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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

2009 - 2016 Records


Records - May 2023 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

COURSING HOUNDS ASSOCIATION OF MID-POTOMAC May 06, 2023 Leesburg, VA Entry: 46 Champ Cup Event
ELITE COURSING HOUNDS OF ONTARIO May 06, 2023 Jesrseyville, ON   CAN Entry: 37
IOWA COURSING ASSOCIATION, INC May 06, 2023 Cedar Falls, IA Entry: 67 Denny Reed Memorial Run
IOWA COURSING ASSOCIATION, INC May 07, 2023 Cedar Falls, IA Entry: 72 Denny Reed Memorial Run
LAKE COUNTRY LURE COURSERS May 07, 2023 Jerseyville, ON   CAN Entry: 35
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA May 09, 2023 Wheeling, WV Entry: 11 Scottish Deerhound National Specialty
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB May 13, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 16
MICHIGAN GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION, Inc. May 13, 2023 Rockwood, MI Entry: 95
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB May 14, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 24
MICHIGAN GAZEHOUND ASSOCIATION, Inc. May 14, 2023 Rockwood, MI Entry: 82
LEHIGH VALLEY COURSING CLUB May 20, 2023 Lambertville, NJ Entry: 21
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. May 20, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 36
LEHIGH VALLEY COURSING CLUB May 21, 2023 Lambertville, NJ Entry: 30
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. May 21, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 50
HEARTLAND COURSING ASSOCIATION May 27, 2023 Lee's Summit, MO Entry: 12
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 27, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 73
NORTHERN AZAWAKH ASSOCIATION May 27, 2023 Flamborough, ON  CAN Entry: 46
HEARTLAND COURSING ASSOCIATION May 28, 2023 Lee's Summit, MO Entry: 7
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 28, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 52
NORTHERN AZAWAKH ASSOCIATION May 28, 2023 Flamborough, ON   CAN Entry: 49
MASON DIXON IBIZAN HOUND CLUB May 29, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 50

May 06, 2023
Leesburg, VA
Entry: 46
Champ Cup Event
BASENJI Judge: Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders B16
2. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM11,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 12
3. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 8
4. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
BORZOI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Gimel, Ch BelVento Sunset, V.Cassano MD.MPH B8
2. Nun, Ch Belvento Sunrise, V.Cassano 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Fendi, GCh DC Teine Fendi Sandals, FCh,MC,BN,RA,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet F16
2. Trevi, DC C'Lestial Fontana Di Trevi, FCh,MC, V.Cassano MD 12
3. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice 8
4. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling 4
GREYHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling B8
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bubbles, FC Celeste's Bubble Up, SC, C.Mulcrone B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM2,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone R4
LCI LARGE Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Eggsy, Sir Eggathy The Breakfast Hound, S.Rosario 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Grace, Pieper's Grace, LCI,LCC, M.Pieper 8
2. Reece, Pieper's Reece, LCI, M.Pieper 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink B16
2. Bravo, Symetri Forged In Fire, SC,TT,BCAT, E.Bailey 12
3. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill 8
4. Syren, FC Symetri Kisu Makali, SC,TT,BCAT, E.Bailey 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Josie, FC Symetri Everyone Be Jonesing Me, SC,CA, E.Bailey R4
LCI SMALL Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. P.J.Hamlet, Captain Pepper Jack Of The Royal Hamlet, S.Rosario 4
SINGLES Judge: Diana Darling  
Single Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Luci, Footsteps Ruby Love Sharko, Z.Wolfram 24
2. Cosmo, Mariner Surrey Hill Cosmic Thing, C.Nichol 18
3. Heyokha, Epic Select Mohr's Carma Que Already Absolute, FCh, M.Pieper 12
4. Apple, Ch Mystic Run's Mink Lustre, A.Andrews 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Dio, Solo's In Noble Fashion, A.Chernish B4
WHIPPET Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Clara, Mystic Run Nine To Five, A.Andrews B32
2. Gus, Mariner Surrey Hill Subatomic Particle, C.Nichol 24
3. Scarlet, HH Cali's Sweet Southern Moon, SC, D.McNamer 16
4. Leo, FC Cal's Brave General, SC, D.McNamer 8
N. Cheers, Mystic Run Hip Hip Hurray of Lanruvi & Cogshall, SC,TRP,AFX,SRA,DJ, A.Andrews/J.Smith/M.Huff  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Patron, TnT's Two Shots Of Indscretion, TnT Kennel R12
2. Calli, Poeta Whatchamacallit, FCh, C.L.Detweiler 9
3. (Carrie, TnT's Manhatten Goes Hollywood, TnT Kennel)  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1-2. Nellie, Ch Windsong's Miss Nellie Forbush, FCh,CD,SC,RI,NJP,BCAT, R.Lutz 7
1-2. Ricky Bobby, Velocity's Shake N Bake, MC, T.Bush/T.Moran 7
No Best in Field  
May 06, 2023
Jesrseyville, ON
   CAN Entry: 37
GREYHOUND Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar B8
2. Kingsley, Ch Lakilanni School's Out, FCh, L.Zucker 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt B16
2. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt 12
3. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
2. Dory, CKC/AKC DC Nahala Davinci's Ain't Too Proud To Beg, FCh,FChX, K.Catt DVM/J.Morris 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. The Fuzz, The Fuzz, E.Lenhardt 20
2. Kraken, Kraken, C.Eldridge 15
3. Phoenix, Phoenix, LCI, K.Gartley 10
4. Lyla, Lyla, A.Dziadyk 5
N. Sparrow, Sparrow, C.Eldridge  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCI,LCC, V.Lobo 4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Qwik, Qwik, M.Jarvis 24
2. Guru, Guru, M.Vallance 18
3. Dynamite, Dynamite!, S.Vandenbergh 12
4. Option, MM's I Didn't Have An Option, C.Douglas 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Breeze, Bacardi Breeze, K.McGuigan 20
2. Tension, Tatacial Image's The Attention Is Always On Me, M.Jarvis 15
3. Katsu, Tactical Image's Enlightened State, L.McLeod 10
4. Marvel, Marvel, K.Simerson 5
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zula, Tactical Image African Princess, LCC,LCI, B.Patterson 4
SINGLES Judges: Dr Karen Catt, Gordon Cheung  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Caldera, BII,FC Eden's Corahk Burnin' Love, LCM,SC, N.Lipinski/C.Johnson 12
2. Speedy, Desperado PB Speedy Gonzales, TCP, N.Lipinski/T.Jumbelick 9
3. YOLO, Hyflyte You Only Live Once, FCh, C.Douglas 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Dr Karen Catt, Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks B4
WHIPPET Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Shelby, Hyflyte Throw And Dart, L.Liberatore/A.Ingleston B16
2. Navy, Williwaw Deep Blue Sea, H.Ferguson 9
3. Nyx, Bitterblue's Nyn'n Grits, C.DeVenne 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Rapper, Hyflyte The Show Must Go On, FCh, H.Ferguson/M.Smith/M.Mortin R16
2. Fleet, Hyflyte Fleet Fox, FCh, E.McCorkell/M.Maybee 12
3. Zelda, Hyflyte Esmeralda, FCh, E.McCorkell/M.Maybee 8
4. Crush, Hyflyte Crush'n The Course, FCh, M.A.Heather 4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
GH  Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar BIF  (77)
WH  Shelby, Hyflyte Throw And Dart, L.Liberatore/A.Ingleston -76
May 06, 2023
Cedar Falls, IA
Entry: 67
Denny Reed Memorial Run
BASENJI Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Rose, Flutesong's Little Miss Can't Be Wrong, B.Sargent/N.Craigie B8
2. Axel, GCh,Ch Sonbar's Justa Harmonic Axel, CAA,FCAT2,SC, M.Gerdes/SWuornos/Wuornos-Winger 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Robin, FC Relic's Rock'n Robin, FCh,TCP,SC,BCAT, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders F8
2. Nightwing, FC Kibushi's Dark Heir Of Gotham, FCh,SC,BCAT, J.Ryno/J.Curby 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Bolt, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Days Of Thunder, LCM,SC,THDN,CGC,TKA,PD, L.Stewart/T.Brooks F12
2. Tempest, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX,SGRC,JO, J.Stewart/T.Brooks 9
3. Gambit, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights, LCM,VFCh,MC,JOR,ORC,GRC, L.Stewart/T.Brooks 6
BORZOI Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Khan, MHD Wrath Of Khan Heritage Avalon, J.Ocasio/K.Brito F12
2. Rio, Heritage Dances On The Sand Avalon MHD, J.Ocasio/A.Mickgene Keeney 9
3. Cannon, Coburn's Neoclassical Cannon, E.Lissner/P.Shaw 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Cruella, Heritage MHD Cruella de Vil, K.Brito/J.Ocasio B8
2. Gordito, MHD Love Handles Avalon Perlova, FCh, J.Ocasio 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Chrome, Halfmoon Sign From Above, H.Minnich B12
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Starlette, BII Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, LCM, H.Minnich R12
2. Brickle, GCh Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, FCh, H.Minnich 9
3. Bayou, GCh,DC Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, LCM,SC,RATI, H.Minnich 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Vada, Treybeau's Glitter In The Air At Taitan, L.Christopherson/S.Wright-Hiller R12
2. Beastie, Treybeau's Curious Little Beastie, S.Wright-Hiller 9
DIS. Willow, Treybeau's Cover Me In Sunshine, S.Wright-Hiller  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jadis, GCh,DC Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, LCM,SC,GRC, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch R4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, LCM,VFCh,MC, L.Hartlep/K.Belz B12
2. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,VFCh,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt 6
LCI LARGE Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Flynn, Beam Me Up I'm The Dogtor, J.Reiners 12
2. Jack, Ch Choco Chip Batnik Cyclone Weather Alert, B.Ott/R.Banaman 9
3. Bruno, Esome Goblin King At Heritaged, J.Ocasio/K.Brito 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson R12
