, Lileo's Smok'n Hot Solo, J.Jones/A.Schokker/S.Hoffman  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rocky, Churuka Mirare Desert Wind Sirocco, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/A.Farrow B20
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Rasp, Calico Ridge Bodega Redd Nola Tutu Raspini, SC,CA,CGC, M.Hoff B12
2. Nora, Ardbeg Supesrnova, Dr B.Grismer 9
3. Myka, Windancer's Wild Ways, J.Schindler-Horvat 6
SINGLES Judge: Linda D'Antonio  
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Wilson, Milescross Oenophile, R.Carey 12
2. Zephyr, Mirare Churuka Washoe Zephyr Wind, T.Harper/A.Farrow/L.Witt 9
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Jenna, Attaway Quickstep At Wyndolyn, S.Mohler B12
2. Briggs, Silken Mythology Briggs, S.Mohler 9
3. Leia, Kinobi Star With Royal Beauty, C.Miller 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Dyson, Wyndolyn Sir Bedlvere, FCh, S.Mohler F4
WHIPPET Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(12, 1 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Dazzle, Wirtu's Dazzler Girl, J.Milam +B40
2. Londyn Rose, Wirtu's Promise Of Roses, J.Haas 30
3. PiP, Hildidan's Magic PiP of My Heart, B.Moore 20
4. Renner, Hildidan's Fierce Mamba Magic of Renner, C.Gaiser 10
N. Ailia, Hildidan's Fierce Magic Of Ailia, C.Gaiser  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Stevie, FC Wirtu's Without Limits, FCh,SC, K.Kelly R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Zenith, Hildidan's Magic Zenith, B.Moore F4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Linda D'Antonio, Jennifer Gysler  
RR  Rasp, Calico Ridge Bodega Redd Nola Tutu Raspini, SC,CA,CGC, M.Hoff BIF  (155)
PH  Rocky, Churuka Mirare Desert Wind Sirocco, L.& G.Witt/T.Harper/A.Farrow -151
WH  Dazzle, Wirtu's Dazzler Girl, J.Milam -151
GH  Peter, Golightly A Boy Named Sue, B.Dickson/N.Gimblett/S.Pober -151
SW  Jenna, Attaway Quickstep At Wyndolyn, S.Mohler -147
Sep 11, 2022
Fairborn, OH
Entry: 60
BASENJI Judge: Karen Frederick  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Lynnie, Tajis Rock'N'Roll High School At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell B8
2. Josie, Spring Willow's Never Been Kissed, L.Frazer/M.Hogan 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axion, Annandael & Lia Faille's Dark Matter, FCh, L.Frazer/M.Hogan/D.Johnston R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Dreamer, Ch Lia Faille's Take It To The Limit, FCh,SC, Frazer/Hogan/Eason/Tilton/Kidd R4
GREYHOUND Judge: Holly Hamilton  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar B12
2. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, LCM, L.Soutar 9
3. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach 6
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Buck, Lakilanni Buck's Hot Rod, FCh, K.Kaltenborn F8
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt B16
2. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt 12
3. Madyson, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. Moby, DC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Karen Frederick  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Neema, Faouziah's Isolde, FCh, A.& S.Hamilton B8
2. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Mary Frances Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Charlotte, Highfield's Good Charlotte, K.Straky/M.Mortin B12
2. Penny, Luvakis Ricki Bobbi's Lucky Penny, V.& E.Radinovic/F,N,&O.Radinovic 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Zayin, BII,GCh,DC Venus" Zayin Lucky Seven By Zoli, LCM2,MC,LCX3, J.& C.Slattery R12
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM5,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 9
3. Jolene, GCh,DC Kibo's Jolene of Kwetu, FCh,SC,DCAT, D.Knoth 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Zoli, DC Venus' Zoli Safari Express 12, LCM5,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.& C.Slattery/D.Parks F8
2. Barbie, GCh,DC Ashosi Midnight Red, FCh,MC,CGC, D.Knoth 6
SALUKI Judge: Karen Frederick  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tessa, NFC,DC Windrush Quintessa, SC,BCAT,LCX, C.Holman DVM/K.Lippes B12
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Lily, Ch Farashah Pearl Crescent SM, FCh,JOR,GRC,SC, P.Rodden/C.Hahn R12
2. Jassirah, Ch Farashah Little Metalmark SM, LCM,SC,GRC,JOR, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes 9
