Lori Zorbaugh
1900 Normandie Drive
York, Pennsylvania
Phone: 717-764-6921
Fax: 1-413-228-4773
Records 101
Records - September 2012 Trial Results
Trial Result Codes |
Stake (#, 2NQ, Dis/DQ) - the first number indicates the number of hounds competing for points and determines the number of points awarded in that stake |
The numbers following indicate hounds which are non-qualifying, dismissed/disqualified and "NC" denotes those hounds that were absent, pulled before running the preliminary run, were excused or received an -0- during the prelininary run and do not count when calculating points. |
B = Best of Breed |
R = Runoff |
T = Tie |
E = Excused |
F = Runoff Forfeited |
(hound name) = hound is ineligible to be entered in that stake. Points/ placements remain the same for all other hounds in that stake. |
Sept 2012 |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 01, 2012 Starkville, NY Entry: 81 Iron Dog |
MINNESOTA COURSING ASSOCIATION, Inc. Sep 01, 2012 Farmington, MN Entry: 55
Minnesota Cup Tally Ho Challenge |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 01, 2012 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 79
Region 6 Invitational |
Irish Wolfhound Specialty |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 02, 2012 Starkville, NY Entry: 67 Iron Dog |
Sep 02, 2012 Farmington, MN Entry: 36 Minnesota Cup Tally Ho Challenge |
OKI GAZEHOUND ORGANIZATION Sep 02, 2012 Yellow Springs, OH Entry: 65 |
GAZEHOUNDS OF NEW ENGLAND Sep 03, 2012 Starkville, NY Entry: 47 Iron Dog |
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WHIPPET CLUB Sep 03, 2012 Sacromento, CA Entry: 53 |
UTAH SIGHTHOUND RACING & COURSING CLUB Sep 03, 2012 Oakley, UT Entry: 24 |
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 08, 2012 Hobart, IN Entry: 63 |
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 09, 2012 Henrietta Township, OH Entry: 38 |
WINDCHASERS LURE COURSING CLUB Sep 09, 2012 Hobart, IN Entry: 72 |
IBIZAN HOUND CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES Sep 13, 2012 Gray Summit, MO Entry: 20
National Ibizan Hound Specialty |
Coursing With The Stars 38th Grand National |
Silken Windhound Specialty |
Coursing With The Stars 38th Grand National |
TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Sep 15, 2012 Palmyra, PA Entry: 33 |
Silken Windhound Specialty |
Coursing With The Stars 38th Grand National |
2nd Fun Trial |
TORTOISE & HARE LURE COURSERS Sep 16, 2012 Palmyra, PA Entry: 39 |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 22, 2012 Farmington, MN Entry: 62 |
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 22, 2012 Henrietta Twp, OH Entry: 67 |
GREATER TWIN CITIES WHIPPET CLUB Sep 23, 2012 Farmington, MN Entry: 45 |
LORIAN AREA RACING KLUB Sep 23, 2012 Henrietta Twp, OH Entry: 63 |
ROCKY MOUNTAIN COURSING CLUB Sep 23, 2012 Wellington, CO Entry: 21 |
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 29, 2012 Frenchtown, NJ Entry: 54
Region 8 2-day Inivitational |
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Sep 29, 2012 Caledonia, WI Entry: 45 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB OF AMERICA Sep 30, 2012 Tecumseh, MI Entry: 9
Italian Greyhound National Specialty |
Lehigh Valley Coursing Club Sep 30, 2012 Frenchtown, NJ Entry: 50
Region #8 Invitational |
MIDWEST COURSING CLUB Sep 30, 2012 Caledonia, WI Entry: 47 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1) |
1. Daughtry, Furbari Harvest Moon, M.Jennings |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Larry Gahan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Don Ewing, Donna Miner |
Open(3) |
1. Tempest, DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, SC, J.Stewart?T.Brooks |
B24 |
2. Ariel, Istari New World Tempest, K.Sigrist |
9 |
3. Tutu, FC Apu Pi De Deux, SC,SGRC,ORC, K.Christensen/S.Marsicano |
6 |
Field Champion(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
R12 |
2. Fern, Ch Apu Painted Sand, FCh,RN,GRC,SC,GRC,ORC, S.Marsicano |
9 |
Veteran(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Grace, DC Dark Skies Morgans Grace, LCM2,SC, K.& K.Morgan |
R24 |
2. Occhi, FC Apu Occhi Belli, FCh,RA,OA,NAJ,LCX3,GRC, S.Marsicano |
18 |
3. Amelia, FC Apu Afternoon of a Fawn, FCh,RA,SC,JOR,GRC,TDIA, S.Marsicano |
12 |
4. Trog, FC Apu Tri Roo of Ganesa, FCh,SC,JOR, L.Stewart |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Larry Gahan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jaimee, Spirit of Wheeling, FCh, K.DeNigris |
B4 |
Veteran(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kadin, Arbeca's Al Kamel of Aza, LCM, E.Kasper/T.Burke |
F4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Ferran, Ch Ferran De El Pollet, LCM, E.Kasper/T.Burke |
B4 |
Open(1) |
1. Sadie, Raindance Shot Thru The Heart, C.James/P.& R.Klinger Jr |
B12 |
Veteran(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Daron, Daron, FCh, S.Ostrander |
R12 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Open(3) |
1. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Adolet, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
B32 |
2. Jack, Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
9 |
3. Kebi, GCh Kamosetts Kebi of Abydos, SC, B.& M.McIntosh |
6 |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
R32 |
2. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth |
24 |
3. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor |
16 |
4. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, FCh,SC, M.Smith |
+8 |
N. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth |
Veteran(5) |
1. Cassie, Ch Kamaraj Nefer Cassiopein, FCh,SC,CGC, B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
F20 |
2. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
15 |
3. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur |
10 |
4. Kalb, DC Kamaraj Azeem Mas-Ree Kalb, FCh,VFCh,SC, W.& B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
5 |
N. Zabelle, DC Kamaraj Kamosett Zabells Sirocco, FCh,VFCh, P.& D.Dimor/M.Smith |
PODENGO PEQUENO Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Don Ewing, Donna Miner |
Open(1) |
1. Rusty, Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
6 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
R16 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
12 |
3. Rikki, Tophat's Rockn Rolling Hoochie K, FCh,SC, S.A.& C.Leslie |
8 |
4. Goldi, FC Mystic Isle's Northern Light, FCh,SC, J.Arvin |
4 |
SALUKI Judges: Larry Gahan, Donna Miner |
Open(2) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
F8 |
2. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, E.Johnston |
6 |
Field Champion(7) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B28 |
2. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
21 |
3. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM2,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
14 |
4. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
7 |
N. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps |
Veteran(1) |
1. Skye, Rataki Untha Trinjen, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, D.Rubin/M.Zacheis |
F4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Donna Miner, Marilyn Smith |
Open(4, 1 NQ, 1 DQ) |
1. Tetley, Burt Senna Home Brew, H.J.Dansereau |
R16 |
2. Brando, Ch Abbey Chiaroscuro, J.Hopfenbeck |
12 |
3. Vinnie, Touchstone The Memory, J.Rutley |
8 |
DQ. Anna, Whispers Anna, J.Beck/P.Munnikhuysen |
Field Champion(7) |
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
R28 |
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM7,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
21 |
3. Candy, Candy Cane, FCh, D.McGowan |
14 |
4. Charlie, Ocean's Sail Away, E.Holland |
7 |
N. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen |
Veteran(7) |
1. Fuzzy, Whispers Fuzzy Navel, LCM3,Can FChX, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
B28 |
2. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr |
21 |
3. Raven, FC WGASA's Lil Black Streak, LCM2,SC, K.DeNigris |
14 |
4. Who, Whispers Guess Who, LCM, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
7 |
N. Joy, Joy, J.Beck |
SINGLES Judge: Marilyn Smith |
Single(9) |
1. PH Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram |
2. WH Java, Whispers Cup of Java, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
3. SA Valur, Windstorm Valur I'm So Vain, C.Klein/D.Phillips/R.& S.White |
4. SA Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
N. SA Hela, Tamarisk Cemal Desert Cerenade, D.Rubin/J.Klova |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Peter Lowe |
Open(3) |
1. Marley, Chaos-El Zagel Dani's GirlMarley, K.Bruggeman/B.Schulz |
F12 |
2. Dalton, CH Chaos Dalton At El Zagel, B.Schulz/K.Bruggeman |
9 |
3. Marta, Imladdris Elanor of Bhagendd, C.Dunahey/S.Williams |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
B12 |
2. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan |
9 |
3. Ali Baba, FC Cameo Ghost Of Ali Baba, FCh,SC, K.Nelson/D.Britton |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(1) |
1. Riley, Sonbar's Very Vibrantriley, L.Sabo |
F4 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan |
B8 |
2. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, FCh, D.& T.Magnan |
6 |
BORZOI Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Veteran(1) |
1. Dude, Wirtu's Norcal Dude in Eden, S.& R.Bonner |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, A.Matter/L.Hennen |
R8 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter |
B8 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ) |
Veteran(1, 1 NC) |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(2) |
1. Hannah, Aenzi's Future Classic, C.& S.Husten |
B8 |
2. Kuumba, AlpineRidgeRooi-KuumbaOfJabulani, S.Terasek |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Amos, Ch RVRDs Rdgrunr Im Reddy to Play, FCh,RN, M.Keller |
R4 |
Veteran(1, 1 NQ) |
SALUKI Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(2) |
1. Solomon, BII Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case |
B8 |
2. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(2) |
1. Sergei, Velichestvo Sergei, A.Caskey |
R8 |
2. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach |
6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach |
R16 |
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(3) |
1. Bill, Northwind's Norman Conquest, P.Davidson/K.Nierengarten |
R12 |
2. Barrett, Northwind's Grin And Bear It, Foss-Tietz/Tietz/Nierengarten |
9 |
3. Louie, Affinity's Midnight Dream, C & A.Rogers/R.LaFortune |
6 |
Field Champion(12, 1 NQ) |
1. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
B40 |
2. Daryl, Tru-Luv Triple Dog Dare Ya, FCh, J.Hurlbert/L.Rice |
30 |
3. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert |
20 |
4. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen |
10 |
N. Tosca, Longruns Stay Awhile At Windrose, FCh, S.Nelson/S.Kirkham |
Veteran(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Guido, Shamasan After Midnight, FCh,CGC,OTRM,CRX, A.Whitney/S.Lund |
+F16 |
2. Al, Halmarque Go Ask Alice, LCM6,VFCh,OTRM,CGC, A.Whitney |
12 |
3. Asher, Tru-Luv Ascher, FCh, G.& C.Czupka |
8 |
SINGLES Judge: Deann Britton |
Single(10) |
1. WH Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B Beary Bright, D.Duffert |
2. WH Poppy, Sportingfield's Stiletto, J.Wahl/T.Lunieski |
3. WH Avalon, Saratoga Syncopation, LCM2, C.& B.Brooks/R.Corley |
4. SA Misha, Windbourne Michabo Misha, J.Colletti |
N. SA Windstar, Atallah's Windstar, C.Sayer/J.Treuschel |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(2) |
1. Finale, Ch Wynwood Forever My Sweet Finale, SC, C.Schott/G.Nelson |
B8 |
2. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Moosie, Laurelcrest's Legend of Aramis, FCh, A.& R.Hites |
F8 |
2. Ashley, FC Allure Laurelcrest Need forSpeed, FCh,SC, A.Hites/S.Norris |
6 |
AZAWAKH Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ahzi, Al Haras Wingo, FCh, E.MacMillan |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Banh Mi, FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
B12 |
Veteran(3) |
1. Beck, DC Blue Notes Take Five, FCh,SC, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
R12 |
2. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
9 |
3. Bisa, Khamisin Imani Our Bisa Zanta, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC, T.Colbert/R.Robinette |
6 |
BORZOI Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(1) |
1. Doc, Wind N Satin End Of Time Del Sol, M.Childs |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Steve Curry, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(1) |
1. Chance, Pat Murphy, C.Thibodeau |
+B24 |
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Roman, Uch,FC,CCB Rosewood's Roman Candle, FCh,SC, L.Reeve |
F24 |
2. Bella, FC,CT,CCB Rosewood Diva Let Freedom Ring, FCh,SC,RN, L.Reeve |
18 |
3. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
12 |
4. Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
6 |
N. Alice, Bruska Alice, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
Veteran(1) |
1. Saffir, GRCH,Can Ch, DC Lakilanni Blu Moon, FCh,SC,RN,CGC, L.Reeve |
F4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Karen Rockwell |
Open(1) |
1. Chili, Special Acre's Luna'sChiliPepper, H.Hamilton |
R4 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
B12 |
2. Odyssey, DC AlisainFieldsEpicOdysseyOfDagon, FCh,SC, A.Kubicka/A.Barbour |
9 |
3. Bridge, Alisian Fields StirlingBridgeOne, FCh,SC, A.Kubicka/A.Barbour |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Karen Rockwell |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Steve Curry, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(3) |
1. Quinn, RareEarthHallowtide'sWickedTruth, L.Frazer |
B32 |
2. Dino, DC Pegasus That's Amore, RN,SC,CGC, D.& K.Tresselt |
9 |
3. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
6 |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, SC, J.Teamer |
R32 |
2. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
24 |
3. Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery |
16 |
4. Karri, GCh,DC Windancer's Heart of Gold, SC,BN, S.Biedermann/J.Schindler-Horvat |
8 |
N. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen |
Veteran(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Wanda, Rare Earth's A Real Hare Razor, LCM4, M.Willis-Redfern |
+F20 |
2. Pepsi, Rare Earth Gotta Have It, FCh,SC,CGC, D.Knoth |
15 |
3. Stryder, Oridgenal King of Gondor, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery |
10 |
4. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
5 |
WHIPPET Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(13) |
1. Fig, Wildabout The Zen of Zin, A.& M.Kelsey |
F40 |
2. Mirage, Isen Dancing On Air, K.& P.Dean |
30 |
3. Who Dat, Ch Debmar You All Spoken Here, SC,CGC, D.A.Sowers/D.Bahm |
20 |
4. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM |
10 |
N. Zippy, KLH Zipporah, R.& M.Spurbeck |
Field Champion Flight A(11) |
1. Sparty, KLH Spartacus Go Green, R.& M.Spurbeck |
R40 |
2. Gretchen, Comet's Red Neck Woman, FCh, L.Pekarski/S.Peak |
30 |
3. Merry, Do It Merry Memory, FCh, B.& A.Hartle |
20 |
4. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
10 |
N. Torrey, Wildwood's Torrey Pines, FCh,SC, F.D.Guest |
Field Champion Flight B(10, 2 NQ) |
1. Catori, FC Tadita Written In The Stars, LCM7,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
B40 |
2. Maki, Labyrinth McKinley At Wynmor, C.Beranek/L.Pirrung |
30 |
3. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, FCh, P. & T.Haig DVM |
20 |
4. Lucy, Wildabout Lucky Lucille, FCh,SC, C.Byrum |
10 |
N. Cooper, FC Wildwood's It's All About Heart, FCh,SC, V.Roll/K.Powrozek |
Veteran(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Carina, FC Imani Shooting Star, LCM9,VFCh,SC,CR,NA,NAJ, M.& J. Libersher |
F24 |
2. Turbo, DC Do It Zoom Zoom, FCh,VFCh,MC, C.Byrum |
18 |
3. Less, Comet's Little Less Of O'Run, LCM18,VFCh, L.Pekarski/C.Owens |
12 |
4. Vincent, Rantina's Starry Night, FCh,SC, S.Salo |
6 |
N. Cami, Nightwind Camilla of Fortune, M.Jones/S.McCollum/J.Bea |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Steve Curry |
BA Banh Mi, FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
RR Quinn, RareEarthHallowtide'sWickedTruth, L.Frazer |
(76) |
IB Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
(76) |
PH Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
(75) |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Renate Roder |
Open(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Bagheera, Nightwing's Bagheera of Cobol, R.Tregillis/A.I.Gottsch |
R12 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
B12 |
2. Noor, Rockhart Noor, FCh,SGRC,SC, S.& T.Hood |
9 |
3. Memoir, Rockhart Memoir, FCh, S.& T.Hood |
6 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Larry Gahan |
Open(1) |
1. Daughtry, Furbari Harvest Moon, M.Jennings |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Don Ewing |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Open(3) |
1. Ariel, Istari New World Tempest, K.Sigrist |
B12 |
2. Gambit, Meisterhaus Neve Winter Nights, L.Stewart/T.Brooks |
9 |
3. Tempest, DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, SC, J.Stewart?T.Brooks |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
R4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Grace, DC Dark Skies Morgans Grace, LCM2,SC, K.& K.Morgan |
F4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Open(1) |
1. Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel |
R4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jaimee, Spirit of Wheeling, FCh, K.DeNigris |
B4 |
Veteran(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Veteran(2) |
1. Kadin, Arbeca's Al Kamel of Aza, LCM, E.Kasper/T.Burke |
B8 |
2. Ferran, Ch Ferran De El Pollet, LCM, E.Kasper/T.Burke |
6 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Luca, Luca Omodeo, LCM, S.Ostrander |
B8 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Larry Gahan |
Open(6) |
1. Jack, Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
B36 |
2. Kebi, GCh Kamosetts Kebi of Abydos, SC, B.& M.McIntosh |
+18 |
3. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Adolet, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
12 |
4. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
6 |
N. Uber, Ch XO Uber Alles, SC,HIC,CGC, B.Pina/L.Evans/J.Buchanan |
Field Champion(9, 1 NQ) |
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
R36 |
2. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, FCh,SC, M.Smith |
27 |
3. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth |
18 |
4. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth |
9 |
N. Hatti, Kamosetts Hatshepsut of Abydos, FCh, P.Dimor/D.Paul-Dimor |
Veteran(5) |
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
R20 |
2. Cassie, Ch Kamaraj Nefer Cassiopein, FCh,SC,CGC, B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
15 |
3. Zabelle, DC Kamaraj Kamosett Zabells Sirocco, FCh,VFCh, P.& D.Dimor/M.Smith |
10 |
4. Kalb, DC Kamaraj Azeem Mas-Ree Kalb, FCh,VFCh,SC, W.& B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
5 |
N. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur |
PODENGO PEQUENO Judge: Don Ewing |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
Field Champion(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
B16 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
12 |
3. Rusty, Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
+8 |
SALUKI Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(2) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
F8 |
2. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, E.Johnston |
6 |
Field Champion(7, 4 NQ) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B28 |
2. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
21 |
3. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM2,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
14 |
WHIPPET Judge: Larry Gahan |
Open(3) |
1. Java, Whispers Cup of Java, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
R12 |
2. Angel, Equiss Jezebelle's Angel, C.& G.Pazian/C.Williams |
9 |
3. Tetley, Burt Senna Home Brew, H.J.Dansereau |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM7,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
+21 |
2. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen |
9 |
3. Candy, Candy Cane, FCh, D.McGowan |
6 |
Veteran(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Who, Whispers Guess Who, LCM, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
R20 |
2. Tripp, Corandy Country Road, LCM,FChX3, H.J.Dansereau |
15 |
3. Raven, FC WGASA's Lil Black Streak, LCM2,SC, K.DeNigris |
10 |
4. Fuzzy, Whispers Fuzzy Navel, LCM3,Can FChX, D.McGowan/P.Munnikhuysen |
5 |
SINGLES Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Single(8) |
1. SA Kassius, Z'Bee's Kassius Friend of Korfa, N.Lipinski |
2. WH Anna, Whispers Anna, J.Beck/P.Munnikhuysen |
3. SA Valur, Windstorm Valur I'm So Vain, C.Klein/D.Phillips/R.& S.White |
4. SA Falcon, ShahtaniSkyeblueKharmasFalconer, TCP, D.Rubin |
N. PH Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Field Champion(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
B8 |
BASENJI Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(1) |
1. Riley, Sonbar's Very Vibrantriley, L.Sabo |
+B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(1) |
1. Hal, Oxota Avalon Halbred, J.& M.Haumont/L.Abordo |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, A.Matter/L.Hennen |
+R8 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter |
B8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(2) |
1. Sunny, AlpineRidgeSilverSunDogOfJabulan, S.Aplikowski |
B8 |
2. Kuumba, AlpineRidgeRooi-KuumbaOfJabulani, S.Terasek |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Amos, Ch RVRDs Rdgrunr Im Reddy to Play, FCh,RN, M.Keller |
F4 |
SALUKI Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(2) |
1. Solomon, BII Tamrick's Who's The Boss, SC, K.Nelson/E.Case |
B8 |
2. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Peter Lowe, Kathy Nelson |
Open(2) |
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach |
F8 |
2. Sergei, Velichestvo Sergei, A.Caskey |
+6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach |
+B8 |
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Deann Britton, Peter Lowe |
Open(4) |
1. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B Beary Bright, D.Duffert |
B36 |
2. Louie, Affinity's Midnight Dream, C & A.Rogers/R.LaFortune |
12 |
3. Bill, Northwind's Norman Conquest, P.Davidson/K.Nierengarten |
8 |
4. Barrett, Northwind's Grin And Bear It, Foss-Tietz/Tietz/Nierengarten |
4 |
Field Champion(9) |
1. Daryl, Tru-Luv Triple Dog Dare Ya, FCh, J.Hurlbert/L.Rice |
R36 |
2. Serena, Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, FCh, L.Rice |
27 |
3. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert |
18 |
4. Kay, Halmarque Beau Kay, FCh, M.Rew |
9 |
N. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
Veteran(1) |
1. Echo, Northwind's Echo of Poetry, FCh, K.Nierengarten |
R4 |
SINGLES Judge: Kathy Nelson |
Single(6) |
1. SA Misha, Windbourne Michabo Misha, J.Colletti |
2. AH Gemma, Chaos El Zagel WildAbndonRahwynd, GRC,SOR, D.Britton/K.Bruggeman/C.Sullivan |
3. SA Windstar, Atallah's Windstar, C.Sayer/J.Treuschel |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Steve Curry, Karen Rockwell |
Open(2) |
1. Finale, Ch Wynwood Forever My Sweet Finale, SC, C.Schott/G.Nelson |
B8 |
2. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson |
6 |
Field Champion(2, 2 NQ) |
BASENJI Judges: Steve Curry, Karen Rockwell |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Banh Mi, FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
B12 |
Veteran(3) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
R12 |
2. Beck, DC Blue Notes Take Five, FCh,SC, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
9 |
3. Bisa, Khamisin Imani Our Bisa Zanta, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC, T.Colbert/R.Robinette |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Karen Rockwell |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(2) |
1. Darwin, Jakona's SS Natural Selection, M.Kleiman/J.Armstrong |
B12 |
2. Chili, Special Acre's Luna'sChiliPepper, H.Hamilton |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Dylan, Can/Am DC Gryphons Mr Tambourine Man, LCM2, H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane |
R12 |
2. Odyssey, DC AlisainFieldsEpicOdysseyOfDagon, FCh,SC, A.Kubicka/A.Barbour |
9 |
3. Bridge, Alisian Fields StirlingBridgeOne, FCh,SC, A.Kubicka/A.Barbour |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Scott Hurlbert |
Open(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Dino, DC Pegasus That's Amore, RN,SC,CGC, D.& K.Tresselt |
R12 |
2. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
9 |
DIS. Quinn, RareEarthHallowtide'sWickedTruth, L.Frazer |
Field Champion(9) |
1. Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery |
B36 |
2. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
27 |
3. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, SC, J.Teamer |
18 |
4. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen |
9 |
N. Rayne, Ch Rare Earth's Celtic Summer Storm, LCM,BIT,HRQ1,HRQ2, R.M.,J.,& L.Frazer |
Veteran(2) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R8 |
2. Stryder, Oridgenal King of Gondor, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Karen Rockwell |
Open(17, 4 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Pietros, Shannon Down Fully Loaded, OTR, L.Keyser |
R40 |
2. Kohl, Whispers Kohl, J.Eason-Butler/P.Munnikhuysen |
30 |
3. Mirage, Isen Dancing On Air, K.& P.Dean |
+20 |