2. Dakota, Azize Taylor Made Shining Star, M.& T.Fossa 9
3. Derby, Ivorymoon's Run For The Rosettes, C. & B.Fuhr/S.Hartwig 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson B12
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
SALUKI Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nugget, Baha Sheik N Things Up At Loriah, FCh, S.Lamb B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Juice, Sincity's Polyjuice Potion, K.Weihbrecht 8
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, LCI,LCC, E.Telleen 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green 20
2. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green 15
3. Duck!, Meraki's Reducto!, K.Weihbrecht/J.Chappell 10
4. Lily, L's Legacy Elegant Black Lily, C.Henely 5
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green 12
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 9
3. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green 6
SINGLES Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Single Flight A(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Scooter, Hajji-Silverlea's Chances, B Tsent/L Broseus/G Thornton 36
2. Spruce, O'Neill's Pate A Choux, Dr S Anderson/T Borland 27
3. Otto, Primetime's Chocolate Millionaire, D.Lambertz/K.Wilson 18
4. Shams, 7Seas Parfait Rostam Prince Of Persia, K.& M.Vaziri/Kelly-Burns/S.House 9
N. Midge, Sukara's Little Miss Cattitude, S.Popson  
WHIPPET Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard R12
2. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 9
3. Diamond, Nahr-Volts Diamonds Are Forever, D.Narwold 6
Field Champion Flight A(10)  
1. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean B40
2. Lacey, Nahr-Volts Chantily Lace of Heartland, FCh, D.Narwold/V.Smith 30
3. Archer, Ch O'Neill's Betting On You, LCM,SC, L.Hartlep/T.Borland/M.O'Neill 20
4. Sting, Wild Iris's Silver Sting, FCh, L.& B.Ashburn 10
N. Axl, FC North Star Welcome To The Jungle, FCh,SC,PR,TKN,CGC, L.Ashburn  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, LCM, D.Narwold F12
2. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,VFCh,RE,SC,ACT2,RAT, C.Canard 9
3. Seven, Isen Kicks Sand In Your Face, FCh,VFCh,SC, K.& P.Dean 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
GH  Chrome, Halfmoon Sign From Above, H.Minnich BIF  (154)
BZ  Cruella, Heritage MHD Cruella de Vil, K.Brito/J.Ocasio -153
RR  Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson -151
IB  Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, LCM,VFCh,MC, L.Hartlep/K.Belz -149
SA  Nugget, Baha Sheik N Things Up At Loriah, FCh, S.Lamb -147
May 07, 2023
Leesburg,  VA
A Entry: 42
BASENJI Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders B16
2. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM11,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 12
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 8
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
BORZOI Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Fendi, GCh DC Teine Fendi Sandals, FCh,MC,BN,RA,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet B16
2. Trevi, DC C'Lestial Fontana Di Trevi, FCh,MC, V.Cassano MD 12
3. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling 8
4. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice 4
GREYHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Fred, Oquirrh Leshi, J.Gellen/S.Carpenter B4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling F8
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz F4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bubbles, FC Celeste's Bubble Up, SC, C.Mulcrone R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM2,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Bravo, Symetri Forged In Fire, SC,TT,BCAT, E.Bailey R16
2. Syren, FC Symetri Kisu Makali, SC,TT,BCAT, E.Bailey 12
3. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill 8
4. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Reilly, DC Diamond's Life Of Reilly, LCM,MC,CGC,TKN, B.& E.Goodman R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Josie, FC Symetri Everyone Be Jonesing Me, SC,CA, E.Bailey B16
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski  
Single Flight A(7, 1 NC)  
1. Cosmo, Mariner Surrey Hill Cosmic Thing, C.Nichol 24
2. Luci, Footsteps Ruby Love Sharko, Z.Wolfram 18
3. Apple, Ch Mystic Run's Mink Lustre, A.Andrews 12
4. Heyokha, Epic Select Mohr's Carma Que Already Absolute, FCh, M.Pieper 6
N. Brooklyn, Aegis A Brooklyn State Of Mind, CA,CGC,TKI, B. & E.Goodman  
WHIPPET Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Chaser, Velocity TNT Red Hot Explosion, SC, T.Bush R24
2. Scarlet, HH Cali's Sweet Southern Moon, SC, D.McNamer 18
3. Player, Velocity TNT Only Game In Town, T.Bush/D.Richards/L.Lanier 12
4. Clara, Mystic Run Nine To Five, A.Andrews 6
N. Gus, Mariner Surrey Hill Subatomic Particle, C.Nichol  
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Patron, TnT's Two Shots Of Indscretion, TnT Kennel B24
2. Calli, Poeta Whatchamacallit, FCh, C.L.Detweiler 15
3. Dreamer, Mystic Run On Cloud Nine, FCh, D.& J.Myers 10
4. Comet, FC Moonshadow's Shooting Star By T'Daz, FCh,SC, D.& J.Myers 5
N. Eli, T'Daz Early Morning Eclipse, FCh, C.Manson  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Nellie, Ch Windsong's Miss Nellie Forbush, FCh,CD,SC,RI,NJP,BCAT, R.Lutz R8
2. Ricky Bobby, Velocity's Shake N Bake, MC, T.Bush/T.Moran 6
No Best in Field  
May 07, 2023
Cedar Falls, IA
Entry: 72
Denny Reed Memorial Run
BASENJI Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Axel, GCh,Ch Sonbar's Justa Harmonic Axel, CAA,FCAT2,SC, M.Gerdes/SWuornos/Wuornos-Winger B8
2. Rose, Flutesong's Little Miss Can't Be Wrong, B.Sargent/N.Craigie 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Nightwing, FC Kibushi's Dark Heir Of Gotham, FCh,SC,BCAT, J.Ryno/J.Curby F8
2. Robin, FC Relic's Rock'n Robin, FCh,TCP,SC,BCAT, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Tempest, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, LCM2,VFCh,MC,LCX,SGRC,JO, J.Stewart/T.Brooks F12
2. Gambit, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights, LCM,VFCh,MC,JOR,ORC,GRC, L.Stewart/T.Brooks 9
3. Bolt, GCh,DC Meisterhaus Days Of Thunder, LCM,SC,THDN,CGC,TKA,PD, L.Stewart/T.Brooks 6
BORZOI Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Rio, Heritage Dances On The Sand Avalon MHD, J.Ocasio/A.Mickgene Keeney F12
2. Khan, MHD Wrath Of Khan Heritage Avalon, J.Ocasio/K.Brito 9
3. Cannon, Coburn's Neoclassical Cannon, E.Lissner/P.Shaw 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Cruella, Heritage MHD Cruella de Vil, K.Brito/J.Ocasio B8
2. Gordito, MHD Love Handles Avalon Perlova, FCh, J.Ocasio 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Chrome, Halfmoon Sign From Above, H.Minnich B12
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Bayou, GCh,DC Lakilanni Halfmoon Blue Bayou, LCM,SC,RATI, H.Minnich R12
2. Starlette, BII Lakilanni Halfmoon Highwaystar, LCM, H.Minnich 9
3. Brickle, GCh Lakilanni Halfmoon Brick House, FCh, H.Minnich 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Willow, Treybeau's Cover Me In Sunshine, S.Wright-Hiller F12
2. Vada, Treybeau's Glitter In The Air At Taitan, L.Christopherson/S.Wright-Hiller 9
3. Beastie, Treybeau's Curious Little Beastie, S.Wright-Hiller 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jadis, GCh,DC Nahala's Eternal Winter At Morado, LCM,SC,GRC, L.Hartlep/A.Mitchell-Lynch F4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Seren, GCH,DC Kamars First Rule Of Flying, LCM,VFCh,MC, L.Hartlep/K.Belz B8
2. Dawn, DC,CKC Ch Icycold 3rd Red Dawn At Henmar, LCM2,VFCh,SC,GRC, S.Wright/K.Catt 6
LCI LARGE Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Xoco, Xoco, R.Geronimo 20
2. Jack, Ch Choco Chip Batnik Cyclone Weather Alert, B.Ott/R.Banaman 15
3. Tussah, Pretty Girl Tussah, E.Bennett 10
4. Bruno, Esome Goblin King At Heritaged, J.Ocasio/K.Brito 5
N. Flynn, Beam Me Up I'm The Dogtor, J.Reiners  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson +B12
2. Derby, Ivorymoon's Run For The Rosettes, C. & B.Fuhr/S.Hartwig 9
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson F8
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
SALUKI Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shams, 7Seas Parfait Rostam Prince Of Persia, K.& M.Vaziri/Kelly-Burns/S.House B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Nugget, Baha Sheik N Things Up At Loriah, FCh, S.Lamb R4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3, 2 NQ)  
1. Juice, Sincity's Polyjuice Potion, K.Weihbrecht 12
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Stuffing, On Target's Full Of It, LCI,LCC, E.Telleen 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Heather Minnich, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green 20
2. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green 15
3. Lily, L's Legacy Elegant Black Lily, C.Henely 10
4. Duck!, Meraki's Reducto!, K.Weihbrecht/J.Chappell 5
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green 12
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 9
3. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green 6
SINGLES Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Single Flight A(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Otto, Primetime's Chocolate Millionaire, D.Lambertz/K.Wilson 36
2. Spruce, O'Neill's Pate A Choux, Dr S Anderson/T Borland 27
3. Enya, Power Play Enya's On Fire of Rvc, E.Belhaz 18
4. Drako, Rooftop Drako, J.Michael/E.Bilharz 9
N. River, RVC's Little River, S.Frakes  
WHIPPET Judges: Kent Standerford, Sabrina Wright-Hiller  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Safari, Fallowfield Nonstopp Springbok, L.Ashburn/C.Brunkow DVM R12
2. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 9
DQ. Diamond, Nahr-Volts Diamonds Are Forever, D.Narwold  
Field Champion Flight A(11)  
1. Archer, Ch O'Neill's Betting On You, LCM,SC, L.Hartlep/T.Borland/M.O'Neill B40
2. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean 30
3. Echo, Isen Do It Echoes Of The Past, FCh,SC, K.,P., & M.Dean 20
4. Lacey, Nahr-Volts Chantily Lace of Heartland, FCh, D.Narwold/V.Smith 10
N. Sting, Wild Iris's Silver Sting, FCh, L.& B.Ashburn  
