1993 |
1993 - Lyle
Gillette - and
other California sighthound fanciers who hunted jackrabbits
in the open field invented lure coursing In the early 70's
as a safer, more controlled sport for sighthounds that would
recreate the physical requirements of open field coursing.
This allowed them to continue to test the functional abilities
of their hounds without the risk
of harming the dogs due to barbed wire fencing in the
field. The hounds chase plastic bags on a course laid out
to simulate escaping game.
1972, they started the American Sighthound Field Association
(ASFA) and invited other sighthound fanciers from across the
nation to join the organization with its democratic structure
and centralized method of keeping hound records. |
1994 |
1994 - Betz
Leone -Betz
was very involved in the world of whippets and lure coursing.
Without her involvement there probably would not have been
lure coursing and ASFA. Many people, like Lyle Gillette worked
long and hard to establish lure coursing, it was Betz who
took the important step of encouraging people to "do"
something about it.
first "lure course" meeting was held in Betz's living
room, where she demonstrated one of her most important skills--her
ability to bring diverse people together to get the job done
quietly encouraged new people and got them involved".
Betz judged for you, you could count on her assistance with
everything from setting up the field to taking it down. No
one ever asked, Betz just saw what needed to be done and did
was active in planning and executing the first ASFA field
trial in 1972 and continued to be active in ASFA for more
than 20 years. |
1995 |
1995 - Kathy
Budney - Kathy Budney was the second recipient of the Gary Forrester Award, “in recognition of her many years of hard work on behalf of the ASFA”.
During the years 1978 to 1994, Kathy served in the following Board offices: Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Second Vice President. She was also the first Scheduling Chair that served the entire country in the late 70’s and early 80’s, setting a standard for those to follow.
She was also instrumental in the production of the first ASFA Historical Book, researching the data for correctness for editor, Mary Ellen Gorske.
Her active coursing career of four or five years was centered on one greyhound, Kathy’s Kandly,LCM, but Kathy’s devotion to ASFA lasted long after her last hound retired. Kathy was, in many ways, the working backbone of the ASFA Board for the better part of three decades with her service continuing for several years after her retirement from the organization as ASFA’s information source via an ASFA phone line. |
1996 |
1996 - Rick
Brown- One of Gary Forrester's goals was for ASFA to have a computer-generated
record keeping system. Rick, as the program's designer, spent
a great deal of time, effort and many phone calls (without
reimbursement, to keep the Records Coordinator happy, Without
a second thought he added function to the program.
has Afghan Hounds and is involved in Afghan rescue, active
in the local club activities in Texas, has developed lure
equipment, and is an ASFA judge. |
1997 |
1997 - Denise
Como & Richard Whritenour - Denise and Richard became involved with ASFA lure coursing in 1978, and began coursing their Borzois in 1980. Richard and Denise eventually switched their focus from conformation events to performance events, and in 1987 joined the Garden State Sighthound Association.
As GSSA’s primary lure operator, Richard ran the lure not only for trials but also the many practices held by the Club, as well as training new lure operators. He was also in demand by other Clubs in the area to train huntmasters and lure operators and how to maintain their equipment.
Denise’s involvement with Garden State included serving as its President for ten years and most often as the Field Trial Secretary for its trials. She has also been a member of a variety of breed Clubs at a National level, as well as local Clubs and is a published author of sighthound oriented magazine articles and reference books.
During the time that Richard and Denise were active with GSSA, the Club held regular practices and participated in community events, all of which helped publicize lure coursing and ASFA. Both Richard and Denise are ASFA all breed judges.
1998 |
1998 - Camille
Mendicino - Camille and her husband, Pete, have
attended nearly every ACoD for the past two decades and are
perfect examples of why ASFA has offered so many people so
much enjoyment for so many years. They are fun! They are funny.
They know the sport. They care about the sport and they work
to uphold the highest standards of integrity.
To many coursing fanciers, Camille is merely
"Records" - a congenial voice on the phone, or an
e-mail address but the most important role she has played
for ASFA and for all of us in the fancy has been "quality
control." In large part because of her, ASFA has been
a level playing field. She doesn't make up things as she goes
along. She remembers the rules and has tried to apply them
evenly and fairly to all.