4. Sirius, Wildwood's Light Up The NightSky, F.D.Guest |
10 |
N. Caesar, Do It Just A High Stakes Roller, B.Hartle/C.Byrum |
DIS. Luther, Divine Devil In Disguise, WRCH, V.Lamb |
Field Champion(12, 1 NQ) |
1. Gretchen, Comet's Red Neck Woman, FCh, L.Pekarski/S.Peak |
B40 |
2. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
30 |
3. Boomer, Comets Just Shoot Me at Mia, FCh, T.Haig DVM/P.Haig/Pekarski/Peak |
20 |
4. Bravo, Mia's Comet Bravo Ole, FCh, P. & T.Haig DVM |
10 |
N. Cooper, FC Wildwood's It's All About Heart, FCh,SC, V.Roll/K.Powrozek |
Veteran(2) |
1. Madden, Sham's Touchdown Go Bengals, FCh, C.& D.Dresbach |
R8 |
2. Less, Comet's Little Less Of O'Run, LCM18,VFCh, L.Pekarski/C.Owens |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Karen Rockwell |
Single(5) |
1. BA Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert |
2. RR Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner |
3. AH Winston, Laurelcrest's Royal White Tiger, SC, A.& R.Hites |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
WH Gretchen, Comet's Red Neck Woman, FCh, L.Pekarski/S.Peak |
IB Darwin, Jakona's SS Natural Selection, M.Kleiman/J.Armstrong |
(75) |
AH Finale, Ch Wynwood Forever My Sweet Finale, SC, C.Schott/G.Nelson |
(75) |
GH Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
(75) |
RR Ziva, FC Venus' Brilliant Assassin, FCh,SC, J.& C.Slattery |
(75) |
BA Banh Mi, FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC, Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth |
(75) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Larry Gahan |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Larry Gahan |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Daron, Daron, FCh, S.Ostrander |
B8 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(3) |
1. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Adolet, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
F12 |
2. Jack, Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
9 |
3. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
6 |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
B32 |
2. Zahra, DC Lukor Mas-Re Al-Zahra, FCh, M.Moore |
24 |
3. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth |
16 |
4. Bali, Kamaraj Achilles Balius, FCh, M.Smith |
8 |
N. Xan, DC Kamaraj Achilles Xanthus, FCh,SC, M.Smith |
Veteran(4) |
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
F16 |
2. Cassie, Ch Kamaraj Nefer Cassiopein, FCh,SC,CGC, B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
12 |
3. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur |
8 |
4. Kalb, DC Kamaraj Azeem Mas-Ree Kalb, FCh,VFCh,SC, W.& B.Shattuck/M.Smith |
4 |
PODENGO PEQUENO Judge: Larry Gahan |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Rusty, Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
B16 |
2. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
12 |
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
8 |
4. Goldi, FC Mystic Isle's Northern Light, FCh,SC, J.Arvin |
4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Chaminuka, DC Tophat's Chaminuka of Tumomak, FCh,VFCh,MC,CGC, C.& S.A.Leslie |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
F8 |
Field Champion(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM2,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B24 |
2. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
18 |
3. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
12 |
4. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
WHIPPET Judge: Sara Lenahan |
Open(1) |
1. Tetley, Burt Senna Home Brew, H.J.Dansereau |
R4 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen |
B8 |
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM7,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Tripp, Corandy Country Road, LCM,FChX3, H.J.Dansereau |
R8 |
2. Joy, Joy, J.Beck |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Don Ewing |
Single(8) |
1. SA Hela, Tamarisk Cemal Desert Cerenade, D.Rubin/J.Klova |
2. SA Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
3. PH Syrena, Bija's Kamaraj Syrena, M.Moore/G.Pegram |
4. SA Valur, Windstorm Valur I'm So Vain, C.Klein/D.Phillips/R.& S.White |
N. WH Anna, Whispers Anna, J.Beck/P.Munnikhuysen |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Lisa Voss |
Open(3) |
1. Catelyn, Kominek's Winterfell's Vengeance, C.& M.Wheeler/E.Kominek |
B12 |
2. Beanie, Beanie's Spicy Bean Dip, K.Ansberry |
9 |
3. Fadiahr, Fadiahr El Iraja, V.& R.Koscinski |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Rio, FC Kinetic Sourcery, FCh,SC,JOR, L.Voss/S.Stump |
B8 |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Rally, DC Sherwood's Shadow of the Moon, LCM,VFCh,MC,JOR, Voss/Stump |
F8 |
BORZOI Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss |
Open(2) |
1. Dasha, Golden Winged Dasha, M.Wheeler |
B8 |
2. Ivan, WindNSatin Curve To The Right, M.& C.Wheeler |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Jayme Jones |
Open(2) |
1. Devil, Point Breeze Devil's Tribute, J.Bulman |
B8 |
2. Cowboy, Point Breeze Stolen Moment, ORC, J.Bulman/C.Faulconer |
6 |
Field Champion(1, 1 NQ) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Jayme Jones |
Open(2) |
1. Buck, AlisianFieldsEpicSweetwaterBuckO, A.Kittrell/M.Grabowski |
B8 |
2. Angel, Ch Ruby's Lil Angel in Eden, D.Duvall |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Tea, DC Wirtu's Spanish Tantivey, LCM2,LCX,SGRC,ORC, K.Kelly |
F4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jayme Jones, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open(2, 2 NQ) |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open(2) |
1. Cairo, Churuka Mia Purpl Rose of Cairo, S.Ellis/L.Witt/P.Haig |
+F8 |
2. Vixen, Nefer-Temu Royale Sapphire Samba, E.Kerridgo/M.Carrillo |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Wyatt, GCh,DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed, LCM,MC,LCX, L.& G.Witt |
B12 |
2. Menkaure, Mia Churuka Chasin' A Dream, SC, S.Ellis |
9 |
3. Evan, GCh,DC Churuka Mia Evan Elpus of Hallam, LCM2,MC,LCX, L.& G.Witt/P.Haig |
6 |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Zoey, GCh,DC Farao Anubis Zoraya of Lileo, LCM,SC,RN, L.Leone/J.Jones |
R8 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Lisa Voss |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Indy, Northstar's Let Freedom Ring, C.& J.Vesely/P.Weston |
F8 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Kona, Windancer's Back To The Future, FCh,SC, J.Schindler-Horvat/J.Horvat |
F8 |
2. Suki, Ch Windancer's Main Attraction, FCh, J.Schindler-Horvat |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Shona, Bundu Basha's Shona, S.Menas |
B4 |
SALUKI Judge: Jayme Jones |
Open(1) |
1. Sebastian, Jamora Mystic Topaz, S.& J.Forsyth/Anselmo/Morrison |
B4 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jayme Jones, Lisa Voss |
Open(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Yuu-Ga, Scirocco's Pacific Merlion, R.Shirakawa |
R16 |
2. Bados, Allagante Windspirit Barbados, J.Vookles |
12 |
3. Dune, Renaissance Dune's Duncan, P.Evridge Hill |
8 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Garis, Allagante Sangaris, SRC,OTRCX,ISWS LCM, J.Koski |
B16 |
2. Kamiah, ISWS Ch,NAKC Ch Allagante Rvnwoods It'se Ye Ye, SRC,OTRCH,ISWS LCM, J.Koski |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Jayme Jones, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Pippa, Wannago's None Ya Biz-Ness, M.Simmons |
B20 |
2. Flynn, Wheatland Wannago Flynn Rider, S.Detrick/K.Otero |
15 |
3. Raptor, Wannago's Velociraptor, OTR, C.Pitts/M.Simmons |
10 |
4. Zinger, Wannago's Red Zinger, OTR, C.& F.Pitts |
5 |
Field Champion(4, 1 NQ) |
1. (Lucy, Rosmor Lucy In The Sky, OTR, J.Pulley) |
2. Pixar, Wannago's See Ya Later Pixar, FCh,SC, M.Simmons |
12 |
3. Chim-Chim, FC Wannago'sShe'sTheBeatThatMyHeart, FCh,SC, M.Simmons |
8 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Sammy, Sammy II, D.& R.Finger |
R8 |
2. Cassie, Cassie, FCh,SC, D.& R.Finger |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Lisa Voss |
Single(5, 1 NQ) |
1. WH Wizard, Shannon Down Last Shadow, K.Kaylor |
2. AH Zahra, Faridah Zahra El Iraja, L.Wadsworth/V.Koscinski |
3. BA Duffy, 5Star Stepping Stone Ode ToKazor, JOR, B.Sauceda |
4. BA Daximilian, 5 Star Dax De Fax, JOR,GRC, B.Sauceda/C.Webb |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Kathleen Kelly, Virgina (Ginnie) Koscinski |
AH Catelyn, Kominek's Winterfell's Vengeance, C.& M.Wheeler/E.Kominek |
GH Devil, Point Breeze Devil's Tribute, J.Bulman |
(146) |
WH Pippa, Wannago's None Ya Biz-Ness, M.Simmons |
(143) |
RR Shona, Bundu Basha's Shona, S.Menas |
(138) |
IB Buck, AlisianFieldsEpicSweetwaterBuckO, A.Kittrell/M.Grabowski |
(137) |
PH Wyatt, GCh,DC Churuka Mia Caught Red Handed, LCM,MC,LCX, L.& G.Witt |
(137) |
BASENJI Judges: Jill Bryson, Ann Chamberlain |
Open(1) |
1. Joonie, Arubmec's Dancing Queen, C.York |
B4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judges: Jill Bryson, Ann Chamberlain |
Open(1) |
1. Coursair, Swiss Lombards Coursair, J.Hale/N.Wight |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jill Bryson, Ann Chamberlain |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. BS, Windrock Bertha Better Than You, K.& C.Fritzler |
+F12 |
2. Misty, Windrock Misty, K.& C.Fritzler |
15 |
3. Mayzie, Windrock Queen of Diamonds, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
10 |
4. Rozie, Texas Rose, S.Aberton |
5 |
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Cheyenne, Windrock Rodeo Queen, K.& C.Fritzler |
B20 |
2. Nikki, Windrock DM The One And Only, FCh,SC, K. & C.Fritzler |
15 |
3. CJ, FC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
10 |
4. Amber, FC Windrock Candle In The Wind, LCM,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
5 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Ann Chamberlain |
Open(2) |
1. Essie, Ch Special Acres' Images N' Essence, S.Short/W.Smith/B.Cope |
R8 |
2. Corkin, Loco Motion's Dance Y'Self Dizzy, C.Hjelm/D.McKibbin |
6 |
Veteran(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Rella, DC Raisin'L SA Cinderella, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short |
B12 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Joel Brody, Ann Chamberlain |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Cayman, DC Mia's BakhuRiskyBusinessOfHallam, FCh,SC,RN,HIC,VC, D.& M.Kunard |
B8 |
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,CGC,MC,VC,HIC,NAP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Joel Brody, Ann Chamberlain |
Open(2) |
1. Tiger, Tiger, B.J.Dodge |
R8 |
2. Danica, KentfieldFlashAsARatWithAGoldToo, B.J.Dodge |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Khaos, FC Amberwind Hamrya Bacio Di Satana, FCh,SC, M.Egbert |
B8 |
2. Draco, DC Amberwind Hamrya Dragons Claw, FCh,SC, E.Campbell |
6 |
SINGLES Judges: Jill Bryson, Ann Chamberlain |
Single(1) |
1. BA Chilly, Ch Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N'Chills, D.& C.Nelson |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Ann Chamberlain |
WH Khaos, FC Amberwind Hamrya Bacio Di Satana, FCh,SC, M.Egbert |
GH Cheyenne, Windrock Rodeo Queen, K.& C.Fritzler |
(74) |
PH Cayman, DC Mia's BakhuRiskyBusinessOfHallam, FCh,SC,RN,HIC,VC, D.& M.Kunard |
(74) |
IB Rella, DC Raisin'L SA Cinderella, FCh,MC, I.McDougald/M.Pyle/S.Short |
(73) |
BA Joonie, Arubmec's Dancing Queen, C.York |
(10) |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open(4) |
1. Finale, Ch Wynwood Forever My Sweet Finale, SC, C.Schott/G.Nelson |
B16 |
2. Mae West, AlemkahComeUpNSeeMeSometime, A.Richards |
12 |
3. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson |
8 |
4. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards |
4 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Rhett, FC Twyshire Satin Chase, FCh,SC,GRC, N.Mayfield |
R8 |
2. Promise, UKC Ch,FC Twyshire Love By Promise, FCh,SC, N.Mayfield |
6 |
BASENJI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open(2) |
1. Tempest, DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, SC, J.Stewart?T.Brooks |
B16 |
2. Gambit, Meisterhaus Neve Winter Nights, L.Stewart/T.Brooks |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Micki, DC Joy-Us Fire On The Mountain, FCh,SC, S.Joyner |
R4 |
Veteran(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
R16 |
2. Penny, Ch Serengeti Joy-Us Pennyroyal, FCh,CGC,SC, S.Joyner |
12 |
3. Trog, FC Apu Tri Roo of Ganesa, FCh,SC,JOR, L.Stewart |
8 |
BORZOI Judge: Karen Frederick |
Open(2) |
1. Jack, Kirov Windrift Wolfsbane, J.& N.Reimer |
B8 |
2. Edge, FC Windrift Edge of Night, MC, J.& M.Reimer |
6 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Calista, Hadranensis Calista, LCM, T.White/M.L.Prieto |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Karen Frederick |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Karen Frederick |
Open(3) |
1. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
R12 |
2. Etta, Etta Strykes A High Note, C.Acosta |
9 |
3. Gracee, Bundu High Intensity, D.Lange/L.Behrmann |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
B12 |
2. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
9 |
3. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R8 |
2. Savvy, FC UzuriJubaleeXclusivelyTaylormade, LCM3,VFCh,SC,CD,RN,HIC, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Lee Warden |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
B12 |
2. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
9 |
3. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Karen Frederick |
Open(1) |
1. Zephyr, Wildflower's Mister Tumnus, M.Devine |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Karen Frederick, Lee Warden |
Open(10, 1 NQ) |
1. Iggie Pup, Shojin's I Wanna Be Your Dog, C.Pond |
R40 |
2. Kohl, Whispers Kohl, J.Eason-Butler/P.Munnikhuysen |
30 |
3. Mango, Isen Dances With Wolfhounds, K.& P.Dean |
+20 |
4. Howard, USJ Shojins How Hard Can This Be, RN, C.Pond |
10 |
N. Brodie, Wildwood'sBlazingDiamondInTheNig, V.Roll/K.Powrozek |
Field Champion(11) |
1. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
B40 |
2. Ginny, Fallowfield Dreamin' Out Loud, FCh, C.Brunkow DVM |
30 |
3. Mirage, Isen Dancing On Air, K.& P.Dean |
20 |
4. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
10 |
N. Denali, Resilience High Altitude, FCh, L.Keyser |
Veteran(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Sammi, GRCH,RO3,UCD Wheatland Talltree, FCh,VFCh,RE,CD,CRX,ORC, L.& S.Hayes |
R20 |
2. Birdie, FC Fallowfield Bird in Hand, FCh,VLCM,SC, C.Brunkow,DVM |
+15 |
3. Vincent, Rantina's Starry Night, FCh,SC, S.Salo |
10 |
4. Aggie, Fallowfield Texas Aggie, LCM,SC,OTRM, P.& J.Vermeulen |
5 |
SINGLES Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Single(8) |
1. BA Trek, Jadaka Signet ExcellentAdventure, J.Kahl/B.& C.Cassell |
2. BA Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert |
3. BA Turk, Young Turks In The Jungle, FCh, S.Clark |
4. RR Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner |
N. BA Dani, I Hope You Dance In The Jungle, S.Clark |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Judy Lowther |
Open(1) |
1. Ruby, Charsada Tempest In A Teacup, L.Tripp/B.Burns |
B4 |
AZAWAKH Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open(1) |
1. Scout, Ettebel Arawan, E.MacMillan |
F4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ahzi, Al Haras Wingo, FCh, E.MacMillan |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Judy Lowther |
Open(1) |
1. Doc, Wind N Satin End Of Time Del Sol, M.Childs |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Judy Lowther |
Open(1) |
1. Frankie, Bramblewood's Franken Beezer, D.Borkowski/J.Parker |
B4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen |
B4 |
SALUKI Judge: Judy Lowther |
Open(1) |
1. Mars, Windrush Duodecuple Mars, J.& K.Lipps |
F4 |
Field Champion(7, 3 NQ) |
1. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM2,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B28 |
2. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
21 |
3. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
14 |
4. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
7 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judge: Judy Lowther |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jane, Ch Lyonhil Jane Doe, FCh,SC, R.Lyons |
B4 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Judy Lowther |
Open(9, 1 NQ) |
1. Aspen, SpringLane's Aspen, T.Timm-Miller |
R36 |
2. Ajax, Gryffyn's Walkin' To Memphis, M.Childs/L.Wall |
27 |
3. Prancer, Springlane's Magical Prancer, T.Timm-Miller |
18 |
4. Sweet Pea, Springlane's Sweet Pea, T.Timm-Miller |
9 |
N. Sunny D, Windnsatin Cruisin' Thru Life, L.E.Kohler |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Sergei, Velichestvo Sergei, A.Caskey |
R4 |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach |
B36 |
WHIPPET Judge: Jeff Lipps |
Open(2) |
1. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM |
B8 |
2. Bo, Charmed Village Bo-BersBorkowski, D.& E.Borkowski |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Maki, Labyrinth McKinley At Wynmor, C.Beranek/L.Pirrung |
R8 |
2. Stretch, Wistwind Wynmor Longfellow, FCh,ARX, C.Beranek/C.Mountan |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Judy Lowther |
Single(7) |
1. WH Ripple, Missjiffs Ripple Effect of PSF, B.Klonowski/M.Johnny |
2. WH Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani |
3. SW Dot Dot, Belorzor Dots of Legend, L.Wall/S.Liggett |
4. SW Dion, Windspirit Dionysus, T.& W.Mydlo |
N. BZ Dusty, WindNSatin Endless Joy, L.A.Kohler |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Karen Frederick |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Nina, Utchati Black Swan, M.Laatsch |
F20 |
2. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson |
15 |
3. Mae West, AlemkahComeUpNSeeMeSometime, A.Richards |
10 |
4. Noki, Alemkah Brown-Eyed Girl, A.Richards |
5 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Rhett, FC Twyshire Satin Chase, FCh,SC,GRC, N.Mayfield |
B12 |
2. Promise, UKC Ch,FC Twyshire Love By Promise, FCh,SC, N.Mayfield |
9 |
3. Tanist, FC,UKC Ch Twyshire Tanist, LCM3,MC,GRC,RN,JOR,CD, N.Mayfield |
6 |
BASENJI Judge: Karen Frederick |
Open(2) |
1. Gambit, Meisterhaus Neve Winter Nights, L.Stewart/T.Brooks |
F8 |
2. Tempest, DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, SC, J.Stewart?T.Brooks |
+6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert |
F4 |
Veteran(3) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
B12 |
2. Trog, FC Apu Tri Roo of Ganesa, FCh,SC,JOR, L.Stewart |
9 |
3. Bisa, Khamisin Imani Our Bisa Zanta, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC, T.Colbert/R.Robinette |
6 |
BORZOI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Open(3) |
1. Jack, Kirov Windrift Wolfsbane, J.& N.Reimer |
B12 |
2. Edge, FC Windrift Edge of Night, MC, J.& M.Reimer |
9 |
3. Lotus, ValinorsCircuitDeMonacoAtRiverru, K.Smith DVM |
+6 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Lee Warden |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Calista, Hadranensis Calista, LCM, T.White/M.L.Prieto |
B4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Karen Frederick |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ella, FC Kamars Pillow Talk, FCh,SC,JOR, L.Boe/K.Belz |
B4 |
Open(2) |
1. Lila, Terracotta'sAlwaysRoom For Jello, M.Szyper |
B12 |
2. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R12 |
2. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
9 |
3. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R8 |
2. Savvy, FC UzuriJubaleeXclusivelyTaylormade, LCM3,VFCh,SC,CD,RN,HIC, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
SALUKI Judge: Paul Kytta II |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
B12 |
2. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
9 |
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
6 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Lee Warden |
Open(2) |
1. Zephyr, Wildflower's Mister Tumnus, M.Devine |
B8 |
2. Brynna, Kristull Evangeline, R.Zapel |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Paul Kytta II, Lee Warden |
Open(14) |
1. Pietros, Shannon Down Fully Loaded, OTR, L.Keyser |
R40 |
2. Kohl, Whispers Kohl, J.Eason-Butler/P.Munnikhuysen |
30 |
3. Yoo Hoo Bunny, Do It Unbridled Spirit, S.& P.Bea/C.Byrum |
20 |
4. Hoss, Wildwood's Miju Big Sky Bonanza, J.Moeller/M.Yorgy |
10 |
N. Zippy, KLH Zipporah, R.& M.Spurbeck |
Field Champion(15, 1 NQ) |
1. Sparty, KLH Spartacus Go Green, R.& M.Spurbeck |
B40 |
2. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
30 |
3. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
20 |
4. Denali, Resilience High Altitude, FCh, L.Keyser |
10 |
N. Whylee, Darjeelings Whylee Stole MyHeart, FCh, B.Keeton |
Veteran(4) |
1. Tug, Vitesse Full Pull, FCh,WRChX,RCh,SORC, Dr L.,Costello/J.Szymaniak |
R16 |
2. Aggie, Fallowfield Texas Aggie, LCM,SC,OTRM, P.& J.Vermeulen |
+12 |
3. Elliot, Aragorn Elliot Rambler, D.Fray |
8 |
4. Dash, Marial's Fine Prince George, FCh,SC,OTRM4, P.& J.Vermeulen |
4 |
SINGLES Judge: Karen Frederick |
Single(8, 2 NQ) |
1. AH Bettie Mae, Wynsyr's Pin-Up Girl, Dr.C.Helsina |
2. RR Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner |
3. BA Trek, Jadaka Signet ExcellentAdventure, J.Kahl/B.& C.Cassell |
4. WH Taz, Sanrose Tazmania Twister, B.Keeton |
N. BZ Metro, Teine In A New York Minute, L.Warden/A.Williams |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Karen Frederick |
WH Sparty, KLH Spartacus Go Green, R.& M.Spurbeck |
RR Lila, Terracotta'sAlwaysRoom For Jello, M.Szyper |
(75) |
AH Rhett, FC Twyshire Satin Chase, FCh,SC,GRC, N.Mayfield |
(75) |
BA Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
(75) |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Michael Ferris, Sandy Simmons |
Open(7) |
1. Hera, DC Davinci'sWhiteWitchAtHeronendHom, SC, M.& A.Pierotti-Tietje |
R28 |
2. Sahhaar, Arbecca's Sahhaar of Husn, C.Dickerson Kauffman |
21 |
3. Lainey, GCh,DC Aliki's Yada Yada Yada, SC, A.Mirestes/C.Shaw |
14 |
4. Op, GCh Arbeca's Opus For Danzante, D.Nester/J.Stevens |
7 |
N. Kizmet, Ch SunRumbaLifeIsYourGameOfRhythm, SC, K.Stocker |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Roxy, DC HareHill's Slots-A-Fun, FCh,SC, W.& K.Anderson |
B32 |
2. Jerri, DC Aliki's Notanuff Cinnamon Bobka, FCh,SC, C.Shaw/E.Shaw/A.Mirestes |
24 |
3. Brody, DC HareHill's Breaking The Bank, LCM,SC, W.& K.Anderson |
16 |
4. Sailor, Am/Can DC IcyCold Firstmate, LCM6,FChX,SC, Dr.K.Catt |
8 |
N. Autumn, Can Ch Nickeroos Icycold October Road, FCh, Dr.K.Catt |
Veteran(4) |
1. Grant, DC Aliki's Classic Martini, FCh,MC,RN,LCX, E.& C.Shaw |
R16 |
2. Ellie, Can Ch Bramblewood Icy Cold Elegance, LCM,VLCM3,FChX,RChS, K.Catt |
12 |
3. Chili, Special Acre's Luna'sChiliPepper, H.Hamilton |
8 |
4. Sy, Ch Bramblewood's Synergy of Atair, FCh,SC,U-AGI,NAJ, C.Allen/J.Parker |
4 |
SINGLES Judges: Michael Ferris, Sandy Simmons |
Single(1) |
1. Tango, Ch Paradise's No Highland Fling, FCh, C.& D.Durdel/L.Puskas |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Ella, Ella, D.& L.Daubers |
F4 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan |
B16 |
2. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
12 |
3. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan |
8 |
4. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan |
4 |
BORZOI Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich |
Open(1) |
1. Davy, Rose Hill Davy Jones of Runyan, G.Runyan |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(5, 2 NC) |
1. Misty, Windrock Misty, K.& C.Fritzler |
R12 |
2. Mayzie, Windrock Queen of Diamonds, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
9 |
3. Memphis, FC Ivy League He's So Dreamy, SC, J.Gaithe |
6 |
Field Champion(5, 1 NC) |
1. Avatar, Cashel's Avatar Hie, LCM, R.Roder |
B16 |
2. Cheyenne, Windrock Rodeo Queen, K.& C.Fritzler |
12 |
3. Nikki, FC Windrock DM The One And Only, FCh,SC, K. & C.Fritzler |
8 |
4. Talley, Cashel's Talley Ho, LCM,SC, R.Roder |
4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Solstice, FC,Uch Everlasting Tuck Halfmoon, FCh,CGN,NACC,NACM,RChO, H.Minnich |
R4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(2) |
1. Giovanni, Coccolare La Scala Alpha Romeo, J.Schubbuck |
B8 |
2. Nico, Nico, G.Irani |
+6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Cayman, GCh,DC Mia's BakhuRiskyBusinessOfHallam, FCh,SC,RN,HIC,VC, D.& M.Kunard |
B8 |
2. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,OAP,MC,VC,HIC,NJP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion(1) |
1. J.D., Melik Jadhwah, FCh, F.Cassano |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi,, |
8 |
WHIPPET Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion(7) |
1. Serena, FC Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, FCh, L.Rice |
B28 |
2. Kruz, Ch Amberwind Nasusa Must B T'Moon, LCM,SC, P.Sorensen/S.Mallonee |
21 |
3. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
14 |
4. Peppie, Amberwind Hamrya Habanero, FCh,SC, J.& S.Mallonee |
7 |
N. Conall, Finghin's Celtic LegacyOfKirkham, FCh, M.& K.Standerford |
No Best in Field |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Dixie Hirsch |
Open(3) |
1. Sahara, Ch Allagante Sahara Starfyre, SRC,RN,IC,ISWS FCh, K.& J.Hicks |
B12 |
2. Azure, Kristull Azure Twilight Allure, K.& J.Hicks |
9 |
3. Corsair, Firebird's F-86 Sabre Jet, C.& R.Wolpin |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Dior, Ch Allagante Christian Dior, ISWS LCM2,IC,SRC,CGC, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders |
R4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Ella, Tangloor Eleanor of Rubia, C.& R.Wolpin |
R4 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Heather Minnich |