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Seven, Isen Kicks Sand In Your Face, FCh,VFCh,SC, K.& P.Dean +F12
2. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,VFCh,RE,SC,ACT2,RAT, C.Canard 9
3. Sherry, Nahr-Volts Sherry, LCM, D.Narwold 6
No Best in Field  
May 07, 2023
Jerseyville, ON
   CAN Entry: 35
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Janice Preiss  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt B16
2. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt 12
3. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
2. Dory, CKC/AKC DC Nahala Davinci's Ain't Too Proud To Beg, FCh,FChX, K.Catt DVM/J.Morris 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Melody, Maplelane's Magical Melody, J.Hall/C.Weidner 12
2. The Fuzz, The Fuzz, E.Lenhardt 9
3. Willi, Willi, S.Godbehere 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Arthur, Arthur Hayes, LCI,LCC, A.Hayes 8
2. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCI,LCC, V.Lobo 6
SALUKI Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Kingsley, Khamsin's King Of the Road, CKC FCh, S.Konopa/K.Welsh B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ)  
1. Qwik, Qwik, M.Jarvis 20
2. Guru, Guru, M.Vallance 15
3. Dynamite, Dynamite!, S.Vandenbergh 10
LCI SMALL Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Katsu, Tactical Image's Enlightened State, L.McLeod 16
2. Limit, Tactical Image's The Possibilities Are Limitless, J.Esplen 12
3. Tension, Tatacial Image's The Attention Is Always On Me, M.Jarvis 8
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zula, Tactical Image African Princess, LCC,LCI, B.Patterson 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hobbes, Cairnbrae Hobbes, S.Godbehere 4
SINGLES Judges: Gordon Cheung, Janice Preiss  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Speedy, Desperado PB Speedy Gonzales, TCP, N.Lipinski/T.Jumbelick 12
2. Caldera, BII,FC Eden's Corahk Burnin' Love, LCM,SC, N.Lipinski/C.Johnson 9
3. Lalique, Starfyre Lalique, S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Gordon Cheung, Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks B8
2. Whimsy, Allagante Lucky Charm, B.Cox 6
WHIPPET Judge: Janice Preiss  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Shelby, Hyflyte Throw And Dart, L.Liberatore/A.Ingleston R12
2. Navy, Williwaw Deep Blue Sea, H.Ferguson 9
3. (Nyx, Bitterblue's Nyn'n Grits, C.DeVenne)  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Rapper, Hyflyte The Show Must Go On, FCh, H.Ferguson/M.Smith/M.Mortin B16
2. Zelda, Hyflyte Esmeralda, FCh, E.McCorkell/M.Maybee 12
3. Fleet, Hyflyte Fleet Fox, FCh, E.McCorkell/M.Maybee 8
4. Crush, Hyflyte Crush'n The Course, FCh, M.A.Heather 4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Janice Preiss  
SW  Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks BIF  (77)
WH  Rapper, Hyflyte The Show Must Go On, FCh, H.Ferguson/M.Smith/M.Mortin -76
IB  Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt -75
May 09, 2023
Wheeling, WV
Entry: 11
Scottish Deerhound National Specialty
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: John Arvin, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Peggy, Foxcliffe Magnolia, K.Kozeliski/K.Jarzomski B20
2. Atticus, Kyleakin Mockingbird At Tartan Farms, J.English/B.Stephenson DVM 15
3. Vela, Kyleakin Vela, B.Stephenson 10
4. Starly, Kyleakin Starling, B.Stephendon 5
N. Jack, Bruach Dogwoods Imagine Jack, Dr J.Brown  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Veteran Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
SINGLES Judges: John Arvin, Paul Kytta II  
Single Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Lavender, GCh Ch Foxcliffe Lavender Fields, C.& R.S.Dove DVM/H.Millett 12
2. Eli, Eynhallow's Cowboy Romance, R.Jones DVM 9
No Best in Field  
May 13, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 16
BASENJI Judges: Elaine McMichael, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Elaine McMichael, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevolent Boy, A.Hodges B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson B8
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
LCI SMALL Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Jenny, Forever Young, L.Breckheimer 4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, LCI,LCC, L.Breckheimer 8
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 6
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Single Flight A(3)  
1. Vetia, Srinagar Majalis Cascabela Thevtia, M.A.Murray MD 12
2. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles 9
3. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright 6
WHIPPET Judges: Elaine McMichael, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard B12
2. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 9
3. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard F8
2. Wyatt, Laurel White Royalton, FCh, H.Schultz 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Elaine McMichael, Kathy Nelson  
WH  Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard BIF  (155)
RR  Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson -151
BZ  Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevolent Boy, A.Hodges -98
May 13, 2023
Rockwood, MI
Entry: 95
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Reggae, Bharasseyduran Ariel At Cayblu, BN,RE,SC, C.Kirchmeyer B12
2. Rozie, GCh,DC Suni's Prairie Rose At Stardrift, SC,RA,BCAT,TKN,FDC, C.Jakus/L.Hicks 9
3. Hamish, Cayblu Suni Lafayette, BN,RI,JC,AXP,OJP, C.Kirchmeyer 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, Popovs Cosmopolitan, FCh,CD,BN,SC,AX,OAJ,RE, C.Kirchmeyer F4
BASENJI Judges: Gregory Breitbach, Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(10, 1 NQ)  
1. Lynnie, Tajis Rock'N'Roll High School At Blue Note, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell F40
2. Emily, Taji's Success Is Counted Sweetest With Bluenote, H.Hamilton/K.Campbell 30
3. Sloane, Kiroja Slow Motion Repla, D.Merollis/K.Harmon 20
4. Puzzle, Bon Mot Faygo Red Pop!, G.Muresan 10
N. Stevie, Ch Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, SC,RATN,CGC,CA, K.Harmon  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Two Sox, FC Bon Mot Count Your Blessings, FCh,SC, S.La Croix/D.Bolte F8
2. Axion, Annandael & Lia Faille's Dark Matter, FCh, L.Frazer/M.Hogan/D.Johnston 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Peyton, GCh,DC Jadaka Meisterhaus Sheeza Pistol, FCh,SC,BCAT,CAA, D.& C.Reitzel/T.Brooks/J.Kahl B12
2. Sanders, FC Bon Mot Sanders Hot Fudge, FCh,SC,CA,BCAT,TKN, S.LaCroix/D.Bolte` 9
3. Dreamer, Ch Lia Faille's Take It To The Limit, FCh,SC, Frazer/Hogan/Eason/Tilton/Kidd 6
BORZOI Judge: Gregory Breitbach  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Boogeyman, Boogeyman Noodlenose, K.Novack B4
GREYHOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Sagan, Halfmoon Looking Up, K.& W.Johnson R4
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach B16
2. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar 12
3. Sunspot, DC Lakilanni Sunspot Baby, LCM,RN,SC,TKN,CGC,SIN, L.Soutar 8
4. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, LCM, L.Soutar 4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kevin, Ramars Sun Over Paradise Falls, L.Laforest/K.Belz R8
2. Moby, DC Redfaire's Call Me Fishmael At Blue Note, SC, H.Hamilton/S. & B.Reding 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt B16
2. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 12
3. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. JR, Kumia Hallam Johnny Rose At The Rosebud, M.Wille/D.Carota B4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Roseanna, Ch Mia-Bakhu Roseann Roseanna Danna For Kummiedja, FCh, Wille/Haig/Newman/Longlesson Knl F8
2. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Gordon Cheung, Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Tomi Tutone, Anjari's Sunshine Of Africa, J.& A.Hilton B16
2. Buttercup, Luvakis RB's Wuv, Tru Wuv, Fowow You Foweva, A.Hart/T.West-Holmes/E.Holmes 12
3. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill 8
4. Birdie, Azize's Diamond In The Catbird Seat, J.Kind/V.O'Neill 4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Jolene, GCh,DC Kibo's Jolene of Kwetu, FCh,SC,DCAT, D.Knoth F12
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 9
3. Taya, FC Venus You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat, FCh,SC, J.Teamer 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Thorin, FC,AGCh,MACh8 Luvakis Shirley's Thorin Eikinskjaldi, FCh,CDX,RM,RAE,SC,MX,MXJ, A.Hart F4
SALUKI Judge: Gregory Breitbach  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shams, 7Seas Parfait Rostam Prince Of Persia, K.& M.Vaziri/Kelly-Burns/S.House B4
SINGLES Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Single Flight A(13, 4 NQ)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, TCP,NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach 40
2. Winslow, GCh Pandora's Take It Easy At Dija, TCP,CAA,SCN,JC, M.& C.Hogan/Frazer/Tilton/Clarke 30
3. Piper, Piper II, M.Mura 20
4. S'More, Wildabout Toasted Marshmallow, FCh, D.& A.Matt 10
N. Fancy Man, GCh Bon Mot Shinola Polished, FCh,BCAT,TKN, S.LaCroix/D.Bolte`  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Gregory Breitbach, Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Blazer, Allagante Pacific Blaze, E.Prafke-Marson +B12
2. Margot, Summrsspirit Daisy, E.Prafke-Marson 9
3. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Nita, CSB Agent Bonita @ Regalant, FCh, K.Houghton/S.& C.Beckerman F8
2. Starr, Clayborn's Belle Starr, FCh, K.Houghton 6
WHIPPET Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(10, 3 NQ)  
1. Jojo, Windwalker Jolene, K.Estis R40
2. BB, Rantina Longlesson Starlit Night, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl 30
3. Patsy, Windwalker Crazy, A.& M.Downey 20
4. Henry, Wolfpines Now Showing In Black And White, P.Sirwaitis/G.Viola/J.Epstein 10
N. Rasta, Bushbaby Jamaican Sea Nymph, L.Busch  
Open Flight B(10, 3 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Franklin, UKC Ch,HnrCh Nota Bene Agrippa, ORT,DCAT,SCN,NC,NI, J.Black R40
2. Ozzy, Rantina's Prince of Darkness, J.& M.Botzau 30
3. Loca, Windwalker Wild World, A.& M.Downey 20
4. Jet, Rantina's Midnight Train To Pinnacle, BCAT, K.Francen/S.Salo 10