3. Akamai, GCh,DC Karob Sandstorm Faster Forward, FCh,SC,LCX, R.& K.Frost 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Karen Frederick  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Reiver, GCh,DC Rousay L'Reiver To Eynhallow Of Muma, SC, D.Habian +B24
2. Jordan, Chase Farm Legends Of Silk Road At Skyhigh, D.Cutter 18
3. Atticus, Kyleakin Mockingbird At Tartan Farms, J.English/B.Stephenson DVM 12
4. Junius, Drudwyn Lucius Junius Gray The Fourth, Dr. J.Brown 6
N. Starly, Kyleakin Starling, B.Stephendon  
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Single Flight A(9, 3 NQ)  
1. Minnow, Saesi 4wing Phlying Phish, D.Syrja/M.Magee 36
2. Maisie, Maisie, NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach 27
3. Winslow, GCh Pandora's Take It Easy At Dija, TCP,CA, M.& C.Hogan/Frazer/Tilton/Clarke 18
4. Firefly, Kyleakin Firefly, B.Stephenson 9
N. Fig, Wolfpine's Figment of Pigmentation, A.,D. & J.Matt/J.Epstein  
WHIPPET Judge: Jeffrey Leonard  
Open Flight A(10)  
1. Janey, Nonstopp Les Charmes, M.F.Miller/L.Ochoa B40
2. Margot, Nonstopp Lookout Margot, C.Perkins/L.Ochoa 30
3. Panda, Nonstopp Wildabout Frog's Leap, A.Kelsey/L.Ochoa 20
4. Azura, Emerald's Rhapsody In Blue, Dr.A.Sowders 10
N. Celine, Labyrinth Celine, L.Pirrung/D.McCann  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. S'More, Wildabout Toasted Marshmallow, FCh, D.& A.Matt R20
2. Harley, FC Hyflyte Agent Kaos Of Wolfpine, FCh,MC,CR,, J.& S.Epstein 15
3. Akela, Ch Shojin's Heart Of The Jungle, FCh,RN,SC,TKN, LaForest/D.& R.Vayda/Tincher 10
4. Bandit, Lucky Penny's Speedo Bandit At North Star, FCh, C.Morgan 5
N. Y, Free Wynd's Y Me, FCh, D.Syrja  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Lucy, BII,FC Shirri's Lucy, LCM,VFCh,SC, M.F.Miller F8
2. Ethel, Les's Ethel, LCM,VFCh,SC, M.F.Miller 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Jeffrey Leonard  
RR  Charlotte, Highfield's Good Charlotte, K.Straky/M.Mortin BIF  (77)
IB  Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt -76
SA  Tessa, NFC,DC Windrush Quintessa, SC,BCAT,LCX, C.Holman DVM/K.Lippes -76
GH  Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar -75
BA  Lynnie, Tajis Rock'N'Roll High School At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell -25
Sep 11, 2022
South Jordan, UT
Entry: 15
BORZOI Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Evija, Northern Tiere Finest In The Shop, S.Grant/J.& E.Wagner B8
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Vento, FC Colisto's Vento, FCh,SC,SGRC,NW1, J.Hale/N.L.Wight B4
GREYHOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Pogo, Oquirrh Ogopogo, L.Conner/F.Burnham B12
2. Lapis, DC Oquirrh Sunfleet Lapis Lazuli, SC,BCAT,CA, F.Burnham 9
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Luppa, GCh,DC Farao Anubis Just Smashing, FCh,SC, Sheeley-M'Donough/KaijeK/Westman B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Tinga, FC Manzanita's I'm On Fire, SC, A.Campian B12
2. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 9
3. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Archer, Windrock The Best of Everything, B.Snell/K.Fritzler 8
2. Velma, Wynsyr Azure Sky, B.Hernandez/C.Harwood 6
No Best of Breed  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Oliver, Firebird Clayborn Sea Dragon, FCh, J.Casey/C.Wester B4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin  
PH  Luppa, GCh,DC Farao Anubis Just Smashing, FCh,SC, Sheeley-M'Donough/KaijeK/Westman BIF  (77)
RR  Tinga, FC Manzanita's I'm On Fire, SC, A.Campian -75
Sep 14, 2022
Gray Summit, MO
Entry: 28
Ibizan Hound Club of the United States National Specialty
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Karen Frederick, Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(10, 1 NQ)  
1. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt +B40
2. Shade, Neveh's No One Likes A Shady Beach, J.King 30
3. Khalessi, Symphony's Hashtag 'merica, A.Hollgarth/P.Martin Jr 20
4. Madyson, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, Dr.K.Catt 10
N. Abby, Aliki Time For the Charm Bomb, SC,BCAT,TKI, K.& W.Skinner  
Open Flight B(10, 1 NQ)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt R40
2. Crystal, GChB,DC Dragorra's Crystal Dreams, SC,CD,RA,CGC, S.Stanley/A.Harper 30
3. Esme, Compelling's Make Believe, M.Greimann/S.Hiller/M.Wagenaar 20
