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Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773

Records 101

2009 - 2016 Records


Records - July 2023 Trial Results

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Trial Result Codes
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points.
B = Best of Breed
R = Runoff
T = Tie
E = Excused
F = Runoff Forfeited
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake.

UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 01, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 51
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 02, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 48
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 22, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 40
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 22, 2023 Littlestown, PA Entry: 53
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Jul 23, 2023 Farmington, MN Entry: 34
UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY SALUKI CLUB Jul 23, 2023 rLittlestown, PA Entry: 52
IRISH WOLFHOUND ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST COAST Jul 29, 2023 Lompoc, CA Entry: 5 Irish Wolfhoud Specialty

Jul 01, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 51
BASENJI Judge: Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders B16
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders 12
3. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 8
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders F8
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 6
BORZOI Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Gimel, Ch BelVento Sunset, V.Cassano MD.MPH F8
2. Nun, Ch Belvento Sunrise, V.Cassano 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Fendi, GCh DC Teine Fendi Sandals, FCh,MC,BN,RA,CGC, S.Amburgey/H.Van Vliet B20
2. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling 15
3. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, LCM,SC, D.Darling 10
4. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice 5
N. Beatrice, FC Tatezi Teine Tiger By The Tail, FCh,SC,FCh, S.Gresser-Kuhn  
GREYHOUND Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling B8
2. Jayden, Hallo Nita Third, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas R8
2. Nash, Treybeau's Just Like Fire, K.Landis/S.Wright-Hiller 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt B20
2. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 15
3. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, LCM, Dr K.Catt 10
4. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz 5
N. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
2. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Finn, Flaky Pete Finnegan, N.Marshall 8
2. Miri, Wingate's Tomorrow's Worth The Fight, LCI, S.Kennicott 6
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Daytona, Chiastolite on the Road Again By Venus, K.Straky/R.Marnoch R8
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin B16
2. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 12
3. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 8
4. Bristol, GCh DC Chiastolite's Worldly Traveler of HPK-Tropaco, FCh,MC,LCX,BCAT, K.Straky/R.Marnoch 4
Veteran Flight A(3)  
1. Hawke, DC Diamond's Hawke Soaring Thru The Triple R, LCM,MC,LCX2,AX,AXJ,BCAT, R.Quist +R12
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 9
3. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: Diana Darling  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith B8
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari 4
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Strax, Outrun's Who's The Clever One, LCC, T.Parker 4
LCI SMALL Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Alfie, The Floof Prefers Stormageddon, T.Parker 4
SINGLES Judge: Diana Darling  
Single Flight A(6)  
1. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley 24
2. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle 18
3. Blue, Ch Qahraman Dar Sherom Har Kala Rachi, TCP, S.Shuman/L.A.Brouseus 12