N. Ryder, Wildwood's Now Here I Go Again, V.Roll  
DIS. Wish, Ch Rantina Longlesson Midnight Sky, BCAT,SC, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl  
Field Champion Flight A(12, 2 NQ)  
1. Vulcan, FC Hyflyte Live Long And Prosper, LCM,SC, M.Smith/H.Ferguson B40
2. Rizzo, Bushbaby Pink Ladies' Sassy Button, FCh, L.Busch 30
3. Midas, Hyflyte Heart of Gold, FCh, G.Cheung/L.Siddons 20
4. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean 10
N. Echo, Isen Do It Echoes Of The Past, FCh,SC, K.,P., & M.Dean  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Midnight, DC Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, FCh,SC,RATN, S.Salo/Longlesson Kn R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Paul Kytta II  
PH  JR, Kumia Hallam Johnny Rose At The Rosebud, M.Wille/D.Carota BIF  (77)
IB  Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt -75
GH  Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach -75
SW  Blazer, Allagante Pacific Blaze, E.Prafke-Marson -74
May 14, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 24
BASENJI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Dash, Ravenna Takes A Village, FCh, C.Dumaine B4
LCI LARGE Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Xuma, Xuma, A.Roesner 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCA,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson B4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson F8
2. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
LCI SMALL Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC)  
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NC)  
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 4
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(7)  
1. Vetia, Srinagar Majalis Cascabela Thevtia, M.A.Murray MD 28
2. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles 21
3. George, Sunray's Here Comes The Sun, D.Cameron/C.Canard 14
4. Ripley, Clayborn's Ka-Boom!, L.Halvorsen 7
N. Buttercup, Northwind's What's Up, Buttercup!b, K.Nierengarten  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen B4
WHIPPET Judges: Elaine McMichael, Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard B12
2. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard 9
3. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard F12
2. Carney, URO2, UKC Ch, FC Shannon Down The Black Keys, FCh,OTR,SC,BN,RN,TKN,CGC, C.Pfisterer 9
3. Wyatt, Laurel White Royalton, FCh, H.Schultz 6
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Elaine McMichael  
SW  Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen BIF  (154)
RR  Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson -149
May 14, 2023
Rockwood, MI
Entry: 82
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Gordon Cheung, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Reggae, Bharasseyduran Ariel At Cayblu, BN,RE,SC, C.Kirchmeyer +B12
2. Rozie, GCh,DC Suni's Prairie Rose At Stardrift, SC,RA,BCAT,TKN,FDC, C.Jakus/L.Hicks 9
3. Hamish, Cayblu Suni Lafayette, BN,RI,JC,AXP,OJP, C.Kirchmeyer 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Coco, Popovs Cosmopolitan, FCh,CD,BN,SC,AX,OAJ,RE, C.Kirchmeyer F4
BASENJI Judges: Gordon Cheung, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(9, 2 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Midnight, Bon Mot A Midnight Clear, TKN, S.LaCroix/D.Bolte B32
2. Stevie, Ch Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, SC,RATN,CGC,CA, K.Harmon 24
3. Sheldon, Ch Bon Mot Kiroja Where The Sidewalk Ends, BCAT, K.Harmon 16
4. Sloane, Kiroja Slow Motion Repla, D.Merollis/K.Harmon 8
N. Beaux, Kiroja Beaux Apollo Toga Roo, L.Voss/K.Harmon  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Two Sox, FC Bon Mot Count Your Blessings, FCh,SC, S.La Croix/D.Bolte F8
2. Axion, Annandael & Lia Faille's Dark Matter, FCh, L.Frazer/M.Hogan/D.Johnston 6
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Sanders, FC Bon Mot Sanders Hot Fudge, FCh,SC,CA,BCAT,TKN, S.LaCroix/D.Bolte` F8
2. Dreamer, Ch Lia Faille's Take It To The Limit, FCh,SC, Frazer/Hogan/Eason/Tilton/Kidd 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Gordon Cheung, Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Sagan, Halfmoon Looking Up, K.& W.Johnson R8
2. Piper, Piper II, M.Mura 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar B8
2. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Adair, Kamars Mind Spirit n Sol Of Oak Adair, S. & J.Hintz/K.Belz B16
2. Kevin, Ramars Sun Over Paradise Falls, L.Laforest/K.Belz 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt R16
2. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 12
3. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt 8
4. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2, FChX, Dr K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,FChX, Dr K.Catt F4
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. JR, Kumia Hallam Johnny Rose At The Rosebud, M.Wille/D.Carota R4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Roseanna, Ch Mia-Bakhu Roseann Roseanna Danna For Kummiedja, FCh, Wille/Haig/Newman/Longlesson Knl B8
2. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Gregory Breitbach, Gordon Cheung  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Buttercup, Luvakis RB's Wuv, Tru Wuv, Fowow You Foweva, A.Hart/T.West-Holmes/E.Holmes B12
2. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill 9
3. Birdie, Azize's Diamond In The Catbird Seat, J.Kind/V.O'Neill 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II R8
2. Jolene, GCh,DC Kibo's Jolene of Kwetu, FCh,SC,DCAT, D.Knoth 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Thorin, FC,AGCh,MACh8 Luvakis Shirley's Thorin Eikinskjaldi, FCh,CDX,RM,RAE,SC,MX,MXJ, A.Hart F4
SALUKI Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shams, 7Seas Parfait Rostam Prince Of Persia, K.& M.Vaziri/Kelly-Burns/S.House B4
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Single Flight A(12, 5 NQ)  
1. Soren, Regalant Sparkle Supreme, B.Swaney 40
2. Wish, Ch Rantina Longlesson Midnight Sky, BCAT,SC, S.Salo/Longlesson Knl 30
3. S'More, Wildabout Toasted Marshmallow, FCh, D.& A.Matt 20
4. Maisie, Maisie, TCP,NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach 10
N. Winslow, GCh Pandora's Take It Easy At Dija, TCP,CAA,SCN,JC, M.& C.Hogan/Frazer/Tilton/Clarke  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(3, 3 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Nita, CSB Agent Bonita @ Regalant, FCh, K.Houghton/S.& C.Beckerman B8
2. Starr, Clayborn's Belle Starr, FCh, K.Houghton 6
WHIPPET Judge: Gregory Breitbach  
Open Flight A(14)  
1. Jojo, Windwalker Jolene, K.Estis +F40
2. Patsy, Windwalker Crazy, A.& M.Downey 30
3. Franklin, UKC Ch,HnrCh Nota Bene Agrippa, ORT,DCAT,SCN,NC,NI, J.Black 20
4. Piper, Crosswind Playing To My Own Tune, K.Kennedy 10
N. Rasta, Bushbaby Jamaican Sea Nymph, L.Busch  
Field Champion Flight A(12)  
1. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean B40
2. Harley, FC Hyflyte Agent Kaos Of Wolfpine, FCh,MC,CR,, J.& S.Epstein 30
3. Midas, Hyflyte Heart of Gold, FCh, G.Cheung/L.Siddons 20
4. Dragon, Wolfpine's Panda Pandemonium, FCh, K.Timmer/Dr D.Bickel/J.Eason 10
N. Echo, Isen Do It Echoes Of The Past, FCh,SC, K.,P., & M.Dean  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Midnight, DC Rantina Woodsia Longlesson Midnight Express, FCh,SC,RATN, S.Salo/Longlesson Kn F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Laurie Soutar  
SA  Shams, 7Seas Parfait Rostam Prince Of Persia, K.& M.Vaziri/Kelly-Burns/S.House BIF  (77)
IB  Adair, Kamars Mind Spirit n Sol Of Oak Adair, S. & J.Hintz/K.Belz -75
AH  Reggae, Bharasseyduran Ariel At Cayblu, BN,RE,SC, C.Kirchmeyer -74
SW  Nita, CSB Agent Bonita @ Regalant, FCh, K.Houghton/S.& C.Beckerman -50
May 20, 2023
Peyton, CO
Entry: 31
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Sweetie, Little Sweetie of Synergon, K.Ansberry B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Feniq, Ch Ysanti Rahwynd Poseidon On A Jetski, FCh, D.Britton/C.Sullivan F4
AZAWAKH Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,MC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee B4
BORZOI Judge: Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Glie, FC Oxota Riverrun Gliese, SC, L.Abordo/K.Smith DVM B20
2. Ringo, Cherry Hills Ringo Starr, D.Westfall/K.Plache 15
3. Halle, FC Oxota I Am The Storm, SC,ATT,SGRC,SSR, L.Abordo 10
4. Billy, FC Oxota Storm On The Mountain, SC, K.Smith DVM/L.Abordo 5
N. Stevie, Cherry Hill Katashka Stevie Nicks, K.Plache/J.Law  
GREYHOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Wyatt, Ch Windrock Wild West Hero, K.& C.Fritzler B20
2. Thunder, Windrock Thunder In The Night, K.& C.Fritzler 15
3. Tara, Windrock Endless Love, K.& C.Fritzler 10
4. Bullet, Windrock Fly Like An Eagle, K. & C.Fritzler 5
N. Mayhem, DC Windrock Blackberry Wine, SC, K.& C.Fritzler  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cashew, Winds Majestik Thunderbolt-N-Cashew, FCh, S.Visocchi F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Billie, Ch Windrock Mountain Music, FCh, K.& C.Fritzler F4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Emma, Loyalty's Poems Prayers & Promises Of Maloma, T.& L.Luty B4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jasper, Ch Bazinga Just A Minuteman, FCh, R.Phinney/S.T.Hansen/G.Bednar B8
2. Copper, BISS,RBIS,GChS,DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, LCM,SC,BCAT,JOR,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM2,VFCh,RN,VC,CGC,LCX, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar F4
SALUKI Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Syan, FC Syan So Smooth Of Doha, FCh,SC, M.Bisbee B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Kraken, Cu Seilge Tharis Is A-Rithist, B.Pacheco B4
SINGLES Judge: Tom Golcher  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Hamlet, Ch Azharaani Nur Sweet Prince Hamlet, F.Bennett/G.Hayden/T.Dunne 16
2. Jeopardi, Ch Ysanti Aeolus Watchin' Jeopardi At Cameo, FCh, C.Sullivan/D.Britton 12
3. Archer, Windrock The Best of Everything, B.Snell/K.Fritzler 8
4. Freddie, Ch Katushka Steppes Don't Stop Me Now, J.Law 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Kimchi, CSB Agent Felix Leiter, A.Hill B16
2. BeeBee, Clayborn's To Bee Or Not To Bee, FCh, C.Wester 12