4. Cora, Kamars Always On My Mind, SC, K.& W.Skinner/K.Belz 10
N. Azula, FC Nevaeh's Bedheaded Beauty, SC, K.Crump/L.Venegas  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Hedwig, DC Symphony's Magical Snowy One, FCh,SC, P.Martin R12
2. Fable, FC Kamars Free Your Mind, FCh,TKA,ACT1,RN,NW1,JSR, M.Ferguson/K.Belz 9
3. Alta, GCh,DC Hart's Up Tall And High, FCh,SC,FDC,CGC,RN,TKA, H.Langhans-Shackleford/B.Butcher 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt R12
2. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt 9
3. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt 6
SINGLES Judges: Karen Frederick, Darci Kunard  
Single Flight A(2)  
1. Clover, Abbaio Oboe She Didn't, D.Zitterkopf/S.Murphy 8
2. Tavia, Dragorra's Full Dark No Stars, D.Zitterkophf/A.Harper 6
Sep 16, 2022
Peyton, CO
Entry: 34
48th Grand National
Release The Hounds
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Luka, Lazul of Synergon, M.O'Neill B20
2. Morocca, Kepi's Morraca Carnation Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill 15
3. Jib, Hosanna Star Spangled Job, Bruce Klimek 10
4. Mayu, Mayahime Hepworth, M.Hepworth 5
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Drum, Hosanna Whispering Drum, FCh, B.Klimek R8
AZAWAKH Judges: Michael Hussey, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,SC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee B4
BORZOI Judges: Michael Hussey, Claudia Miller  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM4, S.Van de Water B12
2. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water 9
3. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Mayhem, DC Windrock Blackberry Wine, SC, K.& C.Fritzler B16
2. Bullet, Windrock Fly Like An Eagle, K. & C.Fritzler 12
3. Wyatt, Ch Windrock Wild West Hero, K.& C.Fritzler 8
4. Tara, Windrock Endless Love, K.& C.Fritzler 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Billie, Windrock Mountain Music, K.& C.Fritzler F4
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Starlette, BII Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, FCh, H.Minnich F12
2. Bayou, GCh,DC Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, FCh,SC,RATI, H.Minnich 9
3. Brickle, GCh Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, FCh, H.Minnich 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Jasper, Ch Bazinga Just A Minuteman, R.Phinney/S.T.Hansen/G.Bednar B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Copper, BISS,RBIS,GChS,DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, LCM,SC,BCAT,JOR,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM2,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Claudia Miller, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Hatch, Ivorymoon's Desert Ridge Runner, G.Leedy/M.A.Stout/Hartwig/Toben B4
SALUKI Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Syan, Syan So Smooth Of Doha, FCh, M.Bisbee B4
SINGLES Judges: Michael Hussey, Claudia Miller  
Single Flight A(5)  
1. Rhythm, Halfmoon Blue Moves, C.Sisson/H.Minnich 20
2. Elvie, Chyscott's On The Button, R.Dunn 15
3. Falcon, Azharaani Nur Alsayr, G.Hayden/F.Bennett/T.Dunne 10
4. Phantom, Baha Phantom Of The Mountain, A.Sauve 5
N. Spirit, Winds Baha Spirit Of The Mountain, FCh, A.& P.Sauve  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kimchi, CSB Agent Felix Leiter, A.Hill B8
2. Wisp, Oak Creek's Hells Bells, E.Buerger 6
WHIPPET Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Maverick, Windwalker Waiting For The Thunder, B. & K.Hudspeth B12
2. Zephyr, Racemor Goddess Of The West Wind, J.Krick 9
3. Gaetano, Amberwind's Fistful Of Dollars At Woodrose, C.Miller/S.Mallonee 6
No Best in Field  
Sep 17, 2022
Peyton, CO
Entry: 31
48th Grand National
Release The Hounds
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Morocca, Kepi's Morraca Carnation Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill B16
2. Mayu, Mayahime Hepworth, M.Hepworth 12
3. Jib, Hosanna Star Spangled Job, Bruce Klimek 8
4. Red, Kepi's Big Red Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill 4
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Drum, Hosanna Whispering Drum, FCh, B.Klimek R8
DIS. Feniq, Ch Ysanti Rahwynd Poseidon On A Jetski, FCh, D.Britton/C.Sullivan  
AZAWAKH Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,SC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee B4