Due to growing physical limitations that
made it difficult to spend long hours at the keyboard, Camille
retired as ASFA Records Coordinator. To meet her you'll have
to attend a lure trial in Region 8 or where she is judging,
or, better yet, attend an ACoD. |
1998 |
1998 - Wes
Shainline, Jr. - Wes is known as the “Good Will Ambassador” in Region 8 because he is always willing to talk to and help new coursers. He engages them in conversation about lure coursing, steering them in the right direction with their hounds so that they are able to learn what ASFA is all about. Most importantly he makes them feel comfortable and welcome at the lure coursing event.
Wes has been a member of the Mid Atlantic Basenji Club and the District Area Sighthound Club for many years, helping at the field trials in many capacities. In addition he has also attended Regional meetings and the ASFA convention as a delegate for the Clubs. |
1999 |
1999 - Leigh
Littleton - Leigh
has been a major supporter, worker and leader and has enjoyed
a long a important history with the American Sighthound Field
Association. Since 1978 when he first applied for his judge's
license he has been involved with the ASFA serving as judge,
delegate, officer and I.I. trial chairman. Despite all of
Leighs personal accomplishments and contributions to
the ASFA,he is probably best known as Lockets
chauffeur. He escorted her to trials across the country
allowing her to become the # 1 all-time ASFA sighthound. With
the record of Lure Courser of Merit 17, Borzoi, Zaraya of
the Wild Hunt, TT: remains the sighthound all other competitors
will aspire to catch.
is stronger and better because Leighs dedicated involvement
over the past 20+ years and this award could go to no one
more deserving of recognition of outstanding service to the
2000 |
2000 - Marie
Adams - competed with enthusiasm, even glee, yet with absolute honesty
and generosity. She helped dozens of others get started in
ASFA, often serving up her own hounds as test dogs, which
shortened their own remarkable careers. She was kind and patient
when others were not. She gave advice without arrogance, and
genuine sympathy when it was deserved. She never sought an
advantage, but only wanted fairness for all. One of ASFA's
finest judges, she was one of ASFA's least judgmental and
most forgiving people. What Marie gave all of us in ASFA was
an example of how to live a life with character, integrity
and free-thinking intelligence. |
2001 |
2001 - Art
Idleman- Art and Bobbie began their love of dogs
with Boxers in 1954. They showed the breed until retirement.
In 1975 they purchased their first whippet and have produced
and finished many under their kennel name BAR'O. In 1992 they
owned the first whippet, Ch Bo-Bett's Plum Perfect, LCM2,
SC, ROM,CGC, to win the Gillette Cup at the II. Art was an
ASFA and AKC coursing Judge for more than 10 years, and was
Region 7 Director for 5 years. He was the 2nd Vice President
of ASFA at the time of his death. |
2002 |
2002 - Peter
and Daphane Lowe - Pete and Daphane Lowe, have over the last 25 years contributed mightily to the ASFA, and to the sport of lure coursing, on local, regional and national levels. Since 1973 when they attended their first field trial, they have served as club officers, regional directors and national committee chairs. In addition, they have successfully run several International Invitationals, Regionals and countless field trials. Pete has shared his computer expertise with ASFA and has been instrumental in helping transition its records to a database. Daphane, for many years has served ASFA, sourcing and distributing the official ribbons and medallions for the Regionals and the II. They have been enthusiastic supporters and contributors to ASFA for many years, promoting the sport of lure coursing and furthering the aims of ASFA |
2003 |
2003 - Harry
VanVliet- became
acquainted with lure coursing in the late 70's and attended
his first trial in So. Pennsylvania in 1980-81. He acquired
his first Borzoi in 1983 and became involved with several
local ASFA clubs including THLC, MDIHC and USBCS. He would
do anything asked from huntmaster to paddock or repairing
equipment and eventually became a proficient lure operator.
He has even been asked to lure operate the famous Turkey Runs.
Harry has been the coursing director for the Whiz Kid Camp
and the Dog's Camp and for over 10 years has provided time
and coursing to the Potomac Valley Corgi Club at their fun
trials. |
2004 |
2004 - Nancy
Aiken - has held several offices in the Irish Wolfhound Association
of the West Coast including President and is attempting to
revitalize the club. She is a life member of the Northern
California Irish Wolfhound Club and a voting member of the
Irish Wolfhound Club of America. She is a charter member of
the Southern Idaho Sighthound Field Association and a member
of other coursing clubs. Nancy is both a breed judge and an
ASFA judge. She is also involved with tracking. |
2005 |
2005 - Kent
and Marilyn Standerford - are willing to help with
the trial no matter where they are coursing. Kent served as
Regional Director for Region 5 from 1999-2003. He was able to
calm many storms in the local clubs, always remaining neutral
and steady. He served as co-chairman for the I.I. in both 2001
and 2004.