3. Lydia, Clayborn's Ladybug, FCh, C.Wester 8
WHIPPET Judges: Tom Golcher, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Davy, Free Flite Day Dream Believer At Solstice, FCh,SC,RATN,TKI,ACT1,RI, L.Pocurull/D.Bost B8
2. Beaker, Horsetooth Agent 99, S.Beagan 6
No Best in Field  
May 20, 2023
Lambertville, NJ
Entry: 21
BASENJI Judge: Francis Byrne  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM11,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders B16
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders 12
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 8
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Francis Byrne  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Soren, Taliesin's Sa'ile, SC, D.& D.Smith B8
2. Yeti, Lonnkyle Pacific Yeti, P.Strait 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Francis Byrne  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B8
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Mooji, Yamadan Mouhjat For Tallahamra, J.Plugis B12
2. Buttercup, Desert Song's Zahra Pulcherrima Of 7Seas, F.& W.Powers 9
3. Suki, Feinouk Pipe Scream, F. & W.Powers 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Koublah, Tallahamra Koublah, J.Plugis F4
LCI SMALL Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell 4
SINGLES Judge: Francis Byrne  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Iduna, Chrysopoeia's Panis Angelicus, J.Strom 16
2. Damsel, Deerpath Cherche' Midnight Ice, N.Jorczak/C.Durance-Watkins 12
3. Rocket, CSB Agent Bell Rocket Belt, S.& C.Beckerman 8
4. Dasher, Boccalupo Dasher, T.Jones 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Xena, Wildrose Allagante As You Wish, TCP, L.Alexander B8
2. Soba, Summerspirit Captain Morgan, L.Golebiewski 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman R4
WHIPPET Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Gunner, Deerpath Cannonade Barrage, FCh, C.Unangst B4
No Best in Field  
May 20, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 36
BASENJI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevolent Boy, A.Hodges B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, TCP,NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach B4
LCI LARGE Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Vikre, Vikre, H.Caswell 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCA,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Wayne Olson, Kent Standerford  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson R4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson B12
2. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson 9
3. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Hannah, Altnamara's Rappahannock At Loch Lann, J.Mandel B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ellie, Eilistraee The Silver Maiden, CGC, R.Kurandina 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 8
2. Odin, Spring Valley God Of War, K.Goodman 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 4
SINGLES Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Single Flight A(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Vetia, Srinagar Majalis Cascabela Thevtia, M.A.Murray MD 36
2. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright 27
3. Otto, Primetime's Chocolate Millionaire, D.Lambertz/K.Wilson 18
4. Charlie, Another Tequila Sunrise@Spirit, H.Borning/J.Anderson 9
N. Mylo, Ch Elance Konza No Distance Left, E.& T.Mayer/V.Lagalo  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Wayne Olson, Kent Standerford  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen B4
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Riley, Lucky Penny's Rollin Riley Coyote At North Star, M. & K.Weigel R24
2. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard 18
3. Sid, Wild Iris Black Obsidian, C.Lee 12
4. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 6
N. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, FCh, R.VanTassell/C.Rogers B24
2. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard 9
3. Thor, Northwind's God Of Thunder, FCh, D.Lambertz 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,VFCh,RE,SC,ACT2,RAT, C.Canard F4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
WH  Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, FCh, R.VanTassell/C.Rogers BIF  (153)
RR  Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson -152
SW  Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen -151
GH  Tepid, FC JJ Highly Tepid, FCh,SC, G.& K.Breitbach -150
PH  Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt -149
May 21, 2023
Peyton, CO
Entry: 40
AZAWAKH Judges: Leonore Abordo, Michael Hussey  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,MC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee B4
BORZOI Judge: Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Glie, FC Oxota Riverrun Gliese, SC, L.Abordo/K.Smith DVM F16
2. Stevie, Cherry Hill Katashka Stevie Nicks, K.Plache/J.Law 12
3. Billy, FC Oxota Storm On The Mountain, SC, K.Smith DVM/L.Abordo 8
4. Ringo, Cherry Hills Ringo Starr, D.Westfall/K.Plache 4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halle, FC Oxota I Am The Storm, SC,ATT,SGRC,SSR, L.Abordo B4
GREYHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Michael Hussey  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Thunder, Windrock Thunder In The Night, K.& C.Fritzler B28
2. Mayhem, DC Windrock Blackberry Wine, SC, K.& C.Fritzler 21
3. Wyatt, Ch Windrock Wild West Hero, K.& C.Fritzler 14
4. Bullet, Windrock Fly Like An Eagle, K. & C.Fritzler 7
N. Tara, Windrock Endless Love, K.& C.Fritzler  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Cashew, Winds Majestik Thunderbolt-N-Cashew, FCh, S.Visocchi F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Billie, Ch Windrock Mountain Music, FCh, K.& C.Fritzler F4
LCI LARGE Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Rohan, OMG We Ride To Gondor, M.Townsend/M. 20
2. Kite, BV Betty White, M.Finan-Goode 15
3. Spoon, MFG Little Spoon, RA,FCAT,TKE, M.Finan-Goode 10
4. Juniper, Voltaire's Raised By Bats, S.Wiersma 5
N. Bear, OMG It's A Bear, M.Crist  
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jasper, Ch Bazinga Just A Minuteman, FCh, R.Phinney/S.T.Hansen/G.Bednar B8
2. Copper, BISS,RBIS,GChS,DC Bazinga Copernicus The Stargazer, LCM,SC,BCAT,JOR,CGC, R.Phinney/G.Bednar 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuri, GCh,DC Sendji's New Coat Of Paint, LCM2,VFCh,RN,VC,CGC,LCX, Phinney/Guinn/Martin/Bednar F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zoe, Lane's Bringing Sexy Back, E.& B.Fee/E.Lane B4
SALUKI Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Syan, FC Syan So Smooth Of Doha, FCh,SC, M.Bisbee B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Jayyl, Xanadu Farms Jayyl, M.Bisbee 4
SINGLES Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Single Flight A(5)  
1. Lucas, Racemor Lucas, L.Sanders 20
2. Upson, Horsetooth Upson Pratt, BCAT,OTR, H.Princehorn 15
3. Hamlet, Ch Azharaani Nur Sweet Prince Hamlet, F.Bennett/G.Hayden/T.Dunne 10
4. Pebbles, Windrock Ain't Breakin' Nothin', K.& C.Fritzler 5
N. Archer, Windrock The Best of Everything, B.Snell/K.Fritzler  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Field Champion Flight A(4, 2 NQ)  
1. Lydia, Clayborn's Ladybug, FCh, C.Wester B16
2. Kimchi, CSB Agent Felix Leiter, A.Hill 12
WHIPPET Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Olive, Horsetooth Alpine Fontina, K.& T.Kostycz B12
2. Sterling, Horsetooth Napoleon Solo, H.Princehorn 9
3. Amber, Pioneer Soot & Cinder, K.Kostycz 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Beaker, Horsetooth Agent 99, S.Beagan F4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Leonore Abordo, Tom Golcher  
WH  Olive, Horsetooth Alpine Fontina, K.& T.Kostycz BIF  (140)
SA  Syan, FC Syan So Smooth Of Doha, FCh,SC, M.Bisbee -139
AZ  Ramisi, FC Kel Simoon Ramisi 'N Sambala, FCh,RN,MC,CGC,CA,FCAT, M.Bisbee -135
GH  Thunder, Windrock Thunder In The Night, K.& C.Fritzler -134
May 21, 2023
Lambertville, NJ
Entry: 30
BASENJI Judge: John Arvin  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders B16
2. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM11,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 12
3. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 8
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Rush, Infiniti HVH Dangerous Type, L.Lobianco B12
2. Dasher, Boccalupo Dasher, T.Jones 9
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Bailey, Alfheim's Perfect Storm, FCh, T. & J.Jones F4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B8
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Mooji, Yamadan Mouhjat For Tallahamra, J.Plugis B12
2. Suki, Feinouk Pipe Scream, F. & W.Powers 9
3. Buttercup, Desert Song's Zahra Pulcherrima Of 7Seas, F.& W.Powers 6
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
LCI SMALL Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell 4
SINGLES Judge: John Arvin  
Single Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Iduna, Chrysopoeia's Panis Angelicus, J.Strom 20
2. Hunter, Fallowfield Orion, P.Rector 15
3. Rocket, CSB Agent Bell Rocket Belt, S.& C.Beckerman 10
4. Moonlight, Jewelbox Miracle Of Moonlight, H.Solomon 5
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Xena, Wildrose Allagante As You Wish, TCP, L.Alexander B8
2. Soba, Summerspirit Captain Morgan, L.Golebiewski 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman R4
WHIPPET Judge: John Arvin  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. (Hillary, Quixandz Hells Bells, C.Kirchner/K.McCalvin)  
2. Wanda, Ragapple Wild West Wanderer, A.Mark 9
3. Damsel, Deerpath Cherche' Midnight Ice, N.Jorczak/C.Durance-Watkins 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Lilly, Ragapple Lil Voyager, FCh, V.A.Lopes/J.Hilsky B12
2. (Bodhi, DC Snow Hill Wayfaring Stranger, SC, L.Chovnick/H.Bibbero)  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: John Arvin  
IG  Rush, Infiniti HVH Dangerous Type, L.Lobianco BIF  (78, 78)
WH  Lilly, Ragapple Lil Voyager, FCh, V.A.Lopes/J.Hilsky (78, 76)
BA  Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders -77
SW  Xena, Wildrose Allagante As You Wish, TCP, L.Alexander -5
May 21, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 50