4. Olaf, Ch Sherom Silverlea Olaf's Warm Hugs, CPX, S.Shuman/L.A.Broseus 6
N. Ailah, Kamars Artful Dodger In Drag, CGCA, D.Deporto/K.Belz  
WHIPPET Judge: Diana Darling  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee B12
2. Seven, Panache Resistance Is Futile, P.Spinazzola 9
3. Duncan, Surrey Hill Mariner Eternally Grapefruit, D.Hanna 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Calli, Poeta Whatchamacallit, FCh, C.L.Detweiler R4
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Diana Darling  
IB  Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt BIF  (76)
WH  Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee -74
Jul 02, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 48
BASENJI Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders B16
2. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 12
3. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders 8
4. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders F8
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 6
BORZOI Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Khaleesi, Aria Axxium's Cold Wind In August @ Ryhka, FCh, D.Darling/R.Rice B12
2. Tintaglia, FC Chaya Sars The Black Ice Dragon "Tintaglia" @Ryhka, LCM,SC, D.Darling 9
3. Rhayne, FC C'Lestial Rainbow Room @ Ryhka, LCM2,SC, D.Darling 6
GREYHOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Blu, DC's Shades of Blu, LCM,VLCM,CA, D.Darling B4
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Emily, DC Abbaio Graphic Violins, SC, S.Murphy R12
2. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas 9
3. Nash, Treybeau's Just Like Fire, K.Landis/S.Wright-Hiller 6
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt B20
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz 15
3. Madyson, BII, CKC Ch IcyCold Parallels Sixth Avenue, FCh, Dr.K.Catt 10
4. Ginny, IcyCold Fifth Avenue Girl, LCM, Dr K.Catt 5
N. MeMe, CKC GCh,DC AKC DC Uch Icy Cold Take A Second Look At Me, LCM2,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt  
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Hurry, CKC DC,Uch IcyCold Every Second Counts, LCM,VFCh,FChX, Dr K.Catt F8
2. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz 6
LCI LARGE Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Finn, Flaky Pete Finnegan, N.Marshall 8
2. Miri, Wingate's Tomorrow's Worth The Fight, LCI, S.Kennicott 6
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Tengu, GCh,CT Hoosier Hills Heavenly Sentinel, LCI,LCC, S.Kennicott 4
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Daytona, Chiastolite on the Road Again By Venus, K.Straky/R.Marnoch F8
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 6
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin B16
2. Jinx, DC Imarika's Fashionably Late, LCM6,MC,CKC FCh&NC,LCX, G.& P.Kytta II 12
3. Erzulie, DC Imarika's Voodoo Goddess At Highfield, LCM,CKC FCh,CKC NC,MC, M.Mortin/D.Hursh 8
4. Bristol, GCh DC Chiastolite's Worldly Traveler of HPK-Tropaco, FCh,MC,LCX,BCAT, K.Straky/R.Marnoch 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley F8
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley B8
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith R8
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Senior Flight A(1)  
1. Strax, Outrun's Who's The Clever One, LCC, T.Parker 4
LCI SMALL Judge: Kathy Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Alfie, The Floof Prefers Stormageddon, T.Parker 4
SINGLES Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. Naughty, Chapleton Naughty List, J.& M.Almond/D.Stapleton 16
2. Ailah, Kamars Artful Dodger In Drag, CGCA, D.Deporto/K.Belz 12
3. Zelda, Bobbilees Race Like An Ace, SC,CA,FCAT, D.Moody 8
4. Jasmine, Alyasamin's Three Wishes, T.Pressle 4
WHIPPET Judge: Dr Karen Catt  
Open Flight A(5, 2 NQ, 1 DQ)  
1. Booster, DC Mariner Surrey Hill Escape Velocity, SC, K.Fredericks/K.Lee F20
2. Mica, Ableaim Nailed It, M.& R.Conta 15
3. Wanda, Ragapple Wild West Wanderer, A.Mark 10
DQ. Micky, Westward's Marked Man For Ragapple, A.Mark  