Marilyn is a notorious picture of efficiency.
She has been Field Trial Secretary for local and regional
trials and has been a driving force at I.I.s as well. She
steps in and helps with the paper work whenever she sees a
need. She serves with a sense of humor that not only makes
you laugh, but also lets you know that there is business to
take care of NOW! |
2006 |
2006 - Denis
Seeley - Denis Seeley has been involved in lure
coursing from before the beginning. Back when the Michigan
Gazehound Association was a local club in the early 70s, prior
to ASFA, Denis began to learn lure operation and the range
of responsibilities entailed in being involved in and leading
a club. In his native England, ...Over his 30 years of involvement
with MGA, he has served several terms as president, and he
and his wife Helen have done just about everything for MGA,,
always involved on the Board of Directors. When MGA began
doing demonstrations of lure coursing indoors at the huge
Cobo Hall dog show in Detroit, as well as a popular Parade
of Sighthounds, Denis led the effort.
his many years in lure coursing, Denis has been recognized
as one of the very best, lure operators, and has often operated
the lure for many clubs other than MGA, as well as being invited
to operate the lure many times at the International Invitational.
every club in ASFA had a Denis Seeley, the ASFA Board would
find its work quite easy, clubs would never lapse, every trial
would end in good time, and no one would every complain about
bad lure operation. |
2007 |
2007 - Les
Pekarski - Les has been an active, enthusiastic
supporter of ASFA lure coursing since 1978. His original breed
was Afghan Hounds, and he was the owner of Lil' Man, the first
#1 sighthound hailing from Region 7. Les dedicated a perpetual
trophy, the Florida Classic Cup, in Lil' Man's memory, and
today that trophy is one of lure coursing's oldest trophies.
has been an all-breed judge since 1981. He was on the ASFA
Board of Directors as Regional Director from Region 7. He
is a talented lure operator and equipment guru. He has served
as Field Trial Chairman for several Regional Invitationals,
and was co-Field Trial Chairman of the 2002 ASFA International
Invitationals, widely considered to be one of the most successful
I.I.'s in the history of the event.
talented breeder of top flight Whippets, he travels the country,
judging, lure operating, and running his Whippets. Like Joshua
Deets in Lonesome Dove, he is "cheerful in all weathers,
and never shirked a task." Few people have dedicated as much
of their lives or as many years to ASFA lure coursing as has
Les. |
2007 |
2007 - Tom
Bianchi - Tom attended his first lure field trial in Canada in 1977
watching a coursing demo of Salukis and Afghan Hounds.
has contributed many ideas and innovations to the sport. The
pulley designs he came up with has been used and copied. He
has developed many pieces of equipment that helped train young
dogs to get keen on the lure. He also came up with the reversible
machine. Another big introduction of an old idea was the reintroduction
of the continuous loop wheel.
was very active in Region 8 and started American/Canadian
Border Runners Association in Vermont, so that some of us
easterners could see what the winters were like up north.
We ran trials in Stowe, VT at the Von Trapp family lodge &
in Burlington, VT.
was Region 8 Director from 1983 thru 1985.
was an ASFA Judge from about 1979 until 1990's. Even though
he has found it necessary to retire from coursing he still
remains active in consulting with the fancy and in developing
new and safer equipment.
of Tom's inventions and refinements we would not have been
able to put on some the large trials or run our hounds as
safely. |
2008 |
2008 - Russ Jacobs - No other person since Gary Forrester has worked so long and as hard for the American Sighthound Field Association as Russ Jacobs.
Russ began lure coursing in 1984 with his Basenjis and by 1985 was a founding Board Member of Heartland Coursing Association and was also a charter member of the Prairie Winds Sighthound Association in 1988.
Serving as the Regional Director of Region 5 from 1989 until 1992 was the first step for Russ’s service to ASFA. He then was elected as the First Vice President and from 1996 to 1998 served at the President of ASFA.