Open(1) |
1. Ella, Ella, D.& L.Daubers |
F4 |
Field Champion(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan |
B24 |
2. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan |
18 |
3. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
12 |
4. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan |
6 |
BASENJI Judges: Frank Cassano, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Gandina, GCh,Ch Taji's Gandina Carnation, FCh,SC, T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell |
B8 |
BORZOI Judges: Deann Britton, Frank Cassano |
Open(3) |
1. Dawn, Silkenswift New Year's Red Dawn, T.Golcher/KC.Thompson |
F12 |
2. Enzo, Zoiboyz Enzo Ferrari, R.Ward/V.Pearson |
9 |
3. Cy, Runyan's Cyclone, G.Runyan |
+6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Eclipse, Zoiboyz Eclipse Of The Heart, FCh, T.Golcher/KCThompson |
B8 |
2. Swann, Rose Hill Swann At Zoiboyz, TT,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Frank Cassano |
Open(7, 1 NQ) |
1. Matt, Cashel's Matterhorn, A.Sheridan |
B28 |
2. Kadie, Cashel's Ketu, A.Sheridan |
21 |
3. Cara, CF Anam Cara, A. Sheridan |
+14 |
4. Anna, Cashel's Anapurna, A.Sheridan |
7 |
N. Rozie, Texas Rose, S.Aberton |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Silky, Cashel's Silk Stockings, A.Sheridan |
R12 |
2. Mickey, CF Micky Flynn, FCh, A.Sheridan |
9 |
3. CJ, FC Windrock Calamity Jane, FCh,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Amber, FC Windrock Candle In The Wind, LCM,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
R4 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Frank Cassano |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Giovanni, Coccolare La Scala Alpha Romeo, J.Schubbuck |
R4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Nico, Nico, G.Irani |
R4 |
No Best of Breed Awarded |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Deann Britton, Frank Cassano |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,OAP,MC,VC,HIC,NJP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Riggs, Lionridge's Dangerous Crosswinds, HIC,SC, P.Olney |
R8 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Kimaya, GCh,DC RidgeView'sSomeKindofWonderfulof, FCh,SC,CGC,HIC, J.Taylor-Cousar |
B16 |
2. Kya, Krystal Jala Jahzara OfLionridge, FCh,RN,SC,HIC,CGC, K.& M.Pierson |
12 |
3. Ziva, Koda's Gypsy Queen of Lionridge, FCh,HIC, P.Olney/A.Caplinger |
8 |
4. Alexa, GCh Lionridge's Alexa By Spurridge, FCh,SC,HIC, P.Olney |
4 |
SALUKI Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Blaze, Timaru Wild Flame, A.& P.Sauve |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Frank Cassano, Gary Runyan |
Open(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi,, |
12 |
WHIPPET Judges: Frank Cassano, Gary Runyan |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Rondo, Bandire's Some Beach, M.Romig/P.McCarver |
R8 |
Field Champion(10, 1 NQ) |
1. Klem, Tru-Luv's Goodnite Mrs Calabash, FCh,CD,RN, M.Rubin/L.Rice |
+B40 |
2. Storme, Riders of the Storme, FCh, J.& S.Krick |
30 |
3. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
20 |
4. Serena, FC Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, FCh, L.Rice |
10 |
N. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen |
No Best in Field |
BASENJI Judges: Doug Berlin, Don Ewing |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Doug Berlin, Don Ewing |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kula, Silkenswift's Cosmic Kula, LCM, F.T.Byrne Jr |
B4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky |
F4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open(5) |
1. Tess, DC Eirian Quintessence, RN,SC,GRC,VC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
+B20 |
2. Aodhan, DC Eirian Youngest Son, SC,RN,GRC,VC,CGC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
15 |
3. Asha, Inishkeen's Tempest Brewing, K.James |
10 |
4. Keegan, DC Eirian's Cool Jazz Running, SC,RN, M.E.Shriver/R.& C.Coen |
5 |
N. Kellen, Eirian's All Jazzed Up, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Colt, Eirians Coltrane Running, FCh, M.E.Shriver |
F4 |
Open(4) |
1. PJ, Benridge's Peace of My Heart, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
B28 |
2. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
12 |
3. Sadie, Mwenje'sJoieDeViveChasingDayligh, Dr M.Curry |
8 |
4. Juno, Kushinda'sBurningNewsThisJustInJ, P.Weiland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
4 |
Field Champion(7) |
1. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
R28 |
2. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
21 |
3. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
14 |
4. Teaka, FC Turoka Pennys Teaka Roo James RL, LCM2, S.James |
7 |
N. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
Veteran(1) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R4 |
SINGLES Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open(2) |
1. Daphne, Freddie'sSweatheartFoundAtBenrid, J.Mann |
8 |
2. Henry, Gaia Henry McLovin O'Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Doug Berlin, Dean Wright |
Open(2) |
1. Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees |
+B24 |
2. Bogie, Terrena's Bogart Mess'nUpTheOats, T.& S.Shuman |
6 |
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM7,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
R24 |
2. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
18 |
3. Riggs, Ch Rigger's Hidden IdentityofMariki, FCh,SC, M.Conta/K.Roberson/M.Wilson |
12 |
4. Layla, FC SDW Kismet Can You Dig It?, LCM,SC, S.& K. Van Voorhees |
6 |
N. Mya, FC SDW Kismet Golden Colors, LCM2,SC, S.& K.Van Voorhees |
Veteran(2) |
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr |
+F8 |
2. Taboo, Cabria's Spell of the Sea, FCh,MC, M.Conta/K.Roberson |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
RR PJ, Benridge's Peace of My Heart, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
BA Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
(72) |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Barbara Allen |
Open(3, 3 NQ, 1 DIS) |
DIS. Corsair, Firebird's F-86 Sabre Jet, C.& R.Wolpin |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Dior, Ch Allagante Christian Dior, ISWS LCM2,IC,SRC,CGC, K.& J.Hicks/P.& K.Sanders |
B4 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
B16 |
2. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan |
12 |
3. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan |
8 |
BASENJI Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Gandina, GCh,Ch Taji's Gandina Carnation, FCh,SC, T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell |
B4 |
BORZOI Judges: Michael Hussey, Heather Minnich |
Open(3) |
1. Dawn, Silkenswift New Year's Red Dawn, T.Golcher/KC.Thompson |
B12 |
2. Davy, Rose Hill Davy Jones of Runyan, G.Runyan |
9 |
3. Enzo, Zoiboyz Enzo Ferrari, R.Ward/V.Pearson |
6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Eclipse, Zoiboyz Eclipse Of The Heart, FCh, T.Golcher/KCThompson |
F12 |
2. Swann, Rose Hill Swann At Zoiboyz, TT,SC, T.Golcher/KC Thompson |
9 |
3. Cy, Runyan's Cyclone, G.Runyan |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(8) |
1. Mayzie, Windrock Queen of Diamonds, S.Aberton/K.Fritzler |
+B32 |
2. Misty, Windrock Misty, K.& C.Fritzler |
24 |
3. Matt, Cashel's Matterhorn, A.Sheridan |
16 |
4. Anna, Cashel's Anapurna, A.Sheridan |
8 |
N. Kadie, Cashel's Ketu, A.Sheridan |
Field Champion(7) |
1. Silky, Cashel's Silk Stockings, A.Sheridan |
R28 |
2. Cheyenne, Windrock Rodeo Queen, K.& C.Fritzler |
21 |
3. Nikki, FC Windrock DM The One And Only, FCh,SC, K. & C.Fritzler |
14 |
4. Cara, CF Anam Cara, A. Sheridan |
7 |
N. Avatar, Cashel's Avatar Hie, LCM, R.Roder |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Amber, FC Windrock Candle In The Wind, LCM,SC, K.& C.Fritzler |
R8 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Carmen, Red Sky Seora Carmella, L.Capritta |
B8 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Giovanni, Coccolare La Scala Alpha Romeo, J.Schubbuck |
F4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Nico, Nico, G.Irani |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kaba, DC Naha Atomic Blond Revival, LCM,RN,OAP,MC,VC,HIC,NJP, D.& M.Kunard/C.Davis |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(2) |
1. Spring, Lionridge'sGeminiSpringOfNomad's, RA, L.Clark/P.Olney |
B8 |
2. Riggs, Lionridge's Dangerous Crosswinds, HIC,SC, P.Olney |
+6 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Kimaya, GCh,DC RidgeView'sSomeKindofWonderfulof, FCh,SC,CGC,HIC, J.Taylor-Cousar |
F12 |
2. Ziva, Koda's Gypsy Queen of Lionridge, FCh,HIC, P.Olney/A.Caplinger |
9 |
3. Alexa, GCh Lionridge's Alexa By Spurridge, FCh,SC,HIC, P.Olney |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Blaze, Timaru Wild Flame, A.& P.Sauve |
R4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. J.D., Melik Jadhwah, FCh, F.Cassano |
B4 |
SINGLES Judges: Michael Hussey, Gary Runyan |
Open(1) |
1. Ibi, Kamaraj Achilles Ibi,, |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Heather Minnich, Gary Runyan |
Open(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Lark, Chapleton's Little Wing, RN,BN,CD, L.Pocurull/D.Langford |
+R16 |
2. Buckaroo, Hamrya's Buckaroo Bonzai, D.Lynch |
12 |
3. Rondo, Bandire's Some Beach, M.Romig/P.McCarver |
8 |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Serena, FC Tru-Luv's Serena Wilyawin, FCh, L.Rice |
B32 |
2. Klem, Tru-Luv's Goodnite Mrs Calabash, FCh,CD,RN, M.Rubin/L.Rice |
24 |
3. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
16 |
4. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen |
8 |
N. Kruz, Ch Amberwind Nasusa Must B T'Moon, LCM,SC, P.Sorensen/S.Mallonee |
No Best in Field |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Denise Eberhard |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Siris, UKC GRCH,DC Paradise Coast's Glory of Osiris, FCh,SC, S.& J.McDermott/R.Nash |
B |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Shannon McDermoltt |
Open(4) |
2. Khaleesi, TerraChrista'sKhaleesiDragonByKe, A.Thomas |
1. Diva, Kengali's Matahari Diamond Diva, G.Merchant/G.Brown |
R |
3. Riffe, FC Terra Christa's Riffe Octavian, SC, A.Thomas/R.Johnson |
4. Zane, GCh TerraChrista'sShockNAwesomeZane, SC, R.Johnson/A.Thomas |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso |
B |
2. Bindi, GCh RegalTolerton'sLuminaraUnduliFor, SC, D.Eberhard/M.Coughlin |
SINGLES Judge: Shannon McDermoltt |
Open(6, 3 NQ) |
1. Lola, HH Lola Granola, M.E.Robin Barry |
2. Mhondi, Crestridge's Mhondi Murranga,, |
3. Evan, HH Heartland Heavenly Ham, M.E.R.Barry |
WHIPPET Judge: Shannon McDermoltt |
Open(1) |
1. Jay-Z, HH Heartland Jaguar XKE, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/V.Garcia |
B |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Shannon McDermoltt |
WH Jay-Z, HH Heartland Jaguar XKE, M.E.R.Barry/V.Smith/V.Garcia |
RR Zuri, UKC Ch, Int'l Ch,FC Zuri's Ropasa Escapade, FCh,CGC,SC, R.Sasso |
(75) |
BASENJI Judges: Doug Berlin, Dean Wright |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B16 |
2. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM2,SC, J.Brader |
12 |
3. Winter, New World Baridi Ngano, J.Brader |
8 |
4. Bob Marley, Thor's Bob Marley, SC, J.Brader |
4 |
BORZOI Judges: Doug Berlin, Dean Wright |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Kula, Silkenswift's Cosmic Kula, LCM, F.T.Byrne Jr |
B8 |
2. Zoom Zoom, DC Gladkii Veter N' Vision Alissa, FCh,SC,MC, H.VanVliet/R.Silguero |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Bug, DC Vento Danza Austri, LCM,SC,MC,LCX, R.Silguero/C.Judd |
F4 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Dean Wright |
Open(1) |
1. Hana, Cy'Era Hana, L.Sorenson/L.Prieto |
B4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Cassie, Celeste's Dark Energy, FCh,SC, C.Mulcrone |
B4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Matt, FC Caeles H Yeah, FCh,MC,JOR,LCX,GRC, C.Mulcrone |
R4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open(4) |
1. Juno, Kushinda'sBurningNewsThisJustInJ, P.Weiland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
B36 |
2. Chrissy, FC Benridge Aces My Heart, SC, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
12 |
3. PJ, Benridge's Peace of My Heart, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
8 |
4. Sadie, Mwenje'sJoieDeViveChasingDayligh, Dr M.Curry |
4 |
Field Champion(9) |
1. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
R36 |
2. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
27 |
3. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
18 |
4. Teaka, FC Turoka Pennys Teaka Roo James RL, LCM2, S.James |
9 |
N. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
Veteran(1) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R4 |
SALUKI Judge: Bob Marciszewski |
Open(1) |