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Gem, GCh T'Das Sun In Gemini At Shaldra, LCM, Dr.K.Sibinovic/B.Haner B12
2. Streak, FC T'Daz Geminid Meteor Shower, LCM,SC, B.Haner 9
3. Jimi, FC T'Daz Geminid Meteor Rock(s) It, LCM2,SC, B.Haner 6
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Sanders  
SA  Rajah, Sandstorm Hope For Genie's Golden Lamp, T.Pressley BIF  (78)
IB  Penny, IcyCold Sixth Cent, LCM, Dr.K.Catt -77
WH  Gem, GCh T'Das Sun In Gemini At Shaldra, LCM, Dr.K.Sibinovic/B.Haner -77
RR  Lina, FC Highfield's No Small Potatoes, FCh,SC, D.Hursh/M.Mortin -72
Jul 03, 2023
Toledo, WA
Entry: 34
BASENJI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Clover, Makindu You Know I Got It, B.Phillips F8
2. Zippie, FC Makindu Sez You!, SC, B.Phillips 6
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Hula, DC Relic's Tribal Dance With Zamaradi TKN, FCh,SC,TKA,BCAT,RATN,MVB, St Clair/Smith-Falkner/Sanders B4
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Cody, Ch Kr'Msun Armani Code, SC, C.McDermott DVM B4
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(6)  
1. Lulu, Divine's Chocolate Bunny, D.Kerrigan B24
2. Renzo, Renzo, BCAT,CA, M.Cone 18
3. Zara, Divine's Aviatrix Volo da Sogno, G.& J.Behrens 12
4. Zeta, Divine's Wine In A Million Ragazza Da Sogno, SC, G.& J.Behrens/S.Evans 6
N. Zelda, Ch Sogno Divino di Mezzanotte, BCAT,RATN,,TKN,VHMA,JSR, G.& J.Behrens  
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Phranc, FC Alfheim's Positively Phranc, FCh,SC,SGRC2,ORC,RATI, J. & G.Behrens/A.McLeod R12
2. Coco, FC IGRF's Sogno di Cioccolata, LCM2,SGRC11,SORC3,AX,AXJ, J.& G.Behrens 9
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Nuq, Alfheim's Regulus, FCh, J.Buchanan/A.McLeod R4
LCI LARGE Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Summit, Golden Pond Brunnhorn, F.Gibbs 16
2. Nomes, Stormborn's Naomi Nagata, CA,BCAT,CGCU,TKA,Vswe, 12
3. Phenix, Svajone's Pour La Reine, C.Fryer/K.Phillips 8
4. Tempest, Stormborn's Fierce Tempest, A.St.Clair 4
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Bayek, Nefer-Temu Anubis' Making Waves, Kerridge/McDermottDVM/Wood/Doyle B4
PODENGO PEQUENO Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Truman, Ch Enchanted Annevan First And Foremost, SC, J.& T.Daykin/Faria/Pedisich 4
SALUKI Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Cas, GCh Cas Kian Najin Bel Alqom, D.Satterfield/C.Stephens B8
LCI SMALL Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. (Ember, Light My Fire, LCI,LCC, F.Gibbs)  
SINGLES Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Single Flight A(2, 2 NQ)  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Mary Ellen Chaffin  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Zebo, Allagante Joyrun Zebo, P. & K.Sanders B24
Field Champion Flight A(6)  
1. Nara, Wildrose Allagante Inara, FCh, K.& P.Sanders R24
2. Kenai, Starfyre Whimsical @ Allagante, LCM, K.& P.Sanders 18
3. Grade A, Allagante Above Your Pay Grade, FCh, K.Sanders 12
4. Conner, Summersspirit InPhenit 00 Seven, FCh, J.Vookles/D.Murphy 6
N. Phyn, Allagante Inphenite-Y & Beyond, FCh, J.Vookles  
WHIPPET Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
Open Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Emoji, Hildidan's Mighty Magic Emoji, C.Gaiser B8
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Mary Ellen Chaffin, Paul Sanders  
CE  Cody, Ch Kr'Msun Armani Code, SC, C.McDermott DVM BIF  (150)
PH  Bayek, Nefer-Temu Anubis' Making Waves, Kerridge/McDermottDVM/Wood/Doyle -146
SA  Cas, GCh Cas Kian Najin Bel Alqom, D.Satterfield/C.Stephens -142
Jul 22, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 40
BASENJI Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht R4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert B8
2. Taziri, GChB,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM2,MC,LCX5,SGRC3,SORC, T.Colbert F4
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs B4
LCI LARGE Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Tessa, Tessa Of The Valley, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 4