His favorite position in ASFA has been that as the Corresponding Secretary. This position, he feels is the “work horse” of ASFA. In addition, Russ has chaired several important committees including CRC and REC. Russ has also been a licensed ASFA judge since 1993.
2009 |
2009 - Carolyn and Greg Mountan - Carolyn and Greg began coursing in the mid 1970’s and were the founding members of the Tri-State Sighthound Club. Carolyn had been the Club’s secretary and club delegate since the club’s inception and Greg most recently was TSSC’s president.
They had always been enthusiastic supporters of ASFA lure coursing, providing knowledge and encouragement to anyone wishing to learn about lure coursing. They contributed to every trial they attended, either helping out or helping others with less experience. The Mountans kept all the Clubs equipment in their garage over the years, with Greg maintaining all the machines and keeping them running in top notch condition. Carolyn was a licensed Animal Health Technician and always ready to assist with injuries to the hounds and had a well supplied medical kit available. She was also an ASFA all breed judge. They bred whippets who were very competitive both on the field and in the show ring and who were kept in wonderful condition.
Their dedication to TSSC, their generosity to everyone and contributions to lure coursing has been an inspiration to all, despite many medical challenges along the way. They had selflessly contributed to lure coursing over the years even when their personal circumstances were monumental, never expecting anything in return. |
2010 |
2010 - Elissa Thompson has been the lynchpin of lure coursing in New Mexico for over 17 years as a member of the Albequere Whippet Fanciers Association, the Eastern Slope Coursing Association and as the ASFA delegate.
She has served as Club Officer, Field Trial Secretary and chaired several Regional Invitationals as well as helping at trials in many capacities; all with a sense of humor and a firm hand on trial operations.
Mentoring newcomers, good sportsmanship, dedication, passion and hard work have all contributed significantly to ASFA lure coursing and without her there would very probably be no lure coursing in New Mexico. She is the glue that holds them all together. |
2011 |
There was no award given in 2011 |
2012 |
2012 - Jane Schreiber
Jane Schreiber began coursing with Basenjis in the early 1980’s. During this time, she met Peter Schreiber and they were married. They later switched sighthound breeds and now have Borzois, which they open field course as well as lure course. They live in Region 8. Jane has been active as a member of many, many Field Trial Committees, including co-chairing the 2005 II at Kelly’s Ford, VA.
Jane has served the ASFA in many positions. She has been scheduling chair, Region 8 Director, served as First and Second Vice President, and been a member of Field Trial Improvement, FAN, Long Range Planning, Rules Evaluation, Anima Advisory Committee, and Public Relations Committees.
Her position with the Public Relations committee allowed her to develop the guidelines for awarding the ASFA plaques to the top hound of each breed and the top hound owned by an ASFA member of the parent club. She proposed and implemented an award to be given at the parent clubs National Lure Coursing event for Best of Breed usually in conjunction with the Breeds National Specialty. Jane has shown passion and determination towards every challenge presented.
2013 |
2013 - Janet Lotz
As a Region, Region 6 would like to nominate Janet Lotz for the Gary Forrester Award. As a long-time afghan owner and ASFA judge, Janet has helped so many clubs across the nation. She has always been willing to perform any task needed, and she is very accomplished at any of them. Janet is an outstanding lure operator, having been selected to operate the lure an several ASFA International Invitationals. She has served on the ASFA Board both as a Regional Director, as well as the Chair of Judges Licensing.
Janet exemplifies what we should strive to be in the sport of lure coursing. As a judge, lure operator, clerk, well, in any capacity, she is good help.
As an exhibitor, her dogs are always conditioned and ready to run, and are most competitive. As a person, they just don't come any better. Janet is a friend to all of ASFA, and lure coursing enthusiasts across the US and Canada. She is well-known, active, honest, and fair and not to mention talented.
As a judge, Janet has never failed to be even-tempered, patient and helpful. Janet is especially good at answering coursing questions and never responds with anything but good humor when someone approaches her. |
2014 |
2014 - Jill Bryson
Jill has been involved in ASFA lure coursing since the late 1980s. She and her husband, Kevin, were two of the six individuals that were the driving force behind the establishment of the Southern Idaho Sighthound Field Association and bought retirement property for the club to hold trials. She has been a tireless promoter of lure coursing in the West, often driving 14 hours to Colorado to help out with International Invitationals and Grand Nationals. She has helped introduce lure coursing to at least two generations of new coursers and is always ready to share her experience and knowledge and to mentor huntmasters and other field committee positions.