1. Wonder, Solari Antara Ta Wonderful One, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
B8 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Rina, Ch Sedeki Rinah At Gwynedd, FCh, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
R8 |
2. Flame, DC/Can Ch Windstorm Shalom Afterburner, FCh,VFCh,RE,SGRC3,ORC,CD, Fisher/Schwartz/White/Helder |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1) |
1. Henry, Gaia Henry McLovin O'Benridge, J.Cramer/D.Berlin |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Doug Berlin, Bob Marciszewski |
Open(3) |
1. Smarty, Ch Bandire's Smart RemarkAtSeaspell, SC, M.& R.Conta |
B24 |
2. (Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees) |
3. Bomber, Ch Surrey Hill U Sunk My Battleship, K.Lee/C.Bowers/L.Anichini |
+6 |
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
R24 |
2. JuJu, T'Daz Shaman: The Moon (Dance), FCh,SC, B.A.Haner |
18 |
3. Mya, FC SDW Kismet Golden Colors, LCM2,SC, S.& K.Van Voorhees |
12 |
4. Layla, FC SDW Kismet Can You Dig It?, LCM,SC, S.& K. Van Voorhees |
6 |
N. Augie, Ch MarinerDiablesseICan'tBelieveIts, FCh, K.Fredericks/K.Lee/L.Anichini |
Veteran(2) |
1. Whir, FC Carbeth Wandering Whirligig, LCM,VFCh,SC, B.A.Haner/C.Kirchner |
R8 |
2. Taboo, Cabria's Spell of the Sea, FCh,MC, M.Conta/K.Roberson |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Doug Berlin, Bob Marciszewski |
WH Smarty, Ch Bandire's Smart RemarkAtSeaspell, SC, M.& R.Conta |
RR Juno, Kushinda'sBurningNewsThisJustInJ, P.Weiland/Dr.Hefner/K.&K.Hefner |
(148) |
BA Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
(148) |
IG Cassie, Celeste's Dark Energy, FCh,SC, C.Mulcrone |
(145) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Dean Wright |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Dean Wright |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Dean Wright |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Dean Wright |
Open(1) |
1. Sadie, Raindance Shot Thru The Heart, C.James/P.& R.Klinger Jr |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Kathy Sanders, Dean Wright |
Open(3) |
1. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
R12 |
2. Jack, Hallam's Jusst Jack of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
9 |
3. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Arolet, D.Carota/Dr.S.Sipperly |
6 |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
B20 |
2. Senna, DC Hallams Imola's Ghost, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile/Carota/Sipperly |
15 |
3. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth |
10 |
4. Juno, Hallam's Juno of Arolet, SC, J.& D.Woodruff |
5 |
N. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth |
Veteran(3) |
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
R12 |
2. Blaise, FC Bija A Blaise in Texas, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile |
9 |
3. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Kathy Sanders, Richard Whritenour |
Open(2) |
1. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
B8 |
2. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, E.Johnston |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Rina, Ch Sedeki Rinah At Gwynedd, FCh, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
F4 |
SINGLES Judge: Kathy Sanders |
Open(4) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
16 |
2. Hunter, Ch Hallam's Heir Apparent, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
12 |
3. Titan, Ch Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-E-Brod, SC,FCh, B.& M.Brodeur |
8 |
4. Anna, Whispers Anna, J.Beck/P.Munikhuysen |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Kathy Sanders, Dean Wright |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman |
F20 |
2. Brando, Ch Abbey Chiaroscuro, J.Hopfenbeck |
+15 |
3. Grayson, FC Pipers Boy Wonder Ex Post Facto, MC, S.Miller |
10 |
4. Angel, Equiss Jezebelle's Angel, C.& G.Pazian/C.Williams |
5 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman |
B12 |
2. Tucker, Kindred's Just A Casanova, FCh,SC, M.Barrett |
9 |
3. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Richard Whritenour, Dean Wright |
PH Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
AZ Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
(146) |
BA Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
(145) |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(2) |
1. Dalton, CH Chaos Dalton At El Zagel, B.Schulz/K.Bruggeman |
+B8 |
2. Marta, Imladdris Elanor of Bhagendd, C.Dunahey/S.Williams |
6 |
Field Champion(1, 1 NC) |
1. Freyja, Flutesong's She's Everything, D.& T.Magnan |
B |
2. Osiris, Flutesong's Day Tripper, FCh, D.& T.Magnan |
GREYHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
B8 |
2. Alice, Bruska Alice, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Veteran(1) |
1. Dude, Wirtu's Norcal Dude in Eden, S.& R.Bonner |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter |
B8 |
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, A.Matter/L.Hennen |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(3) |
1. Kuumba, AlpineRidgeRooi-KuumbaOfJabulani, S.Terasek |
+R12 |
2. Sunny, AlpineRidgeSilverSunDogOfJabulan, S.Aplikowski |
9 |
3. Valor, GCh Azize's Purple Heart, SC, T.& W.Olson |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson |
B12 |
SALUKI Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1) |
1. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Kirby Overcash |
Open(15, 1 NQ) |
1. Cora, Altnamara'sCorum'sDiamond Rocket, J.Mandel |
40 |
2. Max, Dashing Hells Belles, J.& B.Johnson |
30 |
3. Nova, R Star Supernova, D.& E.Contois |
20 |
4. Lady Jane, Mallyfield Lady Jane,, M.Huff |
10 |
N. Windstar, Atallah's Windstar, C.Sayer/J.Treuschel |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1) |
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach |
B4 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach |
F8 |
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(8) |
1. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
R32 |
2. Ants, Fanfare's Annie Get Your Gun, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
24 |
3. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B Beary Bright, D.Duffert |
16 |
4. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner |
8 |
N. Bill, Northwind's Norman Conquest, P.Davidson/K.Nierengarten |
Field Champion(14, 1 NQ, 1 NC) |
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert |
B40 |
2. William, AffinityComingRoundTheMountain, FCh, C.& A.Rogers/C.Juelfs/O.Green |
30 |
3. Tosca, Longruns Stay Awhile At Windrose, FCh, S.Nelson/S.Kirkham |
20 |
4. Quincy, Tru-Luv Heart's Nouveau, FCh, K.& L.Loeffler |
10 |
N. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen |
Veteran(5) |
1. Al, Halmarque Go Ask Alice, LCM6,VFCh,OTRM,CGC, A.Whitney |
F20 |
2. Asher, Tru-Luv Ascher, FCh, G.& C.Czupka |
15 |
3. Echo, Northwind's Echo of Poetry, FCh, K.Nierengarten |
10 |
4. Josie, Ch Dashing Shady Lady, FCh, B.& J.Johnson/D.& G.Samuelson |
5 |
N. Guido, Shamasan After Midnight, FCh,CGC,OTRM,CRX, A.Whitney/S.Lund |
BEST IN FIELD Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
RR Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson |
IB Dude, Wirtu's Norcal Dude in Eden, S.& R.Bonner |
(152, 149) |
SA Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti |
(150) |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
AZAWAKH Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1) |
1. Scout, Ettebel Arawan, E.MacMillan |
F4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ahzi, Al Haras Wingo, FCh, E.MacMillan |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1) |
1. Denver, SouthHouseEchelonDenverDebonnair, H.& T.O'Neal |
B4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Lola, Griffin's Lola Rennt, FCh, A.Beishline/C.Squires |
F4 |
BORZOI Judges: Don Ewing, Don White |
Open(2) |
1. Marie, DC Tatezi Absolutely Sweet Marie, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn |
F8 |
2. Henry, Tatezi Love Henry, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Danica, DC TeineZharkovBrambleRoadToFaerie, FCh,GRC,SC, D.Ferris |
B8 |
2. Kula, Silkenswift's Cosmic Kula, LCM, F.T.Byrne Jr |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Don White |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Chance, Pat Murphy, C.Thibodeau |
B8 |
2. Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(1) |
1. Frankie, Bramblewood's Franken Beezer, D.Borkowski/J.Parker |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Don Ewing |
Open(3) |
1. Dutch, Ch Rare Earth's Outer Limits, L.& L.Andrews |
R12 |
2. Dino, DC Pegasus That's Amore, RN,SC,CGC, D.& K.Tresselt |
9 |
3. Gabe, Mystic Isle's Sire GabeByUbaTuba, SC, C.& D.Pike/J.Arvin |
6 |
Field Champion(6) |
1. Betty, Akanni's The Third Wish, A.Balthrop/H.Goudy |
B24 |
2. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
18 |
3. Karri, GCh,DC Windancer's Heart of Gold, SC,BN, S.Biedermann/J.Schindler-Horvat |
12 |
4. Pepsi, Rare Earth Gotta Have It, FCh,SC,CGC, D.Knoth |
6 |
N. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen |
Veteran(1) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Don White |
Open(1) |
1. Mars, Windrush Duodecuple Mars, J.& K.Lipps |
F4 |
Field Champion(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
B20 |
2. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
15 |
3. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps |
10 |
4. Einstein, DC OdiEtAmoEinsteinWindrushElessar, LCM2,SC,LCX, K.& J.Lipps/L.S.Flynn |
5 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Grace, Odi Et Amo Amazin Grace Elessar, W.Flynn Jr/S.Rooney-Flynn/Jswick |
F4 |
SINGLES Judge: Don Ewing |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Taz, Sanrose Tazmania Twister, B.Keeton |
20 |
2. Trinity, O'Neal's Foxxy Trinity, H.& T.O'Neal |
15 |
3. Smuggler, Diamond's Ice Heist, K.Sutlff |
10 |
4. Callie, FC Lothlorien's Kahlua N Cream, FCh,SC,TT, C.Squires/C.Cooper |
5 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
Open(6) |
1. Vixen, Springlane's Flying Vixen, T.Timm-Miller |
B24 |
2. Dasher, Springlane's Magical Dasher, J.Miller/T.Timm-Miller |
18 |
3. Sweet Pea, Springlane's Sweet Pea, T.Timm-Miller |
12 |
4. Prancer, Springlane's Magical Prancer, T.Timm-Miller |
6 |
N. Aspen, SpringLane's Aspen, T.Timm-Miller |
WHIPPET Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Don Ewing |
Open(9) |
1. Ripple, Missjiffs Ripple Effect of PSF, B.Klonowski/M.Johnny |
F36 |
2. Pietros, Shannon Down Fully Loaded, OTR, L.Keyser |
+27 |
3. Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani |
18 |
4. Zippy, KLH Zipporah, R.& M.Spurbeck |
9 |
N. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM |
Field Champion(16, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
B40 |
2. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
30 |
3. Catori, FC Tadita Written In The Stars, LCM7,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
20 |
4. Denali, Resilience High Altitude, FCh, L.Keyser |
10 |
N. Sparty, KLH Spartacus Go Green, R.& M.Spurbeck |
DIS. Jasper, Ammardan Jasper, FCh, D.& E.Borkowski |
Veteran(2) |
1. Carina, FC Imani Shooting Star, LCM9,VFCh,SC,CR,NA,NAJ, M.& J. Libersher |
R8 |
2. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr |
6 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Don Ewing |
RR Betty, Akanni's The Third Wish, A.Balthrop/H.Goudy |
GH Chance, Pat Murphy, C.Thibodeau |
(74) |
AZAWAKH Judges: Kathy Sanders, Richard Whritenour |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B4 |
BORZOI Judge: Richard Whritenour |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
GREYHOUND Judges: Donna Miner, Richard Whritenour |
Open(1) |
1. Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Donna Miner, Kathy Sanders |
Open(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Arolet, D.Carota/Dr.S.Sipperly |
B20 |
2. Jules, Hallam's Jules of Arolet, Dr.S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
12 |
3. Kai, Farao Anubis Imperator, D.Carota/S.Sipperly |
8 |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Bajja, Hallam's Zafis J'Bajja of Arolet, FCh, J.Butterworth/Carota/Dr.Sipperly |
R20 |
2. Juno, Hallam's Juno of Arolet, SC, J.& D.Woodruff |
15 |
3. Senna, DC Hallams Imola's Ghost, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile/Carota/Sipperly |
10 |
4. Dinja, DC Zafis Dinja, LCM3,SC,LCX,MC, J.Butterworth |
5 |
N. Rih, DC Zafis Rih, LCM2,SC,MC, J.Butterworth |
Veteran(3) |
1. Violet, NFC,DC Hallam's Essence of Violet, FCh,VFCh,MC,LCX5, Dr S.Sipperly/D.Carota |
R12 |
2. Sultan, DC Kamaraj Kamosultan Th-E-Brod, LCM,VFCh,MC,GRC,JOR,LCX, B.& M.Brodeur |
9 |
3. Blaise, FC Bija A Blaise in Texas, FCh,SC, J.& D.Gentile |
6 |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
SALUKI Judges: Donna Miner, Dean Wright |
Open(3) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
B12 |
2. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