BORZOI Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shay, Del Sol Canyon de Chelly Howff Carbonel, S.Van de Water F4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Maverick, Del Sol Maverick Zoiboyz Perlova, FCh, Van de Water/Thompson/Paintin B12
2. Imp, Ch Del Sol Mission Impossible, LCM, Dr.S.Van de Water 9
3. Chase, Ch Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, LCM, S.Van de Water MD 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Juneau, Cashel's Klondike Rush, M.C.Smith DVM B16
2. Thunder, Windrock Thunder In The Night, K.& C.Fritzler 12
3. Jasmine, Ch Aryal Aroi Artist Proof, SC, K.& C.Fritzler 8
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Bayou, GCh,DC Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, FCh,SC,RATI, H.Minnich R8
2. Brickle, GCh Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, FCh, H.Minnich 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jasper, Ch Bazinga Just A Minuteman, R.Phinney/S.T.Hansen/G.Bednar F8
2. Calyber, DC Bazinga Journey Of Lights V. Lotus, SC, D.Kunard 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Cayper, GChB,DC,OH-BIS Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, LCM2,CGC,MC,LCX2,VC,BCAT, D.Kunard B8
2. Copper, BISS,RBIS,GChS,DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, LCM,SC,BCAT,JOR,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM2,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Tom Golcher, Dan Heidel  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Hatch, Ivorymoon's Desert Ridge Runner, G.Leedy/M.A.Stout/Hartwig/Toben B8
2. Zoe, Lane's Bringing Sexy Back, E.& B.Fee/E.Lane 6
SALUKI Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Casper, Azhaarani Nur Wahamil Alkunz, E.& B.Fee/G.Hayden B4
SINGLES Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Elvie, Chyscott's On The Button, R.Dunn 16
2. Spirit, Winds Baha Spirit Of The Mountain, FCh, A.& P.Sauve 12
3. Rhythm, Halfmoon Blue Moves, C.Sisson/H.Minnich 8
4. Phantom, Baha Phantom Of The Mountain, A.Sauve 4
WHIPPET Judges: Dan Heidel, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Beaker, Horsetooth Agent 99, S.& C.Beagan B8
No Best in Field  
Sep 18, 2022
Peyton, CO
Entry: 48
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Morocca, Kepi's Morraca Carnation Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill B16
2. Luka, Lazul of Synergon, M.O'Neill 12
3. Red, Kepi's Big Red Of Synergon, E.Abresch/M.O'Neill 8
4. Jib, Hosanna Star Spangled Job, Bruce Klimek 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Drum, Hosanna Whispering Drum, FCh, B.Klimek F4
AZAWAKH Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,SC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee B4
BORZOI Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bryce, Del Sol Bryce Canyon Howff Carbonel, S.Van de Water B12
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Maverick, Del Sol Maverick Zoiboyz Perlova, FCh, Van de Water/Thompson/Paintin R12
2. Imp, Ch Del Sol Mission Impossible, LCM, Dr.S.Van de Water 9
3. Chase, Ch Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, LCM, S.Van de Water MD 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water F12
2. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water 9
3. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM4, S.Van de Water 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Bullet, Windrock Fly Like An Eagle, K. & C.Fritzler B28
2. Mayhem, DC Windrock Blackberry Wine, SC, K.& C.Fritzler 21
3. Juneau, Cashel's Klondike Rush, M.C.Smith DVM 14
4. Thunder, Windrock Thunder In The Night, K.& C.Fritzler 7
N. Wyatt, Ch Windrock Wild West Hero, K.& C.Fritzler  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Billie, Windrock Mountain Music, K.& C.Fritzler F4
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Bayou, GCh,DC Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, FCh,SC,RATI, H.Minnich F12
2. Brickle, GCh Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, FCh, H.Minnich 9
3. Starlette, BII Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, FCh, H.Minnich 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Jasper, Ch Bazinga Just A Minuteman, R.Phinney/S.T.Hansen/G.Bednar F8
