To participate in the TLC program, a young person needs to practice with adults before seeking certification, and needs the cooperation of the field committee at a field trial in order to be evaluated, or judged, for each level. Therefore, the field trial secretary of a host club must receive prior notification that a young person will be trying for evaluation at a field trial. Each event requires that a member of the field committee, judge, or member of the club do the evaluations for each event. After each event is completed, send the evaluator's copy to Dean Wright (see address below) and keep another copy for your records. It's been demonstrated that a young person can complete full requirements for the program on a single weekend.
After the young person receives a passing point total on a judging form, the signed and completed form, or all completed forms, must be sent to:
Dean Wright
1710 Rawlinsville Road
Holtwood, PA 17352
You must include the name, address, phone number, email address (if available), and age of the Teen Lure Courser applicant. |