Jill is actively involved with her breed, Irish Wolfhounds. She is a member of the parent club, the RMIWA, the IWAWC, and the NCIWA. Her passion is to see them run and she supports other owners by making IW coursing blankets and dog bed covers.
Until his death in 1999, Jill and Kevin were Leaping Lizards Action Photography travelling and taking pictures of coursing hounds. Jill’s outgoing personality, infectious good nature, and willingness to help out in any situation make her a welcome addition to a trial and an outstanding ambassador for the sport of lure coursing.
The purpose of the Gary Forrester Achievement Award is to recognize individuals that emulate Gary’s commitment to lure coursing. Jill Bryson’s contributions make her eminently worthy of this recognition. |
2014 |
2014 - Ann Chamberlain
Ann has been involved in ASFA lure coursing since 1980, both on the East Coast and then in the Northwest when she moved to Oregon in 2005. She has been active in numerous clubs and was one of the founders of the Southern Oregon Racing and Coursing Association. She has been tireless in her promotion of ASFA lure coursing, encouraging individuals and clubs to participate and sharing her knowledge and experience. She has actively mentored many huntmasters and apprentice judges and served frequently as a lure operator. She has sponsored judges’ symposia, given presentations and written articles on huntmastering, and contributed to the Rhodesian Ridgeback section in the ASFA Judges’ Handbook. Ann began apprentice judging in 1996 and became an ASFA judge in 1997. Since that time she has judged all across the country.
Ann has been very active in ASFA, serving at once on the Nominating Committee and has served on the Judges’ Committee since 2002, becoming chair in 2012. She has been an active participant in ASFA Annual Conventions and is always ready to share her views, experience and knowledge.
The purpose of the Gary Forrester Achievement Award is to recognize individuals that emulate Gary’s commitment to lure coursing. Ann Chamberlain’s record makes her eminently worthy of this recognition. |
2015 |
2015 - Frances Abrams
Frances Abrams is a long-time ASFA participant and a dedicated supporter of ASFA’s goals and activities. She gives freely of her time and resources at ASFA trials and is always ready to help and to pass on her knowledge and experience.
She is hardworking, incredibly supportive of the sport and its participants, knowledgeable, multi-talented, and generous. She is kind and patient with both newcomers and old campaigners.
She has worked with and helped establish the Lower Columbia Lure Coursing Club, the Blue Grass Coursing Club and OKIGO. With the exception of lure operation, she has often served in all of the field positions including Field Trial Chairman and Field Trial Secretary.
Frances has been a licensed all-breed judge since 1990 and as such has travelled across the country to support ASFA clubs, especially those early in the process of holding field trials. She has served as an ASFA Regional Director for Region 6.
She is a well-regarded judge and a strong mentor to those in the application process.
In short, Frances Abrams epitomizes the purpose of the Gary Forrester Achievement Award and we congratulate her on receiving it. |
2016 |
2016 - Thomas A. Cigolle, Jr.
Tom’s contributions to the ASFA are numerous, but some of the more prominent accomplishments and contributions are as follows: past ASFA board member and Regional Director; served on numerous ASFA committees including the Judges Committee; an ASFA judge since 1985. Also, he has performed all Field Committee duties and has held major positions of responsibility at many of the largest ASFA trials: FTC – including for the II and Regional Invitationals and FTS – including for the II and Regional Invitationals.
Tom is one of our top lure operators. He was Lure Operator of the Year in 2009. He has been a lure operator at several IIs, including head lure operator for the 2013 II. He always shows top respect for the health and safety of the dogs and he is ethical and fair.
Cigolle teaches and trains people about all aspects of the sport. He is a person that lives by the rules, and he readily supports our sport with impartial attention to the rules and is not afraid to tell the ASFA when he thinks something is amiss.
He is one of the topmost passionate supporters and promoters of the ASFA. He works tirelessly at every trial he goes to whether it is his club or not. He hasn’t had a dog of his own to run in many years and he is still out there, working hard.
Tom has been the lead for running ASFA trials at the Saluki National for many years.