2. Calyber, DC Bazinga Journey Of Lights V. Lotus, SC, D.Kunard 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Copper, BISS,RBIS,GChS,DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, LCM,SC,BCAT,JOR,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar B8
2. Cayper, GChB,DC,OH-BIS Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, LCM2,CGC,MC,LCX2,VC,BCAT, D.Kunard 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM2,RN,VC,CGC,LCX,VC, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Frank Cassano, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Hatch, Ivorymoon's Desert Ridge Runner, G.Leedy/M.A.Stout/Hartwig/Toben B8
2. Zoe, Lane's Bringing Sexy Back, E.& B.Fee/E.Lane 6
SALUKI Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Casper, Azhaarani Nur Wahamil Alkunz, E.& B.Fee/G.Hayden R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Syan, Syan So Smooth Of Doha, FCh, M.Bisbee B4
SINGLES Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Single Flight A(9, 2 NQ)  
1. Jeopardi, Ch Ysanti Aeolus Watchin' Jeopardi At Cameo, FCh, C.Sullivan/D.Britton 36
2. Lucas, Racemor Lucas, L.Sanders 27
3. Elvie, Chyscott's On The Button, R.Dunn 18
4. Phantom, Baha Phantom Of The Mountain, A.Sauve 9
N. Upson, Horsetooth Upson Pratt, BCAT,OTR, H.Princehorn  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
WHIPPET Judges: Frank Cassano, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Amber, Pioneer Soot & Cinder, K.Kostycz B20
2. Zephyr, Racemor Goddess Of The West Wind, J.Krick 15
3. Olive, Horsetooth Alpine Fontina, K.& T.Kostycz 10
4. Sterling, Horsetooth Napoleon Solo, H.Princehorn 5
N. Beaker, Horsetooth Agent 99, S.& C.Beagan  
No Best in Field  
Sep 24, 2022
Farmington, MN
Entry: 63
Region V Invitational
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nike, Ch Ysanti Notorious Nike, TCP,FCh, V.Fagre-Stroetz B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Tango, FC Debmar's Surrender To The Dance, FCh,SC,SOR,ORC,LCX,GRC, V.Fagre-Stroetz F4
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B8
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM,MC,LCX4,SGRC2,SORC, T.Colbert F8
2. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,ORC,SGRC, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert R4
BORZOI Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shay, Del Sol Canyon de Chelly Howff Carbonel, S.Van de Water R4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Maverick, Del Sol Maverick Zoiboyz Perlova, FCh, Van de Water/Thompson/Paintin B12
2. Imp, Ch Del Sol Mission Impossible, LCM, Dr.S.Van de Water 9
3. Chase, Ch Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, LCM, S.Van de Water MD 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM4, S.Van de Water F12
2. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water 9
3. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Flint, Kibby's Firenze Fire, E.Broadnax/S.Wright-Hiller F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt B8
2. Izzy, GCh,DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, LCM,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz 6
LCI LARGE Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Phoenix, Phoenix, B.Bowman 8
2. Gary, Gary Von Lutefisk, D. & S.Arlowe 6
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Orbit, Highview Space Oddity, LCC,LCI, J.& S.Chouinard 16
2. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCI,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 12
3. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCI,BN,RN,MXB,MJB,NF, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 8
4. Sadie, Sadie Lynne 2, LCI, T.Lenzmeier/D.Henshaw 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Isla, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson B16
2. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, T.& W.Olson 12
3. Kya, Azize's Taylormade Diamond In The Sky, SC,BCAT, L.A.Frank 8
4. Jack, Ridgerunrs Jack Hammer By Moran, M.& F.Filippelli 4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Eve, FC U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,BCAT,CGC, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson R12
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,NAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 9
3. Ryder, UCH,FC,RBIS Azize's Mounted Warrior, FCh,CGC,SC,GRC,CA, C.& B.Meyer 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM3,MC,LCX, T.& W.Olson R8
