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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

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Records - May 2020 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 23, 2020 Littlestown, PA Entry: 49
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 24, 2020 Littlestown, PA Entry: 48
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 25, 2020 Littlestown, PA Entry: 39

May 23, 2020
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 49
BASENJI Judge: Darci Kunard  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa B4
BORZOI Judge: Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Fendi, Ch Teine Fendi Sandals, RN,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet B12
2. Dolly, FC Gladkii Veter Coat Of Many Colors, SC, R.Silguero/C.Judd 9
3. Vail, Weston's Gibson Flying V At Ryhka, SC, C.& K.Grabosky 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling +F16
2. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling 12
3. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling 8
4. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM2,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green 4
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Darci Kunard  
Limited Flight A(1)  
1. Rosa, Rosa Slightly Bearded Senorita, TCP, T.Koch/K.Shreet 4
GREYHOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, FCh, D.Darling B8
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh,VFCh, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Cooper, Ch Abbaio Rolling Scone, A.Bowlby/S.Murphy B8
2. Liam, GCh,DC Abbaio Upper Echelon, SC, J.Thurlow/S.Murphy 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Titan, Titan Menapace-Gross, R.Menapace/J.Gross 16
2-3. Buck, GCHS,CH Fieldfine's Legends Of The Past, JH, P.Boyce 10
2-3. Painter, GCh,Ch Edgefielld's Paint It Black, P.Boyce 10
4. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, LCI, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 4
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Java, Black Pearl Java, LCI,LCC, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Boney, 999 Happy Haunts There's Room For One More, LCI,CAX4,RN, D.R.& J.Light 8
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Diana Darling  
Senior Flight  
1. Bruce Bearded Bruce The Moose, T.Koch/K.Street 8
2. Phelan, Wailin' Phelan The Bearded Lass, T.Koch/K.Street 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Bernie, DC Berenice Anders, SC, M.Black B12
2. Pippa, Ch Reedly Road Pure Taste For Hallam, SC, D.Carota/S.Sipperly 9
3. Zeke, GChB Kaije's Coniraya, SC,CGC, B.Pina/M. Del Prince 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cayper, GChB,DC,OH-BIS Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, LCM,CGC,MC,LCX,VC, D.Kunard R4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, FCh,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh R16
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM2,SC,CKC FCh,CKC NC, G.& P.Kytta II 12
3. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 8
4. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 4
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B16
2. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VFCh, J.Tromb etta 12
3. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM8,VLCM2,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II 8
4. Juno, GCh,DC Kushinda's Burning News This Just In Juno Wrote JB, FCh,VFCh,SC, P.Wieland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner 4
SALUKI Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Adios, FC Adios, LCM2, E.Johnston B8
2. Giggles, FC One More Laugh, LCM,VFCh,TCP, E.Johnston 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Scamp, Mr Scamp, L.A.Congdon 16
2. Pi, Terra Baltika Cherry Pie, L.A.Congdon 12
3. Rascal, Mr Rascal, L.A.Congdon 8
SINGLES Judge: Darci Kunard  
Single Flight A(8, 2 NQ)  
1. Rishi, T'Daz Rishi Vortex Traveler, TCP, M.Pomato/B.Haner 32
2. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, TCP, E.Johnston 24
3. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski 16
4. Red, GCh,Ch Lileo's Sunshine Daydream Farao Anubis, TKN,CA, J.Jones/S.Hirko 8
N. Ava, Abbey's Summer Bird, K.Kamer/J.Vaz  
WHIPPET Judge: Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tabi, Shamasan Chip Of The Old Sock At Highfield, M.Mortin/D.Hursh F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jimi, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, FCh, B.Haner B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Indy, Ch Artemis Mood Indigo, FCh, D.Hursh/M.Mortin/L.Kieffer F4
No Best in Field  
May 24, 2020
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 48
BASENJI Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dharma, Borassus Bringing Home The Dharma, J.Cramer/D.Berlin F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa B4
BORZOI Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Fendi, Ch Teine Fendi Sandals, RN,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet B12
2. Dolly, FC Gladkii Veter Coat Of Many Colors, SC, R.Silguero/C.Judd 9
3. Blue, Chase N'Dreamz Silver Wings, S.& M.Parker 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling F20
2. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling 15
3. Sir Lancelot, GCh,DC C'Lestial Red Lantern @ Ryhka, LCM2,VLCM2,SORC2,LCX, D.Darling/L.Green 10
4. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling 5
N. Blazer, Ch Gladkii Veter Papi, FCh,SC, H.Van Vliet  
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Francis Byrne  
Limited Flight A(2)  
1. Rosa, Rosa Slightly Bearded Senorita, TCP, T.Koch/K.Shreet 8
2. Teo, Teo The Barely Bearded Senor, T.Koch/K.Shreet 6
1. Mouse, Ch Abbaio Madame Berthe's Mouse, J.Smith-Carter DVM/Fuller/Murphy B12
2. Cooper, Ch Abbaio Rolling Scone, A.Bowlby/S.Murphy 9
LCI LARGE Judge: Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Titan, Titan Menapace-Gross, R.Menapace/J.Gross 16
2. Alana, Brush Country Remember When, V.Wade/A.Richter 12
3. Inja, Inja Marie Mowrer, D.Mowrer 8
4. Essie, Black Pearl Espresso, LCI, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 4