9 |
3. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, E.Johnston |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Rina, Ch Sedeki Rinah At Gwynedd, FCh, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
F4 |
SINGLES Judge: Donna Miner |
Open(2) |
1. Titan, Ch Kamaraj Achilles Titan Th-E-Brod, SC,FCh, B.& M.Brodeur |
8 |
2. Anna, Whispers Anna, J.Beck/P.Munikhuysen |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Donna Miner, Dean Wright |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Angel, Equiss Jezebelle's Angel, C.& G.Pazian/C.Williams |
R20 |
2. Dash, Merci Isle Tasmanica, S.& J.Andres/I.Kimmelman |
15 |
3. Likely, Ch Hound Hill Quite Likely, SC, C.Miller |
10 |
4. Grayson, FC Pipers Boy Wonder Ex Post Facto, MC, S.Miller |
5 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Tucker, Kindred's Just A Casanova, FCh,SC, M.Barrett |
B20 |
2. Tobias, Ch Hound Hill Tobias, FCh,SC, C.Miller |
12 |
3. Miles, Whisper'sMilesNaismithVorkosigan, FCh, T.Torrey/P.Munnikhuysen |
8 |
4. Kestrel, Merci Isle Revelation, FCh, J. & S.Andres/I.Kimmelman |
4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Elise, FC Stormwind's Lotus Elise, FCh,SC,CR, D.Como |
F4 |
BEST IN FIELD Judge: Richard Whritenour |
WH Tucker, Kindred's Just A Casanova, FCh,SC, M.Barrett |
PH Jordan, Ch Hallam's Jordan of Arolet, D.Carota/Dr.S.Sipperly |
(70) |
GH Oliver, Oliver, H.Schwafel |
(69) |
BA Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
(68) |
AZ Ayur-I'kmer, Ayur-Ikmer Idiiyat-Es-Sahel, FCh, J.Butterworth |
(67) |
GREYHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter |
B8 |
2. Berry, Matter's Strawberry Wine WMPM, A.Matter/L.Hennen |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(3) |
1. (Kuumba, AlpineRidgeRooi-KuumbaOfJabulani, S.Terasek) |
2. Hannah, Aenzi's Future Classic, C.& S.Husten |
9 |
3. Valor, GCh Azize's Purple Heart, SC, T.& W.Olson |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Vicky, GCh,DC,U-Ch Azize's Queen VictoriaOfDiamonds, SC, T.& W.Olson |
B12 |
SALUKI Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1) |
1. Lance, Windbourne Levanto Lancer, J.Colletti |
B4 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1) |
1. Cora, Altnamara'sCorum'sDiamondRocket, J.Mandel |
B4 |
SINGLES Judge: Claudia Miller |
Open(11, 1 NQ) |
1. Amber, Atlas Vale of White Horse, M.,T. & K.Weigel |
40 |
2. Lady Jane, Mallyfield Lady Jane,, M.Huff |
30 |
3. Misha, Windbourne Michabo Misha, J.Colletti |
20 |
4. Rosie, Kwetu's Dusty Rose,, K.Peterson/B.Sawyer-Brown |
10 |
N. Avalon, Saratoga Syncopation, LCM2, C.& B.Brooks/R.Corley |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(1) |
1. Alex, Velichestvo Aleksandrovich, M.& K.Leach |
F4 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Czar, Kristull Jaromir, ISWS FCh, M.& K.Leach |
B8 |
2. Sasha, Kristull Arcadia By Tangaloor, M.& K.Leach |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Claudia Miller, Kirby Overcash |
Open(8) |
1. Ants, Fanfare's Annie Get Your Gun, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
B40 |
2. Hazel, Cogshall Hazel B Beary Bright, D.Duffert |
24 |
3. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
16 |
4. Levi, CogshallFly'nBearLeav'emInTheDus, D.Duffert |
8 |
N. Niko, RK Niko Too, R.Koerner |
Field Champion(10) |
1. Stryker, Finghin Owrun's Noisy Cricket, LCM, D.Duffert |
R40 |
2. Lucy, Isen Dancing Dot, FCh,SC, T.Borland/M.O'Neill |
30 |
3. Linus, Affinity Rock Island Line, FCh, G.& C.Czupka |
20 |
4. Bailey, Angel Speed Bailey, LCM,SC, P.Borland/D.Neilsen |
10 |
N. Jamie, Affinity Orange Blossom Special, FCh,ARX, J.Morris/C.Rogers |
Veteran(2) |
1. Al, Halmarque Go Ask Alice, LCM6,VFCh,OTRM,CGC, A.Whitney |
F8 |
2. Asher, Tru-Luv Ascher, FCh, G.& C.Czupka |
6 |
No Best in Field |
AZAWAKH Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Ahzi, Al Haras Wingo, FCh, E.MacMillan |
B4 |
BASENJI Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
BORZOI Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Don White |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Marie, DC Tatezi Absolutely Sweet Marie, SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn |
+F8 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Danica, DC TeineZharkovBrambleRoadToFaerie, FCh,GRC,SC, D.Ferris |
B12 |
2. Bunnie, FC Tatezi Nashville Skyline Rag, FCh,SC, S.Gresser-Kuhn |
9 |
3. Kula, Silkenswift's Cosmic Kula, LCM, F.T.Byrne Jr |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Don Ewing |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Jack, DM Union Jack, FCh, K.& W.Johnson |
B8 |
2. Chance, Pat Murphy, C.Thibodeau |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judges: Beverly DeQuinze, Don White |
Open(1) |
1. Frankie, Bramblewood's Franken Beezer, D.Borkowski/J.Parker |
B4 |
Open(4) |
1. Dino, DC Pegasus That's Amore, RN,SC,CGC, D.& K.Tresselt |
+F16 |
2. Kyra, Ch Umtali's Country Bumokin, MC,CGC,TT,TDI, N.Rich DVM/B.Maxie RVT |
12 |
3. Gabe, Mystic Isle's Sire GabeByUbaTuba, SC, C.& D.Pike/J.Arvin |
8 |
4. Dutch, Ch Rare Earth's Outer Limits, L.& L.Andrews |
4 |
Field Champion(6) |
1. Denali, Whispers Denali, LCM, D.Dieckman/P.Munnikhuysen |
R24 |
2. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
18 |
3. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, SC, J.Teamer |
12 |
4. Betty, Akanni's The Third Wish, A.Balthrop/H.Goudy |
6 |
N. Karri, GCh,DC Windancer's Heart of Gold, SC,BN, S.Biedermann/J.Schindler-Horvat |
Veteran(2) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
B24 |
2. Meisie, Assegai Spellbound at Kimberrod, SC,CGC,TT, G.Kytta |
6 |
SALUKI Judges: Don Ewing, Don White |
Open(1) |
1. Mars, Windrush Duodecuple Mars, J.& K.Lipps |
F4 |
Field Champion(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B20 |
2. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps |
15 |
3. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
10 |
SINGLES Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
Open(5, 2 NQ) |
1. Trinity, O'Neal's Foxxy Trinity, H.& T.O'Neal |
20 |
2. Taz, Sanrose Tazmania Twister, B.Keeton |
15 |
3. Ariel, GCh,DC,CanCh Diamond's Ariel of La Crème, FCh,LCX9,MC,TT,CGC, Dr.D.& V.O'Neill |
10 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Don White |
Open(6) |
1. Prancer, Springlane's Magical Prancer, T.Timm-Miller |
B24 |
2. Sweet Pea, Springlane's Sweet Pea, T.Timm-Miller |
18 |
3. Aspen, SpringLane's Aspen, T.Timm-Miller |
12 |
4. Vixen, Springlane's Flying Vixen, T.Timm-Miller |
6 |
N. Dash, Springlane Silverstreak O'rr, T.Timm-Miller |
WHIPPET Judge: Beverly DeQuinze |
Open(7) |
1. Ripple, Missjiffs Ripple Effect of PSF, B.Klonowski/M.Johnny |
B40 |
2. Gadget, Reslience High Tech, Parravani/Mccurry/English DVM |
21 |
3. Beemer, Resilience High Dollar, D.& L.Parravamt/D.& L.Parravani |
14 |
4. Brodie, Wildwood'sBlazingDiamondInTheNig, V.Roll/K.Powrozek |
7 |
N. Bo, Charmed Village Bo-BersBorkowski, D.& E.Borkowski |
Field Champion(16, 2 NQ) |
1. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
R40 |
2. Catori, FC Tadita Written In The Stars, LCM7,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
+30 |
3. Pietros, Shannon Down Fully Loaded, OTR, L.Keyser |
20 |
4. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
10 |
N. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
Veteran(1) |
1. Carina, FC Imani Shooting Star, LCM9,VFCh,SC,CR,NA,NAJ, M.& J. Libersher |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Renate Roder |
Open(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Chloe, WyomingSagebrushChloeOfShiningMo, D.Spelts |
F8 |
Field Champion(4) |
1. Autumn, Cameo Rah-Wynd Indian Summer, LCM,JOR, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan/D.Britton |
B16 |
2. Casper, Cameo's Friendly Ghost, LCM2,GRC, C.Sullivan |
12 |
3. Tariq, Cameo Rahwynd Chasing A Ghost, LCM,JOR,GRC, D.Britton/C.Sullivan |
8 |
4. Milo, Cameo Ghostbuster At El Zagel, B.Schulz/C.Sullivan |
4 |
BORZOI Judges: Frank Cassano, Renate Roder |
Open(3, 1 NQ, 1 DIS) |
1. Rais, Horse And Hound Rais Tip, S.K.Foushee |
B12 |
2. Diamond, Elfhaven Diamondback, C.Bens/M.Cecil |
9 |
DIS. Kitty, Elfhaven Sidewinder, C.Bens/M.Cecil |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Renate Roder |
Open(1) |
1. Enzo, Alfheim's I Want To Believe, G.Iraini |
R4 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Toby, FC Elmars Bayou Fast Dobmann, LCM,MC,LCX,GRC, E.& K.McNamee |
R8 |
2. Nico, Nico, RE,SC,OA,OAJ,NF, G.Irani |
6 |
No Best of Breed Awarded |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Frank Cassano, Renate Roder |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Marigold, DC Tralen's Merry Gold Purl, FCh,GRC,SC, T.& L.Luty |
B4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Frank Cassano, Renate Roder |
Open(5, 1 NQ) |
1. Buckaroo, Hamrya's Buckaroo Bonzai, D.Lynch |
B20 |
2. Andy, Arwen Time Bandit, S.Seay/L.Donohoe |
15 |
3. Horatio, Quixand Lyth Horatio, L.Sanders |
10 |
4. Zorro, Lyth Boyero, SC, A.Cecil |
5 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Kruz, Ch Amberwind Nasusa Must B T'Moon, LCM,SC, P.Sorensen/S.Mallonee |
F12 |
2. Storme, Riders of the Storme, FCh, J.& S.Krick |
9 |
3. Peppie, Amberwind Hamrya Habanero, FCh,SC, J.& S.Mallonee |
6 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Dustin, GCh,DC Marah-Yantra Little Big Man, FCh,SC, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/M.Forrester |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(2) |
1. Rocky, Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa, SGRC6, K.Ladrick |
R8 |
2. Tutu, FC Apu Pi De Deux, SC,SGRC,ORC, K.Christensen/S.Marsicano |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B8 |
BORZOI Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Dillon, FC Zoiboyz Dillon Ex Libris, FCh,SC, DrG.Thiele/C.D.Greene/C.Brettell |
B8 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Serrano, FC Aria Svora Serrano Ex Libris, LCM,MC,LCX,CGC, Dr. G.L.Thiele/C.D.Greene |
R8 |
2. Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky |
6 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jaimee, Spirit of Wheeling, FCh, K.DeNigris |
B4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Branna, Miss Tootsie Roll, FCh, K.DeNigris |
F4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(2) |
1. Oskar, Mouzeiou Littleluv Oskar, D.Ross/L.Mousios |
B8 |
2. Gemma, FC Mouzeiov Gemma D'Littleluv, SC, D.Ross |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(2) |
1. Asha, Inishkeen's Tempest Brewing, K.James |
F8 |
2. Aodhan, DC Eirian Youngest Son, SC,RN,GRC,VC,CGC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
6 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Tess, DC Eirian Quintessence, RN,SC,GRC,VC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(1) |
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni |
B4 |
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(1) |
1. Mazie, FC Mwenje's Hit The Ground Running, SC, E.& J.Straehle |
B20 |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, FCh,SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
R20 |
2. Voodoo, DC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
15 |
3. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, FCh,SC, J.Teamer |
10 |
4. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
5 |
N. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
Veteran(1) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(4, 1 NQ, 1 DQ) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
F16 |
2. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
12 |
3. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, SC, E.Johnston |
8 |
DQ. Wonder, Solari Antara Ta Wonderful One, M.C.Fisher/T.Schwartz |
Field Champion(6, 1 NQ) |
1. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B24 |
2. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
18 |
3. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
12 |
4. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
N. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps |
Veteran(1) |
1. Rina, Ch Sedeki Rinah At Gwynedd, FCh, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
F4 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(1) |
1. Saoirse, FC Cu Liath Ravenna, SC, L.Morgan |
R4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Espresso, Altnamara's Triple Espresso, FCh, L.& N.Madden |
B4 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(3) |
1. Hudson, Fantasy Farms Puccini, C.Hayes |
B12 |
2. Athena, Windspirit Athena, S.& B.Coppede |
9 |
3. Sunny D, Windnsatin Cruisin' Thru Life, L.E.Kohler |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(1) |
1. Drusy, FC Deerpath Dreamy Drusy, SC, N.Jorczak |
B40 |
Field Champion(10) |
1. Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees |
R40 |
2. Hydrox, FC Shine WGASA Hydrox Ltd Edition, LCM8,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