2. Sydney, GCh Ivorymoon Tyrena's Sydney, FCh,VFCh,MC,CGC,GRC,BN, B.& C.Meyer 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Ellie, Eilistraee The Silver Maiden, CGC, R.Kurandina 8
2. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, E.Telleen 6
LCI SMALL Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Duck!, Meraki's Reducto!, K.Weihbrecht/J.Chappell 24
2. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 18
3. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, P.Green 12
4. Jenny, Forever Young, L.Breckheimer 6
N. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, L.Breckheimer  
Senior Flight A(2)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCI,LCC, K.Green 8
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 6
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, R.Knuth/S.Albright 12
2. La, Affinity's Walking After Midnight, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs 9
3. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevole Boy, A.Hodges 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen +B8
2. Joker, Starfyre Prankster, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks 6
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(9, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Aldo, Affinity's Golden Hour, G.& C.Czupka B36
2. Arrow, Affinity's Straight Shooter, C.& A.Rogers 27
3. Siggi, Tru-Luv's The Singing Wildesrness, C.& G.Czupka/L.Rice 18
4. Sid, Wild Iris Black Obsidian, C.Lee 9
N. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, R.Van Tassell  
DIS. Heist, On Target's Grand Larceny, E.Telleen/L.Kronz  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM, P.,K. & L.Dean R20
2. Echo, Isen Do It Echoes Of The Past, FCh,SC, K.,P., & M.Dean 15
3. Archer, Ch O'Neill's Betting On You, LCM,SC, L.Hartlep/T.Borland/M.O'Neill 10
4. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard 5
N. Thor, Northwind's God Of Thunder, FCh, D.Lambertz  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,CD,RE,SC,ACT2,RATN, C.Canard +F8
2. Pistol, Affinity's I Feel A Sin Comin On, FCh, C.Juelfs/C.& A.Rogers 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
WH  Aldo, Affinity's Golden Hour, G.& C.Czupka BIF  (150)
RR  Isla, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson -147
IB  Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt -145
Sep 24, 2022
Flamborough, ON
  CAN Entry: 45
AZAWAKH Judge: Janice Preiss  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, FCh, J.Martin F4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Siri, Ch Knightwind's Tiziri, FCh, D.Vout B8
2. Anir, Ch Knightwind's Anir, FCh, E.Knight 6
BASENJI Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Benji, Spring Willow's Hershey Kisses, M.Hannah B8
2. Nike, Sinbaje Redefines The Position of Tar, M.Heidebrecht 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Jocelyne Gagne, Janice Preiss  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Summertime, Lakilanni The Living is Easy, FCh, C. Laliberte` B12
2. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, LCM, L.Soutar 9
3. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt B12
2. Madyson, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, Dr.K.Catt 9
3. (Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt)  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
LCI LARGE Judge: Jocelyne Gagne  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Arthur, Arthur Hayes, A.Hayes 20
2. Winston, Private Winston, C.Coltsmann 15
3. Monty, Major Montgomery, C.Coltsmann 10
4. Bailey, Her Royal Highness Miss Bailey, N.Nicolson-Houghtling 5
N. Rocky, Ashley's Rockstar; Bolder on the Edge, A.Howells  
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCI,LCC, V.Lobo 4
SALUKI Judge: Jocelyne Gagne  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Beatrix, Windstorm Azad Be Atrix, J.Preiss/R.& S.White B4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Soleil, Ch Khamsin's Della Soleil, FCh, S.Konopa F8
2. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, FCh, S.Konopa 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Jocelyne Gagne  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Favors, Party's Supercharged Gift, V.Martyn 8
2. Benji, Sir Benjamin Franklin The 3rd, N.Nicolson-Houghtling 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Jocelyne Gagne  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lilly, Lilly, E.DeWolfe 4