Bottom line, Tom Cigolle, Jr. exemplifies what Gary Forrester would likely have found to be of great importance in the continuation of the sport he so loved. Tom deserves to be recognized for all he has given (and continues to give) to the sport of Lure Coursing. Tom has a genuine heart for promoting our sport and he is in the sport of lure coursing for all the right reasons. |
2017 |
2017 - Deann Britton and Connie Sullivan
Each year ASFA presents the Gary Forrester Award to an individual for his or her exceptional contribution to our sport. But this year the exceptional contribution that we wish to honor comes not from a single individual, but from a team.
That is the team of Deann Britton and Connie Sullivan. Deann Britton and Connie Sullivan work pretty much hand in hand. They design and set courses, as well as field trial chair and field trial secretary for the Colorado Lure Coursing Association. They do that work for both the Grand National and the International Invitationals that are held in Colorado. Deann is a well-respected judge and has served as an ASFA Regional Director, and both she and Connie operate the lure very well. Connie has been voted Lure Operator of the Year. You may remember what a great job Connie did running the lure for Best in II last October.
Deann and Connie also breed, show and run their Afghans together. Many of their Afghans have been Best in Field / Best in Event winners over the years. Their dogs typically crowd the top of the Afghan Hound Top Twenty list. In fact, they have four in the all-time Top Twenty Afghan list.
In their achievements and commitment, Deann and Connie exemplify what Gary Forrester stood for and what this award is all about. For their significant and inspiring contribution to the sport of ASFA lure coursing, we are pleased to present this year’s Gary Forrester award to Deann Britton and Connie Sullivan. |
2018 |
2018 - Bob Jordan
Each year ASFA presents the Gary Forrester Award to an individual for his or her exceptional contribution to our sport. This year the individual that we wish to honor is Bob Jordan.
Bob has been participating in lure coursing since the 1980s. Bob is a great promoter of ASFA and served as Region 8 Regional Director for several terms.
Bob has kept the lure coursing program for the Afghan Hound Club of America on track for many years and is a perennial promoter of ASFA at their National Specialty.
Bob is president of DASH, the ASFA Delegate for the Afghan Hound Club of America and is an Honorary member of the three Hanover clubs. He worked to help qualify the Potomac Afghan Hound Club to host ASFA trials. He was so sick when he worked on the qualifying fun trial that he spent several days in the hospital when it was over but stayed because he believed THE TRIAL MUST GO ON!
Bob has competed in ASFA lure coursing trials for many years during which his Afghan Hounds achieved Number One in the rankings. For many years, he owned several Afghans in the Top Twenty each year.
One of Bob’s strongest virtues is his willingness to jump in at every trial and help out where needed, whether arriving early to help with setup, keeping the equipment running smoothly, or operating the lure.
In his participation in and commitment to ASFA and ASFA clubs and his untiring efforts to help out whenever and wherever needed, Bob Jordan exemplifies what Gary Forrester stood for and what this award is all about. For his significant and inspiring contribution to the sport of ASFA lure coursing, we are pleased to present this year’s Gary Forrester Achievement Award to Bob Jordan. |
2019 |
Kay has been lure coursing judge since 1992. She has been invited to judge at International Invitationals and National Specialties. Mark has been a lure operator for many years and has run the lure at International Invitationals and National Specialties. In 2017 Mark was voted ASFA Lure Operator of the Year by his peers. Kay and Mark have been involved in ASFA lure coursing since the mid-1980s. They are leaders in ASFA lure coursing in Minnesota and have been for many years. Minnesota has 3 ASFA lure coursing clubs that put on a total of 14 ASFA trials and one stand-alone practice each year. These club are: MCA (Minnesota Coursing Association); GTCWC (Greater Twin Cities Whippet Club); and GUNC (Going Up North Coursing).