BASENJI Judges: Wayne Olson, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht B4
BORZOI Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, Dreamway Teine Vitrina Art Of Racing In The Rain, V.Trantanella B8
2. Bene, Ivanhoe's Benevolent Boy, A.Hodges 6
GREYHOUND Judges: Wayne Olson, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Maisie, Maisie, TCP,NA,NAJ, G.& K.Breitbach B4
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
LCI LARGE Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Vikre, Vikre, H.Caswell 16
2. Xuma, Xuma, A.Roesner 12
3. Tessa, Tessa, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 8
4. Harrison, Harrison, R.Vollbrecht 4
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Rice, Ch Alar's Fairchild Wild Rice, LCC,LCA,JH,CAX,DCAT,RATO, T.Lorch 12
2. Sadie, Sadie Lynne 2, LCA, T.Lenzmeier/D.Henshaw 9
3. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCA,VLCC,BN,RN,MXB, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Wayne Olson  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Precious, UCh,FC Churuka Mirare Le Diable Rouge, LCM,MC,RATN,OAJ,NF, G.& B.Breitbach/T.Harper/L.Witt B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson F4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson B12
2. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, R.VanTassell/T.Olson 9
3. Libby, FC Azize's Liberty Queen, LCM2,TKI,MC,RN,OAJ,NA, R.L.Marvin 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Iroh, Uncle Iroh Dragon Of The West, M.Pederson/B.Shiers 8
2. Ellie, Eilistraee The Silver Maiden, CGC, R.Kurandina 6
LCI SMALL Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Willow, Willow, M.Gorham 8
2. Odin, Spring Valley God Of War, K.Goodman 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 8
2. Luna, Shetland Sheepdog, K.Goodman 6
SINGLES Judges: Wayne Olson, Kent Standerford  
Single Flight A(12, 4 NQ)  
1. Otto, Primetime's Chocolate Millionaire, D.Lambertz/K.Wilson 40
2. Vetia, Srinagar Majalis Cascabela Thevtia, M.A.Murray MD 30
3. Raya, Hilltop Kumandras Princess Of Heart, K.Wollenberg/D.Hall/J.& S.Buss 20
4. Roger, Solina's Baby What's My Sin, S.Pierce/M.Telatovich/Ocalabrese 10
N. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Kent Standerford  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ripley, Clayborn's Ka-Boom!, L.Halvorsen F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Joker, Starfyre Prankster, FCh, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks B8
2. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen 6
WHIPPET Judges: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz, Wayne Olson  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NC)  
1. Valleri, Nonstopp Ma Princesse Of North Star, B.& F.Hearley F24
2. Riley, Lucky Penny's Rollin Riley Coyote At North Star, M. & K.Weigel 18
3. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 12
4. Sid, Wild Iris Black Obsidian, C.Lee 6
N. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, FCh, R.VanTassell/C.Rogers B16
2. Carney, URO2, UKC Ch, FC Shannon Down The Black Keys, FCh,OTR,SC,BN,RN,TKN,CGC, C.Pfisterer 12
3. Thor, Northwind's God Of Thunder, FCh, D.Lambertz 8
4. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Winnie, Finghin's Winsome Pirate Grrl, LCM2,VFCh,RE,SC,ACT2,RAT, C.Canard F4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Vicki Fagre-Stroetz  
WH  Reno, Affinity's Ring Of Fire, FCh, R.VanTassell/C.Rogers BIF  (78)
RR  Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson -77
SW  Joker, Starfyre Prankster, FCh, A.Caskey/A.Huston/K.& J.Hicks -77
May 27, 2023
Arroyo Grande, CA
Entry: 24
GREYHOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Peter, Golightly A Boy Named Sue, B.Dickson/N.Gimblett/S.Pober B8
2. Cadie, Lakilanni Old Fashion Lovesong, N.Gimblett 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Pirate, Russet Leather Chisholm Trail, P.Shipsey/B.Wanjon 8
2. Eva, Eva Of Old Morro Road, P.A.Shipsey 6
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Ladon, FC Lileo's Fantastic Beast, FCh,SC,SGRC,RN, J.Jones/L.Leones B12
2. J'Adore, GCh,DC Farao Anubis J'Adore, SC,GRC, J.Jones/D.Delmore/L.Leone 9
3. MJ, FC Lileo's Smoke This, FCh,SC,GRC, J.Jones/L.Leone 6
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Deklan, Windancer's Spell Caster, S.McNeill/J.Schindler-Horvat B8
2. Neko, Windancer's Wild Card, J.Schindler-Horvat/S.McNeill 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Myka, Windancer's Wild Ways, FCh,SC,CGC,SGRC3, J.Schindler-Horvat F4
LCI SMALL Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Bandit, Oak Leaf Bandit, K.& M.Parolini 8
2. Phoebe, Oak Leaf Phidget Phoebe, K. & M.Parolini 6
SINGLES Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Magic, Elessar's Genovation GXE, L.& M.Silvestri 16
2. Zephyr, Morgandell Foxglove, J.Hinkley 12
3. Val, Anubis Lileo Valentino Sheik Of Araby, J.Jones 8
4. Luffy, Kazors Four To Gogo, M.McNeal 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Ollie, Legend Licorice Allsorts, K.Van Greunen B4
WHIPPET Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(7)  
1. Ailia, Hildidan's Fierce Magic Of Ailia, C.Gaiser B28
2. Renner, Hildidan's Fierce Mamba Magic of Renner, C.Gaiser 21
3-5. Trella, Wirtu's Promise Me The Stars, L.White 7
3-5. Lollipop, Wirtu's A Lick And A Promise, A.& P.Dominquez 7
3-5. Phoenix, Phoenix Ashbourne Chez Soi, A.& P.Dominquez 7
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
PH  Ladon, FC Lileo's Fantastic Beast, FCh,SC,SGRC,RN, J.Jones/L.Leones BIF  (79)
SW  Ollie, Legend Licorice Allsorts, K.Van Greunen -78
WH  Ailia, Hildidan's Fierce Magic Of Ailia, C.Gaiser -78
RR  Deklan, Windancer's Spell Caster, S.McNeill/J.Schindler-Horvat -77
GH  Peter, Golightly A Boy Named Sue, B.Dickson/N.Gimblett/S.Pober -77
May 27, 2023
Lee's Summit, MO
Entry: 12
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Robin, FC Relic's Rock'n Robin, FCh,TCP,SC,BCAT, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders B8
2. Nightwing, FC Kibushi's Dark Heir Of Gotham, FCh,SC,BCAT, J.Ryno/J.Curby 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Josie Haumont  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Mischief, Mischief Managed, E.Kackley/T.Bird B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Carly, Compelling's Dream Maker, TKN, M.Wagenaar R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Michelle, DC Honeymooon's Guns N Roses Compelling Gypsy, FCh,SC,TKN, M.Wagenaar/S.Romine B4
SALUKI Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Cassie, Melik Compelling Qasideh, M.Wagenaar F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Suki, Azharaani Nur Niqaba Asuka, FCh, L.Roberts/G.Hayden/F.Bennett B4
SINGLES Judges: Josie Haumont, Scott Hurlbert  
Single Flight A(1)  
1. Dino, Affinity's That's Amore At Karamac, C.McDermott/C.Rogers 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Russ Jacobs  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
WHIPPET Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Slim Shady, TruLuv Heartland The Real Slim Shady, V.Smith/L.Rice B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Waylon, TruLuv Heartland The Wurlitzer Prize, FCh, V.& L.Smith/L.Rice F4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Chrome, GCh HH Heartland California Chrome, FCh,SC, V.Smith/M.E.R.Barry F4
No Best in Field  
May 27, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 73
BASENJI Judges: Beverly Griffith, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shay, Borassus Powerful Change At Crenshaw, K.Sanders R4
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders B24
2. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 18
3. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 12
4. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 6
N. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM3,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders  
BORZOI Judges: Paul Kytta II, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Nun, Ch Belvento Sunrise, V.Cassano B8
2. Gimel, Ch BelVento Sunset, V.Cassano MD.MPH 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Trevi, DC C'Lestial Fontana Di Trevi, FCh,MC, V.Cassano MD R4
GALGO ESPAÑOL Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kai, Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, J.Pickering/L.Venegas B8
2. Emily, DC Abbaio Graphic Violins, SC, S.Murphy 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz R4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz F4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Bubbles, FC Celeste's Bubble Up, SC, C.Mulcrone +B12
2. Carmen, Celeste Raindance Really Where?, SC, C.Mulcrone 9
3. Dasher, Boccalupo Dasher, T.Jones 6
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM2,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone R8
LCI LARGE Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Oaklli, 4 Clover's Change Perspective, K.Gresh/E.Beattie 20
2. Juke Box, Wlm Banking On A Beat, A.Mattocks 15
3. Hoopy, Twisted River 42, D.Crough 10
4. Eggsy, Sir Eggathy The Breakfast Hound, LCI, S.Rosario 5
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Beverly Griffith, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Tomi Tutone, Anjari's Sunshine Of Africa, J.& A.Hilton R12
2. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink 9
3. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin B16
2. Spud, Highfield's Twice Baked, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 12
3. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 8
4. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, LCM,MC,LCX2,AX,AXJ,BCAT, R.Quist R4
SALUKI Judges: Paul Kytta II, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Bow, Sarea Hayat Ruidoso, B.Griffith/P.Schreiber/Westover B8
2. Mooji, Yamadan Mouhjat For Tallahamra, J.Plugis 6
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Duncan, Chase Farm Foxcliffe Secretariat, S.Eubank/J.Fitzgerald/J.Hanson B4
LCI SMALL Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. P.J.Hamlet, Captain Pepper Jack Of The Royal Hamlet, S.Rosario 12
2. Rascal, Mr Rascal, LCI, L.A.Congdon 9
Senior Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell 12
2. Scamp, Mr Scamp, LCI,LCC, L.A.Congdon 9
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Senior Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