SINGLES Judge: Janice Preiss  
Single Flight A(11, 4 NQ)  
1. Pieter, Jetstream's Ocean Crossing, R.Byvelds 40
2. Audrey, Runway's Audrey Hepburn, L.Watson/C.Norris 30
3. Lalique, Starfyre Lalique, S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 20
4. Faust, Windstorm Arahu Be So Lucky, S.Wood/R.& S.White 10
N. Zahara, Zahara Aindifae Al Daoud, L.Westman  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Tiffany, Runway's Breakfast At Tiffany's, C.Norris/L.Watson B8
2. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
WHIPPET Judges: Jocelyne Gagne, Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. ABee, Devonair's Abigail Has A Dot, H.Dansereau F16
2. Echo, Fallowfield Riff's Echo, K.Darbyshire 12
3. Venti, Domino Group Of Seven, K.Darbyshire 8
4. Zing, Devonair's Alba Spring Zing, S.Thompson 4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Darling, Merci Isle Rabbit Proof Fence, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank B16
2. Hotz, Merci Isle 110 In The Shade At Whip Hill, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank 12
3. Tilly, Byerley Tilly Rose At Merci Isle, FCh, I. & J.Kimmelman 8
4. Mantle, DC Merci Isle Sunburned Country, FCh, I. &J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank 4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Jocelyne Gagne, Moyra Hamilton  
BA  Benji, Spring Willow's Hershey Kisses, M.Hannah BIF  (153)
IB  Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt -151
SW  Tiffany, Runway's Breakfast At Tiffany's, C.Norris/L.Watson -148
Sep 25, 2022
Farmington, MN
Entry: 49
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B8
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM,MC,LCX4,SGRC2,SORC, T.Colbert F8
2. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,ORC,SGRC, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 DIS)  
1. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert R4
Dis in BOB 1st Place. Taziri, GCh,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert  
BORZOI Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bryce, Del Sol Bryce Canyon Howff Carbonel, S.Van de Water B12
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Maverick, Del Sol Maverick Zoiboyz Perlova, FCh, Van de Water/Thompson/Paintin R12
2. Chase, Ch Del Sol Oxota Chase The Fire, LCM, S.Van de Water MD 9
3. Imp, Ch Del Sol Mission Impossible, LCM, Dr.S.Van de Water 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Canyon, AKC/UKC Ch Del Sol Dark Canyon Avalon V Willowind, LCM3,VFCh,SGRC2, S.Van de Water F12
2. Zip, Avalon Perlova Go Darkly, LCM4, S.Van de Water 9
3. Firebolt, Ch Del Sol Firebolt of Coburn WNS, LCM2,GRC, S.Van de Water 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Beastie, Treybeau's Curious Little Beastie, S.Wright-Hiller B8
2. Flint, Kibby's Firenze Fire, E.Broadnax/S.Wright-Hiller 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt F8
2. Izzy, GCh,DC Kamars Double Back To Treybeau, LCM,SC, S.Wright/D.Wright/K.Belz 6
LCI LARGE Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCI,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 8
2. Orbit, Highview Space Oddity, LCC,LCI, J.& S.Chouinard 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, T.& W.Olson B12
2. Isla, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Ryder, UCH,FC,RBIS Azize's Mounted Warrior, FCh,CGC,SC,GRC,CA, C.& B.Meyer R12
2. Eve, FC U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,BCAT,CGC, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson 9
3. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,NAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Xena, DC, UCh Azize's Warrior Princess of Mendocino, LCM3,MC,LCX, T.& W.Olson F4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, E.Telleen 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Duck!, Meraki's Reducto!, K.Weihbrecht/J.Chappell 16
2. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 12
3. Odin, Spring Valley God Of War, K.Goodman 8
4. Simone, Kei-Rin's Do I Move You, E.Broadnax 4
Senior Flight A(3)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCI,LCC, K.Green 12
2. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, P.Green 9
3. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 6
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, R.Knuth/S.Albright 20
