was elected and served as:
- Second Vice
President, 1978-1980
- First Vice
President, 1980-1984
- President,
- Immediate
Past President, 1988-1990
- Appointed
ASFA's first Field Representative, 1990.

October 28, 1938 - April 9, 1991
and his wife, Marietta, owned and handled Afghan Hounds beginning
in 1974. His hound, Bandit, was recognized as one of the first five
ASFA LCM hounds and was the number one sighthound in 1976, 1977,
and 1978. Another of his hounds, Piper, LCM XII, was number one
Afghan Hound in 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987.
was an active ASFA judge in 1977 through 1984. He was Chairman of
Judges Licensing between 1978 and 1984.
was an active member or chairman of numerous committees including:
- AKC co-ordination/
Liaison/ Negotiation;
- Reinstatements;
- Budget andFinances;
- FAN;
- Constitution
- Rules;
- Nominating;
- several investigative
committees of the Board
year after his death the ASFA Board approved, in 1992, the Gary
Forrester Achievement Award to memorialize Gary's exemplary contributions
and dedication to the advancement of lure coursing and the ASFA. |