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Maxie, MACH Maxie Girl 3, LCC,LCA,VLCC,BN,RN,MXB, D.Henshaw/T.Lenzmeier 4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson F4
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, FCh, R.VanTassell/T.Olson B4
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Rig, Bliue Cedar's Morrigan, S.Reusche 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(8, 1 NQ)  
1. Willow, Willow, M.Gorham 32
2. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green 24
3. Mooch, Puzzles Aint Misbehavin, L.Kinney 16
4. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green 8
N. Jenny, Forever Young, L.Breckheimer  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green 16
2. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 12
3. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, LCI,LCC, L.Breckheimer 8
4. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green 4
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
Single Flight A(8, 3 NQ)  
1. Enya, Power Play Enya's On Fire of Rvc, E.Belhaz 32
2. River, RVC's Little River, S.Frakes 24
3. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles 16
4. Audrey, Spur's Audumbla, M.F.Miller 8
N. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright  
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
Open Flight A(7, 1 NQ)  
1. Rugby, Sunray's Good Sport At Bravo, B.Steinlage/C.Canard F28
2. Flare, SunRay's Solar Flare, RN, C.Carnard 21
3. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer 14
4. Huxley, Isen Delicate Sound Of Thunder, A.W.Parisi 7
N. Buttercup, Northwind's What's Up, Buttercup!b, K.Nierengarten  
Field Champion Flight A(3, 1 NQ)  
1. Janey, Nonstopp Les Charmes, FCh, M.F.Miller B12
2. Raya, CH Finghin's Raya Sunshine, LCM,SC,ACT1, C.Canard 9
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
BA  Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert BIF  (149)
RR  Islay, Azize's Bringing The Party To Orion, FCh, R.VanTassell/T.Olson -148
IW  Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs -145
Jul 22, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 53
BASENJI Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(5, 3 NQ)  
1. Bond, Suddanly Aston Martin, Dr.S.Kirkman R20
2. B, Suddanly That Girl, Dr S.Campeau-Kirkman/C.Camp 15
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders B20
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders R8
2. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 6
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy B12
2. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne 9
3. Kai, Ch,IntCh Nevaeh's Tropic Like It's Hot, TKN,VHMA,VSMB,CA,SC,DCAT, J.Pickering/L.Venegas 6
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Fable, FC Kamars Free Your Mind, FCh,TKA,ACT1,RN,NW1,JSR, M.Ferguson/K.Belz R8
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz F4
LCI LARGE Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Fletcher, Faithwalk's Let The Fire Burn, S.Maleski 12
2. Kratos, Like A Hurricane Onofre Olegario, M.Bohn 9
3. Freyja, Faithwalk's Let The River Flow, CGC, S.Maleski 6
No Best of Breed  
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill R16
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 12
3. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink 8
4. Rhaena, GCh Tifari's Redfyre, Queen Of The James, P.&L.McClelland/Hartley/OwenSink 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B16
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith B8
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari 8
2. Survey, On Target's Takin' It All In, S.Maleski 6
No Best of Breed  
LCI SMALL Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA,LCS, P.Buswell 4
No Best of Breed  
SINGLES Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Single Flight A(6)  
1. Hoppit, Hyflyte That Will Leave A Mark, D.Johnson/J.Courtemanche 24
2. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston 18