GTCWC is a breed club. Kay pretty much single-handedly got the Greater Twin Cities Whippet Club (GTCWC) involved in ASFA. She served as FTS for the club's first sanctioned field trials in July of 1992. MCA is strictly a lure coursing club. Kay has been a board member for many years. MCA also hosts 3 coursing weekends each year. Kay and Mark are always leaders in administering the club. Kay frequently serves as Treasurer. Kay was Treasurer when MCA and GTCWC hosted the II in 2007. Mark often sits in on the board’s annual planning meetings and has audited the books. GUNC, was formed, organized, and is largely run by Kay and Mark. GUNC is a small club in Northern Minnesota that hosts trials near the North Shore of Lake Superior. For all 3 clubs, Mark is the first one on the field to set up. He stays on the field all day, running the lure, managing the equipment, then taking everything down at the end of the day. Often Mark does this while also mentoring new lure operators. Even when none of his own dogs are running, Mark will often make the 3+ hour drive from his home in Northern MN to the field South of the Twin Cities where MCA and GTCWC hold the trials. On MCA and GTCWC trial weekends Kay is sometimes a judge. She has served many times as FTS and FC. Often, she helps or teaches others, or else fills in wherever needed. Kay has trained a number Field Trial Secretaries. So those duties are now shared. Both are well-respected in Region 5 and throughout the ASFA. |
2020 |
2020 - Vicki Fagre-Stroetz
Vicki created the online version of the ASFA Communique in 2018. The purpose was to improve communication throughout the ASFA community. The Communique is interesting, professional looking and informative. It quickly transitioned from a newsletter to a magazine, and is now providing extensive information in the nature of FAN. When Vicki saw the need for more judges in her region, she decided to get her judges license. As a judge, Vicki is honest and considerate for the safety of all hounds. Vicki is a member of the Experimental Programs Committee, which has put together the LCI stake for non-sighthounds. The committee is currently working to improve the LCI stake, and is working to develop other experimental ideas for the future of ASFA. Vicki is Co-President of her home club MCA (Minnesota Coursing Association). She is dedicated to strengthening the club, improving trials, expanding club membership and making MCA’s events more interesting and welcoming. She has held positions as the MCA club secretary, Field Trial Secretary, Field Trial Chair, and Co-Chair for the Region V Invitational. She helps wherever she is needed. When Vicki attends the ACoD each year, she shares the experience and information gained with MCA and the local lure coursing community with an eye toward improving the local ASFA scene. Vicki is known for her dedication to her beautiful Afghan Hounds. She’s had 11 Afghan Hounds in the ASFA Top 20 over the past 16 years, some of whom she has bred or co-bred. Her Afghan “Rory” was the #1 ASFA Afghan in 2014. She has also had multiple BIF winners, II BOB winners, AHCA National Specialty lure coursing BOB winners, and an AHCA National Specialty lure coursing BIE winner, as well as a Region V BIE winner. In addition, Vicki’s Afghans have also earned championships and other honors in the show ring, AKC lure coursing, NOTRA oval track racing, and LGRA straight line racing. Vicki is an active member of the Greater Twin Cities Afghan Hound Club and is a driving force to keep Lure Coursing alive in that club |
2021 |
2021 - Katie Kaltenborn
The Gary Forrester Award is meant to honor a person that carries forward the philosophy, dedication, and joy of ASFA Lure Coursing. I believe Katie Kaltenborn has done that for close to 40 years.
Katie was one of the early adopters of lure coursing and competed early on with her borzoi and most recently with her greyhounds. Many of her dogs have been top-ranked hounds. She is a longtime judge and became an all-breed licensed judge in 1987. She is one of the premier judges in the ASFA and has mentored many that have become judges or just wanted to understand what judges are looking at on the field. Katie has also served as the Judges Licensing Chair.
Her involvement with the sport doesn’t end there, she is a phenomenal Field Trial Secretary (FTS) and as such had been the FTS at numerous big events (including ASFA IIs). She has also mentored up and coming people that are now FTSs themselves. She has agreed to be the FTS for our next two ASFA IIs (2021 and 2022). Most know what a huge and time-consuming job that is! She is also the voice behind moving the FTS job to computer-based scoring and draws to facilitate faster turn-around of results for the next two IIs.
Katie has been integral to local coursing club events and was a central person with the Bluegrass Coursing Club and to GANG when Les Pekarski and Shirri Peake were with us. Katie travels with her dogs and as such has been a voice for promoting the sport of lure coursing across the country. She even judged in Alaska a few years ago. Katie has friends far and wide in the lure coursing world She doesn’t just spend time with the seasoned coursing folks at field trials, she seeks out the newcomers, makes them feel welcome and mentors them. This is important because it is the newcomers and younger people that will keep this sport alive – they are the future.