2. Fawkes, Sincity Fatastic Beast, E.Telleen 15
3. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevole Boy, A.Hodges 10
4. Heist, On Target's Grand Larceny, E.Telleen/L.Kronz 5
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen B8
2. (Joker, Starfyre Prankster, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks)  
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Claudia Miller  
Open Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Aldo, Affinity's Golden Hour, G.& C.Czupka F24
2. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, R.Van Tassell 18
3. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, I.Mullauer/K.Nierengarten 12
4. (Siggi, Tru-Luv's The Singing Wildesrness, C.& G.Czupka/L.Rice)  
N. Hank, Affinity's Mind Your Own Business, R.& J.Carlson  
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM, P.,K. & L.Dean B16
2. Archer, Ch O'Neill's Betting On You, LCM,SC, L.Hartlep/T.Borland/M.O'Neill 12
3. Thor, Northwind's God Of Thunder, FCh, D.Lambertz 8
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,CD,RE,SC,ACT2,RATN, C.Canard F4
No Best in Field  
Sep 25, 2022
Flamborough, ON
   CAN Entry: 43
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Charlotte, Dream A Little Dream Of Me, K.O'Brien/J.Martin B4
AZAWAKH Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, FCh, J.Martin F4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Siri, Ch Knightwind's Tiziri, FCh, D.Vout B8
GREYHOUND Judges: Moyra Hamilton, Janice Preiss  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar B8
2. Kingsley, Ch Lakilanni School's Out, FCh, L.Zucker 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, Dr.K.Catt +B12
2. Madyson, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, Dr.K.Catt 9
3. (Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, Dr K.Catt)  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
LCI LARGE Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Arthur, Arthur Hayes, A.Hayes 20
2. Winston, Private Winston, C.Coltsmann 15
3. Monty, Major Montgomery, C.Coltsmann 10
4. Rocky, Ashley's Rockstar; Bolder on the Edge, A.Howells 5
N. Bailey, Her Royal Highness Miss Bailey, N.Nicolson-Houghtling  
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCI,LCC, V.Lobo 4
SALUKI Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Beatrix, Windstorm Azad Be Atrix, J.Preiss/R.& S.White B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Benji, Sir Benjamin Franklin The 3rd, N.Nicolson-Houghtling 4
LCI SMALL Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Smitten, Ratitatt Imsmitten@Venturehill, M.Snider 20
2. Lilly, Lilly, E.DeWolfe 15
3. Hiker, Venture Hill Little Pathfinder, L.Mikec 10
4. Gus, Kickingbear Go For The Gusto @ Andado, M.Dancy 5
SINGLES Judge: Moyra Hamilton  
Single Flight A(6)  
1. Audrey, Runway's Audrey Hepburn, L.Watson/C.Norris 24
2. Pieter, Jetstream's Ocean Crossing, R.Byvelds 18
3. Zahara, Zahara Aindifae Al Daoud, L.Westman 12
4. Lalique, Starfyre Lalique, S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
N. Layla, La Ladrona Of Synergon, I.Hoffman/K.O'Brien  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Tiffany, Runway's Breakfast At Tiffany's, C.Norris/L.Watson B8
2. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
WHIPPET Judges: Moyra Hamilton, Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(6, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Yady, Merci Isle Couchman's Cape, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing R24
2. Venti, Domino Group Of Seven, K.Darbyshire 18
3. Echo, Fallowfield Riff's Echo, K.Darbyshire 12
4. Kyte, Merci Isle Spice Market, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing 6
N. ABee, Devonair's Abigail Has A Dot, H.Dansereau  
DIS. Zing, Devonair's Alba Spring Zing, S.Thompson  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Darling, Merci Isle Rabbit Proof Fence, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank B24
2. Hotz, Merci Isle 110 In The Shade At Whip Hill, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank 12
3. Mantle, DC Merci Isle Sunburned Country, FCh, I. &J.Kimmelman/C.Potter/H.Frank 8
4. Tilly, Byerley Tilly Rose At Merci Isle, FCh, I. & J.Kimmelman 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Xiara, Devonair's Xiara, Am/Can FCh, D.& A.Hulley F8
2. Riff, Domino Play It Again, FCh, K.Darbyshire 6