3. Mora, Aeolus More Special Than …., 12
4. Siobhan, Hayat Sarea From Heir To Eternity I Eisa, 6
N. Stella, Ch Celestian Ja'An, S.Hawkins  
No Best of Breed  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed  
WHIPPET Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining,  B24
2. Sable, Whip Hill Merci Isle American Sable, H.Frank/I.& J.Kimmelman 18
3. Keira, Nota Bene Aemilia Dark Lady, K.& C.DeNigris 12
4. Shelby, Merci Isle Sun Moon Stars, A.Sampson 6
N. Pippa, Deco Stagering Diamond, S.Hawkins/C.Lombard  
Field Champion Flight A(11)  
1. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, LCM,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche F40
2. Kyte, Merci Isle Spice Market, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing 30
3. Roo, Willowtree Dazzling Daybreak, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter 20
4. Jay, Byerley Jay Dillon At Merci Isle, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter/I.& J.Kimmelman 10
N. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
WH  Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining,  BIF  (75)
IB  Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy -74
Jul 23, 2023
Farmington, MN
Entry: 34
BASENJI Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Lily, FC Joy-Us Ottaray Tiger Lily, SC, M.Hecht F4
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Jasiri, DC Bisa's Bold Spirit, FCh,MC,SORC,SGRC, T.Colbert R8
2. Taziri, GChB,DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon, LCM4,LCX,MC,SORC2,SGRC2, T.Colbert 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Kipepeo, DC Dakotah's Social Butterfly, LCM2,MC,LCX5,SGRC3,SORC, T.Colbert B8
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Paris, Rysheron's We’ll Always Have Paris, A.I.Gottsch/C.Riggs B4
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Opal, Azize's Crown Jewel From Orion, BCAT, T.& W.Olson F4
Field Champion Flight A(2, 1 NQ)  
1. Eve, DC,U-CH Azize's Taylor Made Legacy, FCh,TKI,VHMP,DCAT,CGC,NF, R.L.Marvin/T.& W.Olson B8
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NC)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1)  
1. Rig, Bliue Cedar's Morrigan, S.Reusche 4
LCI SMALL Judges: Josie Haumont, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(8)  
1. Willow, Willow, M.Gorham 32
2. Mooch, Puzzles Aint Misbehavin, L.Kinney 24
3. Riddle, Ch River Ridge's Riddle Me This, P.Green 16
4. Biz, G2G Iskierka, S.Reusche 8
N. Rye, GChB,Ch Spring Hill Unmistakably Smooth NF, K.Green  
Field Champion Flight A(4)  
1. Mavis, Jawdi's Mavis Song Bird, LCC,LCI, A.Mickow 16
2. Rocki Girl, Nuestra Amiga Rocki, LCA,LCC, K.Green 12
3. Cam, Campbell Alexander Wigglebutt, LCI,LCC, P.Green 8
4. Mac, Forever Young Makin' It Happen, LCI,LCC, L.Breckheimer 4
SINGLES Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
Single Flight A(4)  
1. George, Sunray's Here Comes The Sun, D.Cameron/C.Canard 16
2. Sebastian, Sporting Fields Dashing Beach Bash, K.&P.Krahn/D.&G.Samuelson/Dgiles 12
3. Muse, Inspiration From Northwind, TCP, R.Knuth/S.Albright 8
4. Audrey, Spur's Audumbla, M.F.Miller 4
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Christie Beetz, Kay Nierengarten  
Open Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen B4
WHIPPET Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
Open Flight A(5, 1 NQ)  
1. Riley, Lucky Penny's Rollin Riley Coyote At North Star, M. & K.Weigel F20
2. Alex, Fallowfield Takes The Egg, M.& K.Weigel 15
3. Huxley, Isen Delicate Sound Of Thunder, A.W.Parisi 10
4. Wilson, Northwind's Friendly Neighbor, RN, I.Mullauer 5
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Janey, Nonstopp Les Charmes, FCh, M.F.Miller B4
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Christie Beetz, Josie Haumont  
SW  Finnegan, UKC Ch Clayborn Flight Of The Bumblebee, FCh,SSR,GRC,JOR, L.Halvorsen BIF  (147)
Jul 23, 2023
Littlestown, PA
Entry: 52
BASENJI Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(5, 4 NQ)  
1. B, Suddanly That Girl, Dr S.Campeau-Kirkman/C.Camp R20