I would guess that Katie’s almost 40 years in ASFA Lure Coursing has had an impact on the sport to the extent that it would not have been the same without her. I don’t know a person more deserving of this award both in longevity in the sport and for her dedication, support, and unwavering love for lure coursing. If she doesn’t emulate Gary Forrester and uphold his legacy in the sport of lure coursing, I don’t know who does. |
2022 |
2022 - Joe Shoemaker
Joe began coursing around 13 years ago with his whippet “Phoebe”. The lure coursing bug got him, and he and his wife Caren added more whippets to their household and coursed them to many titles. I think they even moved into a new house for the dogs.
Along the way Joe became enamored with the sport of lure coursing and learned all aspects of working at and hosting a field trial. He has held all positions during a field trial from paddock to huntmaster to lure operator to field trial secretary to field trial chairman. He was named Lure Operator of the Year in 2018 by the Lure Coursing Judges Association (LCJA).
When Joe shows up at a field trial, he steps out of his vehicle ready to help. He comes early and stays late even though he has a long drive home on a Sunday. He is always willing to help in any way he can. He is always willing to share his “tricks of the trade” and will take the time to show anyone interested, how it works.
In 2009, he was Vice President of Michigan Gazehound Association (MGA) and became president a few months later when the then president resigned. He also was the chair of lure coursing for the Raisin River Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Michigan for several years even though he has never owned a Ridgeback. He has also been an integral part of the American Whippet Club’s ASFA lure coursing program.
Joe has been an integral part of many ASFA IIs working with the Tri-State Sighthound Club and Michigan Gazehound Association in various roles a co-FTC, lure operator, and Treasurer for the events. He has also been the FTC for numerous American Whippet Club Specialties. He has amazing organizational skills that makes such a big undertaking run smoothly. His even temper and wry sense of humor goes such a long way to keep things on an even keel when personal feelings have surfaced. Joe has a way of communicating with people that is naturally kind and does not illicit confrontation or make a person feel as though they are being lectured to or that they do not know what they are doing. He is right there ready to help the novice coursing enthusiasts as well as the seasoned and experienced lure courser.
When Ping Pirrung was President of the ASFA, the current recording secretary was unable to attend the Board meeting and the ACoD. Ping asked Joe if he would be willing to fill in, which he graciously did and was subsequently elected to the ASFA Board as the Recording Secretary. During his tenure as Recording Secretary he created a streamlined system for taking minutes for both the Board Meeting and the ACoD. This resulted in the minutes being available to the Minutes Review Committee within 24 to 48 hours versus the weeks it used to take to transcribe the minutes.
Gary Forrester was a man that was always willing to share his knowledge, discuss your ideas as well as help guide newcomers learning the thrill of lure coursing. The Tri-State Sighthound Club feels Joe embodies in his heart Gary’s contributions to the sport of lure coursing, dedication and philosophy. Joe Shoemaker is a giver and is more than deserving of the Gary Forrester award that exemplifies all his selfless efforts over the years.
2023 |
In 1975, Ping went to her first trial at Vale Vue in West Chester, PA with her Borzoi and as luck would have it, she didn’t run. Then in 1976, she got her first Whippet and it was made clear that she wasn’t a lure courser either. It wasn’t until 1977 that Ping had Borzoi puppies that wanted to run and so it began. In 1978 she became a Founding Member of the Tri-State Sighthound Club (TSSC) where she held positions as Treasurer and President, along with Chief Cook & Bottle Washer.
Sometime around 1981/1982 Ping got her first Whippets that wanted to run. In the early 80’s Ping’s farm was the host of one of the first International Invitationals. This was the first I.I. to run 2 fields which made for a huge success and overall improvement for what is now ASFA’s premiere event. She has since been a part of many International Invitationals serving as Field Trial Secretary, Field Clerks and anything else that was asked of her. Ping is always willing to help out in whatever way she can and does so with a smile. It was this love that called Ping to become a licensed ASFA Judge in 1985. Her judging brought her all over the United States and through judging she really found her love of not only the sport but of the ASFA organization.
In 2008, Ping’s desire to “do more” brought her to the ASFA Board where she was elected as Corresponding Secretary. Later on, she also served as Recording Secretary and had top honors as ASFA President. Ping has been very active on several committees, not only as a committee member, but as Chair. You can often hear her talk about how being on the Constitutional Review Committee and Rules Evaluation Committee are two of her favorites.
Lastly, Ping is the kind of person that you can call on when help is needed and is always the life of the party. She gives her time freely and without judgement and is always there to help a newcomer. |
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