Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - July 2023 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 01, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 51 |
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 02, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 48 |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 22, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 40 |
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 22, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 53 |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 23, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 34 |
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 23, 2023 rLittlestown, PA Entry: 52 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST COAST Jul 29, 2023 Lompoc, CA Entry: 5 Irish Wolfhoud Specialty |
BASENJI Judge: Diana Darling |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders |
B16 |
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders |
12 |
3. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders |
8 |
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders |
F8 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders |
6 |
BORZOI Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Gimel, Ch BelVento Sunset, V.Cassano MD.MPH |
F8 |
2. Nun, Ch Belvento Sunrise, V.Cassano |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Fendi, GCh DC Teine Fendi Sandals, FCh,MC,BN,RA,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet |
B20 |
2. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling |
15 |
3. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, LCM,SC, D.Darling |
10 |
4. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice |
5 |
N. Beatrice, FC Tatezi Teine Tiger By The Tail, FCh,SC,FCh, S.Gresser-Kuhn |
GREYHOUND Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling |
B8 |
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Diana Darling |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas |
R8 |
2. Nash, Treybeau's Just Like Fire, K.Landis/S.Wright-Hiller |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt |
B20 |
2. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt |
15 |
3. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, LCM, Dr K.Catt |
10 |
4. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz |
5 |
N. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt |
F8 |
2. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz |
6 |
LCI LARGE Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Finn, Flaky Pete Finnegan, N.Marshall |
8 |
2. Miri, Wingate's Tomorrow's Worth The Fight, LCI, S.Kennicott |
6 |
Senior Flight A(1) |
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Diana Darling |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Daytona, Chiastolite on the Road Again By Venus, K.Straky/R.Marnoch |
R8 |
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin |
B16 |
2. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
12 |
3. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II |
8 |
4. Bristol, GCh DC Chiastolite's Worldly Traveler of HPK-Tropaco, FCh,MC,LCX,BCAT, K.Straky/R.Marnoch |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(3) |
1. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, LCM,MC,LCX2,AX,AXJ,BCAT, R.Quist |
+R12 |
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
9 |
3. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Diana Darling |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith |
B8 |
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith |
6 |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari |
4 |
Senior Flight A(1) |
1. Strax, Outrun's Who's The Clever One, LCC, T.Parker |
4 |
LCI SMALL Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Alfie, The Floof Prefers Stormageddon, T.Parker |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Diana Darling |
Single Flight A(6) |
1. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley |
24 |
2. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle |
18 |
3. Blue, Ch Qahraman Dar Sherom Har Kala Rachi, TCP, S.Shuman/L.A.Brouseus |
12 |
4. Olaf, Ch Sherom Silverlea Olaf's Warm Hugs, CPX, S.Shuman/L.A.Broseus |
6 |
N. Ailah, Kamars Artful Dodger In Drag, CGCA, D.Deporto/K.Belz |
WHIPPET Judge: Diana Darling |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee |
B12 |
2. Seven, Panache Resistance Is Futile, P.Spinazzola |
9 |
3. Duncan, Surrey Hill Mariner Eternally Grapefruit, D.Hanna |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Calli, Poeta Whatchamacallit, FCh, C.L.Detweiler |
R4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Diana Darling |
IB Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt |
BIF (76) |
WH Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee |
-74 |
BASENJI Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders |
B16 |
2. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders |
12 |
3. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders |
8 |
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders |
F8 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders |
6 |
BORZOI Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice |
B12 |
2. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, LCM,SC, D.Darling |
9 |
3. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Emily, DC Abbaio Graphic Violins, SC, S.Murphy |
R12 |
2. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas |
9 |
3. Nash, Treybeau's Just Like Fire, K.Landis/S.Wright-Hiller |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt |
B20 |
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz |
15 |
3. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt |
10 |
4. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, LCM, Dr K.Catt |
5 |
N. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt |
F8 |
2. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz |
6 |
LCI LARGE Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Finn, Flaky Pete Finnegan, N.Marshall |
8 |
2. Miri, Wingate's Tomorrow's Worth The Fight, LCI, S.Kennicott |
6 |
Senior Flight A(1) |
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott |
4 |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Daytona, Chiastolite on the Road Again By Venus, K.Straky/R.Marnoch |
F8 |
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin |
B16 |
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II |
12 |
3. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh |
8 |
4. Bristol, GCh DC Chiastolite's Worldly Traveler of HPK-Tropaco, FCh,MC,LCX,BCAT, K.Straky/R.Marnoch |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
F8 |
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley |
B8 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith |
R8 |
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith |
6 |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Senior Flight A(1) |
1. Strax, Outrun's Who's The Clever One, LCC, T.Parker |
4 |
LCI SMALL Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Alfie, The Floof Prefers Stormageddon, T.Parker |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. Naughty, Chapleton Naughty List, J.& M.Almond/D.Stapleton |
16 |
2. Ailah, Kamars Artful Dodger In Drag, CGCA, D.Deporto/K.Belz |
12 |
3. Zelda, Bobbilees Race Like An Ace, SC,CA,FCAT, D.Moody |
8 |
4. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle |
4 |
WHIPPET Judge: Dr Karen Catt |
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ, 1 DQ) |
1. Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee |
F20 |
2. Mica, Ableaim Nailed It, M.& R.Conta |
15 |
3. Wanda, Ragapple Wild West Wanderer, A.Mark |
10 |
DQ. Micky, Westward's Marked Man For Ragapple, A.Mark |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Gem, GCh T'Das Sun In Gemini At Shaldra, LCM, Dr.K.Sibinovic/B.Haner |
B12 |
2. Streak, FC T'Daz Geminid Meteor Shower, LCM,SC, B.Haner |
9 |
3. Jimi, FC T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, LCM2,SC, B.Haner |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Sanders |
SA Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley |
BIF (78) |
IB Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt |
-77 |
WH Gem, GCh T'Das Sun In Gemini At Shaldra, LCM, Dr.K.Sibinovic/B.Haner |
-77 |
RR Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin |
-72 |
BASENJI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Clover, Makindu You Know I Got It, B.Phillips |
F8 |
2. Zippie, FC Makindu Sez You!, SC, B.Phillips |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Hula, DC Relic's Tribal Dance With Zamaradi TKN, FCh,SC,TKA,BCAT,RATN,MVB, St Clair/Smith-Falkner/Sanders |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Cody, Ch Kr'Msun Armani Code, SC, C.McDermott DVM |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(6) |
1. Lulu, Divine's Chocolate Bunny, D.Kerrigan |
B24 |
2. Renzo, Renzo, BCAT,CA, M.Cone |
18 |
3. Zara, Divine's Aviatrix Volo da Sogno, G.& J.Behrens |
12 |
4. Zeta, Divine's Wine In A Million Ragazza Da Sogno, SC, G.& J.Behrens/S.Evans |
6 |
N. Zelda, Ch Sogno Divino di Mezzanotte, BCAT,RATN,,TKN,VHMA,JSR, G.& J.Behrens |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,SGRC2,ORC,RATI, J. & G.Behrens/A.McLeod |
R12 |
2. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM2,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens |
9 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Nuq, Alfheim's Regulus, FCh, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod |
R4 |
LCI LARGE Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Summit, Golden Pond Brunnhorn, F.Gibbs |
16 |
2. Nomes, Stormborn's Naomi Nagata, CA,BCAT,CGCU,TKA,Vswe, |
12 |
3. Phenix, Svajone's Pour La Reine, C.Fryer/K.Phillips |
8 |
4. Tempest, Stormborn's Fierce Tempest, A.St.Clair |
4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Bayek, Nefer-Temu Anubis' Making Waves, Kerridge/McDermottDVM/Wood/Doyle |
B4 |
PODENGO PEQUENO Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Truman, Ch Enchanted Annevan First And Foremost, SC, J.& T.Daykin/Faria/Pedisich |
4 |
SALUKI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Cas, GCh Cas Kian Najin Bel Alqom, D.Satterfield/C.Stephens |
B8 |
LCI SMALL Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. (Ember, Light My Fire, LCI,LCC, F.Gibbs) |
SINGLES Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Single Flight A(2, 2 NQ) |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Mary Ellen Chaffin |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Zebo, Allagante Joyrun Zebo, P. & K.Sanders |
B24 |
Field Champion Flight A(6) |
1. Nara, Wildrose Allagante Inara, FCh, K.& P.Sanders |
R24 |
2. Kenai, Starfyre Whimsical @ Allagante, LCM, K.& P.Sanders |
18 |
3. Grade A, Allagante Above Your Pay Grade, FCh, K.Sanders |
12 |
4. Conner, Summersspirit InPhenit 00 Seven, FCh, J.Vookles/D.Murphy |
6 |
N. Phyn, Allagante Inphenite-Y & Beyond, FCh, J.Vookles |
WHIPPET Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Emoji, Hildidan's Mighty Magic Emoji, C.Gaiser |
B8 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders |
CE Cody, Ch Kr'Msun Armani Code, SC, C.McDermott DVM |
BIF (150) |
PH Bayek, Nefer-Temu Anubis' Making Waves, Kerridge/McDermottDVM/Wood/Doyle |
-146 |
SA Cas, GCh Cas Kian Najin Bel Alqom, D.Satterfield/C.Stephens |
-142 |
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht |
R4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert |
B8 |
2. Taziri, GChB,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM2,MC,LCX5,SGRC3,SORC, T.Colbert |
F4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs |
B4 |
LCI LARGE Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Tessa, Tessa Of The Valley, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCA,VLCC,BN,RN,MXB, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, FCh, R.VanTassell/T.Olson |
B4 |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Rig, Bliue Cedar's Morrigan, S.Reusche |
4 |
LCI SMALL Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ) |
1. Willow, Willow, M.Gorham |
32 |
2. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green |
24 |
3. Mooch, Puzzles Aint Misbehavin, L.Kinney |
16 |
4. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green |
8 |
N. Jenny, Forever Young, L.Breckheimer |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green |
16 |
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow |
12 |
3. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, LCI,LCC, L.Breckheimer |
8 |
4. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green |
4 |
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
Single Flight A(8, 3 NQ) |
1. Enya, Power Play Enya's On Fire of Rvc, E.Belhaz |
32 |
2. River, RVC's Little River, S.Frakes |
24 |
3. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles |
16 |
4. Audrey, Spur's Audumbla, M.F.Miller |
8 |
N. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright |
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ) |
1. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard |
F28 |
2. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard |
21 |
3. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer |
14 |
4. Huxley, Isen Delicate Sound Of Thunder, A.W.Parisi |
7 |
N. Buttercup, Northwind's What's Up, Buttercup!b, K.Nierengarten |
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Janey, Nonstopp Les Charmes, FCh, M.F.Miller |
B12 |
2. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard |
9 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
BA Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert |
BIF (149) |
RR Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, FCh, R.VanTassell/T.Olson |
-148 |
IW Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs |
-145 |
BASENJI Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(5, 3 NQ) |
1. Bond, Suddanly Aston Martin, Dr.S.Kirkman |
R20 |
2. B, Suddanly That Girl, Dr S.Campeau-Kirkman/C.Camp |
15 |
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders |
B20 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders |
R8 |
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy |
B12 |
2. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne |
9 |
3. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Fable, FC Kamars Free Your Mind, FCh,TKA,ACT1,RN,NW1,JSR, M.Ferguson/K.Belz |
R8 |
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz |
F4 |
LCI LARGE Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Fletcher, Faithwalk's Let The Fire Burn, S.Maleski |
12 |
2. Kratos, Like A Hurricane Onofre Olegario, M.Bohn |
9 |
3. Freyja, Faithwalk's Let The River Flow, CGC, S.Maleski |
6 |
No Best of Breed |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill |
R16 |
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink |
12 |
3. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink |
8 |
4. Rhaena, GCh Tifari's Redfyre, Queen Of The James, P.&L.McClelland/Hartley/OwenSink |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
B16 |
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith |
B8 |
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith |
6 |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari |
8 |
2. Survey, On Target's Takin' It All In, S.Maleski |
6 |
No Best of Breed |
LCI SMALL Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA,LCS, P.Buswell |
4 |
No Best of Breed |
SINGLES Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Single Flight A(6) |
1. Hoppit, Hyflyte That Will Leave A Mark, D.Johnson/J.Courtemanche |
24 |
2. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston |
18 |
3. Mora, Aeolus More Special Than …., |
12 |
4. Siobhan, Hayat Sarea From Heir To Eternity I Eisa, |
6 |
N. Stella, Ch Celestian Ja'An, S.Hawkins |
No Best of Breed |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
No Best of Breed |
WHIPPET Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Open Flight A(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining, |
B24 |
2. Sable, Whip Hill Merci Isle American Sable, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman |
18 |
3. Keira, Nota Bene Aemilia Dark Lady, K.& C.DeNigris |
12 |
4. Shelby, Merci Isle Sun Moon Stars, A.Sampson |
6 |
N. Pippa, Deco Stagering Diamond, S.Hawkins/C.Lombard |
Field Champion Flight A(11) |
1. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, LCM,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche |
F40 |
2. Kyte, Merci Isle Spice Market, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing |
30 |
3. Roo, Willowtree Dazzling Daybreak, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter |
20 |
4. Jay, Byerley Jay Dillon At Merci Isle, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter/I.& J.Kimmelman |
10 |
N. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
WH Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining, |
BIF (75) |
IB Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy |
-74 |
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert |
R8 |
2. Taziri, GChB,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM2,MC,LCX5,SGRC3,SORC, T.Colbert |
B8 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson |
F4 |
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson |
B8 |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NC) |
No Best of Breed Awarded |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1) |
1. Rig, Bliue Cedar's Morrigan, S.Reusche |
4 |
LCI SMALL Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(8) |
1. Willow, Willow, M.Gorham |
32 |
2. Mooch, Puzzles Aint Misbehavin, L.Kinney |
24 |
3. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green |
16 |
4. Biz, G2G Iskierka, S.Reusche |
8 |
N. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green |
Field Champion Flight A(4) |
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow |
16 |
2. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green |
12 |
3. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green |
8 |
4. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, LCI,LCC, L.Breckheimer |
4 |
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
Single Flight A(4) |
1. George, Sunray's Here Comes The Sun, D.Cameron/C.Canard |
16 |
2. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles |
12 |
3. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright |
8 |
4. Audrey, Spur's Audumbla, M.F.Miller |
4 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten |
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Riley, Lucky Penny's Rollin Riley Coyote At North Star, M. & K.Weigel |
F20 |
2. Alex, Fallowfield Takes The Egg, M.& K.Weigel |
15 |
3. Huxley, Isen Delicate Sound Of Thunder, A.W.Parisi |
10 |
4. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer |
5 |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Janey, Nonstopp Les Charmes, FCh, M.F.Miller |
B4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont |
SW Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen |
BIF (147) |
BASENJI Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Open Flight A(5, 4 NQ) |
1. B, Suddanly That Girl, Dr S.Campeau-Kirkman/C.Camp |
R20 |
Field Champion Flight A(5) |
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders |
R20 |
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders |
15 |
3. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders |
10 |
4. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders |
5 |
N. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders |
B20 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy |
B12 |
2. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne |
6 |
Field Champion Flight A(3) |
1. Fable, FC Kamars Free Your Mind, FCh,TKA,ACT1,RN,NW1,JSR, M.Ferguson/K.Belz |
R12 |
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz |
9 |
3. Mouse, Ch Abbaio Madame Berthe's Mouse, FCh,SC, J.Smith-Carter DVM/Fuller/Murphy |
6 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz |
+F4 |
LCI LARGE Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Open Flight A(3) |
1. Freyja, Faithwalk's Let The River Flow, CGC, S.Maleski |
12 |
2. Kratos, Like A Hurricane Onofre Olegario, M.Bohn |
9 |
3. Fletcher, Faithwalk's Let The Fire Burn, S.Maleski |
6 |
Open Flight A(4) |
1. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill |
+F16 |
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink |
12 |
3. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink |
8 |
4. Rhaena, GCh Tifari's Redfyre, Queen Of The James, P.&L.McClelland/Hartley/OwenSink |
4 |
Veteran Flight A(2) |
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
B8 |
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion Flight A(2) |
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith |
B8 |
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith |
6 |
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Open Flight A(2) |
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari |
8 |
2. Survey, On Target's Takin' It All In, S.Maleski |
6 |
LCI SMALL Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion Flight A(1) |
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA,LCS, P.Buswell |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston |
24 |
2. Mora, Aeolus More Special Than …., E.Johnston |
18 |
3. Naughty, Chapleton Naughty List, J.& M.Almond/D.Stapleton |
12 |
4. Stella, Ch Celestian Ja'An, S.Hawkins |
6 |
N. Rocket, CSB Agent Bell Rocket Belt, S.& C.Beckerman |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ) |
No Best of Breed Awarded |
WHIPPET Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open Flight A(5) |
1. Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining, K.,P.,L., & M.Dean |
F20 |
2. Shelby, Merci Isle Sun Moon Stars, A.Sampson |
15 |
3. Siren, Merci Isle Sing Like A Mermaid, I.& J.Kimmelman |
10 |
4. Hoppit, Hyflyte That Will Leave A Mark, D.Johnson/J.Courtemanche |
5 |
N. Pippa, Deco Stagering Diamond, S.Hawkins/C.Lombard |
Field Champion Flight A(9, 1 NQ) |
1. Hotz, Merci Isle 110 In The Shade At Whip Hill, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman |
B36 |
2. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean |
27 |
3. Jay, Byerley Jay Dillon At Merci Isle, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter/I.& J.Kimmelman |
18 |
4. Kyte, Merci Isle Spice Market, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing |
9 |
N. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, LCM,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Nelson |
BA Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders |
BIF (76) |
IB Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy |
-75 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler |
Open Flight A(4, 2 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Bailey, Finnegan-Bailey, F.& M.Mesa |
B12 |
Veteran Flight A(1) |
1. Jack, GCh Carroy's Samurai Jack of Tory, FCh,SC,CGCA, J.Ishihara/A.Lum |
F4 |