30 |
3. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann |
20 |
4. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
10 |
N. Biscotti, Shine WGASA Almond Biscotti, FCh, L.McMullin/S.Stretz |
Veteran(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr |
R16 |
2. Raven, FC WGASA's Lil Black Streak, LCM2,SC, K.DeNigris |
12 |
3. Duncan, Pixel's Paparazzi of Shaldra, K.DeNigris |
8 |
No Best in Field |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Open(2, 2 NQ) |
Field Champion(3, 1 NQ) |
1. Promise, UKC Ch,FC Twyshire Love By Promise, FCh,SC, N.Mayfield |
B12 |
2. Rhett, FC Twyshire Satin Chase, FCh,SC,GRC, N.Mayfield |
9 |
BASENJI Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert |
F8 |
2. Nate, Ch Jadaka National Security, FCh, D.& J.Kahl |
6 |
Veteran(2) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
B8 |
2. Bisa, Khamisin Imani Our Bisa Zanta, FCh,SC,GRC,ORC, T.Colbert/R.Robinette |
6 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Calista, Hadranensis Calista, LCM, T.White/M.L.Prieto |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Alice, Bruska Alice, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
B8 |
2. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
6 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Veteran(1) |
1. Dude, Wirtu's Norcal Dude in Eden, S.& R.Bonner |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Bugatti, Bugatti, FCh, H.Nissen |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Open(1, 1 NQ, 1 DQ) |
DQ. Carrick, Prairie Creek CarrickfergusOrion, J.Schade/M.G.Brown/C.Smalley |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Odie, Stoneybrook Odin of Harmony, FCh, K.Oliver/M.Cherry |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
Open(2) |
1. Euro, Ch Oluchi Legend Has It, RN, T.Ragatz/M.Alonso |
F8 |
2. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
B8 |
2. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Savvy, FC UzuriJubaleeXclusivelyTaylormade, LCM3,VFCh,SC,CD,RN,HIC, B.& T.Moodhart |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
B12 |
2. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
9 |
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
6 |
SINGLES Judge: Will Martens |
Open(6, 2 NQ) |
1. Ellie, Dakotah's Chantellie Lace,, T.& L.Lemberger |
24 |
2. Max, ElanSebringMaximillionOfPam-Mel,, P.& M.Hewitt |
18 |
3. Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner |
12 |
4. Zeke, Ch Hacker's Hyde And Zeke,, T.& L.Lemberger |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Judy Jazdzyk, Will Martens |
Open(5) |
1. Boost, Shannon Down Warrior Dearmwalker, B.& H.Nissen |
F20 |
2. Ants, Fanfare's Annie Get Your Gun, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
15 |
3. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
10 |
4. Sparrow, Fallowfield Learnin To Fly, S.Kirkham/C.Brunkow DVM |
5 |
N. Gene, Comets Fallowfld Walk The Walk, SC, C.Brunkow |
Field Champion(8, 1 NQ) |
1. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
+B30 |
2. Catori, FC Tadita Written In The Stars, LCM7,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
24 |
3. Essence, Shannon Down Flushed Away, FCh, H.& B.Nissen Jr |
16 |
4. Nado, FC Tadita Born To Run, LCM3,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
8 |
N. Murcielago, Annadar's Look At Me V SDW, FCh, H.& B.Nissen Jr |
Veteran(1) |
1. Carina, FC Imani Shooting Star, LCM9,VFCh,SC,CR,NA,NAJ, M.& J. Libersher |
F4 |
No Best in Field |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Amy Balthrop, Lee Warden |
Open(2, 2 NQ) |
Field Champion(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Toby, FC Elmars Bayou Fast Dobmann, LCM,MC,LCX,GRC, E.& K.McNamee |
R16 |
2. Tag, Tag, You're It, FCh, A.Matter |
12 |
3. Cassie, Celeste's Dark Energy, FCh,SC, C.Mulcrone |
8 |
Veteran(3, 2 NQ) |
1. Daron, Daron, FCh, S.Ostrander |
B16 |
AFGHAN HOUND Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Dustin, GCh,DC Marah-Yantra Little Big Man, FCh,SC, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/M.Forrester |
B4 |
BASENJI Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(1) |
1. Rocky, Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa, SGRC6, K.Ladrick |
R4 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
B12 |
2. Winter, New World Baridi Ngano, J.Brader |
9 |
3. Merlin, FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM2,SC, J.Brader |
6 |
BORZOI Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Veteran(1) |
1. Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Jaimee, Spirit of Wheeling, FCh, K.DeNigris |
B4 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Branna, Miss Tootsie Roll, FCh, K.DeNigris |
+F4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judges: Jeffrey Bedrick, Paul Kytta II |
Open(2) |
1. Oskar, Mouzeiou Littleluv Oskar, D.Ross/L.Mousios |
B8 |
2. Gemma, FC Mouzeiov Gemma D'Littleluv, SC, D.Ross |
6 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(3) |
1. Aodhan, DC Eirian Youngest Son, SC,RN,GRC,VC,CGC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
F12 |
2. Keegan, DC Eirian's Cool Jazz Running, SC,RN, M.E.Shriver/R.& C.Coen |
9 |
3. Asha, Inishkeen's Tempest Brewing, K.James |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Tess, DC Eirian Quintessence, RN,SC,GRC,VC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
B8 |
2. Colt, Eirians Coltrane Running, FCh, M.E.Shriver |
6 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(1) |
1. Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni |
B4 |
PORTUGUESE PODENGO Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Limited(1) |
1. Bella, Belle Chance, RA,BN,SC,CA,CD,CGC, J.Miller |
4 |
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
Open(1) |
1. Mazie, FC Mwenje's Hit The Ground Running, SC, E.& J.Straehle |
B20 |
Field Champion(5) |
1. Voodoo, FC Highveld's Black Magic OfImarika, LCM,SC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R20 |
2. Rusty, FC Mystic Isle's Red Cedar Rusty, FCh,SC, B.& K.Doughty/J.Arvin |
15 |
3. Flash, FC GamlynTenTimeTheSpeedOfLight, FCh,SC, J.Teamer |
10 |
4. Molly, FC Mystic Isle's Last oftheMohicans, FCh,SC, J.Arvin/S.Gayley |
5 |
N. Reese, FC Mystic Isle's Southern Cross, LCM2,MC,LCX2,CGC, T.Serin/J.Arvin |
Veteran(1) |
1. Nitro, DC Rare Earth Top Fuel Eliminator, LCM6,MC,VC,CD,GRC,TT,HIC, G.& P.Kytta II |
R4 |
SALUKI Judges: Ping Pirrung, Dean Wright |
Open(3) |
1. Adios, Adios, E.Johnston |
F12 |
2. Giggles, One More Laugh, E.Johnston |
9 |
3. Hannah, Ch Celeres Locoum, E.Johnston |
6 |
Field Champion(6) |
1. Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
B24 |
2. Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
18 |
3. Venus, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Venus, LCM,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
12 |
4. Marquis, DC Windrush Tika's Far Niente, LCM10,VLCM,MC,LCX2,OAJ, K.& J.Lipps |
6 |
N. Gigi, DC Windrush's Pinot Grigio, LCM,VFCh,MC, J.& K.Lipps |
Veteran(2) |
1. Flame, DC/Can Ch Windstorm Shalom Afterburner, FCh,VFCh,RE,SGRC3,ORC,CD, Fisher/Schwartz/White/Helder |
F8 |
2. Rina, Ch Sedeki Rinah At Gwynedd, FCh, S.Meier/F.Farrar |
6 |
SCOTTISH DEERHOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(1) |
1. Saoirse, FC Cu Liath Ravenna, SC, L.Morgan |
+R4 |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Espresso, Altnamara's Triple Espresso, FCh, L.& N.Madden |
B4 |
SILKEN WINDHOUND Judges: Jeff Lipps, Ping Pirrung |
Open(2) |
1. Hudson, Fantasy Farms Puccini, C.Hayes |
B8 |
2. Sunny D, Windnsatin Cruisin' Thru Life, L.E.Kohler |
6 |
WHIPPET Judges: Jeff Lipps, Dean Wright |
Field Champion(8) |
1. Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees |
B32 |
2. Chipper, FC Shine WGASA Chips Ahoy, LCM5,SC, D.& N.Ewing |
+24 |
3. Mya, FC SDW Kismet Golden Colors, LCM2,SC, S.& K.Van Voorhees |
16 |
4. K-2, Labyrinth K Two, FCh, L.Pirrung/D.McCann |
8 |
N. Biscotti, Shine WGASA Almond Biscotti, FCh, L.McMullin/S.Stretz |
Veteran(3) |
1. Oreo, FC WGASA Oreo Dublestuf, LCM12,VLCM,SC, N.& D.Ewing Jr |
R12 |
2. Duncan, Pixel's Paparazzi of Shaldra, K.DeNigris |
9 |
3. Raven, FC WGASA's Lil Black Streak, LCM2,SC, K.DeNigris |
6 |
BEST IN REGIONAL Judges: Don Ewing, Dean Wright |
AH Dustin, GCh,DC Marah-Yantra Little Big Man, FCh,SC, C.Satlof/J.Bedrick/M.Forrester 148 |
BA Searsha, GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB, K.Sanders |
151 |
BZ Dillon, FC Zoiboyz Dillon Ex Libris, FCh,SC, DrG.Thiele/C.D.Greene/C.Brettell |
F |
BZ Gigi, GCh,DC Legende'sPatricianPrincessGeorgi, FCh,VFCh,SC, C.& K.Grabosky |
GH Jaimee, Spirit of Wheeling, FCh, K.DeNigris |
IG Oskar, Mouzeiou Littleluv Oskar, D.Ross/L.Mousios |
IW Tess, DC Eirian Quintessence, RN,SC,GRC,VC, R.& C.Coen/M.E.Shriver |
151 |
PH Hera, Hallam's Gysai Hera, L.Terra/A.Magni |
F |
RR Mazie, FC Mwenje's Hit The Ground Running, SC, E.& J.Straehle |
153 BIR |
SA Vulcan, DC Windrush Duodecuple Vulcan, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
149 |
SA Mercury, BII,DC Windrush Duodecuple Mercury, LCM3,SC, K.& J.Lipps |
151 |
SD Espresso, Altnamara's Triple Espresso, FCh, L.& N.Madden |
WH Indigo, SDW Kismet Just Beat It, T.& K.VanVoorhees |
WH Drusy, FC Deerpath Dreamy Drusy, SC, N.Jorczak |
F |
AFGHAN HOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open(4, 2 NQ) |
1. Encore, FC Wynwood Foreve Fiery Encore, SC, G.Nelson |
B16 |
2. Dillon, Windigo The Untouchable, SC, L.Zwirz |
12 |
Field Champion(3) |
1. Rhett, FC Twyshire Satin Chase, FCh,SC,GRC, N.Mayfield |
+R12 |
2. Promise, UKC Ch,FC Twyshire Love By Promise, FCh,SC, N.Mayfield |
9 |
3. Tanist, FC,UKC Ch Twyshire Tanist, LCM3,MC,GRC,RN,JOR,CD, N.Mayfield |
6 |
BASENJI Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Ari, DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC2,SORC2,VB, T.Colbert |
F8 |
2. Nate, Ch Jadaka National Security, FCh, D.& J.Kahl |
6 |
Veteran(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Zuri, GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX, T.Colbert |
B8 |
BORZOI Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Will Martens |
Open(2) |
1. Donna, Konstantin's Summer Breeze, K.Haberkorn |
B8 |
2. Solly, Konstantin's Summer Solstice, K.Haberkorn |
6 |
CIRNECO DELL'ETNA Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Calista, Hadranensis Calista, LCM, T.White/M.L.Prieto |
B4 |
GREYHOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion(2, 1 NQ) |
1. Winnie, Cal's Winnie, FCh, G.& K.Breitbach |
B8 |
IBIZAN HOUND Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Veteran(1) |
1. Dude, Wirtu's Norcal Dude in Eden, S.& R.Bonner |
B4 |
ITALIAN GREYHOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Bugatti, Bugatti, FCh, H.Nissen |
B4 |
IRISH WOLFHOUND Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Odie, Stoneybrook Odin of Harmony, FCh, K.Oliver/M.Cherry |
B4 |
PHARAOH HOUND Judge: Will Martens |
Field Champion(1) |
1. Kayla, FC DNR-Jericho Double Spirited, LCM, G.& K.Breitbach |
B4 |
Open(3) |
1. Euro, Ch Oluchi Legend Has It, RN, T.Ragatz/M.Alonso |
F12 |
2. Staley, Decatur Staleys Wellington, C.Carlson/M.Baudino |
9 |
3. Tamba, Jabulani's Tamba Ayo, R.Horner |
6 |
Field Champion(2) |
1. Bruno, Bruno IX, FCh, R.Horner |
B8 |
2. McKenzie, DC Taylor Made Out of Savvy, LCM2,SC,RN,MX,MXJ,OF,VCX, B.& T.Moodhart |
6 |
Veteran(1) |
1. Savvy, FC UzuriJubaleeXclusivelyTaylormade, LCM3,VFCh,SC,CD,RN,HIC, B.& T.Moodhart |
F4 |
SALUKI Judge: Scott Hurlbert |
Open(1, 1 NQ) |
Field Champion(4, 1 NQ) |
1. Lola, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Copacabana, LCM,SC,LCX, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt/D.Morris |
B16 |
2. Honky Cat, FC Carnis' Canem-Dei Honky Cat, LCM,SC, C.Hahn/D.Schmidt |
12 |
3. Glimmer, Marrakech Glimmer of Canem DeiSM, FCh,SC, C.Hahn/J.Rhodes |
8 |
SINGLES Judge: Judy Jazdzyk |
Open(1) |
1. Zorro, Zorro, R.Horner |
4 |
WHIPPET Judges: Gregory Breitbach, Judy Jazdzyk |
Open(7) |
1. Sparrow, Fallowfield Learnin To Fly, S.Kirkham/C.Brunkow DVM |
R28 |
2. Boost, Shannon Down Warrior Dearmwalker, B.& H.Nissen |
21 |
3. Sky, Fallowfield Free Fallin', S.Kirkham/C.Brunkow DVM |
14 |
4. Eats, Fanfares Living In Fast Forward, K.Thomas/M.Sieg |
7 |
N. Lacey, Ch Harmony's Midnight Lace AtAeolus, K.&D.Carlson/Rasmussen/Davenport |
Field Champion(6) |
1. Kenny, Fallowfield Runnin' Down A Dream, FCh, C.Brunkow DVM |
0 |
2. Tosca, Longruns Stay Awhile At Windrose, FCh, S.Nelson/S.Kirkham |
18 |
3. Murcielago, Annadar's Look At Me V SDW, FCh, H.& B.Nissen Jr |
12 |
4. Catori, FC Tadita Written In The Stars, LCM7,SC, M.& J.Libersher |
6 |
N. Tala, FC Tadita Forever May You Run, LCM6,SC,CR, M.& J.Libersher |
Veteran(2) |
1. Carina, FC Imani Shooting Star, LCM9,VFCh,SC,CR,NA,NAJ, M.& J. Libersher |
F8 |
2. Dina, Ch Windsheen Dashing Divine Ms D, LCM, J.& S.Hurlbert |
6 |
No Best in Field |