SINGLES Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Single Flight A(17, 4 NQ)  
1. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston 40
2. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley 30
3. Soren, Regalant Sparkle Supreme, B.Swaney 20
4. Monty, Abbaio Castanet Wide, B.Conway/S.Murphy 10
N. Jet, Cali's Silver Jet At Clarwick, C.Gelwicks  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Paul Kytta II, Donna Richards  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman B4
WHIPPET Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Field Champion Flight A(10)  
1. Riptide, FC Williwaw Vitamin Sea, FCh,SC, M.Smith B40
2. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, FCh,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche 30
3. Vulcan, FC Hyflyte Live Long And Prosper, LCM,SC, M.Smith/H.Ferguson 20
4. Patron, TnT's Two Shots Of Indscretion, TnT Kennel 10
N. Streak, FC T'Daz Geminid Meteor Shower, LCM,SC, B.Haner  
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Paul Kytta II  
WH  Riptide, FC Williwaw Vitamin Sea, FCh,SC, M.Smith BIF  (77)
SA  Bow, Sarea Hayat Ruidoso, B.Griffith/P.Schreiber/Westover -76
SW  Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman -75
May 27, 2023
Flamborough, ON
  CAN Entry: 46
AZAWAKH Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, FCh, J.Martin F4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Anir, Ch Knightwind's Anir, FCh, E.Knight B8
2. Siri, Ch Knightwind's Tiziri, FCh, D.Vout 6
BASENJI Judge: Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Quiz, Sinbaji's Puzzling Proposition, M.Heidebrecht B12
2. Benji, Spring Willow's Hershey Kisses, M.Hannah 9
DIS. Nike, Sinbaje Redefines The Position of Tar, M.Heidebrecht  
GREYHOUND Judges: Dr Karen Catt, Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Monte, Lakilanni The Full Monty, K.Young/L.Soutar B4
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Tull, Lakilanni Thick As A Brick, LCM, L.Soutar +F12
2. Sunspot, DC Lakilanni Sunspot Baby, LCM,RN,SC,TKN,CGC,SIN, L.Soutar 9
3. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt B16
2. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt 12
3. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
LCI LARGE Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Rocky, Ashley's Rockstar; Bolder on the Edge, A.Howells 8
2. Frannie, Frannie, K.Hunt 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCA,LCC, V.Lobo 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Arthur, Arthur Hayes, LCA,LCC, A.Hayes 4
SALUKI Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kingsley, Khamsin's King Of the Road, CKC FCh, S.Konopa/K.Welsh B8
2. Pip, Yamadan Qismet For Tallahamra, C.Chapin 6
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Shamsa, Khamsin's Shamsa Bint Vashti, P.Taylor/S.Konopa F12
2. Soleil, Ch Khamsin's Della Soleil, FCh, S.Konopa 9
3. Caprice, Khamsin's Caprice For A Song, FCh, S.Konopa 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Guru, Guru, M.Vallance 4
LCI SMALL Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Breeze, Bacardi Breeze, K.McGuigan 8
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Keji, Offsprings's Kejimkujik, A.Soltan 12
2. Mink, Offspring's Mink, A.Soltan 9
3. Tuque, Tuque, K.Young 6
SINGLES Judge: Larry Gahan  
Single Flight A(11, 1 NQ)  
1. Kik, City View Kick Out The Jams At Surrey Hill, H.Danssereau 40
2. Pieter, Jetstream's Ocean Crossing, R.Byvelds 30
3. Spatzi, Garamiyas Mago Mahyar For Greendale, 20
4. Venture, Imperial Purple Viking, V.Sue 10
N. Audrey, Runway's Audrey Hepburn, TCP, L.Watson/C.Norris  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Dr Karen Catt, Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Tiffany, Runway's Breakfast At Tiffany's, C.Norris/L.Watson B8
2. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
WHIPPET Judges: Dr Karen Catt, Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Buster, Poeta Bustopher Jones, C.Chapin B8
2. ABee, Devonair's Abigail Has A Dot, H.Dansereau 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Larry Gahan  
IB  Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt BIF  (77)
GH  Monte, Lakilanni The Full Monty, K.Young/L.Soutar -76
May 28, 2023
Lee's Summit, MO
Entry: 7
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Nightwing, FC Kibushi's Dark Heir Of Gotham, FCh,SC,BCAT, J.Ryno/J.Curby B8
2. Robin, FC Relic's Rock'n Robin, FCh,TCP,SC,BCAT, J.& D.Ryno/D.Sanders 6
SINGLES Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Russ Jacobs  
Single Flight A(1)  
1. Dino, Affinity's That's Amore At Karamac, C.McDermott/C.Rogers 4
WHIPPET Judges: Josie Haumont, Russ Jacobs  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Slim Shady, TruLuv Heartland The Real Slim Shady, V.Smith/L.Rice F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Waylon, TruLuv Heartland The Wurlitzer Prize, FCh, V.& L.Smith/L.Rice B8
2. Arlo, Isen Wild Rumpus, FCh, P.Sedovic 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Chrome, GCh HH Heartland California Chrome, FCh,SC, V.Smith/M.E.R.Barry F4
No Best in Field  
May 28, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 52
BASENJI Judges: Donna Richards, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shay, Borassus Powerful Change At Crenshaw, K.Sanders R4
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM3,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders B24
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders 18
3. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 12
4. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 6
N. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders  
BORZOI Judges: Donna Richards, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Angel, GChB Kinobi Angels Of Fenway At Bel Vento, V.Cassano B4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Trevi, DC C'Lestial Fontana Di Trevi, FCh,MC, V.Cassano MD R4
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Beverly Griffith, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Kai, Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, J.Pickering/L.Venegas R12
2. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne 9
3. Nash, Treybeau's Just Like Fire, K.Landis/S.Wright-Hiller 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz B12
Veteran Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Beverly Griffith, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Carmen, Celeste Raindance Really Where?, SC, C.Mulcrone R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Bubbles, FC Celeste's Bubble Up, SC, C.Mulcrone B8
2. Ammo, FC Celeste's Lock N' Load, LCM2,MC,ORC,SGRC, C.Mulcrone 6
LCI LARGE Judges: Donna Richards, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Oaklli, 4 Clover's Change Perspective, K.Gresh/E.Beattie 12
2. Hoopy, Twisted River 42, D.Crough 9
3. Miri, Wingate's Tomorrow's Worth The Fight, LCI, S.Kennicott 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Beverly Griffith, Donna Richards  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Marea, Hallam Desert Phoenix Bakhu's Marea, L.Terra/A.Magni/D.Carota B4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Shelby, NFC,GCh,DC Dsrtphnx Hallam Sweet Child O Mine, FCh,SC,NA,OAJ, Terra/Magni/Carota/Williams F4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Tomi Tutone, Anjari's Sunshine Of Africa, J.& A.Hilton F12
2. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink 9
3. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Spud, Highfield's Twice Baked, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh B16
2. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin 12
3. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 8
4. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 4
SALUKI Judges: Paul Kytta II, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bow, Sarea Hayat Ruidoso, B.Griffith/P.Schreiber/Westover B4
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Beverly Griffith, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Duncan, Chase Farm Foxcliffe Secretariat, S.Eubank/J.Fitzgerald/J.Hanson B4
LCI SMALL Judges: Donna Richards, Michael Small  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Rascal, Mr Rascal, LCI, L.A.Congdon 8
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Scamp, Mr Scamp, LCI,LCC, L.A.Congdon 12
2. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell 9
SINGLES Judges: Donna Richards, Peter Schreiber  
Single Flight A(7)  
1. Zinger, Key4 N Highfield's Lemon Zinger From Saint Bleu, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 28
2. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston 21
3. Naughty, Chapleton Naughty List, J.& M.Almond/D.Stapleton 14
4. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle 7
N. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Beverly Griffith, Peter Schreiber  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman B4
WHIPPET Judges: Beverly Griffith, Paul Kytta II  
Field Champion Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean B28
2. Riptide, FC Williwaw Vitamin Sea, FCh,SC, M.Smith 21
3. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, FCh,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche 14
4. Vulcan, FC Hyflyte Live Long And Prosper, LCM,SC, M.Smith/H.Ferguson 7
N. Captain, TNT's Captain America, FCh, D.Richards  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Michael Small  
RR  Spud, Highfield's Twice Baked, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh BIF  (90)
IB  Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz -89
PH  Marea, Hallam Desert Phoenix Bakhu's Marea, L.Terra/A.Magni/D.Carota -88
SW  Verse, CSB Multiverse Traveler @ Spirit, FCh, S.& C.Beckerman -88
May 28, 2023
Flamborough, ON
   CAN Entry: 49
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Charlotte, Dream A Little Dream Of Me, K.O'Brien/J.Martin B4
AZAWAKH Judge: Larry Gahan  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Axel, Allalwansahel Axiocrses Borealis, FCh, J.Martin F4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Anir, Ch Knightwind's Anir, FCh, E.Knight B8
2. Siri, Ch Knightwind's Tiziri, FCh, D.Vout 6
BASENJI Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Nike, Sinbaje Redefines The Position of Tar, M.Heidebrecht B8