Field Champion Flight A(5)  
1. Coco, DC Borassus Cuckoo For Coco Puffs, LCM4,SC,CAX3, K.Sanders R20
2. Munchkin, Borassus One Sweet Treat, LCM, K.Sanders 15
3. Pattie, DC Borassus Doin'er Job, LCM3,SC,RATN,CAX2, K.Sanders 10
4. Henna, GCh,Can Ch Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot, LCM4,CAA,MC,RATI,BCAT, K.Sanders 5
N. Brady, GChB,DC Borassus 51's Comeback Kid, LCM,SC,CAA,BCAT, K.Sanders  
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders B20
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy B12
2. Banksy, L-Wynd's Show Me The Monet, C.Yealey/L.Thorne 6
Field Champion Flight A(3)  
1. Fable, FC Kamars Free Your Mind, FCh,TKA,ACT1,RN,NW1,JSR, M.Ferguson/K.Belz R12
2. Halo, Kamars God Speed, LCM2, C.Antonik/K.Belz 9
3. Mouse, Ch Abbaio Madame Berthe's Mouse, FCh,SC, J.Smith-Carter DVM/Fuller/Murphy 6
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Karma, Kamars Double Rainbow Nova, FCh, C. & J.Antonik/K.Belz +F4
LCI LARGE Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(3)  
1. Freyja, Faithwalk's Let The River Flow, CGC, S.Maleski 12
2. Kratos, Like A Hurricane Onofre Olegario, M.Bohn 9
3. Fletcher, Faithwalk's Let The Fire Burn, S.Maleski 6
Open Flight A(4)  
1. Kit, Diamond's Firefox, D.& Vilma O'Neill +F16
2. Bourbon, GCh Tifari's Bourbon On The Rocks, SC,RN,CGCA,TKN, J.& G.Pulliam/A.Hartley/K.Sink 12
3. Jameson, Tifari's Rebel Rogue & Sworn Brother, P.& L.McClelland/Hartley/Sink 8
4. Rhaena, GCh Tifari's Redfyre, Queen Of The James, P.&L.McClelland/Hartley/OwenSink 4
Veteran Flight A(2)  
1. Enzo, FC Mystic Isle's Ferrari Enzo, LCM2,VLCM,MC,LCX2,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley B8
2. Vera, GCh,DC Mystic Isle's Bugatti Veyron, LCM3,VFCh,MC,FITB, J.Arvin/S.Gayley 6
SALUKI Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(2)  
1. Tiflah, FC Qadim Alhaba Bint Al Riyah, LCM,TCP,SC, C.Smith B8
2. Dorri, DC Mageborn Dorrin Al Qadim, LCM,SC, C.Smith 6
LCI SIGHTHOUND MIX Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Open Flight A(2)  
1. Hip Hop, PSF Rhythm On The Beat, E.Vari 8
2. Survey, On Target's Takin' It All In, S.Maleski 6
LCI SMALL Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1)  
1. Zoey, Zoey Furiously Happy, LCI,LCC,LCA,LCS, P.Buswell 4
SINGLES Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Single Flight A(6, 1 NQ)  
1. Voomi, Va Va Voom, TCP, E.Johnston 24
2. Mora, Aeolus More Special Than …., E.Johnston 18
3. Naughty, Chapleton Naughty List, J.& M.Almond/D.Stapleton 12
4. Stella, Ch Celestian Ja'An, S.Hawkins 6
N. Rocket, CSB Agent Bell Rocket Belt, S.& C.Beckerman  
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Kathy Nelson  
Field Champion Flight A(1, 1 NQ)  
No Best of Breed Awarded  
WHIPPET Judge: Scott Hurlbert  
Open Flight A(5)  
1. Banshee, Isen Sound Of Morining, K.,P.,L., & M.Dean F20
2. Shelby, Merci Isle Sun Moon Stars, A.Sampson 15
3. Siren, Merci Isle Sing Like A Mermaid, I.& J.Kimmelman 10
4. Hoppit, Hyflyte That Will Leave A Mark, D.Johnson/J.Courtemanche 5
N. Pippa, Deco Stagering Diamond, S.Hawkins/C.Lombard  
Field Champion Flight A(9, 1 NQ)  
1. Hotz, Merci Isle 110 In The Shade At Whip Hill, FCh, I.&J.Kimmelman B36
2. Whisper, Isen Do It Sound Of Silence, LCM2, P.,K. & L.Dean 27
3. Jay, Byerley Jay Dillon At Merci Isle, FCh,CGC,TKI, C.Potter/I.& J.Kimmelman 18
4. Kyte, Merci Isle Spice Market, FCh, I.& J.Kimmelman/P.Ewing 9
N. Ivan, FC Hyflyte Catch The Wind At Shannon Down, LCM,SC,CGC,TKN, J.Courtemanche  
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Kathy Nelson  
BA  Chilly, GSW,GCh,DC,Can Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours., LCM12,MC,CAA,RATN,BCAT, K.Sanders BIF  (76)
IB  Json, Abbaio Flute And Plunder, M.Ferguson/S.Murphy -75
Jul 29, 2023
Lompoc, CA
Entry: 5
Irish Wolfhoud Specialty
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Jennifer Gysler  
Open Flight A(4, 2 NQ, 1 NC)  
1. Bailey, Finnegan-Bailey, F.& M.Mesa B12
Veteran Flight A(1)  
1. Jack, GCh Carroy's Samurai Jack of Tory, FCh,SC,CGCA, J.Ishihara/A.Lum F4