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Java, Black Pearl Java, LCI,LCC, Dr A.Ruvio/J.& C.Erato 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Boney, 999 Happy Haunts There's Room For One More, LCI,CAX4,RN, D.R.& J.Light 4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Darci Kunard  
Senior Flight A(2)  
1. Phelan, Wailin' Phelan The Bearded Lass, T.Koch/K.Street 8
2. Bruce Bearded Bruce The Moose, T.Koch/K.Street 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bernie, DC Berenice Anders, SC, M.Black R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cayper, GChB,DC,OH-BIS Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, LCM,CGC,MC,LCX,VC, D.Kunard B8
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Khensu, DC Kaije's Khensu Eclipse, FCh,SC, B.Pina R8
2. LaLa, UKC GCh,DC XO Ulala, FCh,SC,HIC,CGC, B.Pina 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Steffi, Steffi Sthira Of Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin B16
2. Cora, Venus' Hero Orchard Views Cora, J.Trombetta 9
3. Aggie, Benridge Sweet Heart of Valentine, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 6
Field Champion Flight A(5, 1 NC)  
1. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM2,SC,CKC FCh,CKC NC, G.& P.Kytta II +R16
2. Reilly, FC Diamond's Life Of Reilly, FCh,MC,CGC,TKN, B.& E.Goodman 12
3. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 8
4. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VFCh, J.Tromb etta F8
2. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, LCM,SC,NA, J.Cramer/D.Berlin 6
SALUKI Judge: Francis Byrne  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Giggles, FC One More Laugh, LCM,VFCh,TCP, E.Johnston B8
2. Adios, FC Adios, LCM2, E.Johnston 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Darci Kunard  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Scamp, Mr Scamp, L.A.Congdon 12
2. Pi, Terra Baltika Cherry Pie, L.A.Congdon 9
3. Rascal, Mr Rascal, L.A.Congdon 6
SINGLES Judge: Diana Darling  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski 16
2. Sammy, Men's Sana's Summy South, C.Manson 12
3. Zander, Spryfeat Ambitious Zander On The Run, C.Yealey 8
4. Raine, Ch Kushinda Nyota Purple Raine JR, P.Wieland/Dr K.Hefner 4
WHIPPET Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Dreamer, Mystic Run  On Cloud Nine, D.& J.Myers F8
2. Eli, T'Daz Early Morning Eclipse, C.Manson 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Streak, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Shower, FCh, B.Haner B8
2. Comet, Moonshadow's Shooting Star By T'Daz, FCh, D.& J.Myers 6
No Best in Field  
May 25, 2020
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 39
BASENJI Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM,SC, K.Sanders/A.Silverstein/Cholewa B4
BORZOI Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Blue, Chase N'Dreamz Silver Wings, S.& M.Parker R8
2. (Dolly, FC Gladkii Veter Coat Of Many Colors, SC, R.Silguero/C.Judd)  
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling B16
2. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, FCh,SC, D.Darling 12
3. Quantuum, Weston's Black Heart Of The Matter@Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling 8
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judge: Diana Darling  
Limited Flight A(2)  
1. Rosa, Rosa Slightly Bearded Senorita, TCP, T.Koch/K.Shreet 8
2. Teo, Teo The Barely Bearded Senor, T.Koch/K.Shreet 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Darci Kunard  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, FCh, D.Darling B8
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, FCh,VFCh, D.Darling 6
LCI LARGE Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Merida, Ch Hillock's Luck Be A Brave Lady Merida, P.Wieland/T.Tomlinson 8
2. Captain, Captain Talk 2-It, V.Church 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Diana Darling  
Senior Flight A (2)  
1. Bruce Bearded Bruce The Moose, T.Koch/K.Street 8
2. Phelan, Wailin' Phelan The Bearded Lass, T.Koch/K.Street 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cayper, GChB,DC,OH-BIS Bazinga Caspian The Crown Prince, LCM,CGC,MC,LCX,VC, D.Kunard B4
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Cora, Venus' Hero Orchard Views Cora, J.Trombetta B24
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, FCH,MC,LCX,NA,NF,CGC, R.Quist R24
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM2,SC,CKC FCh,CKC NC, G.& P.Kytta II 18
3. Reilly, FC Diamond's Life Of Reilly, FCh,MC,CGC,TKN, B.& E.Goodman 12
4. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM2,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
N. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, FCh,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh  
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic Of Imarika, LCM8,VLCM2,GRC,SOR,ORC, G.& P.Kytta II F16
2. Kona, Spring Valley's Royal Kona, VFCh, J.Tromb etta 12
3. Juno, GCh,DC Kushinda's Burning News This Just In Juno Wrote JB, FCh,VFCh,SC, P.Wieland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner 8
4. Molly, DC Mystic Isle's Last of the Mohicans, LCM2,VLCM2,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 4
SALUKI Judge: Diana Darling  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Adios, FC Adios, LCM2, E.Johnston B8
2. Giggles, FC One More Laugh, LCM,VFCh,TCP, E.Johnston 6
LCI SMALL Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Scamp, Mr Scamp, L.A.Congdon 12
2. Pi, Terra Baltika Cherry Pie, L.A.Congdon 9
3. Rascal, Mr Rascal, L.A.Congdon 6
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Rishi, T'Daz Rishi Vortex Traveler, TCP, M.Pomato/B.Haner 12
2. Sammy, Men's Sana's Summy South, C.Manson 9
3. Kitty, Ch Glamor Kat, TCP, E.Johnston 6
WHIPPET Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Tabi, Shamasan Chip Of The Old Sock At Highfield, M.Mortin/D.Hursh F12
2. Dreamer, Mystic Run  On Cloud Nine, D.& J.Myers 9
3. Eli, T'Daz Early Morning Eclipse, C.Manson 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Jimi, T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, FCh, B.Haner B12
2. Comet, Moonshadow's Shooting Star By T'Daz, FCh, D.& J.Myers 9
3. Rasher, DC Terrena's And The Crowd Goes Wild, LCM,SC, M.Morton/D.Hursh/T.Deluca 6