2. Quiz, Sinbaji's Puzzling Proposition, M.Heidebrecht 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Monte, Lakilanni The Full Monty, K.Young/L.Soutar R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Larry Gahan  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt B16
2. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, FCh, Dr K.Catt 12
3. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 8
4. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt 4
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
LCI LARGE Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Sunny, Vizsla Villa's Sunny, N.Warren 24
2. Seuss, Dr Seuss, J. & J.Warren 18
3. Willi, Willi, S.Godbehere 12
4. Phoenix, Phoenix, LCI, K.Gartley 6
N. Rocky, Ashley's Rockstar; Bolder on the Edge, A.Howells  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Jethro, Loretta's Enchanted Unicorn At Antares, LCA,LCC, V.Lobo 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Arthur, Arthur Hayes, LCA,LCC, A.Hayes 4
SALUKI Judge: Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Kingsley, Khamsin's King Of the Road, CKC FCh, S.Konopa/K.Welsh B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Rapid, MissJiffs Now Or Never @ Tactical Image Rapid Fyre, B.O'Connor 16
2. Qwik, Qwik, M.Jarvis 12
3. Mercy, MissJiff's I Feel A Sin Coming On @ Tactical Image, K.Simerson 8
4. Guru, Guru, M.Vallance 4
LCI SMALL Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Open Flight A(9, 3 NQ)  
1. Tension, Tatacial Image's The Attention Is Always On Me, M.Jarvis 36
2. Limit, Tactical Image's The Possibilities Are Limitless, J.Esplen 27
3. Breeze, Bacardi Breeze, K.McGuigan 18
4. Katsu, Tactical Image's Enlightened State, L.McLeod 9
N. Marston, Man From Blackwater, E.E.Harman  
Veteran Flight A(4)  
1. Hobbes, Cairnbrae Hobbes, S.Godbehere 16
2. Tuque, Tuque, K.Young 12
3. Keji, Offsprings's Kejimkujik, A.Soltan 8
4. Mink, Offspring's Mink, A.Soltan 4
SINGLES Judge: Laurie Soutar  
Single Flight A(7, 3 NQ)  
1. Kik, City View Kick Out The Jams At Surrey Hill, H.Danssereau 28
2. Zed, Devonair's Zed Not Zee, H.Dancereau 21
3. Nyla, Freckashpeng Nyla, TCP, C.Paul 14
4. Audrey, Runway's Audrey Hepburn, TCP, L.Watson/C.Norris 7
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Larry Gahan  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Tiffany, Runway's Breakfast At Tiffany's, C.Norris/L.Watson B8
2. Nico, Starfyre Echo Thru The Canyons, T.& S.Adamo/K.& J.Hicks 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Larry Gahan  
GH  Alice, FC Golightly Lakilanni White Rabbit, LCM,SC,RN,CGC, L.Zucker/L.Soutar BIF  (77)
IB  Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, FCh, Dr.K.Catt -76
May 29, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 50
BASENJI Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Shay, Borassus Powerful Change At Crenshaw, K.Sanders +F4
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM3,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders +B24
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, FCh, K.Sanders 18
3. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders 12
4. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 6
N. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders  
BORZOI Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Nun, Ch Belvento Sunrise, V.Cassano B8
2. Troi, Silkenswift Remember Me At Lorisart, SC,TKN, L.Miller 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Trevi, DC C'Lestial Fontana Di Trevi, FCh,MC, V.Cassano MD R4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne R4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz B4
LCI LARGE Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Juke Box, Wlm Banking On A Beat, A.Mattocks 8
2. Eggsy, Sir Eggathy The Breakfast Hound, LCI, S.Rosario 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Heidi, Heidi De Plum Creek, BCAT, E.& L.Berg 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Michael Small  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink F8
2. Niko, Lamarde Perro Eastern Star, SC,ATT, J.& G.Pulliam/C.Ellingson 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Scrappy CoCo, DC Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, LCM,SC, C.Turner B20
2. Spud, Highfield's Twice Baked, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 15
3. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 10
4. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin 5
N. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley R8
2. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
LCI SMALL Judge: Paul Kytta II  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. P.J.Hamlet, Captain Pepper Jack Of The Royal Hamlet, S.Rosario 8
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA, P.Buswell 12
2. (Rascal, Mr Rascal, LCI, L.A.Congdon)  
SINGLES Judge: Michael Small  
Single Flight A(11, 3 NQ)  
1. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston 40
2. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley 30
3. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle 20
4. Zinger, Key4 N Highfield's Lemon Zinger From Saint Bleu, FCh, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 10
N. Rocket, CSB Agent Bell Rocket Belt, S.& C.Beckerman  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Michael Small  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Soba, Summerspirit Captain Morgan, L.Golebiewski B4
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
WHIPPET Judge: Michael Small  
Field Champion Flight A(6, 1 NC)  
1. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, FCh,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche B20
2. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean 15
3. Echo, Isen Do It Echoes Of The Past, FCh,SC, K.,P., & M.Dean 10
4. Riptide, FC Williwaw Vitamin Sea, FCh,SC, M.Smith 5
N. Calli, Poeta Whatchamacallit, FCh, C.L.Detweiler  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Michael Small  
SW  Soba, Summerspirit Captain Morgan, L.Golebiewski BIF  (90)
RR  Scrappy CoCo, DC Venus' You Don't Mess With The Zohan, LCM,SC, C.Turner -89
IB  Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz -87
May 29, 2023
Roy, WA
Entry: 52
BASENJI Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(4, 1 NQ, 1 DIS)  
1. Toby, Zamaradi's Im Not Here For Your Entertainment, S.& T.Jones/S.Smith-Falkner R16
2. Betty, Zamaradi's Bombette, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 12
3. Tony, Ch Litespeed N Zamaradi's I Love You 3000, S.Jones/S.Smith-Falkner 8
DIS. Dinah, GCh Kaleonahe's & Relic Flower Power For Zamaradi, TCP,SC, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Hula, Relic's Tribal Dance With Zamaradi TKN, FCh, St Clair/Smith-Falkner/Sanders B16
2. Scotti, Lifespeed's Beam Me Up To Zamaradi, FCh, S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Bruce, DC,IABCA Kingwanas Undercover Boss, FCh,SC,RN,TDI,BCAT,TKN, E.Monzon R4
GREYHOUND Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Maude, Pacific Sea Sprite, K.Sargent B8
2. Holly, Largoholdontight, K.& R.Sargent 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Beth Levine  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Rossi, DC Davinci Icycold Don't Take My Spot, FCh,SC,TKN,CGC,BCAT,RI, E.Monzon/L.Jones/J.Morris B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. Sriracha, GChS,DC Jaros Ferazi Miso Pho King Hot At Divine, FDC,SC,BCAT,TKN,ATT, Evans/Eastlick/Kulic/Steele R32
2. Zara, Divine's Aviatrix Volo da Sogno, G.& J.Behrens 24
3. Lulu, Divine's Chocolate Bunny, D.Kerrigan 16
4. Liam, Liam II, E.Huehnergarth 8
N. Zelda, Ch Sogno Divino di Mezzanotte, BCAT,RATN,,TKN,VHMA,JSR, G.& J.Behrens  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Roman, Divine-Ankhu's Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, FCh, S.Evans/A.Eastlick B32
2. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,SGRC2,ORC,RATI, J. & G.Behrens/A.McLeod 9
3. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM2,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens 6
Veteran Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Nuq, Alfheim's Regulus, FCh, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod R8
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NC)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
LCI LARGE Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Summit, Golden Pond Brunnhorn, F.Gibbs 8
2. Everett, Everett, J.Hemphill 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Ember, Light My Fire, F.Gibbs 12
2. Wyatt, Alegria Tough Nut, LCI, C.Heyward VMD 9
3. Slurpee, GCh Cloudcroft Sapphire Shadows, C.Heyward 6
SINGLES Judge: Beth Levine  
Single Flight A(4, 1 NQ)  
1. Podzol, Attaway's Jaguarundi, FCh, P.& K.Ng 16
2. Moonstruck, TCS Moonstrucks's Total Eclipse, J.& S.Mackey 12
3. Spec, Allagante Inphenite-Ly Special, J.Vookles/K.& P.Sanders 8
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Nara, Wildrose Allagante Inara, K.& P.Sanders +R20
2. Angus, Winsome Qilin's Magic, I.Stetson 15
3. Aquila, Attaway Running With the Night, K.& P.NG 10
4. Zebo, Allagante Joyrun Zebo, P. & K.Sanders 5
Field Champion Flight A(6, 2 NQ)  
1. Kenan, Wyndolyn's Winsome Kenan, I.Stetson B24
2. Chyna, BII Allagante Beyond Compare, LCM, K. & P.Sanders 18
3. Possum, Inphenite Awesome Possum, FCh, J.Vookles 12
4. Grade A, Allagante Above Your Pay Grade, FCh, K.Sanders 6
WHIPPET Judge: Beth Levine  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Remedy, Jammin' Witch Hazel, J.Hemphill B28
2. Blaze, Brystal Ring Of Fire KB-R'L, D.Shurin 21
3. Tahoe, TCS See's California Crunch, L.& B.Fry 14
4. Pepper, Brystal Magic Flute, D.Shurin 7
5-6. Sassy, Brystal Superluminal KB-R'L, D.Shurin  
5-6. Lance, Brystal Quicksilver MX-2, SC, R.Robinson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Warrior, TCS Road Warrior By Cash Creek, J.& S.Mackey R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Beth Levine  
SW  Kenan, Wyndolyn's Winsome Kenan, I.Stetson BIF  (78)
BA  Hula, Relic's Tribal Dance With Zamaradi TKN, FCh, St Clair/Smith-Falkner/Sanders -76
IG  Roman, Divine-Ankhu's Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, FCh, S.Evans/A.Eastlick -76
IB  Rossi, DC Davinci Icycold Don't Take My Spot, FCh,SC,TKN,CGC,BCAT,RI, E.Monzon/L.Jones/J.Morris -75